One – Rebirth
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It isn't that difficult to accept your death if you know it's coming.


I was only sixteen when I was diagnosed with an incurable disease. I was estimated to have four years left to live.


And now that I'm here on my deathbed, I am at peace. I knew my death was coming. I wasn't afraid.


For the last time, I closed my eyes and drifted away.



My eyes flew open. All I could see was darkness.


I tried to move and found that I could quite easily, much to my surprise.


Where was I? I couldn't see anything. When I moved, I heard a strange sound, like a wet sponge. The hard surface under me was cold.


Then I could see slightly. I saw the vague outline of my body.


My eyes continued to adjust to the darkness. My skin looked like the color of caramel and I seemed to be wearing a dark brown, tight-fitting outfit. It covered my nipples and the sides of my body just barely. It ran down my arms and legs. It also seemed to be part of my body more than clothing.


Then I saw the two things in between my legs.


One looked like a tail, with the same dark brown covering crisscrossing it in a scale pattern. The other one was an erect penis sticking up from my groin.


What the fuck.


I hesitantly reached toward it. I had sometimes wondered what having one would be like. If this was real, I could find out.


My hand brushed against it. I shivered as slight pleasure shot through me. That confirmed that. I moved my hand down below my new appendage and felt around. I still had my vagina, thank god.


I slowly stood up. And then I fell backward. There was something incredibly heavy on my back.


I turned my head and saw two dragonlike wings that were the same dark brown covering my body.


I realized kind of what had happened. It was like one of those online novels my younger brother used to read. I had been reincarnated as a slime girl and also a dragon girl. I wondered if I had a status.


Just thinking about it caused white letters to appear in front of me.



[Level: 1]

[Race: Draconic Slime Girl (Class: Corrosion)]

[Age: 20]

[Sex: Futanari]


"Huh," I said. I was a slime. That explained my weird body texture.


I stood up again, this time accounting for the weight of the wings and tail on my back.


Then a bright light appeared in the cave.


"Hungy. . ." A deep, gravelly voice said. "Hungy for slimes."


Oh fuck.