Humans are scary…
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I don't know how long I had walk, killing and eating small slime and their cores.

[Agility increases..]

[10/10 exp]

[Level up to lvl 2]

[Intelligence increases by 3 due to higher species]

[One skill point remaining]

[Autopicking skill due to low intel]

I didn't know what it was but I felt a surge of pain in my head, but I felt my mind was splitting with sudden logic as I could understand the screen unknown words a bit.

Everyone felt so blurry for a moment but suddenly I could see much more clearly then before. 

[Rare skill, Rare Intel Sight unlocked due high ability points at beginner]

[Merging with current abilities...]

[Camouflage lvl 1 has been upgraded to Fast Camouflage lvl 1]

[Acid spit lvl 1 has been upgraded to Rapid Acid Spit lvl 1]

I only knew a few words back then..

I had the skill.. but I didn't know what the other word meant.

I was too busy seeing the world in another view as I could see 4 feet away.

When all of sudden, I felt a shiver of danger..

The type of danger that will make you paralyze in fear that I unknown activated Camouflage skill.

Hiding as a small slime under a nice rubble as I stare, seeing what caused me great fear walk by.

It was very tall, skin darken, wearing something that shined and glow with dangerous aura that I felt through my soul that if this creature had saw me. I would'd died instantly.

It had shiny hair, shiny like the circle I found on my walk to this area. It's eyes were the color of the blue slimes. It was strong, stronger then me by greater levels.

This being has 4 companions.

2 were female, the other was tiny beta male and youngling

The youngling scare me with it hidden aura of power. It was dangerous, but it was as if the others did not know this youngling was not a youngling.

They were speaking but I couldn't understand the word.. probably due to being in slime Camouflage that muffled my hearing.

I waited and watched as they kill the larger slimes I had avoided in seconds..

They were scary. They are scary. I stayed hidden until they had left my range of sight until I can no longer felt the vibration of their foot steps.

I did not know that I had save my own life by the horrors of bad humans that day..