Chapter 16: Disturbing News
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“So what do we know about these crystals that Dick acquired from the portal?” Superman asked the Atom and the smartest members of the Justice League.

“We discovered that these crystals contain vast amounts of strange energy that can power machinery and other tech. If we could make a proper generator for them a single crystal could power Metropolis for an entire month.” All the Justice League were both impressed and worried by this statement. 

“And what about the rest of the crystals that Jack’s cult gained from the portal world?” Superman asked Batman who was reading the readings of the crystal on a tablet. 

“Jack and his cult have made a deal with the US government and most importantly Cadmus. They sold all the crystals to Cadmus for cold hard cash.” Batman then put down the tablet “and from my own investigation Cadmus has enlisted the help of Lex Luthor”.

“Let me guess he’s started building weapons?” Wonder Woman interjected. Batman nodded before bringing up a video on the hologram projection unit. The video showed several strange looking firearms with glowing crystals used as the power source.

“These firearms work and can pack a serious punch even against enhanced individuals. The worst news though is that Lex Luthor has become an enhanced individual.” The entire Justice League looked worried Lex was extremely dangerous with his immense intellect and wealth. But now Batman one of the founding members of the Justice League just said he bagged himself some powers.

“Do we know what powers he has Batman?” Superman asked with a look of worry.

“No he hasn’t disclosed the information and he seems very interested in the portal world and has tried to instigate a trade deal with Jack and his cult.”

“We need to stop them before another one of those portals opens and cause unknown havoc!” Wonder Woman slammed her fist into the wall next to her.


Jack watched patiently as with the help of the other cult members they had finally built a proper temple to Keres. The temple had four floors and was a big as a large football field. It was built just outside Metropolis and had attracted quite a few people to it especially those who were rescued by the cult from the portal attack.

The cult had grown in number as well as they went from a few hundred followers to a few thousand. Jack had also grown stronger finally reaching the first Job advancement.

Name: Jack Fulcrum

Race: Human    Age: 26

Level: Trained    Items: Necronomicon (Awakened LV2)

Title: Blessed by the Goddess

Job: Tier 2: Cultist Leader LV1 (Advanced from Cultist)

Contracts: Ignis (Trained), Cocytus (Trained)

Skills: Greater Contract Making (Upgraded from Contract Making), Greater Ritual Summoning (Upgraded from Ritual Summoning), (New) Lesser Dagger Proficiency, (New obtained from Job Advancement) Lesser Territory Claim, (New obtained from Job Advancement) Lesser Ritual

Magic: Intermediate Curse Magic (Upgraded from Novice Curse Magic), (New) Novice Summoning Magic, (New) Novice Black Magic 

Boons: Basic Occultist Knowledge, Advanced Cooking Knowledge, Basic Butchering Knowledge

SP: 4,000

Jack also started receiving loads of notifications from beings claiming to be the children of Keres. He recognised one of the names Yeenoghu but the rest were unknown to him.

Yggdrasil the Mother Tree has taken an interest in you

Yeenoghu the Father of Gnolls has taken an interest in you

Quetzalcoatl the Feathered Serpent has taken an interest in you

Behemoth the Moving Mountain has taken an interest in you

Nautilus the Great Sea Beast has taken an interest in you

Lilith the Mistress of Despair has taken an interest in you

Goldfang the Great Goblin Thief has taken an interest in you

Necropolis the Restless Death Watcher has taken an interest in you

Malisa the Dragon of Depravity has taken an interest in you

Jack soon realised these were creatures similar to Yeenoghu and was cautious. The Necronomicon could summon these monsters, the terrifying memory of Yeenoghu tearing the Naga apart still haunted him.


Keres: Neutral (Maintaining)

Yggdrasil: Neutral (Improving)

Yeenoghu: Friendly (Improving)

Quetzalcoatl: Neutral (Deteriorating)

Behemoth: Neutral (Maintaining)

Nautilus: Neutral (Maintaining)

Lilith: Curious (Improving)

Goldfang: Neutral (Maintaining)

Necropolis: Neutral (Maintaining)

Malisa: Neutral (Maintaining)

Jack clicked on the tab of Yeenoghu.

Yeenoghu the Father of Gnolls

Relationship: Friendly (Improving to Very Friendly)

Missions: Yeenoghu hasn’t offered you any missions

Favours: Yeenoghu doesn’t owe you any favours


Sermon: Preach the Will of Yeenoghu and raise faith in his name and your relationship with him will increase.

The Feast: By burning 100 medium sized animals Yeenoghu will grant you one favours.

The Banquet: By burning 1,000 medium sized animals Yeenoghu will grant you five favours and will grant you and ten people of your choosing a week long buff that enhances strength.

More Rituals Locked Please Increase Relation and your Ritual Skill.

Favours Shop:

Primal Strength: Cost 3 Favours: Yeenoghu will bless you and a hundred people of your choosing a strength buff for one week.

Survival Of Life: Cost 2 Favours: Yeenoghu will allow you to survive one fatal injury. That injury is immediately healed and damage of the attack is reflected back onto the attacker.

More Favours Locked Please Increase Relation With This God.

His summoned elementals also got bigger and transformed they both stood at an impressive five feet in height. Cocytus black body was covered in small black spikes and the crystal on his chest had become bigger, slightly slimmer and prism like. Ignis black body was covered in curved black spikes and was much leaner than Cocytus. Most of the spikes were on the shoulders and arms of Ignis whilst the spike distribution on Cocytus was more even. Ignis burning purple eyes glared into Cocytus cold emerald green eyes. A burning red flame peeked out of the cracks of Ignis chest. 



Name: Ignis

Race: Demonic Flame Elemental

Racial Abilities: Burning Aura, Heat Radiate

Level: Trained

Skills: Fire Immunity, Flame Purification 

Magic: Intermediate Demonic Flame Magic

Name: Cocytus

Race: Demonic Ice Elemental 

Racial Abilities: Freezing Aura, Cold Radiate

Level: Trained

Skills: Ice Immunity, Ice Purification

Magic: Intermediate Demonic Ice Magic

They bickered even more after their transformation as they had gone from baby elementals to teenagers. Jack learned from them the lifecycle of an elemental. An Uninitiated and Rookie level Elemental is a Lesser Elemental or a baby Elemental. A Trained and Veteran level Elemental is an Elemental or a teenager Elemental. A Champion and Mega level Elemental is a Greater Elemental or an adult Elemental. A Ultimate level Elemental is an Ancient Elemental or an old Elemental. A God level Elemental is a Primordial Elemental or an Elemental at the oldest of old.


Keres watched on with eager glee at her latest works. She had been busy with a massive expansion on resources to be put to further use. She had created two new worlds and upgraded Navar to a Tiny world from a Super Tiny world. Keres looked at the worlds she had created and gazed at the creatures she had created.

World Name: Navar
World size: Tiny

Gods and Goddesses: 2/5
Behemoth the Moving Mountain: Rank: Lesser Deity
Quetzalcoatl the Feathered Serpent: Rank: Lesser Deity 

Realms: 1/2

Species: 4/8
Navar is a hostile world, it houses one large landmass that takes up over a half of the planet. Everything on the planet is poisonous, from the water to the animals that reside there. The landmass is mostly covered in jungle but there are large mountains where the golems reside. One mountain though seems to move every now and then.

World Name: Driasan
World size: Tiny

Gods and Goddesses: 4/5
Goldfang the Great Goblin Thief: Rank: Lesser Deity
Nautilus the Great Sea Beast: Rank: Lesser Deity
Yeenoghu the Father of Gnolls: Rank: Lesser Deity
Yggdrasil the Mother Tree: Rank: Lesser Deity

Realms: 2/2

Species: 6/8

Driasan is a world with only two continents divided by a humongous ocean. The continents are Revellen a large barren continent home to the goblins and Gnolls. And Wallen a lush and green land with beautiful forests and rolling meadows this is the home of the elves and dryads. The ocean teems with life but also with danger. The Sahuagin call the ocean their home and kill any trespassers that dare venture too far into the ocean.

World Name: Mosis
World Size: Tiny

Gods and Goddesses: 2/5
Lilith the Mistress of Despair: Rank: Lesser Deity
Malisa the Dragon of Depravity: Rank: Lesser Deity

Realms: 2/2

Species: 8/8
Avian Beastmen

Mosis is a world of several continents all controlled by the forces of evil. The world used to be controlled by humans but after centuries of war the forces of evil triumphed. Humans now are reduced to mere playthings of the monsters. They are eaten, killed and violated at their captors whim.

World Name: Dead Zone
World size: Tiny

Gods and Goddesses: 1/5 
Necropolis the Restless Death Watcher: Rank: Lesser Deity

Realms: 2/2

Species: 3/8

Dead Zone is a world that is quite literally dead. It is a barren mass of earth with no water and extremely toxic air. Seemingly anything dead that is dumped there is somehow resurrected. Corpses seemingly fall from the sky from strange portals.

Keres also upgraded three of her skills.

Skill: World Invasion LV3
Keres can now send small to large sized invasions to anywhere in North America, Europe and South America.

Small Invasion: Cost: 400 SP
Uninitiated Level: Unlimited (3 Unit Types)
Rookie Level: 100 (2 Unit Types)
Trained Level: 1 (1 Unit Type)

Medium Invasion: Cost: 4,000 SP
Uninitiated Level: Unlimited (5 Unit Types)
Rookie Level: 1,000 (4 Unit Types)
Trained Level: 10 (3 Unit Types)
Veteran Level: 1 (1 Unit Type)

Large Invasion: Cost: 40,000 SP
Uninitiated Level: Unlimited (7 Unit Types)
Rookie Level: 100,000 (5 Unit Types)
Trained Level: 1,000 (4 Unit Types)
Veteran Level: 100 (3 Unit Types)
Champion Level: 2 (2 Unit Types)

If the Invasion comes from a world or other permanent structure a portal will remain. A portal to a permanent world will act as a gate to that world. Humans of any level can enter these portals but only powers and abilities from a player can work in them. If the permanent world is hostile to the current world a timer forms above the gate. When this timer hits zero a free attack of a random scale will happen. The units involved will be chosen by Keres and the scale can only be one of unlocked scales.

Skill: Mob Generation LV2
Keres can now create monsters up to Champion power Rank. These monsters are completely loyal to her and will do what she says.

Soul Points required to create monster of:

Uninitiated Level: 100
Rookie Level: 1,000
Trained Level: 10,000
Veteran Level: 100,000
Champion Level: 1,000,000
Mega Level: 10,000,000
Ultimate Level: 100,000,000
God Level: 1,000,000,000

Skill: Avatar LV2

Because Keres is a Godkin she can’t enter worlds not of her creation. This skill bypasses that restriction by summoning her an avatar that she can possess. This avatar can have any appearance even a none humanoid one. The avatar’s strength can go up to a Veteran level players. Keres must own her own skills, martial skills and magic if she wants to use them.

Thanks to all her purchases, investments and upgrades Keres just had a messily eighty thousand Soul Points left. The new monsters were expensive so were the two new trials she made as well.

Advanced Trial: Minotaur Maze LV1

Number of Players: 100

Difficulty: Hard

Rules: Players must exit the maze. A Minotaur lives in the maze and has surprisingly good navigation in it. The maze is massive and is filled with traps and equipment to help players. Players that have finished the maze will be allowed to leave and get their rewards instead of having to wait. The time limit for the maze is 24 hours.

Advanced Rules: All Players lose their equipment, their magic, skills and martial skills are cancelled so are familiars and any type of help. The maze changes every hour and gets smaller as the countdown goes down.

Rewards: Keep any loot you find in the maze and get it to the end, Rookie Level Buff (I changed the buff levels to ranks so it’s easier to understand), 2 pieces of Rookie Level Equipment and 1 piece of Trained Level Equipment.

Advanced Trial: Depravity Arena LV1

Number of Players: 1~10

Difficulty: Easy~Hard

Rules: Players must defeat 10 waves of enemies in an arena. The arena is littered with traps that rest every round. Random weapons can be found in the arena and can be looted of defeated enemies.

Advanced Rules: The waves get harder with enemies starting at the Unintended Level and ending with enemies at the Veteran Level. New traps are chosen at random by a wheel and are added to the arena at the end of every round. The players can choose to exit the arena after the end of every wave these players receive all the rewards they earned from their completed waves.

Rewards: Varies depends on the wave passed but the 10th waves rewards are divided amongst the players left. A special grand prize is given to the player that defeats all the waves and killed the most enemies.

Keres looked on in her realm she had spent Soul Points to forge it more as well. The floor was a black marble with the skeleton throne at the far end. The big round table she purchased laid in the centre with a purple orb above it emitting light. The realm was circular with red drapes acting as walls. Suits of armour stood like pillars around the edges looking inwards. Two suits of human armour made of strange black metal stood on both sides of her throne. Keres sat on the throne and tapped her fingers on the arm rests. She planed a meeting with the gods and goddesses she created in a day’s time to plan the next move. 

“I think a small little invasion won’t hurt before the big one” Keres smiled. Keres opened a portal to Mosis and stepped through. Her black smokey form blended into the dark cave that the portal opened up in. “Malisa!” Keres called out and waited several seconds. 

She heard the frantic scratching of claws on stone and panicked steps. “Yes creator, I Malisa the Dragon of Depravity heed your call”. A small slivery coloured creature bowed before her. The creature had a long slender snout with small cute nostrils. Its teeth were short but as sharp as any dagger and had a shining gleam. Its wide green reptilian eyes gleamed at Keres with much affection. Two black horns jutted out of its head in almost a Gazelle type fashion. Its overall build was chunky with its silver scales gleaming in the little light of the cave. Four short wings rested on its back with each wing ending in a short black spike. Small black claws scraped the stone floor as a small whiff of blue fame exited its nostrils.

“I have need of some of your warriors Malisa?” Malisa just bowed his head.

“My warriors are always ready my creator” Keres nodded slightly. “May you grace this creation with the purpose of this visit?” Malisa looked down at the ground nervously.

“I just wanted to check on the progress of this world since three thousand years have passed?” Keres gazed down at Malisa. “I see you have increased your divine level to a Lesser Deity” Malisa nodded frantically.

“The humans fear my might and soon I will be able to ascend to an Intermediate Deity level” Keres nodded and looked happy. Deity’s came in five levels, Quasi, Lesser, Intermediate, Greater and Supreme. Quasi-Deities are as strong as Veterans level players. Lesser Deities are as strong as God level Players, Intermediate Deities are as strong as a hundred God level Players, Greater Deities are as strong as The Presence. Supreme Deities are half as strong as a Godkin. 

“I need two champion level monsters to lead an assault on Earth” Keres began to walk to the entrance of the cave with Malisa in hot pursuit. “Of course restitutions will be given for the inconvenience”. Malisa had a small smile form on its nonexistent lips.

“Tyrterrorel, Cieloala come here now!” Malisa roared and two enormous figures began approaching. “Will these two do my creator?” Keres smiled and nodded.

“These will do nicely”


A black portal began to form in a busy road. The onlookers began to run away as they had watched the news. They knew what was coming, something dangerous, something evil, something nasty. The portal was in Detroit city with a large count down above it. Every player received a notification some were happy some were nervous.

A large Invasion is coming

Location: Detroit

Time left until attack: 10 hours

I would like to thank Tilted_Axis for the idea of a world that creates zombies and undead from corpses dumped there. If anyone has any more ideas that could fit into my story please let me know.