1. CABAL LOG #8781
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Heavenfall Aspect: 23488PA

Goddess Delegation Designation: CABAL

Meeting #2338

Meeting Objectives: Strategy for the month of April

[Log Transcript Begins]


Regal: Roll call.

Cyan Ur: Here, Nya~

Timid Lotus: Pom pom! Here!

Cindra: Here, darling

Greyrat: What’s *cough COUGH* what’s up girls?

Regal: All members present and accounted for. Let the record show that that all Cabalite members are presently removed from their respective SOIs. Log Date: 23488 Post-Anuzik

Welcome, everyone. As with every month, we have our strategic goals to outline for this coming fall season. Worshippers are making ready for summer. This is our big month to hit in terms of rapid growth.

First Agenda item: new content-farming opportunities?

Cyan Ur: There’s a new game out – a hard one.

Cindra: You mean like a hard one or a hard one, dear?

Timid Lotus: Oh, Cindra! You know what she means, tee-hee!

Regal: Greyrat, you’re our eyes and ears in the gaming market. What’s the details?

Greyrat: It’s called *COUGH* Aged Square. Popular among the gaming elitists, and by the same organization that produced the Light Bodies games. Though word on the grapevine is they’ve streamlined this one to make it simpler for the casual gamer.

Cyan Ur: Those moron journalists say that about all the games TooHard bring out.

Greyrat: Anyway, it’s a fantasy game where you move around wooden miniatures and pretend to be a knight going off on adventures. Obviously, the peasantry will be interested.

Timid Lotus: They always are when it comes to roleplay fantasies!

Cindra: Oh, trust me dear, I could tell you a thing or two about roleplay…

Regal: Potential for content?

Cyan Ur: The usual. We feign ineptitude in the game to garner memclips. Play up our failure responses.

Timid lotus: The tried-and-true approach, as expected from a pro like Cyan!

Greyrat: I think there should be at least one of us that ‘gits good’ though. Show that we’ve got some skill. Prevent the journalists and antis from asserting that we’re just putting on an act.

Regal: Are you volunteering, Greyrat?

Greyrat: Of course *SPLUTTER* And the added advantage is that if things get rough, I’ll take a few sick days, do a few sleep streams, and while the worshippers are dining out on them, I’ll hone my skills and come back with a *COUGH* bang.

Regal: None of us can deny the power of your sleepstreams, Grey. Alright: basic girl-gamer protocol 13 followed by a Greyrat expert sweep. That will satisfy the gamer market for a month.

Now, upcoming collab opportunities?

Cindra: I’m wide open baby. As the newest gal on the market, this hellhound is looking for some extra horny worshippers this month.

Cyan: Extra-horny?

Cindra: Holiday season, puss. People get lonely when they aren’t doing their jobs. The local elites and peasantry both. And we have a lot of young men who can’t enter the fields yet. They’ll be finishing school with nothing to do, and that’s where mommy Cindra can swoop in.

Regal: And through means of collaboration, bring more worshippers into our fold.

Cindra: Naturally.

Regal: You’ll pair up with Timid. The innocentxnaughty mix is a fan favorite. Do a ‘date-night’ followed by a food tier list. The capacity for sexualized content is equally strong with both.

Timid: OH! I can’t wait! Pom pom!

Cindra: Trust me, dear, you’ll be pom-pomming all over heaven when I’m done with you.

Cyan: Moving on?

Regal: Any real-world events we can cash in on?

Cyan: There’s a trial happening currently between two famous stage actors. Divorce. Allegations of abuse from the female.

Regal: Hm. Sounds like a challenging one.

Greyrat: But a profitable one if the right Goddess is attached to it. *RETCH* The young male audience love seeing a prominent male win in a domestic dispute case. It validates all their insecurities about human women. We need to be seen to be taking the side of the male actor.

Cyan: What if he loses?

Greyrat: That’s the best part. If he loses, we glorify him as a martyr. If he wins, we bask in his victory. Either way, more male worshippers for us. They’ll believe they’re right no matter what.

Cindra: And we’ll be there to tell them they are.

Timid: Whilst taking their views and worship of course!

Regal: Timid, you’ll take this one. As the Goddess of Innocence, you’ll give us plausible deniability in the case of a loss. Most of the experienced isolationists out there will support you no matter what, but go in under the assumption that the female is a deceiver making men and women look bad. Spin the arguments to play both sides.

Timid: You got it, Regal!

Cyan: Is the trial really open to the public?

Cindra: You better believe it, baby.

Cyan: Sometimes the humans really do be making the content easy for us.

Regal: Okay. Final content-based item: there’s a new Goddess on the market.

Cindra: What?

Cyan: What’s the matter, Cindra? Afraid of a newbie cashing in on your popular girl phase? Can’t be the new girl forever.

Cindra: Oh, honey, I think we both know the I’ll be a popular girl with the boys till the end of time.

Cyan: Careful what you wish for, doggie.

Regal: This one’s been pulling some big numbers. Apparently quite a hit with the 16-21 bracket. I’ve had Timid scout her out. Your thoughts?

Timid: She’s certainly got the right attitude, pom-pom! AND she’s open to collabs! Plus, her worshipper base has a good parasocial/normie ratio.

Greyrat: Which we can use.

Cyan: What’s her designation?

Timid: Goddess of Deception!

Greyrat: Deception? She was practically made for this.

Cindra: Oh, I’m getting all hot and bothered just thinking about this one.

Cyan: Ladies, I hate to rain on this little parade, but let’s consider this a moment. This character could be a Grade A backstabber. Do we really want to be inviting a deceiver into our midst?

Cindra: Don’t worry, Cyan. Her Mask isn’t a catgirl.

Cyan: That qualification is neither here nor there, Cindra.

Regal: Greyrat, you’ve been up there with the biggest Gods and Goddesses. Top 3 of all worshipped entities on this earth. What do you think? Can we benefit from this one?

Greyrat: Deception is the name of our game, sisters. You ask: is this the kind of person we can accept into our fold? I say: that’s the only kind of person we can accept into our fold.

Cyan: Her talents are not my point of doubt. The real question is: can she be controlled? Will she pull for us? Or pull for herself?

Greyrat: Trust is an occupational hazard in our profession, as you well know, Cyan. When we formed Cabal, we did so after calcu - *RETCH* - calculating the benefits it would confer on us. If this new sister grows too big for her boots, we can bring down the wrath of our collective worshippers on her.

Cyan: You would mobilize our armies to Cancel a Goddess, Greyrat?

Greyrat: To preserve our worship and, by extension, our influence, there is little I wouldn’t do.

Cindra: And anyone can be canceled, as you well know, dear Cyan

Cyan: And you should remember how hard it is to kill a God for good, new girl

Regal: Peace, both of you. The decision is made. This new Goddess will be brought into the fold and trained in the ways of the Cabal. We maximize our potential, play this instrument correctly, and we could be pulling numbers the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Pandemic.

Cyan: And if this new girl doesn’t play ball?

Regal: We destroy her.

Timid: Oh, this is so exciting! A new Goddess! A new Sister! I can’t wait to start playing!

Regal: Timid, do you have her current location?

Timid: Sure do!

Regal: I’ll make the call.

[Log Transcript Ends]