Chapter 2
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In a dining room with peach-coloured walls and a thick dark wood dining table, the members of a family chatted in soft voices when a little boy with brown hair walked through the door at bristle pace.

“Good morning!” He exclaimed in a childish voice before climbing on his padded chair at the end of the table.

“Good morning, dear.” A middle-aged woman sitting next to the head of the table spoke out.

“Good morning, Ezekiel.” Both the young and old greeted him before continuing their discussion.

“Good morning, son.” A young man with black hair sitting in the middle of the table said to him with a thin smile on his lips.

A young woman with brown haired sitting in front of the man repeated the same greeting. However, her face remained stoic.

Soon, two house-elves apparated into the dining room, bringing with them plates and jugs that levitated in the air before landing on the table in a silent performance.
A plethora of warm smells began to assault Ezekiel’s nose as the white tablecloth filled with food and drinks.

Ezekiel began to stare with attention at the grey-haired man sitting at the head of the table. Once he saw him drink from his glass, he grasped his knife and fork, cut a slice of bread covered in jam with care before bringing it to his mouth and slamming his teeth on it. Taking the time to lick the sweet strawberry sticking to his teeth before going for another piece.

After a few minutes of emptying the plates of toasts and cake, Ezekiel placed his utensils down and turned his head toward the other members of his family.

He made eyes contact with a blonde-haired woman that wore a thick grey sweater.
“Today is your first day at primary school, you’re going to make some new friends, isn’t that right Ezekiel.” The woman spoke from the middle of the table.

Ezekiel nodded his head with a wide smile on his face. “That’s right aunt Sophia. I’ll see Gilbert every day.” He told her.

This attracted several gazes from the adults who had finished eating.
The black-haired man chuckled before saying: “You’ll see Bellatrix and Esther too, Ezekiel. Don’t spend all your time only with Gilbert.”

“This year, apart from Cygnus’ daughter, Charlus’s son and Ellyn’s daughter, the offsprings of the Abbott, Prewett, Nott, Greengrass and Crouch Houses will also be starting school.” A man with fine facial features commented.

“He will have to make a good first impression, isn’t it Priscilla.” A young man with shoulder length flaming red hair said with a chuckle.

“I have instructed Ezekiel and showed him pictures of all the Pure-Blood children of the same age as him. He understands what he must not do.” Priscilla answered in a calm, yet stern voice.

Ezekiel nodded his head with his hands on the tablecloth. “I will make friends and not hurt my classmates.” He pronounced the sentence as if it was a quote.

His aunt Sophia hid her smile behind her glass. Meanwhile, the family members began to leave the table, allowing Ezekiel to jump out of his chair and scurry upstairs.

“Memfrey.” Priscilla spoke. The next second, a house elf dressed in a white tablecloth with the emblem of their House - a snowy blue castle enclosed in a globe - appeared beside her.

“Mistress asks for Memfrey.” The house elf bowed.

Priscilla observed her son figure climb up the staircase and disappear upstairs as she ordered: “Make sure Ezekiel has brushed his teeth and wore his school uniform, then lead him to the lobby in 15 minutes.”

A few minutes later, when Ezekiel stopped in the lobby. His mother took his hand and reminded him for the umpteenth time of how he should conduct himself at school. He looked at her with focus until she stood up. Taking advantage of her when her back turned, he rolled his eyes and entered the chimney beside her.

“Evergreen primary school” his mother exclaimed before throwing the Floo powder, allowing the green flames to surround their figures.

After informing the man at the reception of Ezekiel’s name, he said goodbye to his mother and was brough by a staff member to his classroom.
Each of the eight desks had a nameplate on them. Finding the one with his name, he sat down and observed the rest of his classmates.

Once the alarm from the grandfather clock rang, a woman with a purple shawl around her neck entered the classroom, closing the door behind her.

“Welcome students, to your first day at school.” She said before clapping her hands with a warm smile on her face.

“I would like to get to know each of you. So, I will introduce myself first, and then, one by one, you will tell everyone your name, what you like, what you don’t like and what your dream is. If you have any question or need some help, don’t hesitate to raise your hand.” The teacher explained.

“My name is Syndony Clarell.” She introduced herself before writing her name on the blackboard. “I like vegetables and taking long walks outside. I dislike beetles and cockroach.” She paused, her gaze scanning the faces of the students.

“My dream is to help make the magical community just a bit better, so that more people can be happy.” She concluded before inviting the first student to the podium in front of the class to introduce herself.

A girl with long brown hair dressed in a matching purple trousers and jacket uniform, took slow, careful steps to the elevated platform before opening her small mouth.

“My name is Eleanor Dagworth-Granger.” She said in a hesitant voice before raising her head. Only to lower it down the next moment when she saw her classmates stare at her.

“I like oranges and stories. I don’t like cars and dogs. When I grow up, I wish to be a potion master because they read a lot and everyone like them.” She finished, then hurried back to her seat.

The teacher invited the next student under Ezekiel careful observation. He sat on the last row of desks and looked at his classmates with a smile hanging on his lips.

“My name is Bellatrix Black. I like fruit cake and playing outside. I don’t like loud voices. My dream is to be a magic duelist.” She concluded in a curt tone before leaving the podium.

“My name is William Nott; I like chocolate cake and apple juice. I don’t like going outside when it’s too hot or too cold. My dream is to be a famous wizard.” He revealed in a quiet voice.

“I am Prudence Fairchilds; I have two big brothers and one older sister. My mom and dad are…” Prudence wandered off from the introduction until the teacher guided her back to the topic.

“My name is Graham Fortescue. I like sweets and I dislike fighting. My dream is to be a Magizoologist like Mr Scamander.” He introduced himself with a serious expression on his face.

Teacher Clarell thanked him for his introduction and invited the next student into the podium.

“My name is Cressida Goyle. I want to be the Minister of Magic when I grow up, or director of the Department of Mysteries.” The blonde girl asserted in a loud voice. Syndony Clarell eyebrows rose at the content of her declaration.

“I like secrets. Like the time my aunt Clarissa heard about the missing Auror. I helped her find him in the department of Magical Maintenance. I asked why he was digging a hole in the ground but aunt Clarissa told me I would know in the future when I became the Minister of Magic. So, I want to become the Minister of Magic and know why there are Aurors in the Ministry digging holes in the ground.” She ended her speech there and walked back to her seat with her little head held high.

The teacher’s smile became stiff as she listened to the secrets spilling out of her small mouth. When she heard the children whisper about the digging men in the Ministry of Magic, she clapped her hands and called the next student to the podium.

“My name is Titus Silverwings.” The black-haired child said while fiddling with his hands. “I like looking at the rain and watching the animals playing outside. I don’t like the dark or when there is no one. My dream is to become a healer at Saint Mungo.” He disclosed in a soft voice.

Teacher Clarell furrowed her eyebrows. She watched him return to his seat with a thoughtful expression on her oval face.

Ezekiel took bristle steps toward the front of the class. Looking at everyone’s face, a wide smiled revealed itself on his face.

“My name is Ezekiel Kincaid. I want to become Headmaster of the school for wizards, Hogwarts, so that I can stop the next dark lord.” He declared with a triumphant, beaming face.

Syndony Clarell mouth fell open, she closed her eyes for a few seconds. Released a long sigh and rubbed her temples with her fingers.

“Hogwarts is a school for wizards AND witches!” Bellatrix retorted from her seat at the front row with her arms crossed.

“I like playing pranks and listening secretly to my family when they think nobody is listening. I also like Luna Lo…” his expression distorted all of sudden. Clenching his fists with an expression of pain on his face, he continued speaking. “I dislike Tom and Jerry, artichoke, Harry, grapes and Regulus.” The next moment, he fell on his knees and held his head in his hands.

Gusts of winds appeared within the classroom and snowflakes fell on the ground.
Syndony Clarell ran in front of him with her wand gripped in her left hand. She observed his body as intense waves of magic energy could be felt coming out of body.

“Everyone, leave the classroom now!” The teacher shouted at them.

Panic could be seen across their faces as they ran for the door with their school bags.
Seeing Titus having difficulty in crossing the room with the intense gusts of wind barraging his body, Syndony went to help him.

Once all the student and teacher had left the classroom. Syndony borrowed a piece of paper and pen from a student and became writing two notes. “Animato” she voiced while waving her wand at the first piece of paper.

It flew into the air, close to the ceiling and soon disappeared from their sight. Repeating the process for the second note, she then turned toward the half open door and narrowed her eyes at the figure of Ezekiel’s body crumpled on the ground.

“What is wrong with Ezekiel?” Bellatrix calm voice came from beside her. Her black hair was flying in all directions from the gusts of wind erupting from the classroom.

Placing her arm in front of Bellatrix, she warned her: “Stand behind me. It’s dangerous. Ezekiel is going through a magic outburst. It’ll soon calm down.” She replied in a firm tone.

A few moments later, three people arrived. One of them brought the children away while the healer and director of the primary school she had sent a note to, stood beside Syndony.

“I cannot intervene until the child has stabilised his magic energy. Thankfully, the eruption has only created wind and snow. As long as he doesn’t move, the external wounds will be limited. However, his magic outburst came early, I hope everything goes well.” A man with long dark hair tied in a pony tail spoke in a worried voice.

Beside him, a woman with long dark red hair stared at the classroom with her eyebrows creased. “My assistant will have informed his family. They should be here soon. Do we know what triggered his magic to burst?” she queried in a placid tone, shifting her attention to Syndony.

Syndony lifted her hands in the air in a gesture of powerlessness. “The students were introducing themselves. Ezekiel was the last to introduce himself. He seemed happy and excited, but not to the point of having a magical outburst. However, I did notice that he seemed to be in pain in the middle of his introduction, he cited several names before he fell on the ground.” She recounted with her finger on her chin.

“What were the names?” The director asked with a grave voice.

“I think it was Tom and Jerry, Harry and Regulus. He was talking about what he disliked and also mentioned grapes and artichoke.” She confessed with doubt in her voice.

The healer scratched his hair before commenting. “Well, as far as I remember, no one in the Kincaid Noble House bear those names. There are plenty of Tom, Jerry and Harry amongst the Noble Houses and magical families but I only know of one Regulus. The one-year-old son of Orion and Walburga Black.”

The director stared at them with cold, threatening grey eyes. “Both of you will remain silent on this subject. If anyone ask the both of you anything regarding Ezekiel Kincaid, you ask them to talk to me. The last thing I want is for an incident within the school to be the source of rumours within the community.” He declared before turning his attention back to the boy lying on the ground covered with snow.

When Ezekiel opened his eyes, he found himself lying in a bed in a room with white walls. Sitting on his chair on his left side was a familiar woman with black and sparse grey hairs. When she noticed the movement on the bed, she shut the book and placed it on her lap.

“How are you feeling Ezekiel?” she asked in a tranquil tone.

“Grandma, what happened?” he queried with his eyes wide open, a tinge of anxiousness leaking through his voice.

She responded with a joyous smile. “You had your first magical outburst. You made snow and wind appear in the classroom. Nobody was hurt except you. You lost consciousness, the healer had to wait until you emptied your magical energy before he could take care of you.” She explained after taking short pauses in between. Her sight never leaving his face.

A long moment of silence fell into the bedroom. He released a sigh and asked: “Am I okay?”

“You are fine. The first magical outburst is rarely life-threatening. By the time your magical energy will have restored itself, your familiar will be able stabilise your magic so that it doesn’t happen again.” She clarified for him.

She opened her mouth without speaking for a few seconds. He watched her with curiosity, he began speaking when she cut him in.

“Can you tell me if something made you excited, angry or fearful back in the classroom? We usually don’t tell the children, but, strong emotions are tied to magical outbursts. The magic is stimulated by an extreme emotional state, this is what makes the magic rampage outside the body like it did with you. Everyone goes through this before we reach eleven years old.” She disclosed in a calm tone.

He looked at her with confused eyes, before showing a thoughtful expression. “I don’t know. I wasn’t angry or scared. I was a bit excited so maybe it was why it happened. I don’t remember what happened after that, I only felt pain.” He answered before meeting his grandmother gaze.

She stared at him with narrowed eyes, before making a slow nod. “Alright. Once you’re ready to go, we’ll stroll through Diagon Alley to fill our stomachs, then we’ll make a stop at the menagerie to see if we can find you a suitable familiar. I’ve already notified your parents of what happened at school. They’ll talk to you when they return from work.” She described their planned outing in a monotone voice.

Meanwhile, Ezekiel had gotten out of bed and waited by the door. “I’m ready grandma, I’m starving. How much time was I unconscious for?” he asked.

She raised an eyebrow at the question as she led him outside. “Well, it has been four hours.” She responded.

When they reached the reception, a healer asked him about how his body was feeling and gave him a simple check before signing his discharge paper.