Chapter 18: Victory!
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Hey everyone! I’m back after my hiatus. Yes I did pass all my finals with flying colors! Hope you all enjoy the chapter and we’ll be back on our regular schedule!

Time: Ariel 53rd, 1447, 18:30. Location: Second Continent, Narnendia

The road is filled with hoofbeats as the cavalry of Narnendia trots quickly, horses and their riders riding side by side as they move to assist the Americans. The noble at the front carrying the flag of Narnendia wears shiny gold armor, glistening in the sun as he yells out to his men, “Hurry! Quickly! We must reinforce the Americans! They don’t have near enough men to defend against the Aryvanions!” The cavalry speeds up, almost in a dash as they come up to an open field filled with Americans walking around and trucks moving back and forth between large poles attached to the ground. They come to a halt as the noble in golden armor gets off his horse and walks up to the man giving instructions to everyone. “I am Duke Paxton leading the Narnendian royal cavalry here to reinforce you in defending against the Aryvanions.” The American leans over to the man beside him who whispers into his ear, he nods while looking the Duke up and down before whispering back to the other soldier, “This is Lieutenant Colonel Jackson of the 12th Armored Field Artillery Battalion and we do not need your help in engaging the enemy.” The duke shakes his head at the soldiers, “You don’t understand. There must be tens of thousands there. You don’t have near enough soldiers to fight them.” The soldier speaking starts laughing at the duke’s words before translating it back to the lieutenant colonel who then bursts into laughter and speaks back to the soldier and duke, “Trust me, we don’t need as many numbers as you do.” The lieutenant colonel turns around and walks off to a table with a map as one of the soldiers with a large pack yells. The duke follows the lieutenant colonel to see what he is doing, the lieutenant colonel picks up a small handle from the backpack and speaks into it, voices coming from the handle as the lieutenant colonel sets the handle back on the bag and places markers on the map as he then yells out to another man who echoes it along. He spins around to face the duke and speaks with the soldier translating, “Welcome to modern warfare.” The duke tries to speak but is cut off as the ground shakes and thuds are visible at the exploding poles. The horses are visibly shaken as some kick their riders off while others jump at the loud noises. Dust is blown throughout the camp as the guns fire before a pause. The duke turns to the Americans, coughing to clear the dust from his throat, “What is this? Is this magic?” The soldiers smile proudly before responding, “This is pure American steel and gunpowder working its magic with artillery. Just wait until we have our target locked in.” After half a minute, the radio is answered again, and the artillery recalculates, firing again. The camp goes silent while waiting for a new report until the radio crackles, “Direct Hit! Direct Hit! Fire for effect!” The Narnendians look at each other confused as the Americans rush around the camp, moving in a hurry before a loud order is issued, “FIRE!” The ground rumbles and the sky shakes as the artillery fires, flames of fury coming from the barrels of the artillery guns as they fire round after round. Some Narnendians stare in shock while others ball up on the ground, clamping on their ears to muffle the loud booms. The Narnendians stare in silence as the thundering artillery guns fire shell after shell. The artillery crews work quickly, moving shell after shell into the tube of the cannons as they echo through the skies. 

Time: Ariel 53rd, 1447, 19:30. Location: Second Continent, Narnendia (Frontlines)

The sound of screams shrill through the air as rifles crack and grenades explode. The entire forest has turned into a battlefield as the American troops charged into the Aryvanion lines. The Aryvanion commander yells at his men, “FORM A LINE! HOLD THEM BACK!” His yells cry out in vain as the Americans rush through the Aryvanion lines. Grenades and rifle fire crack open shield and spear formations, charging the lightly armored foot infantry with bayonets. The Aryvanion troops began falling back, retreating quickly until 10 lost their heads from a single swing of the sword. One of the purge knights sits on his horse, his sword dripping with the blood of the foot infantry, “CHARGE THE ENEMY LINES! CHARGE UNTIL THEY BREAK OR I’LL KILL YOU MYSELF!” The Aryvanions pause their retreat, shifting around before charging back at the American troops. The fight ensues as the Aryvanions look in horror at the efficiency of the Americans tearing through formations. Loud rumbling echoes from the main road, and the Aryvanions once again begin to fall back, just as a purge knight attempts to order them to continue fighting an explosive thud quiets the battlefield as the purge knight's horse and body disappear into a mist. The other purge knights freeze and turn towards the road as the foot infantry scatters, running wildly through the woods and out into the road, one of them running right into an olive-drab wall. The Aryvanions look out at the road as a loud groaning sound comes from that direction, tall metal carriages with tubes at the top rotate, the tubes groaning as they turn into the woods before they erupt. The lungs of the soldiers drop as their ears blow out from the loud booms of the tanks. Tens of Aryvanions turned to mist with many others filled with shrapnel, losing limbs while scattering. The purge knights charged towards the tanks, machine gun fire scorching the air near them as the enchanted armor absorbed a few shots before falling. One of the purge knights raises his sword, jumping off his horse towards the tank as his sword begins to shine and burn similar to a purple flame, and brings it down upon the Sherman’s turret. The sword cuts through part of the turret, going halfway down the side before getting stuck, barely grazing the gunner inside as the commander grabs his Thompson and open fires out the hole, screaming into the radio, “HE CUT THE TURRET! THEY CAN FUCKING PIERCE IT! KEEP THEM AWAY!” Almost as an immediate response, the tanks began turning to face their forward machine guns into the trees, shooting at everything in the trees and wildly firing their main cannons to suppress the purge knights. The shells continue flying everywhere as bullets zip by, some finding their marks while others tear through space before finally slowing down to a halt. A battlefield of craters and torn bodies littering the ground as the Americans walk through, checking bodies to ensure that they are dead or to be marked for medics to heal for interrogation before a soldier runs up to the middle of the forest and plants a tall American flag, waving proudly in the wind to symbolize the first victory.