chapter 2 (its just short)
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I sat in the office waiting to get in trouble with the most annoying in the entire rainforest across the room from me silent for the first time since he was born (most likely)

"you know it was an accident right?" I asked for some weird reason sad that isn't talking to me (what in the moons?)

"ya but you threw it hard so it doesn't seem like it was" Comet said he didn't know that I was an animus yet.

"well I didn't throw it ..." I said looking at my talons.

"you didn't? but then what did you do?" he asked

"I...I accidentally enchanted the rock to do that" I explained quickly "I'm an animus" then the principal walked into the room just as I said "I'm"

"well there goes that secret" Spirit said from next to me.