Chapter 1: A final farewell
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The wind whipped Edwards hair gently as the wooden dingy he was in was being rowed by two of his crew. The gentle scent of the sea wafted up his nose and he smiled. He had reached the old age of eighty five even tho his appearance didn’t show it. His body showed the age of a small young man barely reaching five feet four inches. The only obvious sign of his age was his grey hair he let grow down to his shoulders. His face wasn’t masculine or feminine, his prominent feature was his eye that resembled a polished blue sapphire. He wore a black eyepatch over the right eye he had given to his lover. 

“Is this far enough out Captain?” A man wearing a red bandanna over his head asked. Edward looked out to the horizon and saw his ship the Hopes End bobbing in the water. Its black sails drawn and the pirate flag flying high.

“Yes this is far enough out Kent” Edward smiled as the sun started to dip into the horizon. Both of his crew members looked at their captain nervously. “You wouldn’t believe I have been sailing these seas since I was thirteen would you?” Edward gave a chuckle at his statement. He had lost many a friends over the years, Blackbeard, Hornigold, Black Bart yet he remained. A small tear trickled down his cheek as he took out a small flask of beer. “Want a drink?” Kent and the other man looked at their captain strangely both of them knew this was out of character. He only allowed a select few to drink from his personal flask. 

“Sure Captain” Kent took the flask and examined it slightly. The flask was made of a strange black metal and had a ship indented on the front. Underneath the ship was the name Hopes End. Kent took a quick swig and handed it to the other man who followed suit. The man handed the flask back to Edward who drank the rest of the beer. 

“Captain may we know what we’re doing out here?” The man next to Kent asked whilst looking back at the Hopes End.

“I’m here to meet an old friend Hugo” Kent and Edward both looked at their captain and came to the same conclusion. He must be meeting a very dear friend since he was wearing fancier clothes. Their captain usually wore a white shirt with black baggy bottoms, a pair of leather knee boots, a black tricorn hat and a long black coat. He also wore only one ring on his ring finger on his right hand. The ring was black and had a small blue green gem buried in the centre as far as any of the crew knew he wasn’t married or engaged. Their captain was wearing a fancier black coat with golden buttons and embroidery and velvet cuffs, baggy black trousers with golden embroidery. His boots also were much fancier as they had silver and golden studs in swirling patterns. His hat remained much the the same but it had a bit of silver embroidery around the trim. 

They had only seen him dress up like this once before and that was when everyone was a sleep. The had made land and he was talking to himself whilst looking out to the sea on the shore. Kent remembered because he followed him out of a curiosity. Apparently he made a trip to that island once every ten years.

A chilly breeze blew through the dingy and Edward smiled “looks like he’s here”. As he said this an object was travelling below the water towards them. It’s outline was visible to the now nervous crew. They had heard tales of this man fighting sea monsters, most thought it was a myth as the older veterans would never talk about it. A large splash in the water alerted the two men to the presence of another thing closing in on their rear. Edward looked at his pocket watch and sighed “he’s going to be late with all these theatrics”. Hugo and Kent looked at their captain again as they hugged each other in fear. 

A figure started to emerge from the ocean the figure had long seaweed coloured hair. Cold yellow eyes glared at the two men in the boat. The figures face was quite fair, its skin was dark and its left arm was completely made of black corral. The figure smiled revealing a row of jagged shark teeth. The figure was immensely tall and its well built figure was housed within a captains uniform. Water dripped the figures body but the figures clothes and body seemed remarkably dry.

“You took your sweet time Davy” Hugo and Kent both looked at each other and were even more afraid. Both of them have heard of Davy Jones Locker but they thought it was a myth. 

“Well you have company so of course I need to make an entrance, you look amazing as always Edward just like the first day we met”. Davy ran his normal hand through Edwards hair “it seems I broke them” he pointed to a small yellow pool forming at Hugo and Kent’s feet. 

“Well not everyone can weather your presence I’m more surprised they aren’t”

“Mommy” Kent and Hugo said in unison.

“Ah there it is” Edward chuckled “well it’s been a pleasure boys I wish you and the rest of my men the best”. Edward smiled before getting up “shall we Davy” Davy smiled and picked up Edward like a newly married couple. Edward was surprised at first then angry “put me down I’m old not paralysed!” Davy didn’t listen as the pair slowly started to submerge in the water. He left his flask with instructions to give it to his first mate Ivan Drago.

(Legends say that the Infamous Pirate Edward Lockley never submitted to anyone and defied even the seas that tried to drag him under. They say in his old age he embraced the sea as an old friend and peacefully left this world. For his crew and fleet they disbanded and settled down with their shares of treasure. For the treasure horde of the greatest pirate the world had ever known it has never been discovered many have tried all have failed. Edward Lockley the King of the Seven seas, slayer of monsters, the only man to have defied Davy Jones his legend runs deep in every country. For a mere pirate from Liverpool his legend is told every where and for the men that knew him that legend was reality. 

His first mate Ivan Drago who saw his rise and remained his loyal friend and adviser wrote a book to keep his friend’s story alive, he died at the age of one hundred and four. Edward never married nor did he have children. He was said to speak to the sea on an island every ten years no one ever has found out the reason for it. The only item the world knows that definitely belonged to the pirate is a flask left to his first mate its current whereabouts are unknown.

The crew mates Hugo and Kent never spoke about what happened on that dinghy even on there deathbeds. No pirate has ever came close to the legend of Edward Lockley and probably never will. His ship the Hopes End was donated to the Liverpool Marine Museum and it remains there to this day. Some say his ghost can be seen on the ship walking about and looking out to the sea. To the many deeds he did most historians dismissed as fairy tales or lies to boost his grandeur who knows they might not be fairytales after all.)