Chapter 2
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Got one more chapter coming soon.

Ben read the final paragraph a second and a third time before the words truly sunk in. The funny thing was that he could imagine himself talking in that manner and felt a sense of deja-vu every time he read the words.

‘Alright, I am going to believe that note, because otherwise I will go crazy.’ Having made up his mind, Ben decided to save the Note and exit back to what he currently referred to as the “main menu.” He watched the word Notes turn into a stylized notepad and move under the Notifications bell. Introduction and Starter Pack reappeared for a moment before he selected Introduction and the word moved to the top of his vision.


The Randomizer System allows Host to receive random items, pokemon, and abilities for completing quests. Quests are optional and will state reward voucher type and amount. Host can inspect system pokemon without corresponding skill. Host can exchange two system items for one random ticket. Tear received tickets apart to spin the corresponding wheel.  System appearance changes happen at Host will.

Closing the introduction and preparing to open his Starter Pack and face the world, Ben took a moment to digest his new reality. ‘A simple system for a simple world, I guess. Although, depending on how different certain Pokemon mechanics work in the real world, it may be more interesting than the games were. After the first few generations, the repetitive format got annoying, though the real-world twist should spice this up. Add to that the nostalgia I have for the first three generations and this is shaping up to be an exciting adventure.’

Having completed his little pep-talk, Ben turned his attention to the last line of text in his field of view. After a quick check, he noticed that there was no new icon that appeared after he exited the Introduction. ‘Seems these last two are just one and done. Might as well get it over with then.’

He focused on the remaining text line, Starter Pack, and a transparent holograph of a gift-wrapped box appeared before him. Ben willed it open and eleven items appeared in his hands. He counted 5 Poke Balls, 1 Ether, 1 Potion, a Pokephone, a “Unique Pokemon Wheel” ticket, a “common knowledge” ticket, and an I.D. with P$500 loaded on it.

Noticing something on his I.D. he quickly sat down and attached the balls and medicine to the belt he seemed to be wearing while setting the Pokephone and Pokemon ticket on the ground before him. Taking a closer look at the I.D. he noticed that the picture seemed to portray him as younger than the age he vaguely recalled dying at. He stared, confused, for a moment before new lines of semi-translucent text filled his vision, with only the top option having any semblance of opacity to it.




He attempted to select the nearly invisible options for a minute, each without success. Before selecting Host, though, he attempted to move the text to the extreme left of his field of view and immediately succeeded. Selecting Host, Ben saw what he assumed was his current appearance and clothes. Black hair, green eyes, and lightly tanned skin added color and depth to his mildly attractive European features. The vigor in his eyes and youth to his face added a bit to his attractiveness. He wore a light gray T-shirt above a black leather belt, blue jeans, and running shoes. Above his appearance were his age, height, and weight, measured at 18 years, 5’10” (1.778 m), and 152 lbs. (68.946 kg) respectively. ‘Average height and weight, I guess. Though that means I have minimal muscle. Definitely need to make a workout regime.’

Moving past his lackluster physicality, at least compared to himself before reincarnation, Ben put his I.D. in a pocket and picked up his random pokemon ticket. Tearing the ticket apart, he crossed his fingers and hoped for the best as he watched three wheels appear before his eyes. First came the Pokemon wheel which only had four options of varying sizes on it. From greatest to least chance he saw them: beldum, bagon, larvitar, and dratini. Within a minute the wheel had slowed to a stop. With bagon’s area nearly perfectly centered over the indicator, he smiled to himself and looked to the next wheel with options ranging from one variation to seven variations. Unsure of what they could be and unwilling to miss out on the current wheel, Ben could only wait as the wheel before him slowed and stopped on five variations.

His smile grew wider as he quickly shifted focus to the now moving final wheel. It spun five times and landed on “sized,” “natured,” “specialized,” “shiny,” and “elemental.” ‘Well I guess that kind of evens my luck out,’ he thought, looking at the two variations he didn't roll. ‘“Strengthened” may be a bit more common than “elemental,” but it says it gives all stats a boost. Meanwhile “royal” is the rarest and gets half the stat changes as well as an additional type plus a unique crown motif and increased size. Also, it seems that, unlike in the game, not all pokemon have a nature. Plus, some even get bonus stats through specialized or a different typing through “elemental.”

As he pondered the interesting combinations he could get through variations, the wheels disappeared and a normal Poke Ball appeared in his hand. He pressed the front button and watched as a normal looking bagon materialized before him. His system notified him that the location lock and shield had been removed but he dismissed those lines in favor of inspecting his new companion. The first thing he noticed was that the bagon was tiny. It was barely a foot tall and had a slight metallic shine to its gray main body. Meanwhile the shell, lower jaw, and underbelly were all a fiery blue color. Ben used Identify to see the bagon’s stats.

If you catch any mistakes I make, please leave a comment and I will fix them asap. I will credit you down here.