[Poll] Not a Chapter: How should the Akashic System display its stats?
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Currently, as my readers will see in a roughly four hours when the next chapter goes live as scheduled, the Akashic System displays values in integers. Only neural aptitude is letter grade as normal.

Sounds good, right? Well, I have come to the realization that I'm really fussy about numbers and calculations. Everything has to make numerical sense. As a result, I think I've spent well over twenty-four hours tweaking numbers in spreadsheets by now, and I'm still doing it every now and then. There's always something wrong with the way the numbers scale.

So I want to get some input on how to proceed and I want my readers to help me decide in a poll, and if possible explain your reasoning in the comments below.

PS: I'm having second thoughts on that LitRPG tag so if you're here for the LitRPG, it's time to bail (sorry >.<). I realized now that this novel just isn't suited for having lots of numbers.

Here are the choices:

  1. Letter Grade
    1. Grade/Rank S, A, B, C, etc
    2. Less math. I'll approximate a rank instead of calculating exactly.
    3. Less numbers in general. Instead, things will be described qualitatively.
    4. "I feel much stronger than before!" "I'll be able to lift that road roller!"
  2. Numbers
    1. 1,2,3...5...10...15...50..., etc
    2. More math. I'll keep tweaking numbers as I write.
    3. You'll be able to see smaller increments of power increase.
    4. Quantitative descriptions.
    5. "My strength is now XX, increased from YY!" "I can probably easily lift 50,000 kg now!"
  3. Other
    1. Please explain in comments!
How should the Akashic System display its stats?
  • 1. Letter Grade Votes: 101 63.5%
  • 2. Numbers Votes: 50 31.4%
  • 3. Votes: 8 5.0%
Total voters: 159