Chapter 9
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Dreu gripped his ax tightly as he watched the beast riders approach his position. After exiting the forest, the Duchess casted an illusion spell which should have allowed their forces to move towards the kingdom capital undetected. For some unknown reason, they discovered not one but two demon armies pursuing after them. It soon became clear that the demon armies were aware of their presence and battle was unavoidable. Following the initial clash, Dreu and a few hundred knights found themselves separated from the main group and surrounded by countless demon soldiers.

Instead of sending their infantry in, the demons chose to send in their beast riders. From afar, Dreu could see the armored demons sitting on platforms built atop beasts the size of elephants. The beasts were giant lizards with a large horn growing out of their snouts and spiny coats of armor. In unison, the beasts began their charge towards the knight and their charge shook the earth itself. The knights formed shield walls but, given the size of the beasts, they were swept aside like rubbish. The impact of the initial charge dealt significant casualties to the knights who were scrambling to recover. Meanwhile, Dreu’s footman used the opportunity to climb onto one of the beast's horns before leaping onto the head to quickly dispatch the unsuspecting rider. Then, it brought its sword down onto the unarmored spot on the beast’s neck causing the creature to scream in pain. The creature shook its head but the footman only shoved its sword deeper until the creature collapsed. By the time the footman dismounted the dead beast, the other beast riders had pulled back and were preparing for another charge.

< Congratulations! You may pick one of the three weapons. >

Dreu jumped at the sight of the prompt window. He just finished reading the text when the roar of the beasts got his attention. With the results of the first charge still fresh in his mind, Dreu quickly looked through the weapons hoping one of them could prove useful in his predicament.

< Weapon 1: Demonic Feast Blade

Description: This weapon was crafted by a master demon blacksmith. The blade starts off no different from ordinary blades but, as it takes the lives of others, it grows stronger and unlocks unique abilities depending on its victims. As the blade grows stronger, the user also grows more proficient in the use of demonic powers. >

Dreu quickly read through the description and skipped to the second weapon.

< Weapon 2: Warlord’s Elemental Spear

Description: This weapon was gifted by a powerful goddess to the strongest human warrior known in history. Following the death of the warrior, the spear lost all of its powers and was left abandoned in the warrior’s tomb. However, a new inscription appeared on the spear stating that, once it finds a worthy successor, the weapon can once again regain its former glory. >

Dreu felt conflicted with the spear. He liked the potential of the weapon but a weapon that lost all of its powers was of no use against the demons, especially in his current dire situation. He then proceeded to the third weapon.

< Weapon 3: Elvish Chu-ko-nu

Description: This weapon was crafted by a master elvish craftsman. While bows are the preferred weapon of most elves, a few, like the craftsman, weren't shy in trying out other weapons. Inspired by the human crossbow and improved further, the Chu-ko-nu was developed and became known for its rapid firing rate. >

Dreu raised his eyebrows at the sight of the third weapon. While the first two weapons could suit his footmen, the third one really stood out of place. For the remaining two, he could see how a demonic blade would be a terrible choice given the demon invasion. Therefore, he had no difficulty picking the spear. As soon as he selected the second weapon, a dim light originated in his left hand and expanded until a spear appeared before him. The spear was lightweight so he could wield it with ease. As described by the prompt window, he felt no powers within the weapon, nor did he feel any stronger wielding it. Before he got carried away with his new weapon, the screams of the nearby knights pulled him back into reality.

The beast riders had succeeded in a second charge with more knights trampled or impaled by their horns. Dreu watched as his footman hurried beside him but his summon was without a weapon. He tossed his new weapon to the footman and the footman caught it with ease. Following an expression of thanks, the footman charged at the nearest beast. The beast rider, anticipating the footman attempting the same approach, had drawn a weapon. To both the rider’s and beast’s surprise, the footman went straight for the beast’s head. The spear easily penetrated through the scales and was pulled out just as easily. The beast recoiled from the pain resulting in it falling on its back and crushing the rider.

Following the scream of the beast, the other beasts fled in all directions. Dreu could see the beast riders struggling with the reins but the beasts were unresponsive to their efforts. He then took a moment staring at the aftermath of the two beast charges. Dozens of knight corpses were strewn everywhere along with two of the dead beasts. Among the remaining knights, they were either badly injured or badly shaken, if not both. Dreu then turned his attention to his footman who was busy admiring the spear. He checked his prompt window.

< Lvl 5 Footman:

Description: Serving as a basic infantry in the armies of the Emperor, the footman is a versatile foot soldier with expert training and the proper equipment to fully utilize its training. In addition, the footman has actual combat experience on the battlefield and has unlocked two skills accessible to the footman unit class. The footman has unquestionable loyalty to the Emperor and will fight to the end if ordered to.



-Strong against weak monsters.

-Best used in numbers and in close formation.



-Fury (Lvl 1): Active. Grants +100% attack for 5 seconds. Limited to 3 uses per day.

-Leap (Lvl 1): Active. Grants the user the ability to triple their vertical jump distance for one jump. Limited to 5 uses per day.



-Gain +20% attack from spear gifted by the emperor. >