Chapter 8. A Glimpse At Others
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A mostly first-person chapter. I marked the sudden, but brief, shifts to the third person like this. *example* Please tell me what you think of it. I also went and added chapter numbers to the previous chapters since it was bugging me.

The demon held its right hand to its neck wound while it looked at the strange mortal in front of it. It had never heard or seen anything about this kind of mortal before, and despite being weak it still tried to kill it. A smile of respect crept onto its face. Fire flared across its hand and wound, and when it dissipated its wound was gone.

The demon was conflicted. The entire purpose it was here was to engage in violence for violence's sake and yet the first mortal it had met had earned some modicum of respect from it. It would be easy to kill the mortal where it lay unconscious, but it felt no joy from the idea. Then a wicked idea came into its mind and the sadistic smile came upon its face.

While it enjoyed the act of killing wantonly it also enjoyed something else. A good fight. So if it gave a reason for the mortal in front of it to get stronger and come after it, then it would have a good fight and the possibility of killing a strong opponent. The stronger an opponent it killed than it raised its chances of increasing in rank and getting stronger, and that allowed it to fight stronger opponents therefore creating a loop. All it had to do was one small thing.

The demon suddenly looked southwards as it heard the rumbling of thunder with a clear evening sky. Not a good sign. It needed to work quickly. 

It willed its right index fingernail to transform into a sharp black claw, whose tip started glowing as if it was metal in a forge. With practiced grace, it drew in the air the demonic symbol for 'curse' with the magic flowing into the claw. After it completed the symbol it pointed to the unconscious mortal and the symbol flew into it and disappeared. The demon smiled at its handiwork. While it had no idea what curse they would receive it would draw them towards combat with it. Its job done it turned to leave when a crashing sound entered the clearing and the demon was sent skidding back, where it was a cloud of dust now inhabited it.

The dust quickly cleared showing a figure in the dust cloud. They stood still with their right arm outstretched into a punching position. They wore black, red, and gold martial artists' clothes, though the clothes seemed like they were more casual clothing than fighting gear, had short white hair, and draconic features. Their hands were scaled and clawed, a long robust tail came out behind them, and a singular grey semi-spiraled horn curved backward like a shallows 'S' shape in the middle of their head. Blue lightning danced across multiple parts of them and before the demon could say anything the figure lunged towards them.

-POV Change-

I was near the gate doing some shopping for dinner when I saw three kids hurriedly telling the guards something, and both parties' faces told me it was not good. I was curious as to what was happening and my parental instincts were kicking in, despite not having any. As I approached one of the guards noticed me.

"Ah, Miss Fulger perfect timing!" he worriedly exclaimed while rushing over. "These kids are claiming a demon appeared in the nearby grove and their escort is currently fighting it. We are gathering men now but can you head over there now!?"

"Consider it done!" I yelled as I circulated mana through my body and started running. As soon as I was out of the city I changed the mana flowing through me into the lightning element to increase my speed but it wouldn't be enough to get there quickly.

'Looks like I'll have to drop the transformation magic to have more mana to boost my speed further.' As I did a rumble of thunder filled the air as my speed exponentially increased, but so did my mana consumption. It was draining fast enough that I wouldn't be able to stop safely, I should still be able to maneuver around the trees though so that's nice. I hope I don't get there too late.

As I arrived I saw the demon finish cursing a strange half-snake and humanoid person. I felt my rage grow at the sight of the casual sadism of the demon and my mana flared out uncontrollably, I pulled back a punch and crashed it into the demon. Despite almost all of my mana going into that punch it only skidded them backward with seemingly little to no damage. The shock of using so much mana had also briefly left me stuck in this embarrassing position. I'm so glad that the snake person was unconscious. At least I'm pretty sure they are as why would a demon curse a corpse?

As soon as I regained control of my body I pulled my fist back and leaped toward the demon. They responded to my punch by meeting it with their fist, causing a small shockwave, and blasted me back a bit. I couldn't beat this demon, it was stronger than me even when I burnt all my mana in a single attack. That doesn't mean I can't give it one hell of a fight though!

Before I could go in for another attack the demon spoke.

"While I normally would be fine for an all-out brawl with a valiant warrior like yourself I'm afraid that I already claimed a worthy adversary. I will leave for now to regain some strength. If you wish to fight me then join that one in its quest for vengeance. It will find me eventually. So long mortal, may your battles be violent and bloody!"

With those parting words, it disappeared in a column of fire, the ominous atmosphere with it as everything returned to how the clearing should have been. Minus all the occult stuff here.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and quickly went to check on the snake person. The first thing I noticed was that she was hot. Like hellsfire girl can you leave some for the rest of us? She had long black hair, elvish ears that were longer than normal elves, skin that reminded me of that ice cream treat I tried last week, and most obviously a giant red, black, and light gray snake tail, whose scales shimmered like gems in the evening light. I could feel my treasure seeking dragon instincts act up but with my willpower I easily subdued them. But that didn't change the fact that I kept staring at her, absolutely entranced. I quickly slapped my cheeks to break my focus and started checking on her wounds.

She seemed to be mostly fine and her wounds were slowly healing themselves in front of me but I could sense the profane demonic mana inside her. I would need to get her to a church or get some holy water to expel it, and those damn priests are so gods damned money hungry. Well, there's nothing that could change that besides their gods coming down and smacking some sense into them.

I dug around in one of my pouches until I found a certain item. A sapphire with silver dragons wrapping around it. This was an item given to me by my father to hide my draconic features in case I ran out of mana and to maintain my transformation spell without me focusing on it. This girl would draw too much attention otherwise. I activated the gem and to my surprise, it just activated a transformation ability that she already had. I could tell as the gem was now green and slowly turning back to the blue it normally was.

Instead of the giant half-snake thing she was, there was a beautiful, and still really hot, snakekin. All the stone did was hide your true features, not make them disappear, and since it activated an ability or spell she already had, that meant that she had to hide what she was.

A sad smile crept onto my face and I imagine I looked quite sad but also understanding.

"You are just like me aren't you?" I asked nobody.

'No time to be sad! We need to find something to cover her lower parts. We can't just carry a woman through the streets like that.'

I looked around to see if I could find anything, but I only found some shredded caligae and shorts. Probably hers but she doesn't have clothes that transform with her like I do so they were destroyed. I absentmindedly scratched my chest when I remembered something. I quickly undid the buttons of my outfit to find the thing I wore underneath. A roll of sarashi1A Japanese roll of cloth used under kimono and armor. Mainly used in popular media to bind breasts which is something it was used for irl I used to keep my breasts out of the way. It would be tight in my current clothing but I needed to at least protect her decency.

After wrapping her lower parts in my sarashi I struggled to get my heaving sacks of fat into my clothes. I disliked these things with a passion. They have done nothing but give me trouble since I grew into adulthood. I'm glad Ash taught me how to bind these when I last visited Kirikuni. I remember her laughing so hard she fell out of her chair when she heard my problem. I bet she could slice that demon in two with her katana. If she used mana she could probably cut this entire grove in half with the demon.

I let out a deep sigh. I should probably visit her. It's been a few years and I heard rumors that she recently got married. Maybe after this whole demon fiasco is done I should go to Kirikuni. Not just to visit my friend, I could try to go dojo challenging again. Fun times back then.

All these thoughts were going through my head as I walked towards Goldtusk, carrying the snake girl on my back. I had a feeling that it was going to be a long night.


I arrived at the city at sunset, around two hours ago, and was swarmed with guards asking me questions. I told them I would answer them all after I put the unconscious girl I was carrying into my house and after I gave my report to the higher-ups. I also told them to go get the Hunters Guild's guildmaster and the captain of the guard and tell them to come to my house, it would be easier that way. I continued toward my house, ignoring the curious stares I got.

When I arrived I gently set her down on my bed. Her external wounds had mostly healed already but until she got the profane mana out of her body she would not make a full recovery. I let out another sigh. It looks like I would be spending quite a bit of money today. Good thing I have funds set aside for stuff just like this. Okay maybe not 'just' but for emergencies.

As I was in thought I heard a rapid pounding on my front door. Seems like the guildmaster has arrived. I went downstairs and opened the front door. Standing there was a heavily muscled human male who wore baggy pants and leather boots and that's it. He had curly ginger and a face full of bushy hair the same color. His beard had metal adornments in it like most dwarves did but otherwise, that's all he wore. He was Skellig, a man from the continent of Orasfione, although he refused to elaborate on which nation he was from. He was 'just an honest man just trying to make his way in the world' according to him but all evidence said otherwise. He was a good person but not an honest one.

"Come sit on the couch. I need to go change clothes so if Hyon comes let him in." 

Skellig just nodded and made a gruff chuffing sound. I went upstairs into my room and started changing into something that could fit my unbound chest. I only had one sarashi and I would have to clean it after she woke up. I turned to look at the sleeping beauty. She was still unconscious, but for some reason, I started getting a bit self-conscious about her staring at my semi-naked body. I could feel my face blushing and my body started to get hotter as my blood started circulating faster.

Would that be a bad thing though? I mean we were both women so it should be fine right? Plus I saw part of her naked already so it's only fair that she could see part of me right? Plus if that happens then I might be able to see her fully nude! Then I would probably have to be as well. Oh, there's that Kirikunian style bathhouse! Then It would be perfectly natural for both of us to be nude! Yeah, after she's recovered we should go to that bathhouse to help her relax and to help relieve my sore muscles from using so much mana! This is the perfect plan!

*Unknown to her a lewd grin was plastered on her face, and she kept rubbing her thighs and knees together. She had never really had any interest from the many male suitors she found herself having and she never paid much attention to the women in her life. But seeing Orstelia seemed to awaken something in her. This was not some secret Ur power or anything, she had just been a closeted lesbian and didn't even know it.*

I quickly changed my clothing into something not as tight as the previous clothing and went downstairs. After a few minutes Hyon, a male half-elf with brown hair, the captain of the guard finally arrived and I debriefed them on what happened. After an hour of deliberation, I managed to get them out of my house by saying I needed to finish my shopping and take care of the survivor. On the plus side, Skellig offered to cover the cost of the holy water I would need. I used what mana had recovered to quickly go around town buying enough food for two, the holy water, some tea leaves, and bread. I managed to get it all done in a quarter of an hour, a personal record. Why was I so keen on getting this done so fast?

After I arrived home I set my groceries on the table in the dining room/kitchen and hurried upstairs with the vial of holy water. She was still unconscious so pouring the water down her throat was a bit challenging but I managed to do it without resorting to mouth to mouth. Why did I feel disappointed? Her nice, juicy pink lips did look quite kissable. Ah, what am I thinking!? I need to start dinner. I splurged a bit and got some Moss Bison steaks.

I went to my kitchen and poured some mana into the Mana Plate which caused it to heat up. The Mana Plate was supposedly invented by an otherworlder a century or so ago. It's very handy so I can't complain.

Before I started cooking I set a pot to boil on one section of the Mana Plate. It should be done by the time the steak is. Time to cook!

*As she cooked she was in an ecstatic mood. She was in such a good mood she failed to notice she had unconsciously turned back into her draconic form while cooking. The smell of the cooking steak was sublime and mouth-watering. Soon it reached the nostrils of an awakening lamia.*

The dragonkin known as Fulger, smash or pass
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