Chapter 28 : Crushing Spirits
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"Heh. Another lamb to the slaughter." Lucas muttered while watching Scadur being a complete and utter embarrassment to any grown up.

"I'm more impressed by young master Ron's strength, imagine swinging that Spear for so long as a five year old child." Pio replied while preparing himself to jump in to finish what his young master started.

Lucas sighed once he noticed signs of exhaustion appearing on Aaron's expression despite it being less than a minute since he started attacking Scadur.

'Most of the time I tend to forget that he's just a little kid, but thankfully he didn't blow that arrogant prick to pieces or anything like that. Serves him right for daring to act all high and mighty in front of young master, I believe this experience would teach him to show enough respect to the boy or suffer the consequences.' Lucas thought while following Pio and standing between Aaron and Scadur.


Aaron tossed Scadur's Spear to the ground and gasped for air after this exercise almost drained his Stamina completely!

'I'm still too weak and too young for this shit.' He thought while supporting his weight by holding his knees.

Once Aaron looked around he found the team from Arturo's guard and the workers sent by Sen all looking at him and giving him odd, almost funny, looks.

Clearly these people were shocked and beyond surprised after witnessing a little kid thoroughly beating a grown up and making it seem like the grown up is actually the one who doesn't stand a chance!

"Huff. Don't you people have work to do?" Aaron said while frowning deeply.

"Ah!" Immediately afterwards the man and woman which are the two Builders in this group began to give orders and instructions to the group.

Meanwhile Aaron glared at Scadur one final time before walking towards the remaining chair and sat down, afterwards he gestured for Lucas and Pio to bring the wounded man over while saying : "Now that we've actually met and finished with our introductions, do you even know why you're here?" He asked after drinking some water before filling his cup once again because all that movement left his throat dry.


Despite all his bruises and wounds gushing blood, Scadur kept showing his stubbornness and refused to answer.

But he was supporting his left arm by the elbow and holding it close to his chest because that's exactly where Aaron's first attack has landed.

The result was a clean break and despite it hurting extremely bad when it happened, this lanky man couldn't even move his body and escape the following attack or even express how painful it felt with words.

'Hell. I couldn't even move a muscle on my face while getting thrashed by this evil kid.' Scadur thought to himself while wishing if Lucas and Pio weren't standing right next to him and more than welcoming Scadur to try and do anything funny!

"Then go back to your master and tell him this," Aaron leaned forward on his chair and rested his chin on his right fist, "I can ignore the matter of you having sent one of your spies to my camp, next time send one that wouldn't risk our relationship because that one nearly succeeded in making me your enemy." Afterwards he smiled and continued to say : "I'll only allow it to happen once and here goes your chance."

Seeing their young master Ron giving them a glance, Pio and Lucas understood that it's about time that they chased away their annoying guest because he isn't welcome in the kid's presence anymore.

"You heard young master Ron, now scram!" Lucas was more than happy to do this task because he's been on bad terms with Scadur for a while now.

"You!" Scadur could somehow tolerate being insulted by the kid after receiving a beating earlier, but having this gang-leader walk all over him isn't something that he could allow.

"Humph." Pio pushed the lanky man back once he saw him about to take a step forward to confront Lucas who seemed more than eager to see it happen, "One more word from you and I'll drag you to teacher Sen myself and tell him all about the shit you've been trying to stir ever since you came here, save yourself some trouble and go back for now." Pio seemed to remember something before warning the lanky man while pointing at him with a finger and continued to say : "Don't forget to deliver young master Ron's message exactly like he said it, or I'll make sure that teacher Sen knows about you're intentions of driving a wedge between him and my young master."

This time Scadur was almost about to explode from anger when someone of insignificant value like Pio who was a mere guard at the gates of the village a few days ago dared to threaten him like that.

"Piss off already you stinking piece of shit!" Aaron's voice drew the attention of the three man, "You better fucking haul ass all the way back to your master before I send him your ashes in a jar." When Scadur looked towards the kid he saw him holding a wooden Cane that's pointed towards him.

The problem wasn't the wooden Cane itself because it wouldn't damage him much if used as a weapon unlike what happened earlier when Aaron used the Spear to give Scadur a beating.

First thing to grab the lanky man's attention was the two balls of fire that circled the curved area on top of the wooden Cane!

Second thing was how quickly Lucas and Pio positioned themselves from being in between Aaron and Scadur to standing behind the kid.

"I'm only counting to three." Aaron said.

'What?' Scadur thought while feeling heat waves wash over his body whenever the fire balls circled the wooden Cane, in fact the temperature was increasing at a noticeable rate.

"Better run Scadur!" Pio warned.


"No, no, no... don't go Reindeer!" Lucas frowned when signs of panic began to show on the lanky man's expression, "Wait! You should be honored in dying at young master Ron's fire, I promise to collect your ashes... it'll be over before you know it! I'll take care of your wife and daughter! Just hear me out!" No matter what he tried to say to delay Scadur from leaving, he still failed and sighed at the wasted opportunity.

'That bastard Lucas was really after my life! Thankfully Pio was there or I would've been in deep trouble, just you wait Lucas... someday I'll have my revenge.' Scadur thought while snatching his Spear from the ground then ran away until he disappeared from the street.

"Less nonsense." Aaron looked towards his two followers and said that before pointing his Staff towards the sky and releasing the Flame Orb Skill which kept draining his MP once he delayed the moment of its release by a few seconds, so far the Skill cost him 12 MP to activate then drained 6 MP every second in the time that followed once he delayed its release.

That wasn't the only effect that happened, he could also sense how each one of the two Flame Orbs was gaining an increase of power.

Right before the Flame Orb Skill was released towards the sky, Aaron noticed a spark of blue-colored Flame within the center of each Orb!

All those who saw what Aaron just did, they followed the ascent of the two Flame Orbs which kept circling one another for a hundred meters or so in the air while getting attracted towards one another slowly before they touched.


A glaring light blinded their eyes before a deafening sound of the explosion followed and everyone in the village was startled by it.


A terrible shockwave swept an area with the diameter of almost a kilometer with the explosion at its center!

Everyone in the few streets surrounding Aaron's house could feel unbearable heat washing down over them for almost a minute or so, and these villagers had to leave their homes out of worry because these buildings are mostly built from wood and flammable materials.

Things could get really dangerous for them and their families if anything caught fire while they're inside.

'Damn! I didn't even think of channeling this Flame Orb Skill to increase its power, it's also a bit faster compared to its normal speed.' Aaron thought while feeling none of the heat after activating Magic Guard and Mana Armor.

He didn't care at all about the disturbance he caused and the neighbors around him who kept sweating buckets while feeling fear and worry.

"Get back to work, I expect this house to be demolished before I return. I want to see a clear plot of land..." Aaron kept throwing orders for a while before looking around and asking : "Where's the two Builders and the Carpenter?"

The two men and the woman moved forward until they stopped in front of the boy once the rest of the group betrayed them when everyone unanimously moved away for the kid to see the three of them.

"Quickly inform your assistants about what they need to do while you're gone, I want them to dig six or seven meters under the area where my house is going to be built." Aaron said before looking towards Pio and continued to say : "You go and ask my neighbors if they're willing to sell their house to me, make sure to pay them just the right amount for their land," Then he looked towards Lucas, "Give Pio all of your money." Afterwards he waited for the two men and the woman to return.

"Done?" Aaron asked.

"Mm-hmm." The woman nodded before looking towards the two men, she was a middle-aged woman with average looks and a pair of bright, intelligent-eyes.

"I don't have anything to do here really besides telling the guys to try and save as many wood as possible from the house for me to use these materials later when we are building it anew." One of the men shrugged while giving that answer, he was a rough-looking man in his late forties with nail-like hair on his medium-sized beard.

"My apprentice is going to supervise the process of demolishing the house and Cassandra's apprentice is going to supervise the process of digging." The other man seemed much older compared to his partners but he seemed like he's being treated as the boss of their small group of three, clearly he's either more experienced or his craftsmanship is quite advanced.

"I take it that this lady here is Cassandra, I'm guessing that your profession is a Builder." Aaron said.

"Indeed." Cassandra smiled and replied.

"That's quite impressive! What should I call you two?" Aaron smiled back at Cassandra who stuck her chest out proudly when she heard his compliment before looking towards the two men while asking them politely.

Maybe these three wouldn't have been so surprised by his attitude if they didn't witness him beating Scadur without a shred of hesitation a bit earlier then causing what seemed like the end of their life afterwards.

Of course these three wouldn't say anything silly like that to the kid unless they're looking for a beating!

"I'm Tylus, I work as a Carpenter." The man introduced himself while running his rough and calloused fingers in the hairs of his beard which seem tougher than iron nails.

"I'm Vogen, a humble Builder at your service." The old man also introduced himself before looking at the kid and waited to hear what he has in mind.

Aaron nodded before saying : "I'm Ron, there's something I've found in the forest that might interest old man Vogen and lady Cassandra. Uncle Tylus could use this opportunity to choose much better wood for us to use as a material when building the house, follow me." Then he turned and moved towards the west-gate with Lucas following right behind him.

After exchanging one look between them, Cassandra was the first to act and Tylus patted Vogen on the shoulder before going after her.

Vogen just sighed because he's old and making the trip to the forest isn't going to be easy for someone of his age but he thought to himself : 'Hopefully this kid isn't going to waste my time.'


"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sen was practically fuming from anger and glaring at the lanky man standing ahead of him, if it weren't for Roger and the men preventing him from getting his hands on the already wounded man... then his brother, who's usually gentle and calm, would've beaten Scadur half to death!

While Aaron was leaving the village, Scadur was receiving the scolding of his life from Sen.

"I send you to accompany the boy and teach him how to use the Staff as a weapon, and you do what! Make him an enemy instead, Great! Just freaking fucking fantastic! Maybe he should've burned you to death instead." Sen was spouting vulgarities and struggling to escape the hold of his brother and the men.

"Calm down Sen, we still don't even know what happened earlier when that explosion happened in the sky." Roger said while trying to distract his little brother who's being reacting so different today which is so rare to happen and extremely unusual because the last time he saw him act this way was when their mother passed away.

Sen looked towards his big brother and rolled his eyes before saying : "Humph. You still don't get it do you roger?"

Roger frowned before asking : "Get what exactly? Scadur messed up and annoyed the brat then got punished for what he did before getting tossed back to us with a warning message, we just need to find a replacement and give the kid a sincere apology before turning over this page for good."

Chief Peter who's been watching everything happen from the side sighed deeply when he heard Roger's explanation and shook his head once most of his followers around the smithy kept nodding their head in agreement.

'As I thought, Roger isn't really fit when it comes to politics. He doesn't seem to even understand why Sen is so angry and how dangerous that kid Ron is to figure out and foil his brother's secret plans.' Peter thought to himself before looking towards his youngest son while feeling pity for him because it's simply not his fault.

His follower was foolish and his target was much more difficult to handle than he thought it would.


Sen just sighed inwardly before saying : "That early explosion was his way of demonstrating his power, a mere show of strength! Do you get it now? Judging by what he said in that message it means this : "Next time you cross the line is when I target you with one of these explosions." and we simply can do nothing about it. Simply because we need the kid's assistance and we're desperate for his help because we need to rely on his backing if we're going to keep this village on the map, not to mention that his backing isn't someone we could ever dare to anger." Afterwards he turned and left.

Peter nodded since only him and his youngest son could see the big picture while his biggest son and the rest of their followers were narrow-minded muscle-head idiots!