Chapter 1
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Don't know if anyone will read his story but here we go. This is my first time writing anything I don't have to submit for a grade. I hope a few people can enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I just hope this doesn't flop.

Ben awoke in the middle of an open, grassy field in a daze. His mind was foggy and he couldn't immediately recall where he was or what he had been doing before falling asleep. As he thought more about it, he realized that he couldn't remember quite a few things at the moment. He knew basic things like his name, how to read and write, and how to cook everyday food. He also remembered some things he enjoyed like the major books, movies, shows, and games he enjoyed in his, albeit limited, free time, but he couldn't remember much else. No memories of his job or family, if he had any.

Before he could freak out, a calm and cool sensation washed over him and five highlighted, semi-translucent words appeared and began flashing before his eyes.




Starter Pack

‘This looks like one of those systems I've read about’ he thought as he mentally selected Notifications. The three other options turned fully translucent and disappeared as Notifications rose higher in his view. Under it, new words faded in one letter at a time.

Host [Ben] has successfully bonded with [Randomizer System].

Host successfully transfered to [Pokémon] world [Kaen Region Wilderness]. Location has [Minor] danger level.

Transmigrator safety protocol initiated.

Shield bound. Location bound. Negative emotions muted.

Dangerous information detected in Host memories.

Partial memory wipe initiated. Complete.

Introduction prepared. Starter Pack delivered.

New Notes delivered. Notes priority level increased x2.

As he finished reading, he could feel the fear and anxiety of having his mind tampered with. It rose like a storm cloud growing higher and billowing outward before it was hit by a frosty wave and lost most of its size and momentum. ‘So that’s how it feels to have my emotions muted’ he thought as rationality prevailed.

‘If the notes are so important that they got bumped up the list twice then I should probably read them next. Though I’d need to figure out how to exit…’ his train of thought cut off as the lines of notifications disappeared and returned to the original four lines of text that he saw. Before he could select anything, the Notifications option transformed into a little bell and shot to the top left corner of his vision and the remaining three options moved slightly up. Deciding to test something, Ben looked at the words before him and focused on his intent to read the Notes. As if answering an unspoken command, the word Notes moved up and the two remaining words disappeared, replaced by new lines of text.

Ben, I am sure you don’t remember me or our conversation so I will introduce myself once more and condense our talk into this note so you might understand your situation.

I am the Karmic Lord and it is I who made this opportunity available to you. Due to your job and all the good it did, though I am sure you will not remember it, you earned yourself the chance to reincarnate in a world your previous people considered to be fiction, in this case a variation of Pokemon that only contains creatures from the first three generations. In addition, your Karma allowed you to choose a few minor perks or a variable moderate perk and you chose the latter, more specifically the Randomizer System.

As a system under the domain of the Reincarnation Lord, it has a few requirements imposed on it by said Lord and tweaked by the specific Lord who watches over the many variations of the Pokemon world. The main requirements are as follows.

  1. The reincarnators, hereon referred to as you, are ensured of your safety and locked in your initial location until the Starter Pack has been opened. That is to ensure you survive long enough to have a fighting chance at enjoying the world you now live in.
  2. You have your negative emotions about this process muted to prevent the mental breakdown that the first few reincarnators had upon “finding themselves in a new world with their memories all fucked” as the ones who did not go insane so eloquently said. This also makes the initial parts of your life more enjoyable to watch because, yes, you decided to accept the broadcasting of your second life, like the majority of your fellow reincarnators, in exchange for more changes to differentiate your world from the one displayed in your video games as well as an improved Starter Pack.
  3. You were informed of, and agreed to, what memories would be missing when you awoke. Some of your memories have been locked away because of their dangerous nature if implemented or added to this new world. Other memories are locked so that you can focus on the world in front of you and enjoy it rather than be stuck on the things you left behind in your old life. The last kind of memories that were locked away are those about what happened after your death. You will regain those locked memories upon your next death.

The Introduction shall explain your system in detail so be sure to read it next. Now that I have completed my duty to inform you of your current situation, I will leave you with the words you wished you could tell yourself after waking up.

“I did everything I could but the world turned against me. I tried to be the hero, but that’s not what the rulers wanted. Don’t be like me. Don’t make yourself take up the role of a knight in shining armor if all it brings you is loss and pain. Don’t try to fix everything, that is the height of arrogance and my greatest folly. I lost friends and family to that arrogance. Some died for my cause, many betrayed me. In the end, everyone I cared for was dead; even the traitors were murdered before I met the gallows.

“Be selfish. Make sure you love your life and leave no regrets behind. And maybe, just maybe, we will have a life worth remembering in our next reincarnation.”

If you catch any mistakes I make, please leave a comment and I will fix them asap. I will credit you down here.