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The stars, intertwined with incredible beauty, make the endless space a bright and magnificent place.

The position of the stars is so orderly that someone looking from afar can liken the position of the stars to a large tree.

The stars travel everywhere in the nine realms and wander in great coordination.

A bright star travels through the nine realms in a row in the endless space that resembles a tree.

The first realm that the star encounters is Midgard.

Midgard is the home of mankind and a realm with infinite potential. But no matter how much time passes, Midgard has never shown its full potential.

Midgard is a realm full of natural beauty, rich culture and various races.

Midgard is also a realm under the protection of Asgard.

The star takes a tour around Midgard and then continues on its way and encounters another realm.

The second realm that the star encounters is Jötunheimr or Jötunheim, as it is known.

Jötunheim is also known as the realm of the frost giants. But the fact that its name is this does not mean that only frost giants live in this realm.

There was once another giant race living in this realm along with the frost giants. This giant race was also known as the Rock Giants.

The two giant races lived in peace for a long time and then fought a great war for certain reasons and as a result all the rock giants were killed.

Thus, Jötunheim became the home of the frost giants by being covered in ice.

The frost giants showed incredible ambition and cruelty and tried to conquer the worlds around them, but Asgard prevented them.

After a great war, both sides suffered tremendous losses.

Thus, an agreement was made. According to the agreement, the frost giants would never leave their realm again.

The star takes a tour around Jötunheim and then continues on its way.

As the star continues on its way, the already dark endless space becomes even darker.

It was understood from this darkness that the star had entered the borders of another realm.

This realm was called Svartalfheim.

Svartalfheim was older than all other realms. This realm was in the endless darkness and there was no light around it.

Dark elves lived in this realm. This race existed before the universe and lived in the endless darkness before the universe was created.

The aim of the dark elves was to drag the whole universe back into the endless darkness. They had fought a war with Asgard in time and suffered a great loss.

Thus, the dark elves did not leave Svartalfheim for a long time.

The star did not stay in this realm for a long time and continued its journey. Shortly after, it reached its next destination.

This realm looked quite normal and had no abnormalities.

The name of this realm was Alfheim.

Alfheim was the realm of the light elves. This race was the most beautiful and graceful creatures of the universe.

The light elves were a race that lived in harmony with nature and were fond of art. Alfheim was a realm full of colorful flowers, bright lights and magnificent architecture.

The light elves had friendly relations with Asgard. Asgard used Bifröst to protect Alfheim from other enemy realms.

The star takes a tour around Alfheim and then continues on its way.

As the star continued its journey, another realm came across.

The name of this realm was Nidavellir.

Nidavellir was the realm of the dwarves. This race was the most intelligent and skillful creatures of the universe.

The dwarves were masters of smithing and mining. Nidavellir was a realm full of volcanoes, caves and metalwork.

The dwarves were in cooperation with Asgard. Asgard got valuable items such as weapons, armor and jewelry from Nidavellir. The dwarves were a realm under the protection of Asgard.

The star took a tour around Nidavellir and then continued on its way.

As the star continued its journey, another realm came across.

The name of this realm was Vanaheim.

Vanaheim was the realm of the Vanir gods. This race was the oldest and wisest creatures of the universe.

The Vanir gods were experts in nature, fertility and magic. Vanaheim was a realm full of green forests, clear rivers and golden palaces.

The Vanir gods were at peace with Asgard. Asgard had fought a war with Vanaheim once but eventually reached an agreement. Asgard used Bifröst to protect Vanaheim from other enemy realms.

The star took a tour around Vanaheim and then continued on its way.

As the star continued its journey, another realm came across.

The name of this realm was Muspelheim.

Muspelheim was the realm of the fire giants. This race was the hottest and most destructive creatures of the universe.

The fire giants were masters of flame, ash and lava. Muspelheim was a realm full of volcanoes, deserts and firestorms.

The fire giants were in enmity with Asgard. Asgard did not use Bifröst to isolate Muspelheim from other realms. The fire giants were planning to destroy Asgard one day.

The star took a tour around this realm and then continued its journey.

The next realm of the star was Hel, which had a very ominous atmosphere.

This realm was a very insignificant realm. In this realm, the dead "lived" and could never leave this realm.

The star took a tour around this realm and then disappeared as if it had never existed.

There was actually one more realm, but the star could not travel it.



The depths of the palace

The room where YGGDRASILL is located.

Odin was looking at the tree in front of him with the sparkle in the depths of his eyes. The size of this tree extended to the top of the palace and the trunk of the tree seemed to contain the endless space.

Stars were wandering on the trunk of the tree and the situation of each realm was visible on its branches.

Odin had just used this tree to travel a star in space and looked at the situations of the other realms.

"There is no movement." Odin whispered.

He was doing this almost every day and most of the time there was no movement in the other realms.

Odin continued to look at the tree even though his work was over. Sparkles resembling stars appeared in the depths of his eyes and Odin did not take his eyes off the tree as if he was immersed in something.

"What does the tree show you Odin?"

Frigga entered the room and asked him this question when she saw Odin looking at YGGDRASILL in a daze.

Odin woke up from his daze when he heard Frigga's voice. The sparkles resembling stars in the depths of Odin's eyes disappeared.

"The cycle is still going on." Odin said, turning to Frigga.

Frigga looked at Odin with disappointment and sadness when she heard these words.

"When will this end Odin? Our son has already suffered enough." Frigga said, her words showing great sadness.

"I don't know..." Odin whispered, surprisingly with a bit of sorrow in his eyes.

"But you know that the only one who can stop this cycle is Swain. This is his fate..." Odin said and paused.

"Fate is not kind to everyone, you always said that." he added.

"Yes, but this is too much. If this continues, our son may die." Frigga's words had great sorrow.

Odin sighed deeply when he saw Frigga so sad and lowered his head.

He did not know how many times they had this argument. It had been two hundred years since he exiled Swain to the Hollow Cave and they were having this argument almost once a week.

Actually, Odin was sure that Swain would survive when he exiled him to the Hollow Cave.

Odin had seen the limitless potential in Swain since he was born.

Normally, Odin had to guide Swain and make him the heir to the throne, but Odin had different plans.

Swain could be a salvation for them. He could do what Odin couldn't.

Frigga sighed in defeat when she saw Odin not talking and lost in thoughts and walked towards the exit of the room.

She paused just before leaving the room.

"You are hiding something from all of Asgard, Odin. I don't know why you are doing this, but you don't have to face this thing you are hiding alone. I am always by your side."

These were the last words Frigga said before leaving the room.

"Ah Frigga, how can I tell you this? How can I tell the whole Asgard people that they have been waiting to be slaughtered from the beginning?" Odin whispered to himself and looked up at YGGDRASİLL.

YGGDRASİLL emitted a faint sparkle as if answering Odin's gaze.

"My ancient friend, my time is running out. I'm sure my son will understand this situation and do what he needs to do." Odin said and put his hand on YGGDRASİLL's trunk.

YGGDRASİLL trembled and a fruit fell next to Odin.

This fruit had no magical effect or anything, it was a normal fruit.

"Thank you." Odin said with a small smile and bent down and picked up the fruit on the ground.

Odin ate the fruit in his hand in seconds with big bites and left the room after taking a last look at YGGDRASİLL.

Odin knew secrets in this universe that no one else knew and he couldn't tell anyone. At least it was like that for now.

"I hope I live until then." Odin whispered and walked towards the throne room.

Asgard was in big trouble and only Odin knew this.

No matter how strong you are, there will always be those who sit in the shadows and watch you.