I woke up in my mother's arms late in the afternoon. I had fallen asleep after they changed the subject. Karla and Dilia left quite some time ago, but Mom was still sitting in the same chair, watching the sunset through the window. I don't know what was going through her mind at the moment, but there was a glint of nostalgia in her eyes and some sadness.
"Hello, did you sleep well my little angel?"
"Auu, ba."
Mom responded with a smile to my babbling, then got up from the chair and we left the room, straight to take a bath.
During that time, I took the opportunity to reflect on all the information I learned.
To think that the history of our family and the Nazzik's would be something as complicated as being framed for murder. It's even more annoying that they still insisted on blaming us regardless.
I sighed as I understood that. The hatred must have been too deep if it persisted after so many centuries and through so much proof in our favor.
This was a genuine concern. Not just because I would have a feud of that caliber as soon as I was born, but the fact that they are the Nazzik... the cat girls of my dreams... I couldn't allow such a thing. If at some point my mother needs me in her plan, I will definitely make sure to do everything I can to help her.
Thinking about it some more, I remembered some things from the conversation. Duchess Katarina was already part of the Nazzik family. Does that mean she is also a cat girl? Or uh... cat woman? That doesn’t sound right… whatever…
From the way my mother talked about her and the tone she used when saying her name... she wouldn't be something like her first love, would she? Eh, it would be a pretty funny coincidence that in this world, mother and daughter have the same taste in women... or something like that.
Considering that my mother seems to be in a relationship with Makila and that she's also a beastkin of some sort... No, wait... You know what? Forget it, it's best not to think about it too much. I don't want to get into my mother's love affairs. Especially when they seem to be particularly very similar to mine...
Thinking a little more, there was something that made me even more curious about the whole conversation they had. I remembered that they brought out a small box containing a gem. Some shimmering rainbow white pearl. They called that stone, “pure condensed mana”.
Magic smithing furnaces, artifacts, alchemy... things you'd normally hear about in fantasy novels that could only mean a single thing. Magic, and from the things they mentioned and what I've seen myself in the mansion, a relatively advanced one.
Sathalia had already told me that this was one of those typical worlds of magic and monsters, but having this mentioned directly makes it feel even more real. It makes me wonder if I will be able to survive in this world. Will I be able to use magic and fight monsters? The goddess said that I wouldn't have any unique cheat abilities or powers, beyond having a higher-than-normal amount of mana... but, how much is that? Would I be just a little above average, or among the greatest magic wielders in the world?
What is magic? How does it work? Is it the kind that requires chanting, the kind that requires hand gestures, or circles?
If it was the imaginative kind, where you could do almost anything you could think of, then it might be one of the most dangerous worlds I could have been born into.
There were so many questions in my mind that I felt dizzy. Worst of all, there was no way, for now, to answer any of my questions. If I wanted to clear up all my doubts, I had no choice but to wait until I got older to find it.
We came out of the bathroom shortly after. I started to feel a little grumpy now that I started realizing that, even though I was aware from such a young age, I couldn't do anything about… well, anything.
Sure, it was easier to learn the language, but if I had a question about anything, I couldn't clear it up unless I was told of my own volition or waited until someone brought up the subject that interested me. There was nothing I could do for now, and that was frustrating.
We had dinner soon after, being my mom the one who fed me. Then went straight to my room to get ready for bed. She stayed with me, singing me a lullaby in her truly wonderful voice until I fell asleep. The last thing I remember is her stroking my hair with a smile.
The activity at the mansion calmed down a bit the next day.
From what I had heard from the maids, preparations for the “white lady parade” were already in their final stages, but... I would not be able to attend. It was because I was still too young to go out.
I didn't understand that logic, but it wasn't as if I could voice any complaints about it. My only consolation was that my sister's birthday was just around the corner and of course, that was something I could attend, and I was more than happy to do so. Besides, I was preparing a surprise for that day.
Mom had gone back to being just as busy as before, the same applied to Makila, whom I only saw twice in the last few days. The first was to make sure that Ameli; the emerald-eyed maid who had been with me since I was born, was doing her job well in taking care of me.
The girl is a bit clumsy at some things, but she's quite lovely and puts a lot of effort into her work. The second one was just being with me.
Yes, just that.
As time went on, I started to see her as a second mother. Maybe that was what it meant to be a "Makila" or maybe I was just overthinking it. I grew too fond of her for that to matter. I love her, and I like being with her. Although I would love for her to always be in her original appearance...
On top of all this, Zenya has been spending less time with me lately. I assumed it was because of her lessons with the new teacher, Lady Grawfalls, in preparation for her birthday. I was feeling a bit lonely because of that, but it was a great opportunity to prepare my gift to her. Muahaha! My precious sister will never be able to imagine what I have in store for her.
"Young Lady, there is someone who wants to meet you. Let me take you to her."
My thoughts were interrupted by Ameli's sudden entrance. The lovely maid looked at me with a smile as she lifted me off the floor, carrying me in her arms. She didn't even give me time to answer, which I couldn't do anyway, and we had already left the room. The destination? I had no idea, but she seemed to be in a hurry to get there.
We traveled swiftly through the corridors, passing several servants who looked at us in surprise, amusement, or even annoyance. It was something I noticed over time.
Due to the size of the land owned by my family; which comprises an absurdly gigantic garden, with a fucking lagoon, 4 buildings, of which I only knew of 2 being the main mansion and the barracks building which is only visible from the side of the garden I usually visit, I have come to understand that there is a clear and marked division between the hundreds of servants.
Since this is too large a subject and what I know is very little, I will try to explain it as best I can.
Firstly, the faction loyal to the family and the most numerous, comprised of the majority of servants who have been working for the Baelian since before my father assumed the position of chief. This also includes the knights, soldiers, and squires in the ranks of our army, including the guards stationed at the main mansion and around the garden.
The next one is the "free" faction. This comprises all those who were hired after my father took over as head of the family, some of the children of the loyal servants, and those who came along with my mother, who only take orders from her or Makila. Those of the free faction are all those who are "neutral" towards the family. Outside of my mother's servants who are loyal to her, most only work for their wages and do not think much of their loyalties beyond the benefits of working for a ducal house.
And the third, those who upon seeing me show annoyance, aversion, or any negative feelings. I only learned of these through the slip of a servant girl and that she was always accompanying a certain person. My brother Losward.
The clown faction. Why do I call it that? Because that's what they are. A bunch of ass-kissers who hover around Losward like flies on shit. I'm not quite sure why they've sided with him, being that apparently, the heir to the house is my sister Sarka. I don't know the reasons why it was so, as well as why they seem to be completely antagonistic towards me, but at the end of the day, they can't do anything against me, since I'm always under the watchful eye of the loyalist faction's servants and my mother's loyal maids.
While I was thinking about this... let's call it an "internal squabble" of internal factions, we had arrived at our destination. A large double door at the end of a hallway I had not been in until this moment.
Ameli paused in front of it for quite some time, apparently very nervous. She took several deep breaths, and with me in her arms, tried as much as she could to arrange her hair and uniform to look her best.
She took very short, slow steps towards the door, as if she was excited to enter, but not wanting to meet whoever was inside. She didn't look scared, rather, she looked like... a girl going to meet her idol? I couldn't tell if that was the right feeling she was conveying, but it was hard for me to describe. And even more so since I could hear a rather loud laugh coming from behind the door. A completely unfamiliar voice but one that, when I heard it, made me feel strange. I felt agitated. I could feel my heart beating faster and stronger. Whoever was there was making me...
*Knock knock*
"Mrs. Fiana, this is Ameli, I have brought the lady."
Ameli announced our arrival and immediately Makila's voice was heard on the other side of the door permitting us to enter. Something that reassured me a little, knowing that at least I would have someone familiar with me besides Ameli.
The huge door opened slowly revealing a small but beautiful room, with various paintings, sculptures, and different types of decorations on the walls and shelves. A beautiful crimson carpet decorated the floor, with a wonderful chandelier on the ceiling, which seemed to be made of gold and various gems, which illuminated with its dim light.
My gaze traveled around the place, enchanted by the luxury of the furniture and decorations in this room I had never been to before. It seemed to be the place where VIP guests were received.
Makila and my sister Sarka were sitting on a large sofa in the middle, drinking tea and eating from a large number of pastries and sweets placed on a small table in front of them. A maid was standing behind them both, attentive to any orders she might receive.
As my eyes moved to the other side of them, I met the menacing eyes of the woman I heard from outside. She was looking at me with great attention and curiosity. There was a long silence as she and I appraised each other. Ameli did not even move from her position, not even to present her greetings. She had been bewitched by that woman's eyes as I had been. I could hear my maid's breath hitching, giving soft gasps that I honestly didn't have the concentration or interest to interpret.
The woman kept silent but smiled at me as she got up from her place, and slowly advanced towards me.
As she was getting closer, I got a better appreciation of her looks. She was short, shorter than my sister Sarka's height, which was close to 160cm. If it weren't for the fact that I could feel her huge presence assuring me that she was an adult, I might have thought she was no older than 12 years old.
Her slitted reptile-like eyes, which held me spellbound like a mouse before a snake, were a deep gold, similar to my father's, surrounded by a black sclera that made her look terrifying. It was like looking into the eyes of a dragon, one that could kill me at any moment.
Falling down her left shoulder in a long braid was her striking red hair, like burning lava, surrounded by 2 black horns like obsidian, which were born from behind her head and surrounded it on the sides imitating something similar to a crown. The tips of the horns pointed skyward from her temples, leaving her forehead free.
Her bluish violet skin, which added more points to her already scary appearance, further highlighted that demonic look she was giving me. To add more to that theme, she was wearing a tight grey top along with a sleeveless black jacket, which came a little below her scanty chest, and showed off her arms with quite marked muscles and abs that would be the envy of many women and some men.
Short white pants, which showed off the beautiful and toned thighs, held up by a black belt with a golden buckle that bore an engraving of something similar to a Japanese oni mask, with its horns and giant fangs in its typical demonic expression. And to complement the whole look, knee-high black boots, with several buckles and metal pieces. Something very... metal. A style that I never imagined I would find in this world.
Here I have a problem. I have 2 images, maybe 4 actually, that I really like of Anven. Some details are wrong, especially the clothes that look too modern, the shape of the horns, and the skin tone in the second image. But the base is right, both the expression, the hair, and the feeling she gives. But, with this, you should understand why she is my second favorite character.
1st one
2nd one
She stopped right in front of me, staring at me with those terrifying eyes that, strangely enough, were no longer scary, but they did keep me mesmerized. Up close, I could see several small scars on her face and other parts of her body. Signs that she was a hardened warrior, with experience so vast that I couldn't imagine.
We went on for a couple of seconds in that strange staring contest, until, out of nowhere, I felt a huge pressure in the air. It was a pressure even stronger than the one I felt the first time I saw my father. "What the hell is this feeling!!!? I... I..."
The woman in front of me smiled delightedly. A fierce smirk filled with teeth. A mouth full of sharp fangs, by the way. My heart raced, and I felt full of adrenaline as if I wanted to jump at her myself and fight... fight her to the death.
"Hmm, that's the look I wanted to see."
The pressure suddenly stopped. I felt some sweat trickle down my forehead and I was breathing a little shakily.
"Just what I could expect from my niece."
The woman grabbed me from Ameli's arms, which had frozen in place. She moved without paying any attention to the poor maid then cradled me in her arms and walked back to where she was sitting, not taking her gaze from my face for a second.
"Hal and Iri have a real beast this time."
"A beast?" asked makila, confused, and, by her tone, somewhat offended.
The woman let out a soft laugh, amused by Makila's comment. She looked at me one last time with... pity, before turning to Makila.
"Didn't you see that smile? That was the look of a hunter. One who has found a worthy prey that will give her the most fun of her life."
"Yes. She reminds me of myself when I was young." The woman replied, her voice full of nostalgia, before bringing her gaze back to me again. "Hmm, from the looks of her, I'd say she's more of an Atenosia than Friasan, but she'll change soon enough."
"Change? Aunt Anven..."
"Ahem, dear Aunty Ven, I don't think she's going to change. I mean, Tya is 100% Atenosia, just like Zenya and me."
"I agree on that, Mrs. Anv...I mean, Sister Ven. I highly doubt she's going to be any different."
"Hah, you two. You really don't know anything about our family, do you?"
Shrugging with clear disappointment, who was my Aunt Anv... "Did she just give me an angry look when I thought of calling her like that? How the hell did she notice!!!" Ahem, my wonderful Aunty Ven. She gave a satisfied snort and then turned her gaze back to the front, looking at Makila who was giving her an annoyed look back for doubting her knowledge about our family. Aunty Ven let out a small laugh and tried to calm her down.
"Now, now, you don't have to look at me that way. I'm not doubting your knowledge about us. What I'm referring to is things that are not in our family's normal records. Something Hal should have told you, but forgot. I mean the Baelians were not always of the Friasan tribe."
"Ah, I remember seeing records about that in the Bael city mansion."
"Right. It's a good thing that some things you would have been given access to. Well, our family was originally started by a tribe of the Revant race. Due to various circumstances around the time of the early wars, their numbers had begun to drop dangerously low. More members died than were born, and there were more young females than fertile males, leading to a very low birth rate.
Because of this, Bel, the head of the family; who by that time was known as the Baelz, met with the then-leader Roitlan and tried to find a solution. After many days of deliberation and many fruitless ideas, the one who came up with the only plan that could save us was none other than the leader of the Kibi, Emphora Nazk, the first head of the Nazzik house."
"Wait, wait... Aunty Ven, are you saying that the Nazzik helped the first Baelians?"
"That's what I'm saying. Well, the Revant and Kibi tribes that inhabited these lands from the beginning, though they sometimes had their fights over territory, got along abnormally well for those times. It was not normal for tribes settled in such small territories to get along as well as these two did. And it would have remained that way had it not been for the incident of a few centuries ago. But that is another matter. The point is that the Nazk had come up with a solution."
"And what was it?"
Both Makila and Sarka had gasped at such a revelation. I... well, I knew next to nothing about our history, so I didn't know how shocking that was. Although, I do realize how useful interbreeding is in a species to help it survive.
Aunty Ven took a little time of silence for my sister and Makila to assimilate her words. She was still cradling me in her arms and out of nowhere she started stroking my cheeks and poking my nose with her fingers while giving me that fierce smile that had become a trademark of her personality.
"S-sister Ven. this...is this real?"
"It is. And both me and this little girl are proof of it."
"Proof? I'm not sure I understand."
"Let's see. Can you guess which tribe was chosen to mix with the Revants?"
They both shook their heads.
"I figured. You're so used to seeing guys like Hal that it would never cross your minds, even when I told you."
"I see you've already noticed Lala."
"A-Auntie Ven don't call me by that nickname!"
"You don't like it? But it was me who gave it to you."
"I-I know, but..."
"Lara, let it go, there's nothing wrong with her calling you that way."
"...I understand Makila. I'm sorry, Aunty Ven."
Sarka apologized but began to pout, something I had never seen her do, considering how serious and polite she usually behaves. Her nickname, Lala, born from her noble name, Lara, was too childish for her taste. A weakness I will remember, just in case.
"Anyway. Those who had been chosen to help the Revant were a small tribe that came from the east looking for better lands to settle. A Friasan tribe, whom the Roitlan leader wanted to "bind" in some way to the newly formed country. The Baelz were tasked with building closer relations with them and marrying their many young women to these strong men from the east."
At some point, the maid who had been standing behind Makila and Sarka left and returned, now carrying a trolley with freshly prepared tea. She poured a cup for Aunty Ven and, not forgetting me; bless you, gave me a bottle of my beloved fruit juice. Ameli...well, she was still frozen in place.
"This is... raval fruit juice, isn't it?"
"A-that's right my lady."
"*sigh* this confirms it then." Aunty Ven took a sip of her tea and let out another sigh.
"What does raval fruit have to do with it?" asked Sarka, curious about the comment. Even I was curious about it too. “Wasn't it just regular fruit juice?
"Girl, you've never tasted it, have you?"
"N-now that you mention it... no, I've never tasted it."
"Then don't you even dare to think about doing it. That fruit is poisonous to you."
*pfff* I immediately spat out the juice, terrified by the revelation, eliciting a raised eyebrow from Anven, and a look of suspicion.
Poisonous!? The delicious juice I'd been drinking all this time was poisonous!? But it tastes amazing and nothing has ever happened to me!
"You! Why did you give h-"
"Leave her alone Fia."
"Anven! You said yourself that fruit is poisonous, what kind of Makila would I be if I let one of my girls die poisoned by a servant girl? Guard-"
"Fiana! I told you to stop it. Sit down."
That pressure she had directed at me earlier was nothing compared to what she was letting out at this moment. Makila seemed barely able to withstand it and was holding herself in place by sheer force of will. To me... it was as if something was crawling under my skin, clawing inside as it desperately sought to escape. I let go of the bottle, which fell to the ground, opening and spilling its contents. Terror flooded me... I could see the moment of my death... I was reliving the pain I suffered at that time. My chest ached, my breathing became agitated and I felt spasms all over my body. I wanted to just... My eyes filled with tears, and before I knew it, I was crying my eyes out.
No, no, no, no, no! I don't want to relive that. I... I don't want to die. Not again...
"Shh, shh. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
Aunty Ven hugged me carefully, gently stroking my back. I could feel her warmth, the great care, and... how sorry she felt about the situation. It took some time, but Aunty Ven's care managed to calm me down. I... I didn't want to go through something like that ever again.
"Are you feeling better Tya?"
Aunty Ven returned me to the position I was in before, cradled in her arms. She carefully wiped the tears from my face and, this time, gave me a much softer smile.
"You, maid, what's your name?"
"I-I am... My name is Vela, my lady."
"I see. Vela, can you bring the child another bottle?"
"Fiana. That fruit is only poisonous to you. To me, or this child, it is not. Besides, I'm sure she's been drinking it for a long time, and she doesn't look sick, don't you think?"
"Easy. I'm sure it was Hal and Iri who approved this because they already knew."
"*sigh* I overdid it this time, so I'm sorry. And... can you help Lala? She seems to be affected by it a lot more than expected."
Next to Makila, Sarka was shaking uncontrollably, hugging her legs with an absolutely terrified expression. While Makila tried to calm her down, Aunty Ven continued to stroke my head, she really looked bad for provoking these reactions in us.
By the time Sarka recovered, Aunty Ven apologized again and I had a fresh bottle of my favorite juice... poisonous or not. The maid had already cleaned up the mess that had been made, and with everyone calm once again, Aunty Ven returned to the subject.
"Picking up on the above. After a couple of generations, the Revant gradually began to disappear, replaced by the Friasan and their mongrel children, until finally, there was none of pure blood left.
Grateful to them, the new Baelz, who by that time had already taken the name Baelian, decided to pay homage to the unjust disappearance of a race that had welcomed them and practically given them everything. Naming their ancestral city after them and holding a festival to remember them forever."
"The Orlenos festival... I... I didn't know." Aunty Ven nodded in response to Makila.
"Hardly anyone remembers the true meaning of this festival anymore. Despite that, it is still held with the same solemnity and effort as in its early years."
"Aunty Ven..." Aunty Ven raised her hand, stopping whatever Sarka wanted to say.
"I'm already on it. A few generations after the last of the Revant disappeared, a girl was born. One who had all the physical characteristics of one... including her warrior nature. It was as if somehow the Goddess had decided to keep them alive despite their circumstances. Since that one and every generation after, a Revant girl has been born into our family. I was the Revant of the previous generation and this child is the Revant of this one." Aunty Ven turned her gaze to me, smiled and, for a slight moment looked toward the door, then sighed in exasperation.
Suddenly the door burst open, startling us all, except for Aunty Ven, who was smiling calmly at me.
"Hal, I'm going to tra-"
it's hard to expect anything from a baby that can't talk or gather any information .
Indeed. And that's why I make such an annoying emphasis, to keep repeating over and over again that she can't do anything but wait for things to be said.
TFTC! ¡Toma una galleta! ?????

Geez Ven calm the aura of despair. You terrified your 3 nieces and their servants. Gonna be real not a great first impression.
Anven is VERY "explosive" although it has been changing in recent years. She said it herself, a lot has happened in those 3 years. Time when she wasn't around and...well, that's for another time.
Thanks for the chapter~.♥
Lots of information to parse in this chapter. I'm curious on all the implications.
I'm glad you took the plunge and started writing. I've been enjoying this story of yours so far and look forward to what you show us next.
I hope this year goes well. Cheers!
The truth is, I think this first arc is going to be a little longer with all the information and miniplots that I want to include. I'm currently a bit stuck with certain things I'm writing in Sarka's POV, but I feel like I'm giving a lot of interesting stuff there. What I want most for this year is to be able to rewrite my previous story. I really want to do it right this time.
@FivesZeta better more of a good story than a rushed plot. I'm sure a lot of other readers feel the same.
I haven't read your previous work, but I know I've improved a lot since I started. So I'm sure you'll do the story justice the second time around.
TFTC (  ̄▽ ̄)?????
They all gonna gloss over the very clear panic reaction from the 8 month old who thought shed been poisoned by listening into the adults conversations?
Hal, I'm going to tra-"
Missing quotation mark.
i feel like Anven is going to be quite annoying
Aunty Anven seems fun!
Tya is gonna be a chaos gremlin too i feel it