Chapter 12
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Dreu opened his eyes slowly and looked around. It took him a few minutes to adjust to the darkness and make out his footman standing guard nearby. He felt the temptation of closing his eyes to sleep more but he knew this wasn’t the time or place.

Where are we? Asked Dreu.

We are in a cave within the woods. You collapsed following the battle and this was the safest place I could find.

Dreu muttered thanks and moved his body. Once he was certain he had no major injuries, he looked around until the footman tossed him a sheathed blade. A prompt window popped up as soon as he caught it.

< Red Mist Blade:

Description: The blade was crafted by the Mist Orcs. A red mist trail follows the blade before it finds its target. While the knowledge behind the red mist disappeared with the extinction of the Mist Orcs, weapons like this blade could be used to uncover ancient secrets. >

Do you know anything about the Mist Orcs? Dreu asked the footman.

I have no knowledge of that race. However, I did see the blade in action when that demon leader cut through your shield. The demon used limited movement and yet the strike was devastating. The red mist might have played a role in that.

Dreu nodded and secured the new weapon to his sword belt. He then touched his new armor causing another prompt window to pop up.

< Aegis Armor:

Description: The maker of the Aegis Armor is unknown. What is known is that this armor is said to have the potential of becoming the most powerful armor. Unlike other armor, the Aegis Armor grows stronger with its owner. Therefore, it is up to the owner to bring out the full potential of the armor. Even at its most basic form, the Aegis Armor is already very much sought after by many.


-Invincibility (Lvl 1): Passive. Grants the user invincibility for 10 minutes. Skill is activated when an attack can potentially kill or maim the armor owner. Once either the invincibility duration or combat ends, the user loses all strength and consciousness. Limited to 1 use per month. >

Talk about armor with a big downside.

The armor should only be used as a last resort, responded the footman.

I cannot believe how fortunate I got. I could’ve just died against that demon leader.

Lady luck was by your side.

Dreu then studied the footman. He wasn’t sure if it were his eyes but the footman appeared different from before. He opened the prompt window to check on the footman.

< Lvl 5 Footman:

Description: Serving as a basic infantry in the armies of the Emperor, the footman is a versatile foot soldier with expert training and the proper equipment to fully utilize its training. In addition, the footman has actual combat experience on the battlefield and has unlocked two skills accessible to the footman unit class. The footman has unquestionable loyalty to the Emperor and will fight to the end if ordered to.



-Strong against weak monsters.

-Best used in numbers and in close formation.



-Leadership (Lvl 1): Passive. Nearby allies gain +5% attack and defense within a 2 meter radius of the user

-Shield Bash (Lvl 1): Active. Grants user the ability to bash foes with a shield. In addition to doing damage, the ability may stun or even send enemies flying. Limited to 5 uses per day.


-Gain +10% attack and defense from sword and shield gifted by the emperor. >

Dreu smiled upon realizing he had two level 5 footmen. Since the loss of the other footman, he and the first footman fought desperately to escape the pursuing demons. He could see how the combat and some kills must have contributed to the footman’s leveling up.

What are the downsides of having high level footmen? Dreu asked the footman.

After Dreu developed interest in adventuring, he sought out as much knowledge as he could on the topic whenever he wasn’t busy with labor work. During one of those occasions, he spoke with a sorcerer who shared an important lesson with him. The sorcerer stated that, when it came to abilities, there were always costs. For strong abilities, the cost might come in the form of high mana cost, longer casting times, complicated requirements or some combinations of those. Therefore, the young man was told to always be aware of the cost of abilities that seemed too good to be true. More often than not, they came at a cost that could result in his death.

If the footman’s level is higher than the emperor, then the emperor cannot summon the footman.

Currently, am I too weak to summon either you or the other footman?

That’s correct.

Can you tell me what level I am?

No, I cannot. We only know you are below level 5.

This new bit of information made Dreu both worried and relieved. He didn’t like the idea that he couldn’t summon either of his footmen once he lost them in combat. Conversely, this was crucial information that could be the difference between life and death for him. To fully take advantage of his emperor class, he would need to become even stronger. For the time being, he must make decisions that could keep his footman alive. Then, he realized something and turned to the footman once more.

I never asked you this but do footmen have names?

Yes, we do.

What’s yours?


Thank you for your help thus far, Bayard!

It’s my honor, Emperor.

Dreu shook his head after learning of his footman’s name. He once envisioned them as nothing more than pawns to be directed by him. Yet, his footmen, like the knights he fought alongside with, had proven over and over again they could be relied upon. By fighting alongside them, the young man felt a bond made possible only by fighting against a common enemy. In many ways, the two footmen reminded him of the friends he made in Berkton. Following the destruction of that town and death of all the knights, Dreu found that he only had the two footmen left.