033 – Sakura’s issues
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After the fight and the healing Kakashi and Naruto were ready to depart.

Sasuke invited Naruto to train with his group but Naruto said that he wants to focus on his waterfall exercise and he left.

Sasuke also stopped Kakashi from departing and said "Sensei I need a favor."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow and nodded to him to continue

"After the massacre of my clan, the Anbu removed all the jutsu from my clan's library. Now that I am officially a genin I want them back. Can you accompany me to the Hokage's office?"

Kakashi's expression changed slightly and he said "Sasuke, don't worry about that. I will go and have a talk with the Hokage about this. There is no need for you to come."

Sasuke nodded and Kakashi left.

'It seems that Hiruzen's suspicion towards me is even greater than I thought. I have analyzed my past interactions and I did not find any obvious missteps. The most probable scenario is that he is afraid of my intellect. It seems that Hiruzen will refuse to make me Hokage even if I complete his mission. I may have to alter my plans a little…'

"Sasuke we are finally alone" Tenten said and interrupted his thoughts with a passionate kiss.

"You are a great friend. You took too many hits to make it look real. Since when you are so close with Naruto? You only talked to him in class but he never came here to train with us." Tenten said.

"Naruto has very pure heart. He is an orphan and he has just lost his sensei. We may have not talked much but our circumstances are similar and we have developed a deep friendship. You should also become his friend. We are a team know and we need to cover each other's back."

"He is strong and I already liked him, don't worry. I can already imagine our team in the future. We will be the new legendary Sannin!" She said with enthusiasm. 

Sasuke smirked. "Was Orochimaru as hot as me?"

"Ah come on... Now you made me compare myself with lady Tsunade and you ruined my mood… Also, Orochimaru may look like a snake now but they say that he used to be a very charming man."

Sasuke looked at her with an evil smile and moved behind her. He carefully moved his eyes lower and lower…

"You may not have Lady Tsunade's chest but I believe that you have more than enough qualifications"

Tenten blushed a little but still said "You may not have Orochimaru's snake tongue but you still kiss nicely."

Sasuke looked offended. "Should I show you more tricks which a snake can't perform?"


The group came but unfortunately, Neji was away in a mission with his team. Sasuke wanted to give him a new mission. Shikamaru, Sakura, Ino and Tenten immediately started sharing stories about the new teams. Team 10 easily passed the test that Asuma-sensei gave them and they were very surprised when Tenten told them that they passed immediately. 

'So, not only did she take Sasuke on her team but she also passed without a test thanks to Sasuke's great strength' Sakura thought.

Suddenly a voice stopped her thoughts.

"Sakura, I haven't forgotten about your earlier behavior towards Naruto." Sasuke said coldly and Sakura froze.

"Ino and Tenten you will also come with us. We need to discuss it together. Let's go in my house." Sasuke said with a commanding tone.

Sasuke looked at Shikamaru apologetically and said "Sorry Shikamaru this is a private matter. Keep training, we will return later."

Shikamaru nodded in understanding. 

'That's happens when you have too many kunoichi in your life. We have only mother and she is so troublesome…' he thought


The whole group sat down in the living room and the atmosphere was awkward. Sakura was extremely nervous and she was trembling slightly. 'I have failed Sasuke-kun… What he will do now? Why did he bring Ino and the bitch? What this have to do with them?' She thought frustrated

Sasuke looked her in the eyes and said "Sakura I am extremely disappointed with your behavior. What you told Naruto was completely inappropriate."

Sakura was sad that she disappointed Sasuke but she was also frustrated "Sasuke-kun I am sorry that I have failed you. But please tell me why do you care about that loser Naruto?"

Ino facepalmed and Tenten looked at her with a strange gaze.

"Sakura tell me why do you believe that Naruto is a loser?" Sasuke demanded.

'Isn't it obvious?' Sakura thought.

"Naruto was the last in class. He was annoying and he was always around me shouting to everyone that he likes me. I told him that I don't like him countless times but he was insisting. His used to wear that orange set, the ugliest piece of clothes in existence. He was interrupting the lesson all the time and he had zero common sense. He was getting his ass kicked by you every time and he kept saying that he was better than you and that he wants to be Hokage. He was pranking and creating trouble for everyone. He is completely repulsive. Even my mother told me that he is a monster and that I should stay away from him." Sakura said and her repulsion towards Naruto was evident in her face.

'Does she talk about the same Naruto that I met?' Tenten wondered.

Sasuke was ready to reply but Ino replied first

"Sakura you are an idiot. Everything you described happened when we were 7 years old. Naruto has matured and he is nothing like that. When was the last time that he said that he likes you? Naruto has many friends, his grades are in the middle of the class and he is very strong…. It is impossible for you not to notice that. Unless… Can it be that now that he no longer cares about you, you are jealous?"

"WHAT? HOW DARE YOU TO SAY THAT TO ME PIG." Sakura screamed and Ino was shocked.

"STOP" Sasuke demanded and Sakura immediately stopped shouting but her hateful gaze didn't move from Ino.


Sakura immediately felt betrayed from Sasuke's words and small tears appeared next to her eyes. She was now looking at the floor.

"Sakura, if what Ino said is not true tell me the reason that you hate Naruto."

Sakura was ready to answer but her mouth closed. After several seconds she finally said "My dislike towards him was too much. Even though he has changed I still can't stand him." 

"Sakura, Naruto is my friend. If you had a proper reason to hate him, I would not have opposed you. If you had kept your hate to yourself, I still would not have opposed you. However, you decided to insult him in front of the whole class. Naruto is mine and Tenten's teammate and our life depends on him. You need to apologize to him." Sasuke said.

'APOLOGIZE? SASUKE WANTS ME TO APOLOGIZE TO NARUTO?' Sakura was silent but it was obvious to everyone that she was ready to explode. If it wasn't Sasuke that said this but anyone else, she would already be screaming. 

Sasuke and the two girls who were watching her reaction were extremely displeased with her.

Sasuke continued "Sakura it is now clear to me that your behavior is problematic. I didn't want to talk about this matter but I can't help it now. I clearly remember that Ino was the first girl who showed interest in me. The 2 of you used to be best friends and inseparable. However, about 2 weeks after Ino's crush on me you also started to show interest towards me. But this was not enough for you. Even though Ino forgave you and didn't press the matter, you were the one who stopped your friendship and you even started insulting her in class. Later when I talked with the two of you about the restoration of my clan, it was Ino once again that put her ego away in order to fix your relationship. You never apologized to her for what you did. Today once again when Ino pointed out your misbehavior you immediately started insulting her. "

Ino was completely shocked that Sasuke had noticed exactly what happened. She was happy for Sasuke's support but at the same time she was feeling sad for Sakura. She gave one glance at Sakura's face and it was obvious that the girl had never before felt so ashamed in her life. All her shameful actions were completely bare in front of everyone and the girl was completely lost. Tears were running from her eyes and her gaze was completely unfocused. Ino tried to get up and make a step towards her but Sasuke looked at her and moved his head.

On the other hand, Tenten was very surprised. She already had a dislike towards Sakura for her rudeness but she didn't know that she treated Ino like that.

Sasuke continued his talk but this time with more intensity

"Sakura, even though I like you and I want to have you as my wife I don't find this behavior acceptable. if you want to be part of my clan you have to think carefully about your mistakes. You can't treat people like that and especially the ones that I care about. 

For one week you are not allowed to come here. Take your time and think about your behavior and your goals in life. Also, if you want to return you must sincerely apologize to both Ino and Naruto"

Sakura couldn't take it anymore. Her cries were now loud and she got up and run away.

Ino looked at her departing form with tears in the eyes and wanted to go after her but Sasuke stopped her.

"Tenten, please give us some space. I need to have a talk with Ino." Sasuke said and Tenten nodded in understanding and left.