“Veil of Vim”
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Aria slowly stirred awake, her eyelids fluttered, revealing an unfamiliar ceiling above her. Momentary confusion gripped her until recollections of the recent harrowing events flooded back—the frantic struggle, the arrival of the military, and the uncertainty that followed.Realization washed over her—a sense of safety enveloped her as she comprehended that she was now in a place of refuge. the remnants of blurred sensations dissolved, Aria regained her senses, the lingering haze gradually giving way to a clearer.

As Aria's senses returned, she became aware of the presence of bandages snugly wrapped around her chest and upper abdomen, tucked under the torn from back that night suit she had been wearing. she discerned the sensation of bandages wrapped in a manner resembling the unconventional dressing style often seen in movies—bandaged around the chest and upper abdomen area, akin to how tomboyish girl characters are portrayed wearing makeshift bindings in lieu of a traditional bra.

This peculiar dressing method, while different from standard medical bandaging, served a similar purpose, providing support and protection in a way that was familiar yet atypical in a medical setting. The unconventional yet practical approach struck Aria as an embodiment of adaptability in the face of necessity, acknowledging the need for care while allowing for a certain freedom and familiarity in her movement and comfort during her recovery.

 Aria shifted her focus, her eyes gently scanned the surroundings from her prone position. Her gaze settled upon her mother, who rested nearby in peaceful slumber. Her mother's serene face, resting against the edge of the bed with her head cushioned in a comfortable position, conveyed a sense of tranquility amidst the uncertainty of their circumstances.

Aria's hand instinctively held onto her mother's, an unspoken bond between them even in moments of rest. The sight of her mother, peacefully asleep while maintaining a reassuring presence by her side, brought a measure of comfort to Aria's heart. Despite the challenges they faced, the simple gesture of her mother's unwavering support, even in slumber, served as a source of strength and solace amidst the unfamiliarity of their situation.

With a smile of relief adorning her face at the sight of her peacefully sleeping mother, Aria attempted to rise, but a wave of pain thwarted her efforts. Grappling with the discomfort, she hesitated, realizing that staying still might be the better option in the face of such intense pain.

However, her attempt to shift caused her mother to stir from her slumber. As her mother's eyes met hers, filled with a rush of emotions, tears welled up, streaming down her cheeks in a mix of joy and relief. Clasping Aria's hand tenderly and with utmost love, her mother's teary eyes conveyed an overwhelming sense of gratitude for her daughter's safety and presence. In that intimate moment, amidst the sterile hospital room, their unspoken bond spoke volumes, reaffirming the depth of their connection and the solace they found in each other's presence.

"Mom, please don't cry. If you do, I won't be able to hold myself back," Aria gently urged, attempting to quell her mother's tears. With a determined effort, she tried to comfort her, aiming to prevent any further distress.

Her mother, with a heartfelt nod, wiped away her tears, complying with Aria's request. "Alright, my baby girl," she murmured, her voice filled with love and understanding.

As her mother helped her sit up, Aria glanced around the bustling hospital room, witnessing the flurry of nurses rushing about their duties. The scene sparked a vivid memory of the chaotic situation they had recently experienced, flooding her mind with recollections of the urgency and tumult they had faced.

The sight of the nurses' hurried movements served as a stark reminder of the perilous circumstances they had emerged from. It prompted Aria to reflect on the moments of distress, amplifying her gratitude for their present safety and the quietude of the hospital, a sanctuary from the tumultuous events that had transpired.

"Mom, where's Dad? Is he okay now?" Aria inquired, her concern for her father weighing heavily on her mind, especially recalling his injury from their previous encounter.

Her mother's response, however, brought a mixture of reassurance and worry. "The doctors said he's fine," she began, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "but I don't know where he is. They mentioned something about detecting residual energy on him." Her voice quivered slightly, indicating her distress. "No matter how much I cried and pleaded, they didn't allow me to meet him."

Aria's heart sank at this news, a blend of relief at her father's reported well-being intermixed with a growing sense of concern about the implications of the detected energy lingering around him. The inability to reunite with her father despite their desperate pleas added another layer of distress to their already tumultuous situation, leaving Aria grappling with worry for her father's condition and the barriers preventing them from being together as a family.

Taking a moment to survey her surroundings, Aria observed the hospital room with its bustling nurses and medical equipment. Amidst the activity, she noticed the peculiar shard-like strands, revolving near the neighboring patient's bed. This observation ignited a sense of urgency within her.

"Mom, please, help me stand up. Trust me, please!" Aria urgently pleaded with her mother, her sudden change in behavior surprising her. Though initially hesitant, her mother, swayed by Aria's determination, finally acquiesced and assisted her in standing up.

Enduring slight discomfort and a persistent itchiness in her back, Aria cautiously moved toward the neighboring bed where the peculiar shards lingered around the patient. Despite the discomfort, her curiosity drove her onward, prompting her to carefully extend her hand towards one of the rotating shards near the lady, eager to explore the enigmatic strands hovering beside the patient.

Aria, upon touching the shade strands, felt a gentle, radiant warmth spread from within, akin to a comforting embrace from an otherworldly source. Simultaneously, there was a stirring within her—a subtle awakening of dormant energies. These sensations were like whispers of forgotten wisdom softly reverberating within her essence.

As Aria absorbed the attributes from the strands, she felt an intricate surge of energies cascading within her being. The emotional sensitivity surged, enveloping her in a profound connection to mortal experiences. She felt emotions—joy, sorrow, and resilience—more intensely, empathizing deeply with the spectrum of human feelings.

Simultaneously, her mortal perception heightened, bringing a newfound awareness of life's fleeting nature. Every passing moment seemed more precious, each interaction and emotion more profound. This awareness granted her a deeper comprehension of the transient beauty of existence, enriching her perspective on mortal life.

Amidst these effects, a different kind of energy subtly interwove itself within her body's construction. This unseen force induced a profound change, subtly altering the very fabric of her being. As Aria observed these changes, she noticed an unexpected transformation taking place. Her wounds, previously persistent and lingering, appeared to slowly mend, hinting at a potential correlation with this mysterious, unknown energy.

The amalgamation of these effects brought forth a metamorphosis within Aria—a heightened emotional depth, an acute perception of life's ephemeral essence, and a subtle yet profound shift in her body's restorative capabilities, hinting at a newfound vitality spurred by this enigmatic energy.

Leaving behind this ethereal sensation momentarily and Elated at the newfound ability to absorb not just insights but various types of energies. Sensing the immense potential within this power, excitement bubbled within her, sparking a sense of wonder and possibility. As Aria returned to her surroundings.  Aria commanded her system status exited to se changes in her status.

{Status: ON}







   [Charisma]:[81 (Species Limit: 100)]

   [Mental Vim]: [7]

[Elemental affinity]-[Water Vim affinity]:[Low grade](100/40)


- [Rapid Rend]: [Technique that enables swift claw-like strikes with subtle white phalange blades](500/230)   

  - [Water Healing Touch]: [Ability to mend wounds moderately.] [Average Grade](100/50)           


As Aria reflected on her physique  attribute newfound ability, Healing Touch, and her water affinity a mix of curiosity and determination filled her thoughts. The prospect of wielding an ability to mend wounds carried a weight of responsibility and possibility.

The notion of having a direct impact on the well-being of others resonated deeply with her. She saw it not just as a skill but as a crucial tool, a way to offer aid and solace to those in need. This ability brought with it a sense of empowerment, a chance to alleviate pain and suffering, and an opportunity to make a tangible difference in moments of distress.

Her thoughts centered on honing this skill, exploring its depths, and learning to channel it in the most proficient and beneficial ways. It ignited a desire within her to train, refine, and unlock the full potential of Healing Touch, aiming to become a reliable beacon of healing and support in times of adversity.

Aria pondered over the essence of her Mental Essence attribute, acknowledging its impact on her mental fortitude, awareness, and comprehension. This attribute seemed to fortify her mind, granting a heightened sense of resilience and a deeper awareness of the world around her.

With the recent increase in her Comprehension attribute, she observed a tangible effect on her ability to grasp the complexities of mortal life. It seemed to sharpen her perception, providing a more profound understanding of emotions, motivations, and the intricate facets of human existence.

This heightened comprehension acted as a guiding light, empowering her to navigate the subtleties of mortal experiences with a more profound sense of empathy and understanding. It felt as though each increment in this attribute widened the scope of her understanding, encouraging her to delve deeper into the complexities of the human psyche .

However, alongside its revelations, she recognized the responsibility that came with such insight. The deeper her comprehension grew, the more intricate and complex the human experience appeared. Aria saw this attribute as both a gift and a responsibility.

 Her excitement soon waned  noticing the unusual behavior of the woman nearby. The woman's unsettling noises, reminiscent of those made by a zombie, caught Aria's attention, shattering her momentary joy. Unable to mask her concern any longer, Aria's expression shifted from happiness to alarm.

Shouting for the attention of the nurses, she urgently informed them about the woman's erratic behavior, deeply worried about the sudden change in the woman's demeanor. The stark contrast between her recent discovery and the distressing scene unfolding nearby left Aria deeply unsettled, prompting her to seek immediate help for the woman's alarming behavior.

Amidst the chaos, Aria swiftly called the nurses over, urgency evident in her actions. In a flurry of moments, she took a step back, finding herself suddenly capable of walking with newfound ease after the absorption of the shade strands. Grasping her mother's hands, Aria conveyed a sense of urgency, mirroring the hurried movements around them.

Nurses rushed in, urgently summoning others to help restrain the distressed woman. Swiftly, men in white suits arrived, focused on evacuating people with little regard for potential injuries. The urgency and severity of the situation were palpable, urging everyone to leave the area promptly.

Even amidst the rush, Aria, now capable of walking without visible strain, hurriedly guided her mother out of the place. Concern etched on her mother's face, she asked Aria about any lingering pain, perplexed by her daughter's sudden ability to move swiftly without signs of discomfort.

Aria, feeling the urgency of the situation, hastily reassured her mother, "Mom, I'm alright. We need to focus on getting out of here quickly." emphasizing the importance of their swift departure from the escalating chaos around them. Determined to ensure their safety, Aria guided her mother through the tumult, urging her to concentrate on their escape from the unsettling environment.

As Aria made her way out, the distressed woman's cries echoed behind her, drawing her attention. She glanced back to witness the woman struggling, her skin rapidly changing color in a swift and unsettling transformation. the woman's voice faltered, her cries diminishing as she appeared to revert to her previous state.

Sensing the urgency to leave the scene, Aria continued guiding her mother out, swiftly navigating through the chaos as numerous others rushed in the opposite direction. They sought refuge in a room where other evacuees were being supervised by a military officer. Amidst the organized chaos, Aria found solace in the semblance of security provided by the presence of the military personnel, hoping for some respite from the unsettling events.

As Aria entered the room, a heavy atmosphere enveloped her; it was laden with a mix of emotions—anguish, worry, and a sense of displacement. The individuals present bore different injuries, ranging from mild to severe, each lost in their own thoughts, contemplating the sudden upheaval in their lives. Some anxiously pondered the fate of their uncontacted family members, lost in the chaos.

Seated beside her mother in the midst of this poignant silence, Aria found herself immersed in her own thoughts. The unsettling transformation of the woman she witnessed earlier lingered in her mind, echoing the news she had heard about the phenomenon of human awakening. These thoughts tethered her worry to her father's safety once more, prompting her to voice her concerns to her mother.

"Mom," Aria began, her voice soft amidst the solemn silence. "Do you know how long I was unconscious?" Her mother, acknowledging the concern in Aria's voice, explained that due to the her  significant blood loss, she had remained unconscious for half a day. Her early awakening was already deemed miraculous, prompting her mother to advise Aria to rest as much as possible. 

In the room, a backdrop of discontent and occasional murmurs of hooliganism permeated the air, casting an uneasy atmosphere that mingled with the uncertainty already palpable among the occupants. Despite the vigilant gaze of the military personnel overseeing the area, pockets of unrest persisted, some voices expressing frustration at the lack of information while others displayed behavior bordering on unruliness.

Amidst this disquiet, the abrupt entrance of a figure adorned in military regalia heralded a sudden shift in the room's dynamics. She strode in purposefully, accompanied by an officer bearing arms at the ready, their authoritative presence silencing the discontented chatter upon their arrival.

Addressing the room with a voice that carried both authority and  reassurance, the woman in uniform asserted control, promising transparency about the situation outside the facility. 

However, the unexpected arrival of the military figures, coupled with the underlying tension of armed presence, injected an added dose of apprehension into the already charged atmosphere. The room, previously abuzz with discontent, now hung suspended in a state of cautious anticipation. Aria, like the others, observed this sudden turn of events, her sense of unease intertwining with the collective worry and curiosity that enveloped the room.

As the murmurs gradually faded into a heavy silence, Commander Elena Rodriguez stepped forward, her military insignia catching the dim light, a beacon of authority amidst the uncertainty. Her presence held a commanding aura, radiating confidence and a sense of purpose that captivated the room.Clearing her throat, she began, her voice steady and reassuring, "Let's talk about what's happening in the world right now." Her words carried a measured tone, guiding the collective attention toward the unfolding events.Continuing, her expression a mix of concern and determination, she added, "It's as if we're piecing together a giant puzzle, discovering surprises at every turn." Her intent was clear—provide reassurance and guidance. "Even though it might appear puzzling, everyone's banding together to comprehend these changes and lend a helping hand," she assured aiming to alleviate the collective concern. "Governments, scientists, and experts are teaming up to decipher this mystery and extend guidance. We're all navigating this learning curve together."

"As we delve deeper into these occurrences," the military woman continued, her tone intensifying, "we're witnessing a rapid escalation in the energy's pervasive hold across the globe and We have named this unknown energy as energy vim and This surge in energy vim contraction directly corresponds to the escalating frequency and intensity of mutations we're observing."

"Each passing hour brings forth a heightened influence of this energy, amplifying the mutations across species," she emphasized. "The pace and extent of these transformative changes are accelerating, indicating an correlation between the expanding reach of this energy and the increasingly intense mutations occurring in both animals and humans''.

Her emphasis on unity reverberated, trying to lift the heavy mood, "Communities are uniting, extending support and empathy during these uncertain times. It's a collective endeavor to make sense of and adjust to this new world."

Her concluding remarks echoed a message of hope and solidarity, "Indeed, things are different, but there's hope and a feeling of togetherness. People are dedicated to staying informed and aiding each other without unnecessary distress." Her words lingered, offering a glimmer of unity and support amidst the heavy and uncertain circumstances.

The military woman concluded her reassuring words, a wave of murmurs and contemplation swept through the room. A man raised his hand, curiosity glinting in his eyes. "Can you explain more about these new abilities people are discovering? Are they safe?"The military woman nodded, acknowledging the inquisitive query. "Certainly. People are indeed unlocking various abilities—some find they have vim affinity with for example-elements like fire or water, while others possess unique skills."A woman seated near the front row chimed in, "How can we know if we have these abilities? Is there a way to tell?""Good question," the military woman responded, engaging with the room. "These abilities might manifest differently for each person. Some might notice changes in their interactions with elements, while others might discover newfound skills they didn't have before.

Speaking Another voice joined in, "A man, with a furrowed brow, asked, "Do we have any idea how these abilities come about? Is it something we're born with or does it happen suddenly?""It's a good question," the military woman acknowledged. "At this point, there's still much we're learning about the process. Some awakenings seem spontaneous, while for others, it might have been latent abilities suddenly emerging."Another voice piped in, "Are these abilities permanent? Can we control them once they appear?""Right now," she replied, her tone measured, "we're still understanding the nature of these abilities. For most, these newfound skills seem controllable with guidance and practice, but there's still much to learn about their permanence or adaptability."

Aria's curiosity sparked as the conversation turned towards human awakening, prompting her to voice her thoughts. "Is the awakening phenomenon related to the unusual behavior observed in humans?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

The military woman paused, her gaze fixing on Aria for a moment before turning to confer with the men beside her. After a brief exchange, she redirected her attention to Aria and explained, "Yes, the awakening phenomenon is indeed linked to these behavioral changes in humans. When the energy interacts with humans, it primarily affects the forebrain. Those with low affinity towards the specific element may display unusual behavior. However, individuals with higher affinity towards that element remain unaffected and experience the awakening process when they come into contact with this energy."

As Commander Rodriguez continued her address, detailing the effects of the awakening phenomenon on humans, she paused abruptly, a fleeting glance hinting at withheld information. Sensing the weight of the unspoken, she shifted the focus to the peculiar manifestations in animals affected by the awakening."Moreover," she continued, redirecting the discussion, "the effects of this energy on awakened animals differ significantly from those on humans." Her voice carried a tinge of caution, a conscious decision to sidestep divulging specific details about human awakenings."The awakened animals," she revealed cautiously, "display not only heightened strength compared to an ordinarily awakened human but also exhibit a unique system adapting to this energy differently."The room stirred with curiosity, individuals exchanging speculative glances, hungering for more details. Commander Rodriguez, however, held firm, choosing her words with precision, refraining from unveiling further intricacies regarding human awakenings.Instead, she steered the conversation toward the intriguing transformations witnessed in various animal species—a deliberate choice, perhaps to veil the complexities shrouding human awakenings, hinting at an untold tale behind the selective disclosure.

Commander Rodriguez's voice lowered slightly as she delved into the unsettling reality of those with low elemental affinity. "Regrettably," she continued, "for those individuals with insufficient elemental affinity attempting the awakening process, a dire outcome ensues."She recounted the haunting transformation of these individuals, failing the awakening, succumbing to a state of existence that left them dubbed as "Awakening Failures"—a term chosen to describe their tragic fate without evoking the harshness of a name."These Awakening Failures," she revealed with caution, "retain the awakened powers corresponding to their elemental affinity."These individuals," she warned, her tone laden with concern, "lack the conscious capacity to manage their abilities, yet wield physical prowess that exceeds human limits. Their unpredictable nature poses a significant threat, necessitating careful consideration and handling."The audience absorbed this revelation with a mix of somber acknowledgment and concern. Commander Rodriguez's delivery, though tempered, conveyed the gravity of the situation without resorting to a stigmatizing term.

Commander Rodriguez, impassioned, urged, "Our combined efforts are vital for survival. We're initiating tests on the lingering energy—essential to prevent Awakening Failures. Your active involvement is crucial; it's not just about understanding but securing our future. Your participation mitigates risks and promises broader benefits. Join us in this mission—your role is pivotal." Her call resonated, inviting engagement, as the room buzzed with a shared commitment to humanity's safety.

Commander Rodriguez continued, "While the energy's machinations are in testing, we can gauge the Awakening through its peculiar frequencies." As she spoke, military personnel entered, each wielding an unknown machine.

Intrigue lingered as the devices were employed on individuals, revealing latent Awakening potentials. Aria, already sensing the energy vim within, anticipated her turn. Yet, to her surprise and concern, before her, her mother underwent the examination—and astonishingly, traces of the energy lingered within her as well.

This unexpected revelation startled Aria, stirring a mix of surprise, worry, and an undeniable curiosity about the shared connection with the energy vim between herself and her mother.

As two military figures approached Aria's mother, their intent clear, she hesitated, a protective instinct for her daughter flickering in her eyes. "I want to stay with my daughter," she asserted softly, her voice tinged with concern.

The military men attempted to persuade her, emphasizing it was for her and her daughter's benefit. Sensing her mother's dilemma, Aria stepped forward, her worry palpable. "I'll go through the test too," she announced, determined to stay by her mother's side.

The test revealed traces of the energy vim within both of them. Understanding their shared connection, the military escorted them to the gathering place for those affected by the awakening, where a community was forming amidst shared experiences and uncertainties.

As Aria and her mother were identified with traces of the energy vim, they were escorted by the officers, joining a group of around 20 individuals similarly marked by the officers. Following the military personnel, they were led into another room, the atmosphere charged with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

Among this select group, Aria noticed varying expressions—curiosity, worry, and a shared sense of uncertainty. The officers guided them into the room, signaling a new phase of their involvement in understanding the awakening phenomenon.