Origins of the story
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Intro written in 2018!


Hi! If you're reading this, awesome. I wanted to give you guys a little background of where "Denial" the story came from.


Denial was actually a story written within The Sims 2 back in 2009--hence the cover and headers you see being TS2 game footage.  I'd posted this story, and several others, on my LiveJournal back when there was still simmers on that website.

After working on it for 2 years, I decided to change directions and seek out a chance to become a published author. I rewrote the story and it was my first true published work. I left this original story incomplete on my LiveJournal until 2017, when the pictures were taken down by Photobucket. Since then, the story was deleted...

However, the idea to repost Denial came to me a year before it was deleted. Wouldn't it be awesome if I could finish it?

Plus, I was unhappy by the rewrite.

It was time. It is time.


So welcome to the completely re-edited, original version of Denial but without the pictures (yeah, you won't see them within the chapters). If you've read either the original or the rewrite, great!

I hope you enjoy the return of these two scrumptious vampire boys, Lucious and Mikael.  XD