Chapter 4
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Starting next week, I plan to post three chapters a week: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. That should give me enough time to write between my other obligations.

As we walked toward Clearsky Town, Quests began flashing, so I took a look at it.

Chain Quest (⅓): Increase Bagon Level

Duration: 1 Day

Reward: 1x Random Ticket per Level

Accept / Reject

A nice and easy quest to be my first completion. I quickly accepted the quest and told Yasashi about it. “Bagon. Bag. Bagon.” He was quite excited both to level up and complete his first quest and seemed ready to attack the first wild pokemon we ran across. It wasn't hard to find other pokemon. I saw a few herds of tauros and the ponyta line in the distance as well as flocks of bird pokemon in the skies, so it was surprising when the first pokemon that came close enough to battle was a young looking rattata that jumped out of the grass behind us.

As soon as it bared its fangs, Yasashi jumped between me and the wild pokemon. I called for him to strike first. “Yasashi, use Ember then Twister.” He responded immediately, calling forth a small ball of fire before shooting it at the rattata. A light glow covered the rattata and focused on its claws and teeth while Yasashi charged his move. As soon as the Ember was released, the rattatas's legs glowed and it charged forward at unexpectedly high speeds. It moved out of the way of Ember before racing back to Yasashi's side as the glow ended.

As it moved to Tackle him, I changed my orders for Yasashi. “Cancel the Twister and use Scratch.” Yasashi gave a little growl of approval and charged, swinging his now glowing claws at the opposing pokemon. The two clashed, and the frailer rat pokemon seemed to get the worst of the exchange. “Again Yasashi, hit it with another Scratch.” With a cry of confidence, my pokemon charged again. The rattata met him with Quick Attack charged limbs as they clashed for a second time. It was on the worse end once more, though the clash seemed more even this time. With a defeated look, the rattata activated Quick Attack for a third time and used its boosted speed to retreat at a speed Yasashi couldn't hope to match.

“Bagon!” My pokemon crowed in victory before a light glow covered his figure. It seemed that fighting an opponent with more levels and experience was just enough to reach level two.

“Well done buddy. I think we'll keep Ember for the slower opponents, at least until you reach a higher level of mastery. Twister will be our new opener for faster opponents. If they look like they'll want close quarters we'll start with Leer.” Yasashi nodded in approval at my planning.

We continued our travels, occasionally stopping to battle the stray rattata that crossed our path. Every time, Yasashi would open with Leer before using scratch to clash with their tackles and quick attacks. By sunset, he had leveled up three more times and his scratch had reached Journeyman proficiency. I checked the quest and it wouldn't allow me to receive the rewards until the next day started. I cleared an area for camp as the sun began to set while Yasashi practiced Ember and Twister. When the light faded we lay on a bed of cut grass and fell asleep.

The next day, I awoke to a battle. Yasashi was furious and a rattata was caught up in his Twister. The helpless creature was being used for Ember target practice. After knocking the rattata out with numerous consecutive hits, Yasashi calmed down turned to face me.

“Bagon. Bag bag bagon.” He told me how that rattata woke him with a tackle and thus had received payback. 

“Well, I guess I know what we are having for breakfast.” I quickly and cleanly snapped the unconscious rattatas's neck. Yasashi helped me skin it and cut the meat into small chunks. We wrapped each chunk in newly cut grasses before cooking them over our burning bedding, courtesy of Ember.

Snacking on spare plain nuts and berries we found the previous day, I quickly navigated to Quests and selected Completed.

Chain Quest (⅓): Increase Bagon Level

Duration: 1 Day

Reward: 3x Random Ticket

Collect Reward

I selected Collect Reward and four tickets appeared in my hands. Before using them I checked the New tab and saw the second part of the Chain Quest which had the same objective, reward, and time limit as the first part. I accepted the quest before quickly tearing the tickets I had and watched their corresponding wheel spin. The first item was an antidote. The second item was a watch. It was a sleek, metallic design using steel and seemed to be an everyday type of item. The third was another antidote and the final reward was a pokemon.

Three wheels popped up and began spinning after he physically received his first three rewards. The titles of each wheel were Pokemon, Variation Number, and Variations. The Pokemon wheel slowed to a stop on “Legendary Encounter” and the Variation Number wheel started to spin. I watched as it slowed to a stop on one variation. The Variations wheel started spinning and flashed through the options. Sized, natured, specialized, shiny, strengthened, elemental and royal all flashed by before the wheel slowed, stopping on natured. As happy as I was about my pokemon draw, it seemed that I wouldn’t know what pokemon I was getting, or rather had a chance to get if the word “encounter” held any sway.

I put it out of my mind, I had no control over it anyway. After finishing our breakfast, Yasashi and I continued our journey to Clearsky Town. We saw a few more herds and flocks of pokemon as we traveled, but were only able to get close enough to rattatas to have meaningful fights. As the day came to a close, Yasashi had leveled up twice, though the second time was after he fought a pair of rattata for a place to sleep. His Leer also advanced to journeyman level after that fight. He seemed pretty happy with his progress, but I hoped we could battle some different pokemon before we reached the Town.

If you catch any mistakes I make, please leave a comment and I will fix them asap. I will credit you down here.

@PlatDragon "Yasahi Yasashi, use Ember then Twister."