Chapter 6
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The eighth month was nearing its end, and winter was only a couple of weeks away. My daily walks in the garden had stopped, as the cold had increased a lot these last few days.

Everyone at the mansion started to get very busy. Apparently, during this time the workload decreased, but from the way everyone was acting, this year it wouldn’t be that way for both, maids and my family.

The only one who stayed with me most of the time was Zenya, the wonderful big sister she wanted to be and was. Even Makila rotated with some of the maids to take care of me because of how busy she was.

Thanks to the fact that I now had a different maid almost every day; sometimes 2 at the same time, I overheard some interesting conversations. Things related to a festival that was coming up; "the white lady parade", which would take place in the center of town and go through all the main streets. I also heard from Zenya that her birthday was coming up soon and that they would be inviting many people, including our grandparents. I didn't even remember they existed. I had never met them in my previous life.

According to that man, they had already died by the time I was very young, so I didn't have the chance to meet them. I think, had they been alive, they would have taken care of us when the fire happened.

Anyway, unnecessary thoughts are out.

That day I was being watched by 2 maids and Zenya. Both maids talked about the Nazzik family, something about their youngest daughter that I couldn't hear very well. I only picked up that they were talking about what was expected of her or something like that. They were murmuring so it was hard to understand what they were saying. It wasn't until I crawled closer, and one of them picked me up, that I could hear them better.

What was interesting about that conversation was that one of the maids called them "stray cats".

Sure, you might think it's just a maid badmouthing another noble house. The usual, right?

Well, no.

The point is, it wasn't just a maid talking bad about other people. According to the language, she called them "cat people" literally.

Let's see, the words she used were "Kibi 'shi laneri". From what I understand of the language, Kibi is the word for cat, and the 'shi, is used to refer to “person” or “kin”. This I discovered while watching Zenya do her "homework". Three words I already knew came up there. Asherian, Atenos, and Friasan.

According to Sathalia, Asherian was the general name used here to refer to the "demon" races. Atenos and Friasan were two of those races and Zenya mentioned them in this way, "Ateno 'shi and Friasan 'shi". I concluded that 'shi should mean something like "person", just as in Japanese the kanji "人" or "jin" is used when referring to someone's nationality. For example, a person from Japan would be called "Nihonjin" (日本人). It is technically the same usage.

Thanks to that, I can say with complete certainty that, the Nazzik family is some feline race of beastkin. And now I want to meet them. I need them in my life. NOW.

I've always been a cat person, and obviously, that includes cat girls. To know that in this world I can have the pleasure of seeing or even petting a cat girl... well, let's just say my heart is beating pretty hard.

But that aside, I've come to realize that not only do I not know where in this world I'm living, but I know practically nothing about my race. Those questions I can probably answer in a couple of years, but I'm very curious about what kind of Asherian I am. And come to think of it, is this empire exclusive to Asherians? I mean, the way Makila is hiding may be the answer, but she could be a special case, taking into account that the Nazzik, one of the 4 great families, are cat Teriants... Well, for now, I have no way to find out, so it's no use for me to think about it. So, I'll leave it in the corner of my mind.

So many things in that corner… looks like my room in my previous life.





The rotation of maids taking care of me was not the only change. I grew up. No, seriously, I grew up quite a bit.

The clothes I was wearing a month ago are too small now, so it was a very noticeable and welcome change. I liked knowing that I was growing healthily.

My tail, or well, my "Valah" had grown too. It grew until it reached my knee. And! I COULD MOVE IT! I never felt so excited. And I couldn't stop playing with it, it was so much fun. Although, I must say, Mom was right. The Valah is sensitive. It was similar to new skin after recovering from a burn. Sensitive enough to hurt a little, but not so sensitive as to be uncomfortable.

Thanks to that, I was now well aware of why Zenya reacted that way that day, and now I felt guilty and ashamed about it. But I'll leave that topic aside. I feel sad just remembering it.

Another change that occurred was in my feeding. Remember when I mentioned the bottles? Well, they do have them, which surprised me quite a bit. It wasn't plastic, or some clear material. It was made of metal, and the teat was quite similar to rubber. I had no idea how they got that, but as long as it worked, I wasn't going to complain.

Aside from the bottle, there was an increase in the variety of foods. Just this morning, I had a fruit porridge for breakfast with some honey. Other times I have been given very small pieces of meat, what I think was fish and something that tasted like mashed potatoes.

Oh, that reminds me, my first teeth started to come in, and that’s why my diet was even more diverse. But I must say it was a real torture while the teeth were coming in. Now I understand why this time is so hard for babies.

Still, I'm quite happy to be able to eat something besides breast milk. But my mother's breasts were still the best... and I should have chosen a better way to say it, I know.

Back to the present.

The day was going pretty smoothly so far. As always, Zenya was the only one with me, and she never left me alone. Always making sure that, while I was exploring whatever room I was in, there was nothing that was going to hurt me. If I crawled somewhere, she was right behind me.

I knew she was trying to protect me, but it was a little stressful having her behind me all the time. She was becoming like a helicopter mom.

And just as I was thinking that, the door opened and my savior appeared.

"Orinthya, Mami is here."

Just hearing that little phrase was enough to make me go full speed towards her. It had been 3 days since I last saw her, and I was already starting to get worried. She was too because as soon as she walked through the door and saw me, she was already running to take me in her arms.

"My baby, how are you today, are you having fun with your sister?"

"Hmm! Tya's been exploring everything and I make sure she doesn't get hurt," Zenya said, in a proud pose and smile that she usually does when someone talks about what a good sister she is.

Since that day in the bathroom, her confidence has grown by leaps and bounds. Her confidence and her overprotectiveness. If it weren't for the maids, I think she would leave me locked in a cage, which is a little scary. I just hope she doesn't become a siscon, or my teenage life will be a real hell.

"That's my little girl. There is no better guardian for Orinthya than my little Zenya."


Despite her words, she didn't seem to be very convinced of what she said. The maids in the room laughed in complicity.

"So, this little girl is the famous new daughter of the Duchess."

A voice I didn't recognize sounded behind Mom. A woman came through the door. With slow steps and very refined movements, she approached us and looked at me with a smile.

"She certainly looks lovely. Her gaze has a certain sparkle to it. I'm sure she's a very intelligent child."

"Isn't she? Ever since she was born, I felt she was destined for great things." Mom replied with great confidence in her voice. She almost looked like Zenya did a moment ago...or should I say, did Zenya look like her? Well, like mother, like daughter...and that will surely end up applying to me in the future as well.

"I can see that my Duchess. I am already looking forward to teaching her."

"I am looking forward to it too, I don't think there is anyone better to teach her manners and etiquette than Lady Grawfalls."

"Please Duchess, you flatter me too much."

"I don't like to speak in empty flattery, only the truth. And please drop the formalities. You'll be with us a long time so you'd better get used to it."

"I wouldn't dare be so disrespectful in your house." Lady Grawfalls stepped back a couple of steps, her hands took her dress by the sides, lifting it a little, and then bowed slightly.

Just watching such precise and refined movements, I could tell she was very experienced in the rules of etiquette. Every movement was smooth but quick, even the steps she took, in apparent nervousness, were done gracefully. However, it didn't fail to seem... acted as if this was in itself part of the manners expected of her.

"Please Lady Grawfalls, it is precisely because we are in my house that I can allow such a thing."

"I see. Then I will follow your wishes madame." Lady Grawfalls smiled slightly and made a short bow. If I had to guess, this had all been an act to keep up appearances. But to what end?

"Zenya, my little joy, as of today, Lady Grawfalls will be your new tutor."

Zenya nodded almost oblivious; she was... weird. It took me a while to notice, but Zenya was looking with sparkling eyes at Lady Grawfalls as if she were looking at a movie star or an action heroine.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Lady Zenya, my name is Igrid Grawfalls." Lady Grawfalls smiled kindly at my sister and then winked at my mother.

Ah, that was the answer. This whole act was not only to gain some admiration from the girl but also to teach her proper etiquette. She had only just become her tutor and had already begun to act like one. Admirable.

"I-I am Zenya Dri Baelian. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Grawfalls." As if she had just remembered, Zenya made her curtsy, of course, full of nervousness-induced mistakes. Something that earned warm smiles from both my mother and Lady Grawfalls.

Lady Grawfalls gave me the same smile she uses with Zenya, perhaps expecting me to show interest in her or react the same way as my sister, but... "Sorry miss, I don't fall for those tricks so easily," I replied in my mind, and simply decided to ignore her and stick to my mother's chest. She just kept an unperturbed smile and didn't try anything else.

"Then, Lady Grawfalls, I will leave you in charge of my daughter. I hope that, in the next few days, you will teach her everything she needs to be prepared for her birthday. Zenya, do your best, will you?"

"It will be an honor, madam."

"Ehhh, can't I stay with Tya?" Her disappointment was greater than the admiration she had gained just moments ago. No matter how great Lady Grawfalls had been, nothing beats the time she spent with me. I am touched, but it is exhausting to have her following me around all the time. I am unable to do anything or enjoy my thoughts calmly.

"No, my child. I will take care of her today. I have to get her dress ready."


What? A dress for me?

"Yes, I want Orinthya to wear a very nice dress at your birthday party. Wouldn't that be great?"

"Yes! Very!" With great excitement, Zenya jumped up and down, before realizing that those were not "proper manners". She stopped after giving a nervous glance at Lady Grawfalls, who was using her hand to hide a small giggle. Of course, in a refined way. With a slightly red face, Zenya replied the same thing again, but with less enthusiasm.

"Then, I think it is the best time for us to retire. Madam, I will begin my duties at once. Lady Zenya, please accompany me."

"C-certainly. T-then, mother, I'll be retiring." With obvious nervousness, Zenya left, gracefully as she could.

"Have a good afternoon, Duchess, Lady Orinthya." With a slight bow to both of us, Lady Grawfalls left behind my sister.

There was a short silence when it was just my mother, me, and the maids in the room. For my part, I felt good. I missed Mom and hadn't been off her chest since I'd attached myself to her.

"Well, now that they are gone, Tina, Seria, you may retire. Karla is in the guest room, one of you go and guide her here. You can take your time, understand?"

Without wasting a second, they both laughed in complicity, then gave a bow and walked as "fast" as they could. I don't know who this Karla was, but I didn't care, my priority now was to recharge from Irlanium.

"So..." my mom said, giving a small pause before letting out a huge sigh. "My little Tya, you don't know how much I've missed you. My precious baby."

In that instant, I received hundreds of kisses on my cheeks, my forehead, and my head. Every inch of my face had been kissed at least twice. She hugged me tightly, as she gently rocked back and forth. She radiated a radioactive amount of happiness and relief, which was so contagious that it immediately infected me, making me laugh with delight.

"Forgive me, my precious baby for not being with you lately. I have too many things to take care of. I wish everything was easier, but having to take care of Zenya's birthday, invitations, decorations, security, everything has been a complete chaos." Lamented my mother as she held me close to her chest in a warm embrace. I felt like she was afraid I was going to disappear. "And after that, I still have to take care of the route and security at the White Lady parade. I don't think I can get time off until spring."

She let out a sigh of sadness, and as soon as she did, her mood changed. Of course, without letting go of her embrace for a single second.

"But I'm here now, and I have to recharge my Orintium... which will hopefully last me for the next few weeks."

With those words, she proceeded to sit down on the couch where the maids, Tina and Seria, had been before, and we spent a good while amidst laughter and kisses on my cheeks, but mostly an almost dangerous amount of tickling.

After a while, we heard a knock on the door, and Tina's voice announcing Karla’s arrival. Mom stood up with another small sigh, disappointed that our time together was so short-lived. Then she answered loudly, "Come in," and immediately the door opened, letting me see a whole squadron of maids led by a woman, entering the room.

Several of them carried in their arms a large set of fabrics of different colors and materials, ribbons of different designs, and others carried some kind of boxes that I imagined contained jewelry, buttons, beads, and other small accessories.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Karla. I hope I have not been too inconvenient."

"Greetings my Duchess. Not at all. When I heard about the birth of your daughter, I was wondering if I would be fortunate enough to be called upon in the coming years. I feel immensely graced that you requested me for such an important task."

"I really couldn't ask for a better person for this. I want my little Orinthya to have the best of the best. And drop the formality, you know with me there is no need for such things."

"As you wish my Duchess." With an amused smile on her face, she bowed and the air around her felt much more relaxed.

While she seemed a very energetic person, by how she changed the instant my mother asked her to relax, you could tell she still maintained a certain grace in her speech.

Karla was a woman with a certain kind of hard-to-find beauty. Her milky white skin complemented her dark brown hair, which was tied in a high bun and held back by a long, silver hairpin. Her eyes were bright orange, just like the fruit for which the color is named.

Of course, the pointed ears were there, much like my mother's. Around her neck was a gold necklace with various types of gems, in blue, purple, and green colors, all in dark shades, complementing her black, mid-shin-length dress, which was open at the shoulders, leaving the upper part of her abundant chest uncovered.

She was wearing high leather boots, which seemed to go up to her knee, as I could only see them when she walked. And at that moment I noticed that she had a tail. Well, a Valah.

So, Karla is also the same race as us.

Karla walked toward us, greeting my mother with a kiss on the cheek. That's a thing in this world too. They shared a few quick words, greetings, and such, and then the focus turned to me.

"So, this little sugar ball is the new Baelian" Karla said bringing her face closer to me, keeping her curious smile. "She looks exactly as you described her. Quite an adorable little girl."

For some reason, those words made me feel happy, but very embarrassed. I mean, not only am I not used to being told "adorable," especially by people outside of my family, but I'm also not used to being "an adorable child."

"I told you; I only have adorable children."

"Does that include Sir Losward?"

"W-well... he was more lovable when he was little. Now he's..."

"Handsome and dashing."

"…True." my mother hesitated in her response, looking a bit downcast when talking about my brother.

Mom doesn't usually talk much about my brother Losward, for some reason he doesn't show up around the house much either. But that's a bit of a relief for me too. Every time he sees me, I feel like he's just evaluating me and looking at me like an object, or rather, a tool. I'm not too fond of that look; it brings back bad memories of a job I once had.

Putting that aside, Karla started asking my mother questions about what she had in mind about the dress. With that, the attention returned to me.

"Then I should get some measurements out so I can think of a design that will fit the little ball of happiness."

"Okay. Tya, I need you to stay very, very still, okay?" my mother ordered as she sat me down at a large table in the room.

Karla looked at her in confusion, perhaps wondering why she would give such an order to a baby less than a year old, which she would surely be incapable of carrying out. Mom just winked and smiled at Karla.

"I guess I'll get right on it then."

Karla approached me and waved her hand, asking for something. Behind her appeared another woman. This one was carrying a book, a pen, and what appeared to be a tape measure. She looked something like a secretary. I was surprised that I hadn't noticed her until that moment.

This one, an apparent ninja, had short black hair, and her skin was slightly violet, a very pretty shade and one that, oddly enough, made her skin look very smooth. Her eyes were silver-gray which, unlike mine, had a duller tone. Very odd, considering the large palette of eye colors I've seen so far in the people at the mansion. It made me wonder if maybe the gray color in the eyes is a rare thing to see.

Moving on to her appearance; her ears, as expected, pointed, but quite a bit more elongated compared to everyone I've met so far. It made me suspect that she might be the first elf I've met.

Her clothing was something similar to one of those secretary outfits with a white scarf tied around her neck in a bow. A tight-fitting pencil skirt was a little above the knee. Her whole outfit was moss green. And of course, she wore glasses that made her look quite sophisticated.

The full secretary outfit. It was a surprise to see that the glasses existed, but with everything I have seen, I can say that nothing could surprise me anymore.

She handed the tape measure to Karla, who immediately set about the task of measuring me.

She started with my arms, measuring their length from shoulder to wrist. What she did was to take my hand and extend it, I just let her move me as she needed to. I could understand the numbers she was describing, but I couldn't tell if it was the same, or similar, to the measurement system I knew.

As Karla continued, I could see on her face that she was surprised that I was so cooperative with everything. If she moved me one way, I would stay still until she needed to change my position. The hard part was keeping me standing when she had to measure my legs and height, but somehow it worked. All the numbers were jotted down smoothly by the secretary, who looked perfectly expressionless throughout.

Having finished with that, she approached the other girl to check the book, and they had a short conversation, which unfortunately I couldn't hear.

Realizing that it was all over, Mom came over to hold me in her arms again. She had been watching everything with a wide smile, quite enjoying the strange poses I was forced into.

"Well, I got all the measurements I needed. Now it's time to put everything I brought to use," announced Karla, who, with a wave of her hand, had all the maids lined up next to us.

They had been silent in the room, standing alone, as if they were statues. And now they looked more like soldiers ready for war.

"This time, I bring some new things."


"It's a kind of cloth bought from the merchants in the south. They call it 'silk' and it's produced in a kingdom in the Cajgu desert on the southern continent."

"I didn't know that the empire traded with the kingdoms in the southern continent."

"We don't. These fabrics passed through several merchants and cities until they reached Hardrian port. My daughter bought them from a tailor who obtained them from a merchant after realizing their high quality. At first, I thought she had been ripped off, but after seeing and feeling them, I can say that they are truly stunning." Karla related with fascination in her voice, almost as if she were talking about one of the greatest discoveries of the century.

The story itself reminded me a bit of the beginning of trade between Europeans and ancient China. The spice and silk route became the most important trade route in history. And if this situation is repeated in this world, we could be seeing the beginning of something historic.

Also, I think this has given me some ideas about things I can do in the future. I know how to make some of the things that were traded by the Chinese in ancient times, especially paper. I don't want to include black powder because I don't see any use for it in a world with magic. But, knowing that there is silk in this world, makes me think that my idea of "bringing" comfortable underwear into this world could work quite well. The problem to overcome is whether the culture of these people can accept lingerie of that style.

At least now I had virtually all the elements to market it, the type of fabric, the designs, and someone who could create and distribute it. I just needed some time to grow a little and sell my idea to her. With luck no one would get ahead of me at that time, and I could go on to create a revolution in fashion.

While I kept in my thoughts of creating an underwear empire, which sounds much worse than it is, Karla started discussing with my mother the different types of fabrics, colors, designs, combinations, and other things that my future dress could include. On their faces, I could see ghoulish smiles, and at that moment I realized that I would become a dress-up doll for two (adult) girls with a lot of ideas in their heads.