= Discomfort
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Observing my surroundings from inside the office building, one can see the presence of tall buildings through the coated glass on the side. Sitting at my desk in the center of the room, I am dressed casually and wearing glasses. 

The table is adorned with various items such as papers, books, a calculator, and a laptop displaying multiple file tabs. As an analyst by profession, my work revolves around this setup. 

Following some time spent together, we resume our respective roles - she as a student and I as a worker. Although we have exchanged contact information, we have not yet initiated communication. 

It crosses my mind that perhaps she is hesitant to message me due to some pressure. To alleviate this concern, I decide to take the initiative and send her a text, although I am pressed for time. 

As night falls, it is time for me to depart and head home. 

While organizing and arranging items on my desk, my cellphone rings unexpectedly. Ceasing my activities, I retrieve the phone from my pocket and take a look.

[Hey, what's up?] 

My assumption that she sent a message proved wrong because the man to whom they arranged my marriage sent the message.

I am not interested in this arranged marriage; however, I remember her advice to stay true to myself.

[I'm busy.] 

[I should let you know that your message is a bit short so far.]

[May I ask what you want?]

[Don't rush the conversation. I'm here to meet you. I've been waiting for you outside the building with the intention of escorting you home. I also saw a picture of you from your parents, so I have some knowledge of what you look like.]

Pardon me, but has this situation crossed a boundary? I also require some personal space and it is quite unexpected that he wishes to meet me.

[Please refrain from being too intrusive in your messages. I value my privacy as well. It is a sudden request for us to meet.]

[I understand that the sudden meeting might seem uncomfortable to you. However, it is necessary for us to meet as this is regarding our arranged marriage.]

It appears that my parents may have encouraged his visit. I am feeling disheartened.

[Very well, please await my arrival.] 

I accept. Since I have not yet met him in person, I decided to agree to the meeting and not go home separately.

Once I had finished arranging everything, I rose from my seat and briskly walked towards the elevator. I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. As the elevator descended, I stood patiently, with a fairly neutral expression. 

I'm not particularly excited about the prospect of meeting him soon.

Upon exiting the elevator, I found myself amidst a bustling crowd of individuals dressed in formal attire, having conversations. I determinedly made my way towards the building's exit and came to a halt. Standing under the building's shelter, a car swiftly pulled up in front of me. 

A man emerged from the vehicle, his attire also formal, and began walking towards me.

“Are you Agnes?” he inquired with a gruff voice. I offered a nod in response. He had a mestizo appearance, but his hair was cropped style, and he had black eyes.

I thought he saw me from the photo. Maybe he saw where I have the long hair?

“Let's go,” he stated, and I nodded again as we boarded the car. He didn't even shake my hand first or introduce himself. 


Suddenly, he placed his hand on my waist, which made me uncomfortable.

We had just met, and such physical contact was unwelcome.

“May I ask if my parents have instructed you to meet me and provide transportation?” I inquired with a gentle push on his arms as his hand assertively grasped my waist. When he realized, he promptly released his grip. 

“Indeed,” he informed me as we proceeded towards the car together. 

I knew it.

”My parents desire that I pay a visit to your parents,” he continued to speak. I chose not to respond, and he proceeded to open the car door for me before closing it once I was inside.

“Why have you occasionally neglected to answer my phone calls?“ he questioned after joining me in the car as we sat in the front seats. 

“I have been preoccupied with various responsibilities,” I replied. 

”It would be advisable for us to maintain regular communication in order to foster a strong connection,” he suggested as he began to drive, and silence enveloped us. 

“I must admit, I am not particularly keen on this arranged marriage,” I confessed. 

“That is understandable, as this is our first encounter and we are still strangers. Perhaps you will develop an interest in the idea with time,” he reasoned. 

“So, you are interested in the arranged marriage.”

However, while you may be interested in this arranged marriage, I am not.

“Yeah, we are compatible with each other as well. You are also beautiful,” he said while I remained silent.

How could he say that with a smile on his face? 

Is he attempting to flirt or make me smile? 

Well, I can assure you that it did not make me happy or excited, as I have already expressed my dislike for this arranged marriage.

All I feel now is discomfort and unease.

Ignoring his comment, we arrived at the residence. Without waiting for him to open the car door, I immediately got out and we walked towards the house. 

He grabbed my waist again, making me feel even more uncomfortable. I did not remove his hand as my parents were waiting on the porch. 

We went inside and sat in the modern living room, while he spoke to them beside me. 

I simply listened with a neutral expression on my face as they happily conversed.

They discussed the future and this arranged marriage, which only added to my discomfort. 

The marriage they were discussing went against my wishes.

“Sister, could you please come here for a moment?“ Suddenly, my sixteen-year-old younger brother, wearing pajamas, called out to me. I promptly rose from the couch and approached him as they spoke.

“What can I assist you with?” I inquired.

“Nothing in particular, I just wanted to reach out to you. It appears that you are feeling uneasy,” he expressed, his head slightly bowed. 

I was taken aback by his ability to perceive my discomfort.

“How did you come to know?” I chuckled and affectionately patted his head.

“You've been quiet and wearing a sad expression,“ he replied, causing me to startle. I had not realized that my face was showing signs of sadness.

“Do not worry, sister. If someone were to harm you, I would protect you,” he assured, and in response, I chuckled and began to feel better.

“Arzen, why do you have such thoughts? Are you developing feelings for someone?” I inquired, continuing to pat his head.

“Something like that. There is a girl I like, and she appears vulnerable. I wish to be her protector. She is my classmate, and when I grow older, I intend to marry her,” he confessed confidently, a smile gracing his face.

It is both surprising and satisfying to see him already accepted into their affection. 

“May I ask why you are here? Shouldn't you be in your room?”

“I am here to wait for Athy. I had messaged her earlier and I also need to borrow her older brother's CD video games,” he replied. 

I was astounded to learn that Gio was unaffected by it. It seems that he truly cares for his sister and cannot deny her, hence allowing her to lend his games.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang a short distance in front of us. He promptly walked towards the door and opened it, considering the narrow space. 

He had a conversation with her at the door, who eventually handed him a box containing the CD video games.

She noticed my presence and waved, to which I reciprocated the gesture.

Out of the blue, I observed my younger brother whispering something into her ear, causing her shoulders to droop and her expression to turn serious and sad. 

I was taken aback by what I witnessed.

What could my brother have said to him? What caused her joyful demeanor to suddenly become gloomy? 

It is the first time I have seen her feeling down, and I do not like it. 

I am curious about why she is feeling that way.

They finished their conversation, she has already left, and my younger brother went up the stairs on the side. 

“Arzen!” I called out to him as he climbed up while holding the box, and he stopped to look at me.

“What did you say to her?” I asked, and I realized that my heart was beating fast.

I was confused about why I was feeling this way, perhaps because I care about her. 

“I said that your boyfriend is here,” he replied. He started walking again, leaving me stunned and unable to speak.

I wonder why the word "boyfriend" affected her so deeply. I am both confused and hurt to see her.

I am desperate to know what is going through her mind.

I must consider the reasons.

I need to think carefully. As an adult, I should know how actions and words can impact others. 

I feel uncomfortable witnessing her sadness, which I don't like.


Ah, I see now. Perhaps she thinks that I will no longer have time for her, and that is why she feels down.

If I may say so, I am currently engaged in an arranged marriage, and I must admit that I am not particularly fond of this arrangement. 

It was possible that revealing my feelings might bring her some comfort.

However, it was quite uncomfortable for me to discuss such things with someone so young. Because of this, I am obligated to dedicate time to her and assure her that I am not romantically involved with him.