Two – Escape
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A bright light, which looked to be coming from a flying bat, shot out of a side tunnel and nestled in the roof of the cave.


I turned to see a huge, creature clamber out of a side passage. The light from the glowing bat illuminated it. I recoiled at the sight of it.


It looked like a huge spider with a human head in place of a normal one. The human-like mouth had strange fang appendages that clicked together menacingly. The eight long legs of the monster were covered in bristly hair. Then white letters appeared in front of me, showing me some things about the creature.


[Name: NA]

[Level: 25]

[Race: Cursed Hellspider]

[Age: 3]

[Sex: NA]


"So hungy. . ." The hellspider said. Then it paused and sniffed the air. "Smell slime. Eat slime. Tummy full." I scrambled back, trying to find a route out of the cave that wouldn't get me close to the monster. There wasn't one.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I said. The spider crawled closer and closer.


Then one of its legs slammed into the ground next to me. I leaped to the side, trying to avoid it, only for one of its other legs to smack into me. My body stuck to it and a hissing sound came from where my gooey body was touching the spider. Steam rose as the monster screamed.


I remembered something from my status. It had said my Class was 'corrosion', which probably meant I was acidic. Neat.


With a slurping sound, I slipped off the spider's leg, which it held close.


HP: [4,600/5,000]


"Slime hurt. . ." It said. "Slime will die!" It attacked with another leg. I only dodged a little bit and placed both of my hands on the thick black object. The spider's skin sizzled and steam rose from where I was touching it. It screeched again.


Then some more white letters appeared.


[Skill: 'Magma Blast' Gifted by Anonymous]

[Magma Blast]

  • Active
  • Cost: 5 MP 5 SP
  • Create a blast of superheated liquid rock. Deal a maximum of twenty times your Attack Stat via burns.


"This will work," I said to myself. I pointed both my hands toward the spider and used the skill.


A blob of glowing molten rock appeared in front of my hands and shot forward. It exploded on the spider's face with a huge impact that shook the cave. It shrieked briefly as the rock melted its body. In only seconds, it was dead.


[Level 25 Cursed Hellspider defeated! Level up!]


"Neat. . ." I said. I looked at the tunnel the creature had come from. It looked to be my only way out of this awful place.


So I climbed into the tunnel and searched for a way out.


Quick chapter with more setup! I hope to wrap this story up soon because it's going to fuse with Vamp Dragon Fox Girl soon (Sashi is going to be a main character).