Operation Law
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The entire island is on fire but the snow is still falling. From what I remember of canon... it wasnt this bad. I looked at Monet and Reiju before I said anything.
Nova: Ok, so this isnt going to be the cake walk I was expecting... Monet, Reiju and I will go get Rosinante and Law. Astro and Milk, be ready to leave the same instant we get back on the ship. Garp... are you sure you cant help us?
Garp: I'm sure. Even if Rosinante is killed, the Marines cant claim that a famous pirate is working for us. We, the Marines, cant save him in any way publicly. That's why I can only depend on you who has no ties to anyone...
Nova: Once I'm done... we will talk about my reward.
Garp made no comment as we jumped into the sea and reached the land. The 3 of us started to run into a town to look for our targets.
Nova: Ok... so we need to find them and run away as fast as possible. I know theres atleast 1 pirate crew here but theres a huge chance that Dingos going to show up here too. If he gets here... its game over.
Monet: I dont want to be anywhere near here when he does come.
Reiju: Why are we saving them? From what I understand... the old guy is a Marine and the kid is loyal to this Flamingo guy.
Nova: Law will join us and Rosinante saved both Monet and I from working under Dingo. We owe him for saving us and helping us get another crew member.
Reiju: Well... that's nice of him I guess. Did he have any alternative motives when he saved you two?
Monet: As far as I know... no but the Marines arnt always straight forward.
Nova: It doesn't matter. I traded Rosinante's well being for our ship with the head of the Marines a bout 2 years ago. Now that I think about it... I'm almost 14 now. Once I make sure hes alive and with Garp... we can settle down and get ready to be pirates.
Monet: I want to hire a teacher so I can learn some more about navigating and reading the weather.
Reiju: Hmm... maybe I will hire a doctor to learn from...
Nova: I wanna build a big house for us to call home base. I liked our cabin in the jungle on Cozia... let's hurry and find them so we can get out of here.
Reiju: Where do we start looking? I dont even know what they look like...
Nova: From what I know of this island... ghost towns are on hills and they should be hiding in one of the towns. Let's start looking.
We ran through every town. I stored tons of building parts as we looked around. Anything I found to be remotely useful was throwed in my (Storage). I had half a mind to read some books Garp wouldnt want me to but for all I knew... he could hit the book with something and destroy it from where he was. Better not try it... plus I doubt I could learn anything useful in the tiny bit of time I had. We ran for a few hours and the cold started to get to me...
Nova: Ok... so I'm freezing my butt off... how about you two?
Monet: Nope. I feel right at home to be honest.
I'm an idiot for asking the Eater of the Snow Snow Devil Fruit if she was cold...
Reiju: I'm also fine. My body is built to withstand more extreme temperatures with ease.
Damn... now I look like a punk! A little bit of cold wont kill me.
Nova: Well... Nevermind then. I'll just put on another layer. Do you two want a coat as well?
Reiju: Ok, I'll take the extra layer I guess. Couldnt hurt.
I gave her a thick coat then put one on myself. Why didnt I pull them out earlier? ... great question. Hope they dont ask it...
We continue running through each ghost town looking for Rosinante and Law. We cleared a few towns and ran into a bunch of pirates hiding in a town home. They oddly made no noise but once they caught sight of us, they opened fire with everything they had. I was able to dodge with my Haki, Monet dodged most of the shots too but the ones she couldnt dodge passed through her without harming her, and Reiju just tanked the shots. They ricocheted off her like grapes. I drew Calm Ocean and got to work. The pirates wernt anything special so we took care of them quickly.
We grabbed anything of value and continued to search when Reiju spoke up.
Reiju: They were weird... they made no noise at all. As a former assassin... I was impressed by their mastery of the sound they give off. I didn't know you could scream in complete silence or fire guns without making a hint of a noise...
Nova: That wasnt them. It was Rosinante's Devil Fruit. He can make someone completely silent even if they are making noise. This is a good sigh because it let's us know hes still alive. If hes alive, then so is law so were not too late.
Reiju: His fruit can make him 100% soundless? If I had that fruit... wouldnt I be the greatest hunter ever?
Nova: You want a Devil Fruit Reiju? Are you sure? You wont ever be able to swim again...
Reiju: If I find a good friut then sure. I'm not too fond of swimming anyway... I only like bathing suits.
Nova: Well... I have a few fruits stored away... One that let's you control Gold or one that turns you into a Blast Furnace. You intrested in either? I have others but they have an intended user so I cant give them out...
Reiju: Gold or a Furnace? ... I think I'll pass on them. I've got my poison ability that I would want to use with my fruit... I dont think they would work well together.
Nova: I guess not... We can keep our eyes opened from now on. We need to hurry and find the both of them... from what I remember, Law is close to dying due to his Amber Lead Poisoning. Im worried that he will succumb to his poisoning before we can save him.
Monet: How can we save him? Can Reiju absorb his poison?
Reiju: I'm not sure. I can try but we might need a backup plan...
Nova: I've got the backup plan no worries. We need... what's that?
In the distance, I saw a kid about my height running for his life. He was running down a huge hill that had a house on fire. On the left side of the house, I caught a shadowy figure rolling down the hill.
Nova: There he is. That's Rosinante I think... if that IS him... I know what's happening but it makes no sense. Let's go see if I'm right...
We started to run down the hill we were on and ran up the hill that I thought Rosinante ran from. We ran after the shadowy figure and we were lucky that we caught up to it... There was Rosinante, stabbed and shot to hell... shoving a light green fist sized Fruit into a small Laws mouth.
Nova: Rosinante!! Stop!! Were here to save you two...
Rosinante: Kid... why are you here... you need to get away!! My brother cant catch you!! If he gets his hands on you... the world will be ruined!! Take law and go!!
Nova: STOP!! What are you feeding Law?
Rosinante: The Devil Fruit that will save his life... the Special Devil Fruit... the Mythical Zoan Slime Slime Fruit. It let's the user become a Slime Human and that should let him remove the poison from his body in the form of Poisonous Slime.
Reiju: ...
Nova: You never got in touch with Garp to let us know that Dingo left Spider Mile... I would have told you that I have the Ope Ope no Mi to give to Law...
Rosinante: Wait... you have the Ope Ope no Mi? PLEASE GIVE IT TO LAW!! THAT WILL SAME HIM FOR SURE!!
He did an instant 180 and ripped the Slime Fruit from Laws mouth and dropped it on the floor without giving it a second look. Now that Laws mouth was cleared of its obstruction...
Nova: Oh... where are my manners. My name is Silvers D. Nova... Trafalgar D. Water Law, I'm here to recruit you and save him.
Law looked at my in confusion. The girls stood to my sides and smiled at him. Rosinante collapsed onto his back and had a huge smile that had no place on his trashed body.
Nova: We dont have time for this... Law, eat this... it will give you the powers to heal yourself and save Rosinante. Follow us back to the sea. The rest of your life await!!
I tossed the heart shaped Ope Ope no Mi fruit to him and picked up Rosinante as best I could on my back. His height difference made it look funny but I didnt have time to comment on it. Reiju grabbed his legs and we started to run back towards the ship.
Rosinante: Leave me here. My brother is on an island close by... if I call him, he will come save me and I can throw him off your trail.
Nova: No way. Vergo got free and has mostlikely reported of your true allegiance to Dingo. If I leave you here... you will die to your brothers hand... like your father did. Do you want to put Law through that?
Law was next to me as we ran and put the entire Devil Fruit in his mouth.
Law: Huh? Arnt Devil Fruits supposed to be disgusting? This tastes like my mothers special fruit pie...
Rosinante: Huh? Devil Fruits are the nastiest thing anyone can eat... mine tasted like coal and barf...
Nova: ... how do you know what barf tastes like? Arnt you dying? Stop talking!! Your cover is being mute!!
Rosinante: I see that Garp hasnt been able to teach you how to be proper Marines yet...
Rosinante: So who's the Pink Haired cutie who picked up the Slime Fruit?
Nova: Picked up the what now?
Reiju: I can answer that question myself. My name is going to be Silvers Reiju... but I'm Vinsmoke Reiju for now. Nice to meet you Mr.Rosinante.
I slipped in the snow, Monet slipped too, and I ran into Law as I slid down the hill. Rosinante came along for the ride as well...
Rosinante: Damn it kid!! Dont drop me!! You already have Monet... what are you doing getting another girl?! Arnt you scared you will be killed by jealousy from other... did she say Vinsmoke? As in The Germa Kingdoms Royal Family?
Reiju: That is correct. I am the only Princess of the Germa Kingdom. My father is the current king and my mother is the late queen but I've disowned my father and country. As of now, I'm a future wife of Nova and the doctor of his pirate crew.
Law: Wait... you have a doctor already? Why do you want me to join you then?
Nova: I want you to be a doctor on my crew as well. This world is unforgiving and having 2 medical professionals would be safer then only having 1.
Law: If you can get us safely off this island... then you have yourself another doctor.
Rosinante: Dont be like that Law... Please go with him. The Marines wont accept you because you know what they did to your home town. My brother will hunt you down once he learns that you have the Op Op powers unless I give him something else to hunt for... Me.
Nova: Didnt I tell you to shut up? Your supposed to be MUTE!!
???: So are you brat.
I almost jumped out of my skin. The girls screamed a little and Law jumped. We all looked to the left and caught sight of a man with a taco on his face and a bowl cut. Vergo is looking at us with rage in his shades and a vein pulsing on his forehead.
Reiju: Who's this old guy... why is a taco on his face?
Monet: Mr.Vergo...
Law: How is the taco stuck there?
Nova: RUN AWAY!!
I tossed Rosinante to Law and drew my Kitetsu and Hibakiri. Before they made it completely out of their sheaths... I was struck by a pitch black Bamboo branch and sent skidding over the snow.
As I was bouncing on the ground, I heard a large crash and caught sight of Vergo breaking Reiju's arm using his Bamboo. She went down and screamed at the top of her lungs... Then Monet took action.
She turned into a blizzard and scooped up Reiju and Rosinante, moving them as far away as she could. She then started to bury Vergo in snow as best she could.
WHAT?! OH HELL NO!! Your NOT pulling a Zoro on me!! That bowl cut messy eating shit stain of a lackey!!!
I picked myself up and used Soru to charge back into the fight. Vergo easly broke out of the snow prison and started using Finger Pistol infused with Armament Haki on Monet. She dodged a few but was hit as well.
Vergo: If I remember correctly, you were pronounced dead after Young Master's brother used you as a decoy to escape from Vice - Admiral Garp a few years ago... you have betrayed the Young Master so I will kill you here and now.
He stood over a downed and bloody Monet with his bloody Finger Pistol. I stopped his hand with my swords and tried to cut his hand off... but his Haki was way to strong. It was taking everything I had to not let his hand go any lower.
Vergo: Well... that's new. What power is this?
For the first time ever, my body was in super overdrive. I was using the special breathing technique, my body was glowing Golden Purple AND Blood Red at the same time, and my limited Observation Haki was being pushed further then ever before.
I used Soru at point blank range and kneed him in his face pushing him back some so I could free Monet. She got up and drew her Hollow Pipe. She started shooting Icy Spikes at Vergo's soft bits... eyes, neck, ears, gonads, the works.
Nova: I'll attack close, you give me cover fire. Try to slow him down with the cold as best as you can. Dont worry about me... in this state, I'm unaffected by the cold. We need to disable him and get away...
I charged him without waiting for a response. I lied about the cold not affecting me. I cant feel the cold but that is mostlikely the adrenalin pumping throughout my body. I started to slash in every direction trying to hurt Vergo in anyway I could. His bamboo branch was blocking me effortlessly. The fact that he knew Haki was almost unfair in the normal Blues. After a few minutes of us trading blows and my body going even more numb after our weapons touched... my arms just stopped moving all together. My hands didnt let my swords go but I couldnt swing my arms anymore.
Vergo: Looks like your arms are finished. I'll kill you and bring your body back to the Young Master. Maybe that clown can find out how your body could house 2 Devil Fruits.
He swung his bamboo and I barely dodged it. I used my fingers to spin my sword till the blade was facing me and the blunt side was facing the floor. I did a flying kick towards his head which he easily dodged but my limp right arm was dragged with me and my blade landed on his neck. Without missing a beat, Reiju showed up with a snow cast on her arm and kicked the back of my blade. With my body weight and her force, we gave him a shallow cut on his neck.
Vergo jumped back and touched his neck only to find a small bit of blood.
Vergo: All that work and you only have a few drops of blood to show for it.
Reiju: That's all I needed... your dead. I just needed to get it into your blood stream and with that little cut... I have.
Vergo raised his eyebrow and then started to cough. He covered his mouth with a hand and when he removed it... it had a glob of blood on it.
Reiju: I just poisoned you even more. If you havent noticed yet... as Monet was hitting you two with icy wind... I released weak poison to slow you down. That's mostlikely why his arms stopped moving. You have 2 choices now... continue fighting us and die in the process or return to your master and tell him what you have learned before you die. Dont even try using a Transponder Snail... its paralyzed like Nova's arms.
Vergo looked at Reiju then at me. He then threw his bamboo branch at full strength at law trying to skewer him.
Vergo: If I kill Law, the Ope Ope no Mi will go back into circulation. Die for the Young Master!
The branch flew like an arrow straight towards Law. I tried to move to block it somehow but my body was barely moving. Law watch the branch shoot towards him and froze in terror.
Next thing he saw would haunt him for years... Rosinante summoned everything he was and instantly jumped infront of the bamboo. His body turned black with Haki and he took the hit head on... This earned him a new piercing through his chest that exited his back. He actually caught the branch with his hands as it was tearing through him to slow it down so it wouldnt continue through him and kill Law as well.
Vergo: ... that's not the outcome I wanted but it will have to do. Be on the look out brats... the Young Master will hunt you down.
Vergo started to run back to Dingo as I watched in horror as Rosinante stopped moving and fell on his side.