CHAPTER 6: The First Discipline
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Unlocking the secrets of the mind has been an age-old challenge, with true and complete brain-interfacing considered a distant dream.

Well, hold onto your Cybernetics all ye fans of chrome, Cyber-licious brings you a mind-blowing revelation– FaeTech, actually holds a century-old patent under the World Court, to a groundbreaking piece of Cyberware, code named: Awakening!

Picture this: cutting-edge fae-cybernetics implanted directly into your brain, seamlessly integrating all your Cyberware and fae serums into a singular system, elevating what our minds and bodies are capable of, to unprecedented heights! A promise of limitless opportunity and growth!

Isn't that just the dream? To finally overcome the limitations of Peripheral Neural Interfaces?

Only problem is, despite being a hundred years ahead of its time, this revolutionary Cyberware was never released. No live demos, no testimonials – just a silent whisper in the winds of innovation.

So, the big question lingers: Why keep it behind closed doors? A fault in the tech, rendering it unsuited for the public market? Or do the World Court's influential founding members prefer it remain theirs and theirs alone?

The details are scant, and the enigma surrounding its workings has left the tech community buzzing. Keep reading, as Cyber-licious dives deep into the shadows to uncover the untold story of what could have reshaped the very fabric of human advancement!

– An article published in “Cyber-licious - All Things Cyberware, Weekly.”


“Master Miles! What happened?! Is something wrong with the water?!” Zhan Shen yelled, nimbly sidestepping the water splattering through the air.

‘What in the holy hells is this?’

Miles was shocked as he observed the spectral screen that had materialized in the air.

The attributes displayed here resembled those used to assess Fae-humans, his values being identical to that of his most recent faesycian report, but that was not all there was here…

It honestly reminded him more of the player status in the old-world video games his mother had introduced him to. But how and why had this appeared in reality?

Was this supposed to represent him, his status, as if he were a video game character?

There was some use in a consistently accessible character screen that displayed attributes in real-time but…

Miles gestured at the screen and answered with a raised voice, “No, it’s not the water! This! This is what’s wrong!”

The old butler approached with measured tread, his lined face betraying a hint of confusion as he stared at the location Miles was pointing to. But after a moment of careful scrutiny, he shook his head, “Master Miles I’m afraid I see nothing. Why, what can you see?”

Miles’s eyes widened, soon falling into a contemplative silence.

It appeared that this ‘player status screen’ was visible only to him, ruling out the possibility of it being a hologram or some form of projection.

Assuming this was not a FaeTech neural implant embedded in his occipital lobe undetected and unknown to even himself…

A quick command to Cadmus and placing the wolf-headed ring upon his forehead for just a few seconds, confirmed it.


A relief, but the Lykaon Ring was not omniscient. It could only confirm that his mind was his own, within acceptable parameters, and that there were no FaeTech inside his brain.

In which case, this could still be some external holographic technology made visible only to his eyes or… a specific group of people which happened to include him? Perhaps with selective light refraction and retinal identification?

Not impossible, but more alarming was the fact that this could be a hallucination, an illusion forced onto his mental faculties by some magically engineered neural malfunction.

Based on the Lykaon ring’s known capabilities, only disruptive and controlling mental influences were detected and defended against, and this particular incident may very well be the opposite.

Miles sincerely hoped it was so, as the thought that the Lykaon Network, ever impenetrable in his eyes, was unable to detect what he was currently experiencing was a far more troubling conclusion.

However, persistent hallucinations and illusions, while unusual, were not without any precedent.

To uncover the truth behind this peculiar phenomenon, Miles could only think of one direct and logical solution. And that was to explore the capabilities of the status screen.

After all, if it was truly based on old world video games, displaying attributes should only be the most basic of functions.

While Miles remained deep in thought, Zhan Shen was conflicted.

The old butler couldn’t help but wonder, whether his young master was under the thrall of some enchantment, one that had clouded his mind with phantasmagoric visions distorting his very perception.

Perhaps, as precaution, it would be wise to consult a healer? Even a mundane physician could suffice. Nat-tech had come a long way in treating maladies of magical nature and they had contacts, trustworthy enough to be discreet.

But if the fact that Miles, the disfavored yet sole Lykaon heir, was under the effect of some Fae mind control and was experiencing hallucinations came out…

Miles glanced at the side, seemingly noting his guardian’s concern.

Offering a reassuring smile, he waved his hand in dismissal, “You heard Cadmus, right old Zhan? If my mind was truly beyond saving, the Lykaon ring would’ve rejected me instantly. So, no need to worry. I am quite well. It’s been a bit unexpected, but I believe I’ve figured out the next course of action.”

The butler wavered, torn between his duty to protect and his trust in Miles. In the end he released a heavy sigh and nodded.

With that taken care of, Miles turned back to the status screen.

Properly perusing and analyzing the various attributes and relevant values, coincidentally the same that could be enhanced by fae serums, he could not help but notice the eerie accuracy of the information displayed.

Even the title Discredited Heir of Lykaon Industries, while not something he was entirely pleased with, made sense, ever since the agreement with FaeTech that is.

Sure, Influence was the only attribute that could not be measured by current tech but in the context of his current standing, he felt +1000 was a reasonable estimate.

But what truly caught his attention was the +5 bonus to all physical attributes!

To achieve the same effect through conventional means, Miles would have had to consume a staggering 15 Goblin Tier Serums on average, five for each of the three physical attributes! Of course, he could have spent some gold to obtain serums, perhaps even higher tier ones and burned 1/20th of his Faetality to the same effect, but here he had gained all that simply by virtue of the title Newborn!

Considering his recent run-in with the ceiling, Miles was reasonably confident that these weren’t just empty numbers either. And if the Newborn title enhanced his senses through Enhanced Senses (Minor) as mentioned in the description of said title, that could explain his sudden ability to see in darkness.

‘A drastic increase in physical attributes and night vision. It is only logical to assume that I gained this ‘system’ because of the Vampire and the Werewolf who bit me. Does that mean they had the System as well? Or is this something unique to only me?’

Whatever the answers to those questions, Miles was beginning to feel excited, of the possibilities that his newfound abilities presented.

But what of the other titles listed on the system?

Cursed, and Vessel of the Beast Within (Sealed), while mysterious and ominous, he knew nothing as to what they could mean. But Last True Son of Lykaon, that struck a chord of familiarity. A title he had heard before.

‘Isn’t that what the ghost lady called me?! Does that mean she is related to this? Then was she the one who made this system?!’

Unfortunately, the title was… inactive?

With nothing else to note, Miles turned his focus to the [Current Form] bracket. If the instructions provided in the status screen were to be believed it seemed that he was expected to unlock one of these forms.

‘Might as well then.’

He would give it a try and confirm once and for all the authenticity of this strange power, and the moment he entertained the thought, the [Current Form] bracket glowed, expanding rapidly until it replaced the status screen.

[Current Form: Base Human (Failed to detect Prana Heart. A Potential-less form.)

For proper System Activation the user is advised to choose a new form. The user may switch to, and between any forms they unlock later on.

Unlockable Base Forms: Kindred and Wurkan.

Currently only the Kindred Quest is available. Do you accept (Yes/No)?]

Miles couldn’t help but feel insulted by the message’s implication.

‘Potential-less? Seriously? I know I’m not an Epsilon Fae-human but it's not that bad! I’m even fairly above average! And what in the hell is a prana heart?’

Realizing no one would answer him, Miles heaved a sigh and delved into thought.

The greatest problem with the decision before him was that he was uncertain of the meaning of the words ‘Kindred’ and ‘Wurkan’.

However, considering that there were two ‘unlockable base forms’ and two that had bitten him in the first place, he felt it reasonable to assume they referred to Werewolves and Vampires.

In addition, he could vaguely recall the ghost woman using these very words. If he remembered correctly there were two instances, and of the two, only one was useful for distinction.

In her own words, “The only reason I could bring you here was the She-Wurkan.”

Considering the word ‘she’, it had to be that the ghost had referred to the female werewolf. In which case, Wurkan or Wurkao would be another term for Werewolf, and by means of elimination, Kindred would refer to Vampire.

Regardless Miles only had one choice available. He would have to choose Kindred whether he liked it or not. Though he was slighted by the lack of choice, since it was also mentioned that it was possible to change forms as he wished later on, he saw no reason to delay.

Miles steeled himself with a few deep breaths and focused on the word ‘Yes’.

Just as he prepared to say it…


The same notification chime rang out.

The [Form] screen vanished in a flicker only to be replaced by another. It was identical to the screens before, pitch black text on a transparent background, save for the single word at the top: [Quests].

‘It read my mind?! I wasn’t sure the first time, but this confirms it! This system isn’t merely visual, but well and truly interfaced with my mind!

Despite all attempts to mimic the inexplicable Fae based FaeTech Cybernetics, Lykaon Industries is still decades away from any significant advancements in using nat-tech to replicate telepathy!

Wait, is that why the System Screen appeared in the first place? In response to my thoughts?’

Intrigued, Miles willed the system to disappear, and it vanished as if it had never existed.

With just another thought, he willed it back.

‘It IS controlled by the mind! Even Vulcan Corp. is supposedly investing heavily in telepathy nat-tech, trying to replicate what FaeTech supposedly achieved a century ago.

While it is very highly possible this system is of Fae Influence, if, just if, this thing isn’t a hallucination, or FaeTech patented, and if it could possibly be replicated…’

Stifling his excitement and reminding himself to be more rational, Miles returned his attention back to the new [Quests] screen.

[Form Unlock Quest #1: An Acquired Taste

Objective: Consume a drop of human blood.

Rewards: First Re-Awakening. Unlocks Kindred - Base Form. Additional effects/rewards based on the quality of the blood and the strength of the blood source.]

[Form Unlock Quest #2: Unavailable. Conditions not met.

Objective: Unknown.

Rewards: Unlocks Wurkan - Base Form.]

Miles raised an eyebrow. If he had had any doubts about Kindred referring to Vampire, with this they vanished.

As for drinking a drop of blood he had nothing against it, as long as he could do it with class while maintaining decorum and decency, of course.

While he needed power and would do whatever was needed to gain it, he still had a few principles.

There was no way he would allow himself to become a feral monster, similar to the crazed Vampire that had attempted to feed on him.

Miles turned to Zhan Shen, the elderly butler trying his best to remain calm, but failing spectacularly, “Old Zhan, I’m going to need some blood.”

“Blood?” The elderly butler nodded instantly though his confusion was clear, “Not a problem. We always maintain a stock of fresh blood in our safe houses. But why? Do you need a transfusion, Master Miles? I examined your condition–”

Miles shook his head, forcing a smile, “No, not a transfusion. I need just one drop of blood and I believe it best if it came from you. I… will be drinking it.”

Zhan Shen’s shock was palpable, his face speed twisting through disbelief, fear, and finally confusion.

Why would the young master drink blood, and his own at that?

Miles waved his hands in a hurry, “I know! I know, it's an unusual request but I need to do this! It may sound mad, but if this works it will become irrefutable proof!”

Despite the attempts to explain, Zhan Shen remained conflicted, “Does this… have something to do with the ‘Vampire’ you mentioned? But why are you drinking blood? Master Miles, you don’t have any thoughts of becoming a Vampire yourself, do you?” and narrowed his eyes.

‘Annoyingly perceptive as always old Zhan. Unfortunately, I can’t explain the whole truth to you either. Vampires do not have the best reputation and I know you wouldn’t be fine with me becoming an undead blood-feeding monster, presumably of course. But… I must.’

Somewhere along the way, the ‘experiment’ to test the system had become something else, something more - a glimmer of hope for a different him, for a different future.

And so, Miles scoffed, “Of course not! What can one drop of blood even do!? Don’t worry, this is just a small test to serve as evidence!”

He rarely lied to old Zhan, and he was betting on that trust to get his guardian to have faith in his already shattering facade.

The old Butler stared at him as if attempting to discern the truth in his words, his expression unreadable.

After a few moments of tense silence, Zhan Shen let out a sigh and Miles knew he had chosen to believe him.

Then the elderly butler moved.

Miles could just barely make out the movement, crouching, reaching for something in his boot. The rest was just a flash of silver.

By the time he had blinked a single time Zhan Shen had returned to how he had been. The only evidence of his movement was a small cut on his hand.

‘Well damn! That speed may not be on par with the Vampire and Werewolf but it’s certainly close! Extremely so, for an Epsilon Faehuman!

But most important of all, I could see his movement! I’ve never seen Zhan Shen actually move before! It was not much, true, but this is without ever having used a single Fae Serum!’

That realization only further cemented his resolve to pursue the system quest, even if it meant lying to his guardian.

Zhan Shen produced a small glass taken from the side table, catching the dripping blood.

Once a few drops had accumulated, he handed it over.

However, Miles’s attention was elsewhere. He watched as the old Butler rubbed the wound on his hand, and how, by the time he finished, all that remained was a faint trace of blood. The skin was unblemished, and the wound already healed.

‘Regeneration?! It’s not as impressive as the Vampire’s but still. I did not know old Zhan was capable of that, since I’ve never actually seen him get injured. Well, one of these days I’ll have to get him to tell me more about his Fae Abilities…’

Realizing he was distracting himself Miles returned his focus to the glass of blood in his hand, a sense of trepidation overwhelming him.

He could feel it.

This would be the first step, the first step in a path that would change his life forever. And it would be a step he could never take back…

Seeing that Miles had yet to drink, Zhan Shen grinned, “Well what’s the delay Master Miles? Drink up! I am willing to bet that my blood will blow your freakishly overpriced wine out of the water! Drink up!”

Miles was shaken out of his self-doubt, an annoyed scowl beginning to grow on his face. Old Zhan sure enjoyed making fun of his wine.

Nevertheless, it helped.

A deep breath, and he was ready.

Whatever waited for him on this path, he would have to see. He would unlock the full potential of this mysterious system and harness its power for his goals.

Miles put the glass to his mouth and tipped his head back, gulping it down as if a shot.

It… tasted like Iron, like blood was supposed to. But there was also something else. Something incongruent. It tasted like– fresh bamboo shoots?



[Quest Requirements met.

Form Unlock Quest #1 Completed!

Reward: Form - Kindred, First Re-Awakening.

Owing to the high-quality blood source, the user has gained additional bonuses.

Ability - Self Control, Ability - Inheritance, Title - Balanced.]

The moment this message appeared; Miles felt a deathly chill creep over his body. Literally.

A coarse cough escaped his lips, as he felt his organs, bones and muscles shifting and moving within him. His skin moved almost visibly as if a thousand worms were crawling within.

The beating of his heartbeat became hyper-audible, its beat growing louder and frantic as if a shout or a scream.

Miles felt it all, yet it caused him no pain.

But Zhan Shen seemed to take note of this change instantly, his face contorting in shock, “Master Miles! What’s wrong? Why is your aura so– different? Not weaker but closer… to death!? How?! My blood could not do this!”

It was then that Miles’s heartbeat reached a crescendo, a final wail of agony, a dying cry, and then… it stopped.

His heart was now silent, still and unmoving.

Miles could distinctly feel the absence of that comforting rhythm in his chest, as if a background noise that had vanished inexplicably, one he had taken for granted.

Nevertheless, he forced himself to take a few deep breaths, pacing his thoughts and taking stock of his body.

Even though his heart seemed to no longer function, everything else was somehow the same.

Better even.

It was weird, strange, but also good. He felt stronger, faster, capable of more than ever before.

His senses had heightened, even exceeding the previous enhanced state.

If he focused hard enough, he could now see the fae magic in the walls, the macroscopic shimmering earthen influence running through the dark gray of the trow-touched concrete. The unseelie pixie’s infernal influence upon the iron of the door, manifesting as deathly dark slivers that vanished the moment he focused, but failing to completely escape his perception.

The faintest scent of blood in the air was distinct enough to be isolated to its origin, to Zhan Shen’s hand. The pores on his faintly wrinkled skin were visible as if zoomed in with a camera. The old butler’s rapid heartbeat was clearly audible even from this distance, growing ever louder and faster for some unknown reason.

These were drastic changes, unnatural in a sense, but also not. They were familiar, like a return to something forgotten, like a long-lost friend. It was just… right.

It would only be a matter of time before Miles got completely used to it.

Suddenly, with another Ding! a new message popped up.

[Warning: Kindred are beings of chaos and creatures of endless desire.

New ability (Self-Control) opposes the nature of Destruction. It will be modified to suit your form.


Kindred, they who are blood given life. Self-control becomes the dominion over blood.

(Ability - Self Control) has been shifted into [Discipline: Haemomancy].

Congratulations, the user has unlocked their First Discipline.

The Path of the Kindred awaits.]

‘Haemomancy? Control over blood? And this came from old Zhan’s Self-Control just because self-control ‘opposes the principles of the Kindred’ –or rather the Vampires?!’

[New ability (Inheritance) shows minor resonances with Disciplines: Mentalism, Auspex and Haemomancy.

Ability modified to assimilate with pre-existing [Discipline: Haeomomancy]

(Skill: Blood Inheritance) unlocked.]

‘Blood Inheritance…? Wonder what that’s about.’

Before Miles could contemplate further about these two notifications, a powerful pressure descended down upon him, almost making him collapse onto his knees.

It took everything he had, all of his newfound strength to just barely stand against it and remain on his feet. Even then, he could not help but hunch over as if carrying a great burden.

Gritting his teeth, even drawing blood, Miles slowly raised his gaze towards his assailant.

Zhan Shen had taken up a martial stance, his eyes burning with murderous intent. And around them, for a moment, flickered pitch-black rings.

The old butler bellowed in hapless fury, “WHAT DID YOU DO?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MILES, YOU MONSTER!?”