Chapter 1: Awakening
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A surge of electric current jolted from my stomach, crackling through my nerves and coursing to the rest of my body, abruptly awakening me in this unfamiliar place. I attempted to move my body but I failed. I presumed I had been unconscious for a day or two, yet my body felt feeble and fatigued as if I hadn't stirred in ages.

Thick clouds of darkness covered this area, casting shadows across the surface where I was lying down. A bloody sword rested on a couple of scattered rocks nearby and sharp rocks descended from the unimaginably high ceiling.

Despite its abandoned appearance, a fresh, pleasant smell spread throughout the surroundings, as if some unseen force once existed within the very fabric of this place, preventing any other creatures from stepping inside.

It took a pretty long time for me to sober up from my previous state, For how long was I unconscious? I asked myself again as I felt my weak body screaming in agony. My stomach cried in demand for food, I thought I'm starving. Then, a shocking realization assaulted my mind as some of my memories surged from within, causing a light headache.

My human life flashed before my eyes as intense hatred boiled from within. A vision came into my mind, visualizing four figures with unclear faces cornering me and forcing me into a dead end, which led to my demise as I was struck with a sword through my heart, sending me straight into a deep abyss.

How is it possible that I am still alive? I questioned my existence as my gaze swept over my body with wonder. I marveled, observing the absence of scars that used to spread across my body like a relentless plague, along with the missing agony caused by the [Soul Decay] that haunted me from my birth. Unlike normal children, I was someone born with an incomplete soul and destined to die at the age of eighteen.

I shoved these thoughts aside letting my vision wander around in amusement. It's strange how well I can see in this darkness! I was suspicious of my vision; human eyes had never been this good. A short time passed then another shock erupted from within as an illusionary black panel started materializing and it came into existence slowly, containing red text.

(You have taken 6 damage from starvation)
(Remaining Health: 48)

I dismissed the message, letting it fade slowly as it ceased to exist. Then, I attempted to get off the floor, and after a couple of failed attempts, I finally did it. I struggled for a little bit to get used to my state and finally managed to stabilize myself. Thankfully, my body had some energy. I picked up the blood-stained sword. Despite being damaged, I thought it could still have some uses. It was better than being unarmed.

All I needed now was something to fill my stomach. I started waking in the only direction that looked like a path I could follow as my stomach continued to let out gurgling noises. After a few minutes of navigating, I discovered a small lake of water illuminated by what seemed to be a crack in the ceiling as it reflected the appearance of this area. I decided to drink some water.

That's too high to use as a way out unless I had wings... Dismissing my thoughts, I kept scooping and drinking water from the lake until I felt satisfied. Through the water reflection, I could now see my face. The soft eyes I used to have were now sharp, and my pupils were red—certainly no longer human eyes. What used to be short, laid-back silver hair was now disheveled and reaching down to my shoulders. My light brown skin was certainly still the same, as were my nose and ears. Then, the shock came again, even more painful than before.

(You have taken 8 damage from starvation)
(Remaining Health: 40)

Knowing that I would likely take more damage as time passed, I decided to speed up my pace. I needed food to survive, and the rags I was wearing no longer felt comfortable. After a few minutes, I discovered a way out, probably the entrance to this cave on a high hill facing a forest. As I approached the exit, I was greeted by a sky engulfed in a deep shade of red and a dense forest of somber trees that exuded an overwhelming sense of gloom.

If I were to survive, I had to find sustenance. That's when the smell of blood reached my nose. I slowly found my way down the hill and soon I stood on the ground, then marched toward the scent. The smell of blood grew stronger as I went on, and by now, it was potent enough to indicate that whatever it was, it was certainly close.

Wary of my surroundings, I slowed down and moved between trees to hide my presence. Soon enough, I reached my destination. Between trees, I could see an adult wolf in black fur feasting on a red deer lying on the ground with its insides ripped open and its blood dyed on the floor. It is too immersed in its meal, hmm, that would allow me to take it down easily if I catch it off guard.

After a few minutes of focusing on it for a while to trigger the identification ability, nothing happened. Weird, I have no other choice then. The thoughts came to my mind to directly charge at it stab or slice its head off but then I wasn't strong enough for that.

I mustered all of my strength then I burst from behind the tree, charging at the wolf. With a strong kick to its stomach, it was sent flying and smashed into the tree as I threw the sword, pinning it to the tree. This is weird, why couldn't I control my body?! I was confused by my actions as I planned to attack it like a [Knight] but what happened was completely out of my control.

Why is excessive violence exiting me? My actions felt good yet strange, and then something forcefully shifted my attention back to the pinned wolf. It felt as if someone held my head then directed it at the wolf against my will. I shrugged my shoulders ignoring the sensation and approached the unconscious wolf preparing myself for the meal, then my body acted on its own again.

I held its body with my left arm against the tree and its lower left limb with my right, and then I began to pull it. It snapped awake and started screaming. With nothing to be done and no way for it to free itself, the wolf's limb was torn, and its blood spilled down onto the floor.

On one side, I felt bad for the wolf but I couldn't control myself anyway. On the other side, I was satisfied with the raw meat and the blood appealed me to for some reason. Not to my taste but not like I had any other alternatives either; I slowly ate it alive as its crimson blood dyed the ground. I didn't waste time and shortly, nothing of the limb remained but the bones that I had just thrown away and I suddenly could control my body once again.

(You've killed a level 6 adult wolf and received 5 XP)

The alert appeared, and I just ignored it; I returned to the wolf's corpse and continued my feast until nothing remained but its bones and head. It was delicious and surprisingly filled my stomach well but I still felt hunger, hunger for something else which I couldn't pinpoint. I decided to check my status, and with a thought, it was displayed right in front of my eyes.

[Name: Arteus]
[Class: Hybrid Predator]
[Level: 1 | Exp: 5/20]
[Dark Matter: 50 | Dark Energy: 30/30]
[Strength: 36 | Dexterity: 17 | Heal: 20 | Darkness: 5]
[Ability Points: 0 | Attribute Points: 0 | Skill Points: 0]

Base abilities:
Enhanced Senses - (Max)
-Passive Ability: All senses are heightened to the limit.

Mindevour - (Max)
-Absorbs your prey's memories.
+Manual Trigger
+Trigger Condition(s):
+Eat your prey's brain.

Regeneration - (Level 1)
-Heals injuries except for severed limbs.
+Automatic Trigger
+Consumes [Dark Matter] depending on the injuries.

Phantom Form - (Level 1)
-Reinforces your body, and strengthens it.
+Manual Trigger
+Consumes 10 [Dark Energy] to trigger a predator form shift
+Consumes 1 [Dark Energy] every 5 seconds to maintain it

Class Skills:
Narco - (Unlocks at Level 10)

My [Knight] class, bestowed upon me at the age of 10, was no longer a thing. Its abilities were gone for good. My new class [Hybrid Predator] was something I had never heard of. I thought about my previous actions as I related them to my class, but still, something felt missing...

My stats dropped significantly too—still too high for my current level, as nobody would have more than 20 in any stat at level 1. Only the blessed ones could have ten free [Attribute Points] at that level, but I had nothing free. All of my old skills were gone, and I had nothing but the [Hybrid Predator] abilities, which was expected since my [Class] was changed.

I dismissed my [Status] and then returned to the wolf's head. I smashed its skull against the tree to access its brain easily, then I extracted it and swallowed it in one go, triggering [Mindevour] ability. I went into a trance as I experienced the wolf's life as if it were my own—from its birth to the moment it bled out. Then shortly, I returned to my consciousness as if I had woken up from a long dream.

I understood and knew a little more about this forest. I was in the north, and to the south behind me was the hill I came from. If I continued further to the north, I'd find its previous pack. I decided to leave that for later, as I couldn't take the entire pack on my own. Perhaps I could try when I'm level 5 or higher. I moved on to the dead deer and commenced my bloody fest until I filled my [Food] to the limit. I ate its brain, but nothing valuable came from [Mindevour] this time.

After a few hours, the sky grew darker, and I was tired by now. I pulled the sword and then went searching for a tree with large branches where I could spend the night. I found one high and wide enough to be considered safe. I climbed high until I was about 5~6 meters from the floor and leaned back against its trunk.

Time passed, and I shortly fell asleep from the exhaustion.

The echoing sound of something closing in reverberated, traveling through the air. Soon it reached my ears and banished my sleep. My vision slowly enlarged, covering my surroundings as the moon bathed the forest in its ethereal light shining across the horizon.

I felt better as my [Health] had now recovered by 56%. I anticipated in excitement for the approaching figures and soon enough, a group of seven wolves came advancing spreading a cloud of dust as they passed by. There were seven of them, a number that I couldn't take on under any circumstances, so I ignored then let my senses fade slowly back to sleep.

A foggy space drowned in complete darkness and devoid of life came into focus as I opened my eyes letting my sight wander around. An echoing voice, one so familiar yet unfamiliar, resonated far in the distance calling my name, a voice within the depths of memories that I was never aware I had.

Atreus, oh soul torn from mine, recall who you are!

Vivid images came into clarity from the deepest bit of my soul, bringing ancient hunger, rage, and malice alongside it as the echoes commanded me.

Let our memories remind you of our past and glory!

Visions continued to surge as the image of tyrannical monsters, bathed in blood, fought and tore each other apart, consuming each other and competing for fame.

Let the rage and madness come alive as we become one once again!

Anticipation washed over me as I grinned eagerly and waited for the enlarging luminous lump of dark matter in the distance as it steadily made its way to me.

Let our enemies shiver in fear as they hear our call!

I lowered myself as I got on my knees, waiting for the incoming part of my soul as I offered my hand for it to accept.

Carve our name deep in the souls of the ones who dare to think about going against us!

I felt my heart beat louder and louder as it crawled, taking my hand and seeping through it. I closed my eyes, shutting down my vision as I felt my control fade slowly.