The Rest Period Part 2
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Nova: ... I call bull. Explain. As far as I know... your an only child.
Robin: Explain? When I was born, she followed right after me. We were born as conjoined twins. We were joined at the bottom of our feet. Our mother was forced to eat 2 undefined devil fruits that were joined together naturally... Clover told us this. That's why we have such similar Fruit powers.
Nova: Hold on... your melting my brain... Sense when have you had a sister?
Robin: ... sense a few minutes after my birth? Shes my younger twin... we were born almost at the same time...
Nova: I'm still confused... you dont have a sister. Your mother was killed in the buster call that sunk Ohara... wasnt she?
Robin: Uhh... no, that was my father. My mother died when the two of us were born..
Nova: And you want me to hide your sister? Dont get me wrong... but why do you trust me? We didnt meet in the greatest way and you hardly know me...
Robin: My entire life... I was called a demon and was lied to. People have sold me out and betrayed me every chance they've had... except you. You not only let me go, you left me a way out when you didnt sink my boat. You told me that I deserved better from life... but you didnt say anything about my sister... so I have the only request I will ever make of you... that better life you told me I could have... Give it to her. Whatever happiness you were going to give to me... let her have it.
Nova: ... Are you sure? What does she think about this idea? I dont know I'd what I know is still valid but I cant imagine that we will get to see much of you for a while. I dont have any siblings but I have a cousin I havent met yet but I cant wait to. Oh... let me introduce you to the others...
Nova: The First mate and Navigator of my ship... Monet.
Monet: Hi. I almost had a sibling but I didnt get as lucky as you are.
Nova: My near sighted sniper from Zou... the Mink Milk.
Milk: Nice to finally meet you.
Nova: Next is my Shipwright and the one who grabbed you from the ship... Astro the Star-Fishman.
Astro: I'm glad you are ok.
Nova: The one with pink hair is the princess of the Germa Kingdom... Reiju my doctor.
Reiju: Hello.
Nova: And the last one to join my crew... the other doctor who patched you up... Law.
Law: How do your arms feel? I put your bones back together but you need to let then mend naturally. Try to drink more milk if you can.
Robin: Its nice to meet you all. I havent told her yet and if I told her I was planning to hide her away... she would resist and want to follow me. I cant let her become a wanted criminal like me. She doesnt have a bounty like me but shes as gifted as I am... and she can do everything I can. If the government learned of her existence... they would kill her like they want to kill me.
Nova: Uhh... your twin sisters... you look really alike. She has light green tips in her hair and the green eyes... but other then that... you look identical to me.
Robin: I've used that to our advantage. The World Goverment only knows of my existence... I cant let them find me with her. If they did... I dont know what they would do.
Nova: So... you want me to hide her? Keep her away from you while you you chase the secrets of the Void Century?
Robin: Do you want to know what her real dream is?
Nova: Her dream? Does that matter...
Robin: To have a happy family. She wants to find people she can enjoy this life with. When you treated me like an equal, let me go even though you had me dead to rights... That's something we havent had before... I'm hoping your a person that will make her happy.
Nova: Hold on... this feels like an arranged marriage... Your pretty much giving your sister away behind her back... how do you know that she would be happy with me? With us on this boat?
Robin looked at me, then to each girl in my crew. She then used her Devil Fruit to make hands sprout everywhere and they drew me in close to her.
She then landed a kiss on my lips that caused me to short circuit for a second but the girls instantly turned enraged...
Monet and Milk instantly grabbed my clothes and tried to pull me away. Reiju appeared behind Robin and put her hands over her mouth.
Nova: Hold in girls!! Dont touch her arms or the arms she makes!!
The girls stopped their movements and looked at the arms. You could see purple lines running up and down her arms. She was a little pale and was breathing hard.
Robin: You see... you're really cute and your group is amusing. She should love it because I would as well. I will be counting on you...
She lay down and one to sleep right away. Law checked on her and told us that her arms feel apart again. He got to work and put the pieces back together. Reiju used some numbing poison on her arms to help with any pain she was having.
Nova: What do you all think about accepting the sister? I know I've just recruited whoever I wanted without asking you... but theres 5 of you now and I'd like your input.
Astro: I have no opinion on the matter... Up to you.
Law: Same with me... but she cant leave in her current condition. Shes healing much slower then her sister.
Monet: I want to say leave her with her sister... but the thought of her staying with us almost feels right.
Milk: Snowball has a point... I'll need to take a bath later... the thought of the little sister joining us sounds better then the older one to me.
Reiju: I like her hair and eyes...
Nova: What do you mean she feels right? We havent met her yet.
Monet/Milk: Women's Intuition.
Nova: That's not a real answer...
The girls just smiled and went to do their own things. We continued sailing to Spidee Mile. Robin woke up again a few days later. Robin started to mingle with the others on the ship. For the next two months, she would join the girls for Yoga, go to the room with books and find something to read, then sit next to her sister and read to her. Robin always had an eye on her sister... literally.
We made a pit stop to resupply at an outpost island when we were about 2 weeks from Spider Mile. Astro and Robin stayed on the ship with the sleeping Clova but the rest of us went shopping.
The girls did their usual deal and bought everything used as clothes on the outpost. Milk got any new fire arm and almost all the raw materials on the island. Monet got a butt load of food and about 20 new books... they had a little selection of books much to her annoyance. Reiju bought out the pharmacy of most of their healing supplies. She even bought the expired meds to make poisons out of. Law found his sword somehow. On the post, he walked around and entered a sword shop without looking for anything specific... and he found it. The sword is taller then he is but it looks like he doesn't care. The second he saw that it had the same white fuzz as his hat... he slapped the table and asked for its price. Once the shop owner told him it was cursed, Law told the keeper to give him a discount and that he would buy it even if he had to steal it.
Law used the money I gave him and returned to the ship with a huge smile.
When we made it back to the ship with our spoils, we were cut off by around 40 idiots who felt that we needed some exercise...
Pirate: You rich kids almost bought everything on that outpost... we thank you in advance!! Men... CHARGE!!
I almost cant believe my good luck!! I havent fought anyone new in such a long time... This should be fun!!
Nova: You dare to attack the crew of THE DRAGON OF THE DARKEST FLAME PIRATES!!?? You fools must be tired of living!
Monet: Lame.
Astro: Sounds awesome.
Milk: Lame.
Reiju: Lame.
Law: Sounds like a strong name.
The peanut Gallery hurts my soul... my pirate crew name just got a 2 out of 5...
Pirate: That's the coolest dumb pirate name I've ever heard. The 5 of you spoiled brats dont make a pirate crew... but you 3 girl look like you will grow up quiet nicely... I've decided. You 3 girls and the brat with 3 swords... get on my ship. I could always use an extra deck hand and my men need new blood in the entertainment rotation.
Nova: Deck hand? I suck at cleaning and I'm not into smelly men so I'll pass. The girls dont like sea king snot so I doubt they...
Pirate: It doesnt matter what they like, their only job will be to make my crew happy... yours will be to make ME happy brat!!
A crappy cars screeching breaks echoed in my ears. My back went rigged and my pupils expanded to cover most of my eyes.
Nova: What part of "I'm not into smelly men" went over your head? Do you see these beautiful girls next to me? They're what I'm looking for.
Pirate: That rebellious attitude is just my taste!! I wonder how you taste...
The pirate leader actually popped a boner and nosebleed. I went to draw my swords but after I thought about it... I dont think he needs to die. I got into my Olympian Martial Arts stance that I just made and started to throw my attacks. My crew exploded with fierce attacks. The 40 fools who tried to rob us regretted their plan before they knew it. We floored them and tossed them off the ship. The invaders were weak beyond belief and removed from the ship with extreme speed.
The boss was all that was left so Reiju used her Slime powers and made a rope from the Slime. The boss got tied up and launched like an angry bird back to the outpost. I took a deep breath and relaxed a little.
Nova: My butts safe now...
Both my butt cheeks were smacked by a cupped palm. The slapping noise was deafening and I jumped.
Monet: This ass is too good for them...
Milk: This is one fine butt... I dont blame him though... hes got great taste.
Reiju: Dont hurt his butt! What if its damaged? Nova, take your shorts off so I can heal it.
Nova: Monet... Milk... Reiju... please dont hit my fancy butt...
They started to laugh and went inside the ship. I walked to Clova's room to check on Robin. Shes read every book I have and now just spends most her time with her sister.
I opened the door and found Clova awake on her bed with tears streaming down her face. She had a crumpled piece of paper in her hand .
Clova: Shes gone. She left without me. I'm all alone now...
Nova: Your awake... how are you feeling? You've been asleep for a long time... almost 3 months actually.
Clova: Only 3 months... her wounds must not be fully healed. You must be Nova... I need your help... take me to my sister. She is likely to get herself killed thinking that the World Goverment will stop looking for our face.
Nova: ... she wont go get herself killed. Right Robin? If you plan to go along with that crap plan... you wont get away from me.
Robin's face came out from the wall. She looked at us with actual sadness.
Robin: I'm not suicidal but that's not a bad plan. If the Government thinks I'm gone... you will get to enjoy your life.
Nova: Robin... I'll make you a deal. If your alive... I'll force her to live happily and to the maximum. If you die... I'll let her do whatever she wants... even if that means chasing you to hell and back.
Clova turned from Robin's head and stared at me. Robin looked angry for a few seconds before she looked at Clova. She then sighed and looked at Clova's face like she wasnt ever going to see it again.
Robin: And if I'm killed even though I fought as hard as possible to survive?
Nova: Then you better come back to my ship. Listen to me as I say this... your single life now holds the weight of two lives. Your life is now shared... dont lose it.
Robin: Then that's a two way street. If she dies... I'll find YOU and kill you before chasing after her.
Nova: Then I will make you a promise... I will die before she does and I plan to live forever...
Robin: Then I'll keep an eye out. Be safe you two... Clova... isnt he kinda cute?
Robin vanished leaving her sister with the profound truth... I'm going to be a stud and for now, I'm a handsome bundle of potential.
Clova: That sister of mine... Let me introduce myself to you officially Captain... my name is Nico Clova. I'm an Archeologist who can read Poneglyphs and likes to cook. My body is really frail and I take a long time to heal. Please take good care of me.
I smiled to her and held out my hand.
Nova: My name is Silvers D. Nova. Son of Silvers Rayleigh and nephew to the Pirate King. I'm the captain of this unnamed crew. Take care of me as well.
Clova looked at my hand and then my face. She brought her hand up to mine so I gently took her hand in mine. The second I touched her, I glowed Golden Purple and she glowed Inky black. We both looked shocked but when i tried to let her go, she started to cough up black blood.
My hair stood up and I scooped her into my arms. I bolted to the top deck where Law and Reiju were going through their new stock of meds.
Nova: Shes awake and coughing up black blood!
They jumped at my yell but once they saw her glowing black with black blood oozing from her mouth, they started to act.
After checking her out... they couldnt find anything wrong with her. Infact, her body was actually a little better then before.
Law: She has a lot of toxins in her body. That's what shes coughing up... did you feed her anything?
Nova: No... I just shook her hand after inviting her to join us. By the way... Robin's gone. I think she stayed on the port and found a ship.
Reiju: So... your doing the same thing you did to my fruit... just to her body?
Nova: I guess? Maybe im cleaning the Fruit she already ate?
Clova: I ate the Twin Twin fruit... I copied my twins powers.
She started coughing even harder so I brought her to the edge of the ship so she could let the taint go in the ocean. The taint bubbled in the ocean before breaking apart. We stayed on the edge and let her get everything out of her system. A Devil Fruit took 20 minutes to clean but Clova's body took over 4 hours.
Once she stopped coughing up, Law checked her and had an astounding revelation...
Law: Shes completely clean... theres not a single speck of the toxins are left... Not even newborn babies are this clean.
Nova: So... what's that mean?
Reiju/Law: No clue.
Clova used a rag to clean her mouth and then tossed the rag overboard. She took a deep breath and then started to hyperventilate. She started to panic scream and grabbed for one of my swords. Before she could draw my blade, I grabbed her arm and stopped her.
Nova: Clova, what's wrong?! Stop and talk to me...
Nova: Huh? Shes not dead... how would you know?
Clova: I can ALWAYS feel my sister!!! Its the only skill I get from my real fruit... My Twin Fruit let's me know roughly where my twin is but now i dont feel anything... SHES GONE!!!
She started to thrash in my arms. I held onto her tightly but with her arms still hurt, I was likely to really hurt her. I pulled her into a hug and wrapped my arms around her body. She cried even harder. I looked at Law and Reiju and hoped they understood what I needed them to do. Reiju nodded and her hand started to look Slimy.
Nova: Clova... give us a few days to see her name in the newspaper. If the World Goverment cought her... they would make a huge deal about it. I dont know if your fruit has a range limit or something changed when your body got rid of the toxins... dont kill yourself unless your ABSOLUTELY sure... if shes not dead and you die... you will have killed her as well.
Clova stopped for a second and thought about what I said. You could see terror slowly creeping on her face as she started to think her actions through slowly. She slowly brought her arms up and returned my hug.
Clova: Thanks for stopping me...
Reiju put the poison away and walked to Clova. She took one of her hands and they went to my room. Monet and Milk were called to join Clova and Reiju, the 4 of them locked my room and told me that I'm not allowed in MY room till further notice.
I ended up crashing in an empty room. I tried to think about what happened with Robin and Clova. With Robin having a sister who she would commit suicide to keep safe... how would that mess with Canon? She most likely wont give up on life after Crocodile betrays her and I dont think she will go willingly with CP9... I'll go to Water 7 and make sure everything works out. We sailed for another 2 weeks. Clova always had a girl with her... I found out that the girls are keeping an eye on her for a month. They read the newspaper together looking for mentions of Robin. We all were getting ready to have dinner when Clova jumped up in joy.
Clova: I... I feel Robin again! Shes alive!!
Nova: I'm glad Clova. I knew Robin wouldnt die after she Understood what I told her. Now that your no longer worried about her... I'd like to formally invite you to be a Cook on my crew.
Clova: ... I'll be staying with your crew until I'm no longer welcome. I'll cook, clean, or be your body pillow... I dont care. You lead and I'll follow.
Nova: ... They told you?
Clova: About the "Shogun Harem"? It sounds intriguing and fun. Did you know that theres historical proof that domesticated men were forced to take many women and have countless children.?
Nova: ... Does that mean I need to become a stay at home dad?
Clova: Theres no need. I'll happily be the stay at home mistress. Would you like something to eat for dinner? Would you like a bath? or...
Nova: Yes to all of the above. I would like to eat you, for dinner, in the bath. Let's go.
Clova: As much as I would like to follow that order, I was under the assumption that your too young to be in those activities... Correct?
Nova: Damn... my big mouth. Good point... we are too young to have such... adult fun. Good thing you girls only have one head to think from.
The girls looked confused a but Astro and Law spat drinks all over eachother. They started to laugh and choke at the same time.
Not much more happened until we finally made it to Spider Mile. We came to the island and found that the inhabitants were gone. The homes were deserted and the junkyard was packed to capacity.
Nova: Uhh... welcome home?