Waking up
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In the midst of the city's lively atmosphere, where buildings of moderate height reached toward the heavens, Yash, a seemingly average 17-year-old, led a routine life. His academic performance was modest, punctuality at school was second nature, and he effortlessly blended into the bustling crowd. With an unassuming appearance and a penchant for maintaining a typical teenager's facade, Yash found comfort in the predictability of his daily routine.Yash's upbringing was grounded in the warmth of his two caring parents, whose love created a haven within the walls of their home. His days unfolded in the familiar rhythm of school routines and the comforting embrace of familial bonds. The ordinary yet reassuring nature of his life provided a sense of stability, and Yash, with his unassuming demeanor, never harboured the belief that he was destined for anything beyond the ordinary.

In the realm of social interactions, Yash's world primarily revolved around his male peers. The camaraderie with boys his age was an unspoken comfort, and the nuances of friendship formed the backdrop of his adolescent existence. Yet, amidst the laughter and banter, Yash regarded the realm of girls as an enigmatic frontier—a mysterious territory yet to be explored in the unfolding narrative of his life.

Girls, for Yash, remained an intriguing puzzle, an uncharted domain that held an air of fascination and curiosity. While he navigated the challenges of adolescence, the intricacies of female interactions remained a distant, almost mythical realm. Yash's interactions with the opposite gender were limited, and the prospect of delving into the complexities of relationships with girls remained an unexplored aspect of his existence, adding an element of anticipation to the tapestry of his seemingly ordinary life.

Yash's upbringing unfolded within the cocoon of affection provided by his devoted parents, whose love cast a reassuring glow over the canvas of his existence. Amidst the humdrum of school routines and the sanctuary of his home, Yash found solace in the ordinary, never daring to consider himself exceptional. The contours of his life were etched in the simplicity of familial bonds and the backdrop of educational pursuits.

Within the social tapestry of Yash's adolescence, the resonance of camaraderie resonated predominantly with boys of his age. The laughter, shared interests, and the unspoken understanding formed the core of his interpersonal connections. 

One ordinary morning, as he waited for his school bus, an unexpected encounter altered the trajectory of his life. An old lady, seemingly out of place in the modern hustle, approached him with an air of certainty. Her eyes held a depth that transcended the wrinkles on her face, and she spoke with a conviction that captured Yash's attention.


As Yash found himself waiting for his school bus in the familiar hustle. The air carried the scent of routine, and Yash, with his backpack slung over one shoulder, was lost in the rhythm of the urban routine. Little did he know that the mundane predictability of his life was about to be disrupted by an unexpected encounter.

In this urban symphony, an old lady emerged like a refrain from another era. Her presence, marked by an air of certainty, was akin to a note that stood out amidst the city's cacophony. Yash, his curiosity piqued, observed her deliberate steps as she approached.

The old lady, with eyes that held the weight of ages, halted in front of Yash. Her voice, carrying a resonance that cut through the ambient noise, held a conviction that demanded attention. "You, young one," she began, locking eyes with Yash, "carry the essence of greatness within you. The cosmos has whispered your destiny, and you shall be the strongest being in the universe."

Yash, caught off guard by the audacity of her proclamation, found himself in a momentary silence. The city sounds seemed to dim as her words hung in the air, creating a pause pregnant with significance. It was a departure from the ordinary that left Yash searching for words.

"Ma'am, thank you, but I think you might be mistaken," Yash finally managed, his voice carrying a polite uncertainty. He chuckled nervously, attempting to dismiss her words as the eccentric musings of a stranger.

Undeterred, the old lady continued, her gaze unwavering. "Do not dismiss the whispers of the cosmos so easily, young one. There are forces at play beyond your current understanding."

With those enigmatic words, she left Yash standing there, a whirlwind of thoughts stirring within him. The city, once again enveloped in its urban routine, seemed a little different to him. As he boarded his bus, her words lingered, adding a layer of mystery to the ordinary canvas of his existence.

Little did Yash know that this encounter was not just a fleeting moment but the opening chord of a symphony that would reshape the melody of his life. The old lady's cryptic words would echo in the corridors of his consciousness, setting the stage for a cosmic journey that awaited him—an odyssey where the ordinary boy would grapple with the extraordinary destiny that the cosmos had seemingly woven into the fabric of his being.

Yash, taken aback by the audacity of her statement, dismissed it as the ramblings of an eccentric stranger. Politely nodding, he boarded his bus, thinking little of the encounter. After all, how could a regular boy like him have a destiny that surpassed the ordinary?

However, fate had its own plans. In the stifling monotony of the classroom, Yash grappled with the oppressive drone of a seemingly endless lecture. The air hung heavy with the professor's words, each syllable a weight that threatened to pull him into the clutches of sleep. Yash's efforts to remain engaged were futile as boredom settled over him like a suffocating blanket.

As the minutes stretched into eternity, the relentless monotony began to take its toll. Yash's struggle against the urge to sleep became a losing battle. His eyelids, weighed down by the oppressive ambiance, grew heavier with each passing moment. The lecture room, once a realm of academic discourse, transformed into a battleground where Yash fought a silent war against the drowsiness that sought to claim him.

Inevitably, the boundaries between wakefulness and slumber blurred, and Yash succumbed to the pull of oblivion. The droning lecture became a distant hum as he descended into the realm of dreams, leaving behind the mundane reality of the classroom for a world yet to be unveiled. The transition from the conscious to the subconscious was seamless, as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a realm where the ordinary constraints of time and space held no dominion.

This descent into slumber marked the beginning of an unexpected journey—a journey that would unfold in the mysterious corridors of Yash's unconscious mind, revealing secrets and challenges that transcended the confines of his ordinary existence, did he know that the realm of dreams held the key to unlocking a destiny far more extraordinary than anything he could have imagined.

Yash experiences a profound shift in his reality after succumbing to sleep during a mundane classroom lecture. Upon entering the realm of dreams, he encounters a cosmic battlefield where a captivating girl, adorned in celestial beauty, engages in a mesmerizing dance of strength and grace against cosmic entities. Her hair, resembling the night sky, and her celestial gown create a symphony of colors, and seven swords dance around her, reflecting her commanding power.

In this dream, a cosmic battlefield unfolded. At its center stood a girl of unparalleled beauty, possessing an ethereal radiance that transcended mortal allure. Her hair, a celestial masterpiece, was a rich black with a tinge of deep blue, reminiscent of the vast expanse of the night sky. Each strand carried the brilliance of distant stars, as if the entire cosmos was etched into the fibers, creating an ethereal luminescence that added to her otherworldly beauty.

As cascading waves of this lustrous, celestial-hued hair framed her face, the cosmic colors shimmered and danced with every movement. The black with a hint of blue seemed to hold the mysteries of the universe, casting a spell that captivated all who beheld it. The delicate play of starlight in her hair accentuated the exquisite contours of her form, making her presence seem like a cosmic ballet.

Draped in a flowing gown that mirrored the colors of the cosmos, she moved with a celestial elegance. The fabric trailed behind her like the tail of a comet, and the interplay of celestial hues in her hair harmonized with the iridescence of her gown, creating a celestial symphony of color. Seven swords danced around her in perfect harmony, each gleaming with a brilliance that reflected the power she commanded.

As she engaged in battle against cosmic entities, her movements were a captivating ballet of grace and strength. The girl's eyes, pools of celestial wisdom, held a depth that hinted at the vastness of the cosmos itself. Enchantingly captivating, her gaze sparkled with the mysteries of the universe. They were orbs of cosmic knowledge, each glance revealing secrets hidden in the tapestry of time.

In the midst of chaos, she remained a beacon of celestial beauty, a figure that transcended mortal understanding and embodied the very essence of divine aesthetics. The enchanting allure of her eyes, combined with the celestial symphony surrounding her, painted a portrait of a being touched by the hand of the cosmos.

This dream left an indelible impression on Yash's mind, the image of this celestial warrior etched into his consciousness like a masterpiece painted by the cosmos. When he awoke, the memory of her beauty lingered, a tantalizing glimpse into a realm where the extraordinary met the sublime.

The dream profoundly impacts Yash, leaving an indelible impression on his consciousness. Upon waking, he finds himself back in the classroom, but a mysterious translucent blue screen appears, visible only to him. This enigmatic development raises questions about the nature of his experience, prompting Yash to grapple with the possibility that the old lady's cryptic words may hold more significance than he initially dismissed. This marks the beginning of a journey that challenges Yash's understanding of reality, introducing him to a cosmic narrative beyond the ordinary.

Upon waking from his cosmic dream and finding himself back in the familiar yet askew classroom, Yash's confusion deepened as a peculiar development unfolded. In addition to the enigmatic dream, a translucent blue screen materialized in front of him, casting an otherworldly glow. This mysterious screen, visible only to Yash, held an uncanny connection with him. Its presence seemed to defy the ordinary, leaving Yash both intrigued and unsettled. The inexplicable connection between Yash and the mysterious blue screen became a focal point, intensifying the intrigue surrounding his extraordinary journey and suggesting that there might be more to his experience than a mere dream.. Was it a dream? A hallucination? Or had the old lady's words carried more weight than he had initially thought?

In the midst of Yash's transformative dream experience, it's worth noting that his ordinary classroom environment played a role. As he descended into slumber during the seemingly endless lecture, his teacher, observing his drowsiness, politely urged him not to sleep in class. Strangely, the atmosphere in the room took an unexpected turn; when the classmates became aware of Yash's sleeping state, an unusual silence prevailed. Unlike the typical scenario where a dozing student might elicit laughter or teasing, the class's subdued reaction added to the surreal nature of the moment. This peculiarity further underscored the extraordinary nature of Yash's journey, suggesting that his dream transcended the boundaries of a conventional classroom experience.

This peculiar turn of events marked the beginning of a journey that would challenge the very fabric of Yash's understanding of the world.