C4: A Violent System
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[ Progression System ] (Silver Rank) 

[ Carrier ID: H-S-97654 ]

[ Daily Task: ]

Duel With a mage of equal rank or above for 10 turns (minimum) 

[ Reward: Hallucination Points (HP) based on any one of the opponent's spells. The amount of HP may vary based on overall performance. ]

[ Special Task: ]

 (+1 HP) Duel with a Rank-1 Mage 

 (+2 HP) Duel with a Rank-2 Mage 

 (+3 HP) Defeat a rank-1 Mage in a duel

 (+5 HP) Defeat a Rank-2 Mage in a duel

[ Total HP: 00/25 ]

[ Special Function: Mastery Upgrade ]

( Use HP to enhance spellcasting mastery. Below the Acolyte grade, the price of each Hallucination session to boost mastery is 3 HP )

Bishop Alcius had been present during the Blessing Screening Ceremony in the Deity Tower. The report on Merrywick's evolution system should have crossed his gaze at that time. In this year's batch of blessed children, only seventeen out of a thousand candidates had received a Silver Rank Pathway. 

Each of those seventeen children had at least one special attribute to their pathways, just like how Merrywick had his Hallucination Point infrastructure to boost his spellcasting as a mage.

Ordinary progression systems didn't provide the mages with such luxury. Above the ordinary systems, Bronze-rank systems had special functions as well, but those could rarely match a powerful function like Upgrading Mastery through each duel. 

If one had to compare the speed of progression among these three categories, Silver Rank systems would leave the other two in the dust as long as the owner utilized the special functions properly. 

Merrywick patiently waited for the inspection to come to an end. He knew they'd find nothing different in it compared to the system recorded inside the Deity Tower. 

"The basis of your progression in magic is Hallucinations?" The male Inquisitor asked an unnecessary question. Merrywick still nodded in confirmation. This narrative perfectly meshed with his admission that his very first spellcasting was the gift of a Hallucination. 

A perfect story for a perfect new start.

"There seems to be nothing in your pathway that indicates that it has deviated out of Lord Sunbreaker's domain. How odd... You'd think a new deity would have some individuality to show when blessing his first devotee," Bishop Alcius remarked in a displeased tone. 

Losing out a silver-ranked blessed child was truly a significant loss. Merrywick understood the man's position here, and he couldn't help smiling in embarrassment. 

"His Lordship must have deemed it best not to interfere in what has already been done. I think when it comes to such conflicts between the deities themselves, we mortals should refrain from lackadaisical comments," he said to the Bishop, eliciting a predictable response.

Blasphemy was no small sin. Not even the most reckless devotee would go around criticizing the other deities. The deities tolerated competition only so long as it was confined to conflicts of interests. Personal sentiments were best kept in the heart.

Bishop Alcius touched the emblem of Sunbreaker sewn to his robe in reflex. 

"My apologies, Mr. Merrywick. I let my emotions get the better of me. Thank you for reminding me."

Turning to the two Inquisitors who were still scanning the red panel above his head, Bishop Alcius made a vague gesture that they seemed to understand very well. Both Inquisitors left the cabin immediately, leaving Merrywick and the Bishop to converse...with some more privacy.

For a fraction of a second, Merrywick noticed a weak surge of yellow glow flicker out of the Bishop's body. And suddenly, the indistinct noises coming from outside the cabin were muted.

He was certain that it was a tier-3 spell, way beyond anything he could analyze or guard against. 

Bishop Alcius noticed his discomfort and waved a hand dismissively. 

"It's just to ensure no one's being nosey. Don't worry about it."

He walked up to Merrywick's bed and grabbed a tool to sit down. Then leaning as close as possible, he whispered, "Can you describe the details of your dream? What else have you learned about your patron deity from that encounter?"

Merrywick smiled knowingly and leaned forward as well. In an equally hushed volume, he gave a reply that would establish his foundation in the world as the first devotee of the thirteenth deity.

"I didn't learn anything I can convey in words."

Bishop Alcius' face was the very picture of doubt.


"I learned that I, in my mortal form, can never comprehend anything about him. He's beyond mortality, beyond reality, beyond conception, beyond comprehension. Only if I evolve to humankind's higher step of evolution, become a Harbinger of divinity, perhaps then I could learn more about him. For now, all I am left with is an inexplicable form of comprehension."

With each word uttered, he noticed the Bishop's countenance growing uglier and uglier. Among the twelve deities, none warranted such esoteric parameters of definition. The deities had forms, interests, unique laws, and domains of magic to nurture human evolution to its true course. 

The description of this new deity sounded more like something one would stumble upon in the relics of past civilizations where the concept of godhood was beyond mortals, beyond proof, merely constructed on blind faith.

"Perhaps you think I'm not being truthful," Merrywick said in a disparaging tone. "That's okay. I have already proven his 'touch' on me, haven't I? Otherwise, I doubt we'd be having this conversation. A mere commanding authority from Lord Sunbreaker's domain could've exposed my lies if I spoke any. But you and I, we both know that won't work on me."

Face ashen, Bishop Alcius stood up. 

"Did your patron communicate anything to you? Or was your dream of him a mere perception of his divine form? Did he not even provide a portion of his scriptures?"

Merrywick's eyes glinted as endless possibilities danced in his mind based upon the answer to this question.

"For now...No. But he did say that this was only the first of many visits. By the end of it, I think we'll have something to label as unique."

Bishop Alcius' countenance made it clear enough that not a single part of his explanation had been graced with the man's trust. Merrywick enjoyed watching the man storm out of the cabin. Whatever spell he had laid down was undone as he stepped past the metal door to the entry room. 

Leaning back onto his bed, Merrywick cranked his neck upward and focused on the red panel in the air, still feeding on the mana in the surroundings to sustain its dim existence.

With one emphatic mental command, the panel changed its visibility. Only he could see it now, and it no longer resembled the fabricated panel that had placated the men of Lord Sunbreaker's church. 

[ The Restoration System ] [Unique]

[ Carrier ID: H-U-1]

[ Daily Task: ]

Duel With a mage of equal rank or above for 10 turns (minimum) 

[ Reward: Hallucination Points (HP) based on any one of the opponent's spells. The amount of HP may vary based on overall performance. ]

[ Special Task: ]

 (+1 HP) Punish a Rank-1 mage for using magic

 (+2 HP) Punish a Rank-2 Mage for using magic

 (+3 HP) Cripple a Rank-1 Mage from using magic

 (+5 HP) Cripple a Rank-2 Mage from using magic

[ Total HP: 00/25 ]

[ Special Functions ] 

[ 1. Mastery Upgrade ]

( Use HP to enhance spellcasting mastery. Below the Acolyte Rank, the price of each Hallucination session to boost mastery is 3 HP )

[ 2. Spell Upgrade ]

( Use HP to further upgrade various aspects of your spells. At Tier-1, only inherent aspects are upgradable )