1. The Boy and His Dragon
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Southwest of the Continent Elenora, a dark blue mastodonic dragon drifted above the forest of Zen Island, with the gentle breeze brushing against its white mane. Resting atop the beast's back, is a teenage boy; his deep brown eyes staring into the infinite blue skies with his curly chestnut brown hair dancing in the wind. 

"You're awfully quiet Young Master Ken, are you nervous for today?" The Dragon spoke.

"Nervous? Don't be silly, Volterra'' Ken replied as he sat up straight with his legs crossed "Today is the day I'll finally be allowed off of Zen Island, my body and mind are raging with excitement and curiosity. I'll finally be able to be with people my age!" 

Ever since Ken could remember, his never left this island, he was confined here by his Grandpa, who never gave him a clear answer as to why he wasn't allowed to leave Zen Island before now.

Volterra chuckled at his master's excitement "I'm glad to see you so excited, but don't let your curiosity get the best of you. What's that saying you mortals like to say again?.... Curiosity killed the cat–" 

"But Satisfaction brought it back. That's the full saying” The Young Man said finishing his dragons little quote.

“I've been on this island for as long as I can remember and I've only ever read about the outside world and heard stories from Grandpa and the others. Now I'm finally getting the chance to experience it myself, from here on out, there is no holding back!" 

"Well, then you best be heading back, I'm sure your Grandpa is waiting for you."

"You’re right." 

Ken stood up, before leaping off of Volterra’s head, and descending into the trees below, where he landed gracefully on a sturdy tree branch.

"I'll be back to get you later. For now, head back to your cave." 

"Will do Master" Volterra obeyed his command, flying off in the opposite direction, towards the cave where he nested.

Jumping branch to branch, the Young Man swiftly made his way to his home, which was a wooden cabin, built in a small opening of the forest. Parts of the cabin were covered in vines and moss, as if the forest itself was embracing it in its warmth.

Jumping down from the final tree, the young boy walked up to the cabin door.

"I'm home!”

Ken called out as he entered. He looked around and saw no one.

"Hey old man, you hom-"


Four people jumped out of hiding from behind the furnitures, throwing their hands in the air, before making party poppers explode, covering Ken in confetti. Ken knew this was coming since he overheard his Grandma planning this two days ago, but since he didn't want to ruin it, he acted surprised.

An elderly lady, looking to be in her late 80s, with short gray hair, walked up to Ken and pulled his cheeks "You're not fooling anyone you cheeky brat, you saw this coming didn't you?" 

"Oops?" Ken nervously chuckled "....Thank you, Grandma Edna." 

Edna is Ken’s Grandma figure, she isn't related to him by blood, but she has helped a lot in raising him, so it's only natural for Ken to feel that way towards her. Apart from teaching Ken manners and basic human decency, she also taught him Ward and Healing magic, as well as cooking skills.

Jumping in, to hug Ken, an overly excited girl with glossy-green foliage hair, embraced the boy in her arms "Ken!! Today is a big day for you, I wish you the best of luck."

"Vivian, you seem to be more excited than me."

Today was the day Ken was going to leave the island for the first time in 16 years, but if you didn't know that, you would think Vivian was the one leaving for the first time.

"You're finally going to be around people your age, instead of hanging around old heads like us" A middle-aged man spoke –Mark.

"Speak for yourself Mark, I'm only 20, so I'm still young" Vivian spoke not liking the fact she was cooped in with the elder folks.

"Okay now listen up Ken, this is your first time leaving this island so please do be careful," Edna said whipping a smudge of dirt off of her Grandsons forehead.

"I will try my best." 

An old man with the body and physic that would put professional bodybuilders to shame placed his hand on the Young Mages's shoulder, "Boy, today you will be enrolled into the so-called prestigious school for young mages known as Elenora's Academy of Magicka, where supposedly powerful mages reside." 

Gripping the young boy's shoulders, the old man's eyes lit up in bravado "Don't hold back Ken, show those kids everything you've got! You trained under me, so I doubt any of those half-wit mages can challenge you, show them your might! Show them your MAGIC!" 

Ken's eyes opened wide as his body fired up with excitement from his Grandpa's speech "You got it, old man, I'll crush all those that stand in my way!" 

"That's the spirit boy!" 

Both Ken and his Grandpa started laughing hysterically, these two were more like siblings than they were Grandpa and Grandchild.

The giant ball of muscle is Ken’s Grandfather, the one who found Ken as a child and for some reason decided to raise him in isolation on this dangerous island. He is a well-known mage throughout the entire world, his retired now, and spends most of his day training Ken, if his not doing that, then he is sleeping.

"I knew letting that muscle brain August raise Ken was a bad idea" Edna sighed in disappointment. 

"Keep your wits with you Ken, Elenora's Academy of Magicka has mages that will beat you if you underestimate them," said Mark "It's also a very high stake academy, where almost everyone is trying to achieve something, whether it be big or small." 

“That's just more reason as to why I have to come out on top.” 

Mark didn't meet Ken until he was around 8, but he is a good friend of August and Edna, he also holds a seat among the Vaevalon Queendom politicians. He mostly comes around to teach Ken history and talk about what's happening around the world, something the average child wouldn't be interested in, but for Ken, knowledge was one thing he loved most.

Mark was the one who suggested enrolling Ken in Elenora’s Academy of Magicka a couple of years back and Ken’s been grateful ever since.

Neatening her Grandson’s curly hair, Edna gave him a warning, "I know you're excited, but please keep your mischievous schemes to a minimum. Your main focus should be doing well in class and making friends.” 

“No need to worry so much Grandma.” 

“There is no such thing as worrying too much when it comes to you, dear Grandson.”  

"Also get yourself a girlfriend so you don't live alone like Grandpa August" Vivian chimed in, teasing August about his somewhat awful love life.

"Well seeing as how I've never spoken to any girl around my age, it's going to be hard to achieve that." 

"Don't worry, with your looks and the stuff I've told you over the years, I'm almost certain you will be able to find love." 

Growing up, Vivian acted as Ken’s big sister. Whenever she came to visit, she would always bring books and other things she thought Ken would enjoy. Vivian isn't a magic wielder, so her sole reason for visiting was to spend time with Ken and make sure he wasn't alone. 

"Love is a powerful emotion that can even make one's magic stronger, so pick the right girl and don't be a hopeless romantic like your Grandpa" Vivian continued to tease August.

"...Love…" The Young Wizard had gained countless knowledge growing up, more knowledge than a 16-year-old should possess, but Love wasn't one of them. He had heard, read, and even watched shows that involved the concept of Love, but it seemed to be a much harder concept to grasp than most of the wisdom he had gained… maybe being surrounded by people his age would help him solve that enigma.  

"Alright, if you guys are done, Ken has something to show you", August groaned, fed up with his love life being belittled, everything said was true, but he didn't need to hear it.

Apart from August, no one else knew about Volterra. August kept it that way due to him not wanting Edna lecturing him about the responsibilities of looking after a child. She lectures August every time he would let Ken do something dangerous when he was still a child, so you can imagine how much she would have gone off at August for letting Ken keep a Dragon.

"I don't know how they will react, but I do know Edna is gonna lose it at the old man," Ken thought to himself with an uneasy smile.

The Young Mage led the way with everyone else following behind him. It took a few minutes walking through the forest, but they made it out into another opening of the woods, where a huge cave stood. Staring into the cave, nothing could be seen except darkness, with a cold breeze passing out of it.

"You guys might want to stand back" August instructed 

They were confused, but they did as August said and moved back a few meters.

Taking a deep breath, Ken shouted "Volterra, come out now!" 

The cold breeze coming from the cave became more intense before Volterra flew out at intense speeds, soaring high into the sky a couple of hundred meters above the island. Volterra let out a thunderous roar that echoed throughout all of Zen Island, shaking the sky and the earth. 

Stretching his body, the mighty beast revealed his light blue underbelly, with his bat-like wings stretched out several meters wide. The webs of his wings were a translucent light blue that glowed with the sunlight.

Volterra flew low above the forest, putting on a show for everyone. They were all speechless. All they could do was stand there with their mind blown watching Volterra fly around.

Finally, he flew down landing behind Ken, towering over his master. His golden horns sparkled in the sun and the two feelers growing out from each side of his jaw, moved around as if they had a mind of their own.

"You called for me young Master" Volterra spoke as he flexed his massive wings before folding them onto his back.