Chapter 12. The Hunters Guild
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Sorry about the lack of chapters these past few weeks. Irl stuff got in the way but it's calming down a bit so I finally managed to get this done for you all.

Edit: Some small tweaks to make everything more consistent and less confusing with POVs

Orstelia woke up first, dawn's rosy light peeking through the shuttered window onto her body. Initially confused, she groggily looked around until her gaze fell on the sleeping Fulger. She was sleeping soundly, nestled against her breasts using her tail and a blanket to cover her, if only barely. Orstelia didn't remember doing that, but it was obvious that she coiled around Fulger at some point in the night. The thought of which made her pleased for some reason, like everything was as it should be. She carefully unwrapped herself from Fulger and ensured she was covered in a blanket, but not before admiring her figure.

Orstelia was wearing a nice small red nightgown while Fulger wore a small black nightgown of a similar design. Both only covered the bare essentials with little regard for keeping someone covered and warm during the night. Which made sense with the climate of Tarrise. It was hot for one season, warm for two, and rainy for the fourth so nights were usually quite warm until the Season of Frost which is usually when it started to rain heavily in Tarrise, at least where they were on Tarrise.

After Orstelia was done uncoiling herself she transformed back into her humanoid form and began the search for some clothes. While she found them bothersome she needed them to blend in while she got stronger. After that, who knows? The future is always an unpredictable thing as it's ever-changing and paradoxical. All of it both exists and doesn't at the same time until it happens. That's why magic used to tell the future is widely considered quite useless, but sometimes someone powerful enough to force an outcome they saw springs forth. Although those are mere rumors and hearsay than anything carved in stone. There are always wild rumors and speculation anywhere where civilization gathers.

After many minutes of searching, she found something that could fit her which she finished putting on as Fulger stirred awake. Fulger groggily looked around the room until her eyes fell on Orstelia. Her outfit was a mishmash of clothing but it somehow looked good on her. She wore a burgundy shirt with an unbuttoned black and white vest over it, a black short skirt that stopped right above her knees, and white leggings. She also held one of Fulger's three black leather jackets in her hands, not putting it on yet but probably would if she had to go outside.

Fulger gave her a once over before she nodded approvingly. Her clothes did look quite good on her. Maybe they should go shopping for a few pairs of her own so that she doesn't pilfer her own anymore. She got out of bed while giving Orstelia a groggy but quickly awakening "Good morning." Orstelia responded in kind before heading downstairs. Fulger decided to put on a similar outfit but slightly different color-wise. Instead of a burgundy shirt, she wore a white shirt without a vest and black leggings instead of white. She also wore short fingerless leather gloves. She grabbed her clothing from a metal box at the top of her closet. These clothes were enchanted so even if she transformed they wouldn't be destroyed, instead making way for her draconic features like her tail. Orstelia would have to get some clothing like this eventually. Transforming constantly or accidentally would quickly drain your money faster than a thief could steal it.

Breakfast was simple as Fulger wanted to take Orstelia out to do some things around town. They both ate bacon, eggs and a few slices of toasted sourdough bread with gusto and a few glasses of wine so watered-down it was more like juice than booze. Thoroughly prepared for the morning, they went into the streets of Goldtusk.

The streets were mostly empty as most weren't up and about at this time of day a few were. The pair paid them little mind as Fulger led Orstelia straight to one place in town.

"Where are we going?" asked Orstelia.

"We're going to a place that will help you get your curse removed," Fulger replied resolutely.

"Wait I'm cursed! How do you plan to remove it?" Orstelia asked testingly. She already knew that and was seeing if there were things the system wouldn't tell her.

"The only way to remove a demon's curse is to either kill the demon or have an angel, or a being of higher power than the demon, cleanse you of it. I'm pretty sure the latter won't happen so we have to rely on the first option. That means we have to make you stronger. Something that I suspect will come easily for you." Fulger replied.

'So either the system lied to me, it told me the exact truth and a higher being can't remove this curse, or it told me exactly what it wanted me to hear. Either way, it seems like I have to hunt down that demon and the only way I will survive another encounter with it is to get stronger. So I guess she isn't wrong to take me wherever it is we're going to. Also, does she already suspect that I am an Ur? I guess dragons are considered at the top of the hierarchy for a reason but I still think it is weird that she suspects me already. Maybe she knows more about the world than she lets on.' Orstelia thought to herself as the pair walked down the cobbled streets.

Eventually, they found themselves in front of the second largest building in the city, the local headquarters of the Hunters Guild. The building was made of stone and pine wood, mainly stone, with iron reinforcements around the windows and doors. It was two stories tall, except for two spires each at the corners on the eastern side of the building, and the building was large enough that it took an entire neighborhood's worth of space in the city.

"This is the place I work. It's the largest guild house ever built as the space needed for the monsters deeper inland is massive. Someday we will have to see a tarrasque be brought in just so I can see the look on your face. Well, do you think this place will work for you?" Fulger asked as she turned to face Orstelia with a childish grin plastered on her face.

Orstelia had no words. This place would do nicely if it was as useful as it was large. She took a deep breath and wordlessly went towards the entrance, Fulger following behind with a knowing grin.

*Orstelia POV Switch*

The main lobby was massive, taking a fourth of the first floor and resembling more of an open-air market with the various stalls catering towards Hunters and the tables and chairs strewn about haphazardly. The eastern wall was nothing but reception and processing desks, while the south had large glass paned windows reinforced with iron and the entrance that the pair had walked through, two sets of large oaken double doors. The northern wall led to the rest of the administration on the first floor and the western wall led to various amenities and rooms used by the Hunters like rooms to meet clients, smithys, tailors, fletchers, and leatherworkers. All were open to those who were part of the guild, but you would still have to pay for things. At least that was what Fulger was explaining to me as we walked to the reception wall.

Fulger looked around the receptionists before spotting someone cleaning up a stack of documents. A mischievous grin crept up her face and I felt a small chill go down my spine. I had a feeling that this wouldn't end well for someone.

Fulger casually sauntered towards the receptionist and when she was close she excitedly exclaimed "Hey Orphidias how are you doing!"

Orphidias stopped what they were doing and glared ruefully at Fulger. She was a tall but slim woman with emerald eyes and green hair so dark it was almost black. She wore black pants, a white shirt, and a black vest like the other receptionists but she had the addition of a thin cropped black jacket and white gloves despite the warm weather. If looks could kill she would have slain Fulger many times over with the frustrated exasperation she seemed to hold for her.

"What is it now Fulger? I have things to do," she said with a voice that is used to the interruptions and tired of them at the same time.

"I wanted you to register someone as a Hunter and test them as well," Fulger replied, shifting her gaze towards me. 

Orphidias looked at me in annoyance before a deep sigh escaped her lips. "Fine. Follow me," she said in a tired acceptance. She leaped over the reception counter with practiced grace and started walking towards the western wall, with Fulger and I not far behind. 

As we walked the Hunters in the way parted like a crowd before a king, but the hushed whispers hinted at fear rather than admiration. "What's she doing down here?" "Is that the rumored 'Steel Fisted Tyrant'?" "Hey isn't that the scary receptionist lady from earlier?" Although that only lasted for a little bit. "Hey, that's Fulger!" "I heard rumors that she killed a demon in one punch!" "Who's the beauty beside her?" "Those two seem close. You think they're lovers?"

That last one seemed to stir something within me but I couldn't quite figure out what it was. It was like a deep hunger for something, but just as quickly as it appeared it faded. I looked over to Fulger to see if she was affected and she had a stoic facade but I could see tinges of pink on her cheeks. I wonder why?

We continued to follow Orphidias through part of the western wing, which had various doors to different amenities like a public bath until we came to what could only be described as a small arena. There was a circular open area with stone walls and plenty of seating to spectate the fights, but everything was quiet and eerily lonely feeling. As soon as all three of us were in this arena Orphidias closed and locked the doors to it. It seems that this wouldn't be a public event.

"Now what is so special about this woman you brought in Fulger that you needed specifically me to test her?" Orphidias asked bluntly. Fulger turned to me and gave some sort of signal I had no idea the meaning of. I just shrugged at her before she sighed.

"Transform you dolt," she whispered out.

"Why should I? I don't know this person!" I whispered back.

"She's a friend and she knows what I am. I trust her. So just do it! And don't worry about the clothes they will be fine." Fulger whispered to me with an attitude that told me that this conversation would not progress further. I sighed in resignation and undid my transformation, slightly surprised that I didn't hear the sound of ripping clothing.

Orphidias seemed almost unphased by my transformation but I noticed the slight widening of her eyes in surprise. She had quite the stoic facade if that was the only thing I noticed.

"I see," Orphidias said while scratching her chin. "You could probably get by just fine without transforming but that's not why you're showing this to me right?" she asked while looking toward Fulger. Fulger just smiled as a response. "*Sigh* Fine I get it. What's your name snake woman?"

A bit rude but I guess she was taking out some of her frustration on me. "My name is Orstelia. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance  Miss Orphidias." I said while giving a respectful bow.

"Same. Now what weapons do you use?"

"Mosty a shortbow as that's all I had and my own body of course. Crushing people with my tail and piercing necks with my fangs have been my go-to for longer than I've held a bow. Speaking of weapons did you ever grab my equipment Fulger? It should be in the clearing where you found me."

Fulger looked away sheepishly while slightly blushing. That seemed to be my answer.

"Well, we have enough bows for you to test with so that shouldn't be a problem. We'll need to find you a proper melee weapon though as I'm assuming you want to keep your true form unknown. Follow me Orstelia. Fulger you go into the stands or something and watch. Also go back to a humanoid form Orstelia as that will be what we are testing your skills with." Orphidias said while walking further into the arena.

I did just that as I followed and found that my clothes were somehow intact. Something to ask Fulger about later. We were in the large circular arena, our feet treading on fine sand that made no dust as we walked. I noticed that there were four four-person iron benches in the arena, I assume because this is more of a training ground than an actual arena.

"[Authority: Armory]" Orphidias said aloud. A bright light then filled the arena and I had to look away otherwise I would risk blindness. When the light subsided I looked back and saw several racks full of wooden weapons of various kinds. There were dozens of types of swords, axes, hammers, polearms, and even some exotic-looking weapons like two sticks connected by a chain.

"We will test your archery skills later. It is important that you can also defend yourself without a bow. If you weren't trying to blend in then your serpentine features could be very useful but if you have a cover to maintain then melee weapons are needed. You may test out the weapons but once you have selected one you like then let me know." Orphidias said while sitting down on a bench and rifling through some paperwork she brought with her.

With those parting words, I began to browse through the many wooden weapons available. I had some ideas of what I wanted. I wanted something with a bit of reach but also something that I could use with room for some amount of error. The first thing that came to mind was polearms like a spear. My inherited memories told me that spears could be easy to use for beginners but if I wanted to focus on them a bit more then I had that option if I did like them. I browsed through the dozens of polearms, each something different even though many had similar designs at parts until I found one that intrigued me.

It was almost two meters tall with a broad curved single-edged blade on the top with a notched spike on the back of it. Curious about it I decided to use [Inspect].

[Wooden Guandao]

A type of weapon not native to this world. It first appeared with an otherworlder centuries ago. The weapon focuses on strong slashing attacks and using the momentum of the heavy blade and counterweight to constantly create a flowing stream of attacks with a notched spike to catch the opponent's blade. Sometimes has bright tassels or cloth attached to it to confuse opponents or to just look pretty as it fights.

This one is made of resilient but not lightweight wood to simulate the real deal. It doesn't have a counterweight though so either someone didn't pay attention to detail or it was seen as unneeded for the wooden version. Can still do some damage to those not reinforced by mana.

I liked it, and for some reason, I felt drawn to it. Maybe a guandao just felt right for me to use. Satisfied with my choice I went to Orphidias to confirm it.

"I chose a weapon Orphidias. What now?"

She looked up from her paperwork and her eyebrows raised in a questioning manner but that was it.

"Take off your jacket and prepare for a sparring match. I need to know what exactly your skill level is." She said while organizing her paperwork before gingerly setting it on the bench beside her. She waved her hand and all the weaponry disappeared in a less blinding flash of light.

"What about your weapon?" I asked while taking off my borrowed jacket.

"I have them right here," Orphidias responded while taking off her jacket to reveal her arms of metal, wood, and magic. She also had her prosthetic arms engraved with various things which I seemed to recognize as something magical in nature but that was it. She tightened her gloves before gesturing with her head to the center of the training grounds. "Time to prove yourself little snakelet1The proper term for a baby snake."