Chapter 8
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Ibro re-entered the shipping company’s site and used his shipment code to revise the trip. This time he did not need to waste any time since the flight was recorded so he went directly to the location where he remembered that the shipment disappeared. He found out that the shipment disappeared before the Modern city of Alamein. He ran the recording to find that when the shipment arrived in the city of Alamein it disappeared. He rushed the recording again to find that when It reached the old city of Dabaa it reappeared again. He repeated that clip more than once and tried to reduce the recording speed and even zoomed the map as much as possible. He confirmed that the shipment disappeared as soon as it crossed the borders of the city of  Alamein to reappear once it reaches the borders of the city of El Dabaa. He kept staring in that area which stretched for over fifty kilometers and inside him rang one question loudly: What was there?

He left the company site and wrote down the coordinates which he selected midway in that distance at the search service of his phone. He found many pages related to the location of those coordinates. He read through them quickly to find that all of them were talking about one thing in common: Alamein Quantity Station. It suddenly hit him strongly when he realized the reality of what was there. It was a modern power factory which was using quantum technology to produce power. Because the quantum energy emitted from the station disturbed the electromagnetic waves and other ancient waves, for this reason, satellites that rely on older technologies could not ever spy on that region. He carefully read through all the pages that talked about that station and its impact on the area around it to be sure of its guess. After he finished he had a wide smile on his face ..

“I finally found you!”

In front of him was a layout for a small city. The size of which did not resemble the size of normal cities, neither from near nor from far. This village-like city was located right next to the station and it served the station workers and provided them with the necessary resources. He started looking for all the information related to this village of "Espay", which due to its small size and lack of communication on the Internet and its location was very close to the quantitative station, he could not find much information about it. This made him feel more at ease. As for his connection to the game he was not worried. To his knowledge the satellites responsible for providing connection between capsules and the game were built by very advanced technologies as the strange meteorite had taken the task of making them with never heard before technologies that humans did not know. The control of theses satellites was entirely in the hands of the meteor. So he would be able to play as he wanted without being afraid of anyone watching him and he could move to this village like city without being worried about not being able to enter the game.

He searched for any company that sold real estate in the small city. His search was not as easy as he expected, as most of the buildings in it fall under the ownership of the quantitative plant entity to provide a place for the workers to live in. After a long period of looking he found a small hotel dedicated to receive foreign technicians responsible for maintenance work and providing raw materials and technologies and other services for the plant. It was not like any hotel but through its image that appeared on the screen of his phone he concluded that it was a small building that did not exceed five floors surrounded by a garden from all directions bordered by iron fence preventing intruders from entering the campus of the hotel. He liked the privacy and mystery surrounding this inn. He liked the simplicity of its exterior design and though he lacked information about it he managed to find the phone number through it he could book the room he wanted. He did not hesitate for a moment, although his bank account was depleted a bit in the previous days however when he contacted the hotel over the phone and knew the room rates, he was fully confident in his ability to bear the cost of renting a room in the hotel for at least three years. From the prices he had heard from the operator, he realized that the special conditions of the area made the hotel owners reduced their room rates in an attempt to attract the largest number of customers. If the prices of the hotel were like other modern Alexandria hotels, Ibro would not be able to rent a small room in it except for a period not exceeding one year. Now he had booked the largest suite in the hotel for three years.

After taking the hotel bank account data he transferred a sum sufficient to stay there for the full period. The residence there included room service, three meals, and providing any special transfers inside and outside the city for free. Although he hesitated for a while to choose all these services due to his fear that the presence of a capsule in his suite would attract the attention of the hotel workers. He quickly dismissed that fear as capsules for games were very widespread in Egypt now. As for the possession of a young man like him for this small fortune, the best excuse he could provide for its existence was that he was a professional player of one of the online games. People always hear about how rich gamers were  and they were also famous for their strange behavior and love for playing in strange areas. After thinking about all of this, he felt more confident in choosing Espay. Then he entered again the capsules shipping company site and cancelled the record. He was not worried that the disappearance of his flight record would raise any doubts. First, there were a large number of players in the region so the spying eyes would be dispersed among a huge number of them. Secondly, he was sure that the record of shipping the capsules for him would not be tracked by anyone unless he was able to draw enough attention at game. Lastly, his removal of the flight record would place many obstacles in front of the people who would take over the task of digging behind him, and he might be lucky and the company would not be able to recover the deleted records at that time. Whatever it was that step would not jeopardize him and you might buy some valuable time for him in the future.

His stay in the car did not last long, as he reached the residence of each of his players and spoke a little encouraging words with them. He then installed the capsules in the homes of the six players and asked them not to talk to anyone about their playing in the future game, stating that he wanted to add veil of ambiguity about Sphinx Studio among the players community. He was not sure that his request would prevent them from speaking about the game's secrets at their homes, but at least he tried to limit the amount of damage that might happen. As for the remaining five players who owned their capsules, Ibro easily removed every capsule from their homes and before moving them to the new headquarters, he skillfully removed the foreign objects and distributed them in the room where the capsule was. He took advantage of the players being busy helping him to transfer the capsule parts outside their homes to his giant car. His journey took about a whole day, and most of it was wasted travelling through different governorates of Egypt. There was less than one day left for him till the date of launch of the game Rioneed. He was now inside his giant car in the old city of Saint Catherine. The distance between it and the city of Espay was very vast, as he was in the far east and he had to be reach his destination in the far west in less than half a day. He instructed the automated driver to travel at his fastest speed and take the shortest road. During this period of travel, Ibro sat alone in his small room on the second floor, holding a paper book he had purchased during the gathering that he attended in modern Cairo. The car took nearly four hours to travel from Saint Catherine to Espay, during which he wrote everything he could remember about the game. Although the information was now fresh in his mind, he was afraid to forget some of the details in the future, especially he was about to embark on a new adventure in which he would gain various new memories. He did not only want to help himself with that information, but also wanted to help the members of his studio. He wanted to help Aya. After he reached the hotel, he parked the giant car, which caught the attention of all the city's residents, in a spacious place inside the walls of the inn. He completed his procedures to enter the inn smoothly.  After which he moved up towards the fifth floor. He only had his small bag containing his clothes. About the parts of his capsule which was the only thing in his car trailer in addition to a huge amount of nutrients fluid cases which could last him for whole ten years, he requested from the inn reception to send workers to transport all of that upstairs to his private suite. The suite consisted of three large rooms and a hall with the size of approximately the size of all three rooms. Although he did not place any hopes on the quality and luxury of the hotel, when he wandered around his new home he was completely satisfied with it. The suite contained furniture that could be considered good, comfortable and classy. Although the suite is devoid of luxury, the elegance of the overlapping colors and the comfortable distribution of the furniture gave him a warm feeling that was just like being at home. Ibro loved this suite.

He did not wait much until the workers finished moving all parts of the capsule to his suite. Then he installed the capsule easily, and after around five minutes his capsule was ready for use. He then tried the capsule and found it, as he had expected, to be connected to the game servers via satellite. Now everything was ready and he only had to wait couple of hours before the game starts. As he remembered from the past, the start of the game would be exactly twelve at night. He stored the fluid nutrients tubes cases in one of the suite rooms and then connected a hundred tubes to the capsule. Each tube was almost at the size of the palm of the hand, but each of them was enough for him to play in capsule for three days. One hundred tubes were enough to make him last at the game for a hundred consecutive three hundred days of continuous play. That was nearly a year of continuous playing. He looked at his watch to find it was around seven at night. He still had five hours to start the game. He sat down on one of the comfortable chairs and started writing again all he could remember about the game details, waiting for the game to start.