Chapter 13: The Poison (1)
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I recovered a little and, hopefully, will be back on track now, sadly nothing was written in the past 3 days...

I decided to make my chapters 2800~3200 words and just release 1 daily, but The Poison will be split into two parts, 1 is 1800 words and the other is 2800-3200 words as I'm not sure if 4000+ words at once would be easy to digest.

Moving on, when I added skills to my LitRPG system, I wanted them to be relatively lethal. You will get an example today of how skills function.

Descending, the path was faintly illuminated by small torches affixed to the tunnel's supporting beams. Doubts arose within me as a hazy light gradually permeated the tunnel with each step downward.

"Is the end of this tunnel a portal, or is it simply an exit leading directly to the abyss?" I pondered as the answer eluded me.

After continuing my journey for about four more hours, the lighting gradually normalized, revealing a clearer path that led to an exit plunging into the abyss. As I neared the exit, no solid ground captured my attention compelling me to shift into my crow form and soon I soared into the dark abyss, and gazing below, I spotted a makeshift wooden staircase extending to the floor.

The staircase was narrow allowing about four average humans to climb side by side. Defensive lines, like deep ditches with spikes at the bottom and easily disposable bridges, surrounded the ascent. Five military posts, resembling small buildings, were strategically placed between the ditches and the staircase.

Above me, there was no sun or moon, only a high foggy sky that obscured visibility. The ground beneath was cracked, some crevices were too deep and filled with lava casting an eerie glow. Various monsters roamed in the distance ranging from small to towering presenting a formidable display that kept other creatures at bay. The farther I ventured, the larger and more menacing the monsters became.

This region, labeled by humans as the initial floor of the abyss, bore the name Volcanus Lands. Most creatures inhabiting this terrain fell within the level range of five to fifty, though it didn't rule out the presence of higher-level monsters. Therefore, caution was needed.

It had been a while since I encountered monsters, prompting me to choose a smaller target first to confront and evaluate its level then determine my subsequent actions. Spotting what seemed to be the smallest among the surrounding monsters, I accelerated in its direction flipping my wings as I descended morphing into my cobra form. Upon impact, I crashed into my target slightly flattening it to the ground. The heat from its red burning shell compelled me to distance myself swiftly.

(You've dealt 39 damage to a level 10 magma crab)

Transforming into my human form, I summoned the hefty sword from my domain materializing it in my right hand. I approached the recovering crab with measured steps as I assumed a fighting stance. Rather than facing it head-on, I circled around it picking up speed gradually. Each powerful vertical slash targeted its legs one by one, forcing the creature to collapse. The resulting injuries released magmas that, upon contact with the ground solidified instantly adding to the hindrance in its movement.

(You've dealt 51 damage to a level 10 magma crab)

My mind and body screamed in unison as I witnessed the crippled crab withering in pain. Violence flooded my thoughts like a river, and my body screamed at me to assume my phantom form. Greed and hunger howled in union as I imagined swallowing the crab entirely into my stomach. The sensation of massive clubs hammering my head brought me back to reality as clarity washed over me.

I grasped that something was terribly wrong— the more I ate the greedier I became, making me increasingly violent regardless of my hunger. I had no justification to consume a monster that was not five levels ahead of mine. Now, I was transforming into a hungry mindless monster, a state I detested. It needed to stop. I required a solution to prevent my descent into complete madness.

I pushed aside those feelings, clearing my mind as I approached the crab. I raised my sword high and slashed down vertically with a forceful motion crushing its head and bringing an end to its life.

(You've dealt 51 damage to a level 10 magma crab)
(You've killed a level 10 magma crab and gained 12 Exp)

I left the corpse and set out to hunt for larger monsters—ones that could give more [Exp] and potentially [Attribute Points]. A long time passed hunting monsters of similar size while struggling to keep my hunger at bay. At last, I stumbled upon something noticeably larger than my previous prey. With my hunger relentlessly urging me, it seemed fitting to consume something that would truly strengthen me.

Standing at a towering 8 feet, this particular monster had a humanoid form with a body made entirely of rock. Notably, its upper body was robust and thicker than its lower part. Lava spreads through its body like veins. Its head was directly connected to its body. The burning ember eyes and mouth gave it a mesmerizing look, although it was undeniably a monster.

I was not quite sure how to deal with this one, and it didn't look appetizing to me at all. I figured I'd go ahead and attack it first, then decide my course of action based on its level. After careful consideration, I decided to approach it directly. Reverting to my human form, I soared downhill landing gracefully in front of it. From the depths of my domain, I summoned my twin axes which were gleaming in anticipation. I approached it with deliberate slowness causing it to roar at me, a threat echoing in its display of aggression. I swiftly sidestepped evading the oncoming heat unleashed by the creature's menacing scream.

My mind swirled with conflicting thoughts, urging me to assume my phantom form. Gritting my teeth, I pushed these distractions aside, focusing on the creature in front of me. The reasons for my unease remained elusive; there seemed to be no cause unless the monster posed a formidable challenge. Otherwise, it would be an unnecessary drain on my [Dark Energy]. Gradually accelerating, I approached the monster, keenly observing its reactions. With axes at the ready, my goal was clear: inflict damage to ascertain its level.

As I entered the monster's range, it made a sudden move, smashing the ground and releasing a burst of lava. Caught off guard, I watched as the molten flow surged toward me.

(You've received 45 damage from a level 26 lava ghoul)

Leaping to the side, searing pain emanated from the heat beneath my feet. My body's response was immediate, urging me to shift into my phantom form through the invocation of [Tyrinicall Armor]. As the transformation unfolded, a loss of control gripped me, gradually intensifying until its completion. In the ensuing moment, an almost detached experience unfolded—I observed myself discarding my axes, charging relentlessly at the ghoul. Stripped of control, my singular focus became crushing my adversary and consuming it; the option to revert back eluded me, as if my mind had become severed from my corporeal self.

Silently observing, my body closed the distance to the rocky adversary, exchanging a fist that met a retaliatory blow. The impact pushed it a few steps backward, creating an opening for my relentless assault. A forceful stab to its rocky chest triggered a flow of magma akin to blood, causing collateral damage in the process. The molten substance cascaded down its body, slowly solidifying as it made its way to the ground.

(You've dealt 63 damage to a level 26 lava ghoul)
(You've received 15 damage from a level 26 lava ghoul)

Despite the pain coursing through me, I found myself powerless to evade it, my body acting autonomously. The subsequent sight unfolded rapidly—the ghoul emitted a resounding scream, its body convulsing violently. In short order, a wave surged forth, with lava creeping across the floor and searing heat spreading in all directions, causing damage in the process. I deduced it to be a skill or ability, as such behavior went beyond the natural tendencies of monsters.

(You've received 145 damage from a level 26 lava ghoul)

I desired to leap away, create distance, and evade the impending damage but instead, I found my body lunging forward, sinking its teeth into the ghoul's head. The creature's screams ceased as it was consumed, swallowed into my stomach. The searing pain persisted as the hot head descended down my throat, inflicting further damage until it was completely digested.

(You've dealt 164 damage to a level 26 lava ghoul)
(You've killed a level 26 lava ghoul and gained 76 Exp)
(You've leveled up!)
(You've earned 5 Attribute Points!)
(You've received 20 damage from a level 26 lava ghoul)

I witnessed the complete solidification of the ghoul's lava veins while my body continued its feast until every trace of the rock vanished. Despite my anticipation, post-meal reversion eluded me, and control remained unattainable. As my unguided form surveyed its surroundings, an impulsive charge followed upon spotting the first monster—a spider-like creature with four legs, two on each side. However, it deviated from the typical spider anatomy; its abdomen lacked roundness and instead boasted a lengthy tail. Mercifully, this arachnid displayed no signs of lava features, at least for the time being. The impending conclusion of my transformed state loomed ever closer, evident in the dwindling [Dark Energy] inching towards depletion.

(Warning: Your Dark Energy is too low! Reverting to base form in 15 seconds)

My body sprinted swiftly towards it, leaping into the air and slamming it down flat onto the floor. It drove its claws directly into the creature's brain, swiftly ending its life.

(You've killed a level 14 shadow spider and gained 28 Exp)
(Warning: Your Dark Energy is too low! Reverting to base form in 10 seconds)

Then, it commenced devouring the creature, tearing into its flesh until the body was completely consumed. I watched with anticipation, eagerly awaiting the moment for my transformed state to revert so I could regain control of my body.

(Warning: Your Dark Energy is too low! Reverting to base form in 5 seconds)

My body began the gradual process of reverting, and with each passing moment, I regained control, though the pain from the ghoul fight lingered. To my surprise, instead of achieving mental clarity, an unexplained hunger gnawed at me, despite having consumed two monsters that should have filled my stomach. Seeking insight, I accessed my status to gauge my situation. [Health] dwindled to ninety, accompanied by a sense of fatigue. Strangely, my [Food] read 287/333, indicating no hunger, yet an inexplicable craving persisted, eluding my understanding.

The [Dark Matter] was 833, an amount I deemed rather high. Acknowledging the escalating difficulty of each level, I recognized the need for more [Exp]. Allocating 20 points to [Strength], 4 to [Heal], and the remainder to [Darkness], I deliberated on my newfound capabilities. The thought crossed my mind that challenging opponents up to level 41 or below could be within my grasp, with the potential for substantial level leaps achievable by assuming my phantom form.

With my status considered, I dismissed the information and set out to find a suitable place to rest and recuperate.

[Name: Arteus | Status: Recovering]
[Health: 90/350]
[Food: 287/333]
[Class: Hybrid Predator]
[Level: 8 | Exp: 44/303]

[Dark Matter: 833 | Dark Energy: 176/258]
[Strength: 96 | Dexterity: 20 | Heal: 70 | Darkness: 43]
[Ability Points: 0 | Attribute Points: 0 | Skill Points: 1]