Chapter 52: Post-Action Report
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Bell completed watching the footage on the tablet. It had been just two hours, but they had managed to seize control of three villages simultaneously. The ogres were either slain or fleeing, signifying yet another territorial expansion to the east of their base. Additionally, he received the after-action report from his system once more.

[After Action Reports: 300 Ogres Killed]

[1,800,000 EPs Rewarded, 360,000 EXP Rewarded]

[Level Up To Level 32 | 10 Demonic Points Available]

In a chillingly efficient manner, modern weapons in this world proved to be formidable equalizers. Even the goblins, widely recognized as the weakest creatures who always attacked in large numbers, managed to annihilate 300 ogres in just under two hours. The tablet on his lap also indicated that no prisoners were taken. However, before anything else, he decided to put his demonic points to better use, realizing that he might require more of this imbalanced power.

[Diagnostic Menu] [Level: 32] [10 Demonic Points Available]

Name: Bellial Radcliffe

EXP: 88,240/311,000

General Health Status: Healthy

Skills and Perks:

  • Diplomatic Seer Lv. 4: Provides an edge in bargaining, crucial for resource acquisition or information gathering. This includes knowing what the current state or mood of your diplomatic opponent, or allies. It also allows the user to know their relationship with other diplomatic party. Moderate amount of Aether Energy needed to use this spell.
  • Sweet Talker Lv. 3: Provide a soothing-like ability to your voice during negotiation session, alongside with a non-aggressive passive spell that would make your offer more likely to be accepted by the opposite party. This ability only works on good will and any dubious request will cancel the spell immediately.
  • Aura of Authority Lv. 1: This ability imbues the user with an innate sense of authority and charisma, making others more inclined to respect and listen to you. It's particularly effective in leadership situations, where your presence can inspire confidence and loyalty. It only works on allies that have trusted the user. It will also boost the chance of intimidation slightly towards enemies.
  • Mana Efficiency Lv. 2: Reduces the amount of aether energy required to cast spells, allowing for more frequent use of magic.
  • Marksmanship Lv. 4: +10% Range and Accuracy of All Weapons on Your Arsenal, Including Summoned Soldiers
  • Second-Hand User Lv. 5: 55% Reduction in Equipment Price
  • Corpse Bank Lv. 1: This ability ensures that each corpse would be rewarded greatly, undeads or not. The system will give you an extra 20% for each creature, this includes both mechanical and biological creature that you encounter.
  • Experimental Logistics Lv. 1: Increase the efficiency of fuel items, engines, and so on, allowing +20% increase on average on range and duration.

He decided to invest in upgrading Experimental Logistics and Corpse Bank, recognizing their substantial impact on The Federation's operational capabilities. The thought of the dramatic increase in range alone was awe-inspiring. The former upgrade required two skill points, while the latter demanded five points, totaling seven points altogether. The resulting improvements were notably significant. Bell then allocated his remaining points to enhance his Marksmanship skills.

[Diagnostic Menu] [Level: 32]

Name: Bellial Radcliffe

EXP: 88,240/311,000

General Health Status: Healthy

Skills and Perks:

  • Diplomatic Seer Lv. 4: Provides an edge in bargaining, crucial for resource acquisition or information gathering. This includes knowing what the current state or mood of your diplomatic opponent, or allies. It also allows the user to know their relationship with other diplomatic party. Moderate amount of Aether Energy needed to use this spell.
  • Sweet Talker Lv. 3: Provide a soothing-like ability to your voice during negotiation session, alongside with a non-aggressive passive spell that would make your offer more likely to be accepted by the opposite party. This ability only works on good will and any dubious request will cancel the spell immediately.
  • Aura of Authority Lv. 1: This ability imbues the user with an innate sense of authority and charisma, making others more inclined to respect and listen to you. It's particularly effective in leadership situations, where your presence can inspire confidence and loyalty. It only works on allies that have trusted the user. It will also boost the chance of intimidation slightly towards enemies.
  • Mana Efficiency Lv. 2: Reduces the amount of aether energy required to cast spells, allowing for more frequent use of magic.
  • Marksmanship Lv. 5: +20% Range and Accuracy of All Weapons on Your Arsenal, Including Summoned Soldiers
  • Second-Hand User Lv. 5: 55% Reduction in Equipment Price
  • Corpse Bank Lv. 3: This ability ensures that each corpse would be rewarded greatly, undeads or not. The system will give you an extra 40% for each creature, this includes both mechanical and biological creature that you encounter.
  • Experimental Logistics Lv. 2: Increase the efficiency of fuel items, engines, and so on, allowing +25% increase on average on range and duration.

He closed the interface screen once more. He had grown accustomed to having notifications and other information displayed in his peripheral vision, a stark contrast to the bewilderment he felt when he first acquired this system a month ago, back when everything seemed like advanced witchcraft rather than technology. He couldn't help but wonder how average citizens felt when they were suddenly exposed to 21st-century technology while still living in the late 19th century.

Back then, most people didn't even know what electricity was, let alone what a smartphone could do. However, nowadays, such technology had seamlessly become a part of society. Perhaps the white-haired demonic woman sitting on a bench near the monument right across the street felt the same way Bell had when he first encountered a phone.

"Hey, Bell, want to hear the report?" Lisa asked.

"About... what?" Bell inquired.

"Project Mindslot," Lisa replied.

"Oh, Aya, how has it been progressing?" Bell asked.

"A lot," Lisa responded, opening a PDF file on the tablet. "Just read it for yourself."

Subject Overview: Aya Hoshino - Codename: Subject 101

Report ID: 1457/AD/1001

Prepared by: Regional Analyst Agency, The Facility, and Frostwood Neurology Department

Classification: Top Secret

Aya Hoshino, identified as Subject 101, is currently in a compromised state due to selective memory deletion. This memory alteration has had a significant impact on her operational capabilities, particularly concerning her necromancy abilities. Currently, her necromancy remains partially inactive.

This inactivity is directly attributed to the memory deletion process she has undergone. It's important to note that even in the event of memory recovery, the use of her necromancy ability faces a critical limitation. The ability requires numerous living sacrifices, which makes its application impractical and ethically unfeasible for counteroffensive operations.

Regional Threat Assessment: Husk Phenomenon

The control of husks in the region has been a major point of concern. Our investigations and Subject 101's testimony confirm that these husks are not under her control. Instead, they are manipulated by an unidentified external entity. This revelation has profound implications for our strategic approach to the region. The uncontrolled generation of undead forces is a persistent threat, as Subject 101 lacks the ability to halt their continuous emergence.

However, there is a strategic advantage that has emerged from this situation. Subject 101 possesses the capability to redirect these unnatural undead. She can maneuver them towards specific locations that have been identified as vulnerable to artillery barrages. This ability is a significant asset in aiding the operations of our hunting teams, allowing for more targeted and effective strikes against these undead forces.

Subject is willing to give out her classmates names. Here are the lists of their abilities:

  • Ilya Kasumi

Ability: Longinus Barrage

Description: Able to summon spears with cruise missile-like capabilities.

  • Shirai Minoru

Ability: Dimensional Magic

Description: Specializes in Non-Euclidean Storage Magic.

  • Eguchi Mitsuo

Ability: Swordsmanship Magic

Description: Exhibits extreme damage resistance and agility; capable of beam-like attacks.

  • Akira Matshushito

Ability: Elemental Control

Description: Suspected mastery over natural elements. Confirmation required.

  • Ayaka Hata

Ability: Psychic Powers

Description: Potential telepathy or telekinesis; exhibits a radio-like ability, susceptible to interception but not disruption.

  • Emi Sugai

Ability: Healing Magic (Unconfirmed)

Description: Suspected rapid regeneration or healing others.

  • Reiko Adachi

Ability: Illusion Magic (Unconfirmed)

Description: Capability to create realistic illusions.

Note: This report is subject to updates as more information becomes available. The situation is dynamic and should be monitored closely for any changes in the abilities or allegiances of the individuals listed. Currently, all RAA assets are tasked to figure out the extend of their abilities.

End of Report

"Well, it seems like the RAA has a lot of work to do," Bell remarked as he closed the PDF on the tablet.

"Lukas' brain is working at turbo speed, and several members of SPEAR have been recruited into the RAA using the agency's budget," Lisa added.

"So, about the memory erasure, is that your doing?" Bell inquired.

"Yes, we needed to ensure that her ability to reconnect with the Southern Coalition is nearly nonexistent. I couldn't take any chances. I hope you don't mind, but I also integrated her into the system to ensure absolute loyalty. Believe it or not, the project has been a huge success," Lisa explained.

"I see, so she's on our side now?" Bell questioned.


"And these memories won't resurface?" Bell sought clarification.

"Nanosurgeries, Bell. They erase the delicate parts of the brain to ensure that no memories can resurface."

"So, where is Aya?" Bell wondered aloud, looking around to find her.

"She's right across the street," Lisa replied.

Aya Hoshino (Demonic Version):