10. Satsuki Creating a Harem?
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Kanon actually replied to my message... Thank goodness she's okay. She said she would come here quickly.

Satsuki breathed a sigh of relief after reading the message. However, he furrowed his brow when he thought that the message he had sent might cause a misunderstanding with Kanon. But it could also make her come quickly.

"I have to prepare to be scolded..."

"So, where is your girlfriend now?" 

Kaede asked beside me while crossing her legs as she sat. 

Satsuki could see her beautiful stomach line because the shirt she was wearing was torn and used as an emergency bandage. He quickly averted his gaze from her and answered.

"I've said this before, she's my captain."

While waiting for Kanon who had apparently replied to the message, Satsuki chatted to pass the time. She should be arriving soon because she said the distance was quite close from where she is now.

Although Kaede was basically teasing him during the conversation.

"Wow, you're actually quite bad for daring to forget the embarrassing thing you did."

"I didn't forget it!"

Satsuki complained as he exclaimed.

How could I forget the things I've done! If I did, I would be the worst person!

"Ara~ Ara~ then what about that girl? What are you going to do with her after this is over."

Looking at the unconscious girl on his back, Satsuki replied, "I think, once she wakes up, we'll leave her alone?"

Kaede nodded at her words.

"Indeed. Besides, her life is not related to you..."

Then Kaede quickly added.

"...Unfortunately, sooner or later she might die after that."

She said with indifference.

Satsuki's eyes widened in surprise and confusion.

"What? You should be able to tell by looking at her condition. She might be someone from district 3 who has financial problems. And because she couldn't pay taxes, she was thrown into District 4. Because it's her first time in a barbaric area and she doesn't know how to survive, she must have gone to District 5 for the free garbage food there."

"If that's the case, what do you think brought her to that situation?"

Kaede tilted her head slightly while grinning. As if she knew the answer.

"I don't know. Maybe her parents died, she had debts, or something."

Satsuki pondered a bit hearing her words.

To think that life could be so difficult, I must feel lucky to have Kanon with me because I might easily fall for a scam.

He nodded and looked at the girl with pity.

"What if we hypothetically gave her money?"

At that question, Kaede shook her head with a bitter expression as an answer.

"She might survive for a while, but the same situation will eventually happen. Even if she tries to get a job in the mines, she won't be able to last long with her physical condition. If she tries to find a job in District 4, she might have trouble getting accepted because of her age and skills. The only place that might take her is the red light district..."

Kaede didn't say more as her voice faded. She probably didn't want Satsuki to hear more, seeing as he was still naive. It might be too damaging to his morale about the world.

They fell silent afterwards.

But the temporary silence was interrupted when Satsuki felt movement on her back.


Leaning on his back, the girl slowly opened her eyes and looked around dazedly. She then realized that she was being carried, and looked at the person who was doing it. Memories of what had happened before she fainted became clear to her, from being captured and almost violated, and some people who came and saved her.

"Oh, you're awake."

Satsuki said with a relieved tone as he glanced at her.


The girl didn't know what to say with her voice stuttering.

"Are you okay?"

Seeing the other party not responding made Satsuki worried.

"U-Um, yeah. First of all, c-can you please put me down?"

The girl said with a blushing face as if on the verge of tears. She just realized that Satsuki's face was very close to hers, making her panic and flustered.

Her slightly hoarse but soft and gentle voice seemed to hypnotize people to restrain themselves for her. Hearing it, Satsuki slowly lowered her.

"Thank you for saving me! I will remember this forever!"

The girl said, bowing her head.

"It's fine, we just happened to pass by."

Satsuki replied with a friendly smile.

"First, sit down. You're not in good condition."

"Uh, thank you."

The girl then sat down and adjusted herself. Followed by Satsuki sitting opposite and beside Kaede.

"Thank you again for saving me. If you hadn't been there, I'm not sure what would have happened to me."

"Haha, I told you not to pay too much attention to it. We just happened to pass by. Isn't that right, Senior?"

Asked him with a smile at Kaede.

"Well, it was you who made me get into that situation. You kept complaining to me to help you to save her, you know."

"Y-Yeah, because only you can rely on me at that time, Senior. Without you, I might not have been able to do it by myself, so thank you very much for that."

Satsuki said while scratching her head, which wasn't itchy.

"Hmph, it's good that you realize that."

A hint of red appeared on Kaede's cheeks while making a grin. Her statement seemed to have embarrassed her.

Satsuki quickly redirected his gaze back to the girl and continued their conversation.

"By the way, what's your name?"

The awkward girl answered after some moments.

"My name is Vermilia. But you can call me Milia."

"Alright, Milia. So, how did you end up in that situation if I may ask? You don't have to answer if you find it difficult."

Vermilia shook her head with a sour face.

"It's fine. This situation could happen to anyone. It may be a boring story."

"Just tell it while waiting for our friend to arrive, we will listen."

She said, remembering when Kanon would arrive.

"Alright then."

Vermilia nodded.

"Hei, can I join and listen."

When Vermilia was about to explain why this happened to her, a stranger's voice entered their conversation.

"Ahaha, please, Sa- Huh!?"

Satsuki, who had responded warmly, finally realized the anomaly and immediately paid attention to the person who had come from nowhere and recognized it, while Kaede silently prepared her weapon because she didn't even realize someone was approaching. But he know who is that person


Satsuki immediately became happy seeing Kanon finally in front of him and about to hug her. However, her cold glare immediately made him stop as he stood upright.

"For someone who gave me an emergency message that made me rush here in a hurry, I see you're having a nice time with two girls, Satsuki."


Satsuki couldn't say anything or come up with an excuse under that cold gaze.

"I-It's not like that, Kanon! W-We just happened to meet when I was looking for you, a-and many things happened."

For some reason, it felt like I was making excuses in front of a girlfriend who found out I was cheating...

Satsuki sweated as he thought about how foolish that sounded.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Tell me later. Besides, this isn't the right place to talk. Let's leave here first."

Kanon took a deep breath and stopped intimidating him for a moment. She felt relieved that nothing bad had happened to him. What she saw after arriving was he seemingly on a date with an unfamiliar girl.

But at least he was okay...

She didn't understand the situation, but when she glanced at the girls with her, who looked worse for wear, she could at least guess a few things. It was clear that something had happened.

"Wait a minute! What about you, why are you injured? How did you get hurt like that, are you okay?"

Satsuki finally noticed that Kanon was injured, as she was holding her side and blood was flowing from the hand that pressing on it, causing him to panic.

"It's just a small wound and the bleeding has stopped. And, we'll stop by the hospital for treatment later because it seems one of the people behind you is also injured."

Kanon glanced at the short-haired girl with pointed horns downward next to Satsuki. She could see blood stains on her shoulder from the makeshift bandage. Besides, she realized that the girl's physique was beyond her imagination when she looked at her overall. Her body figure looked amazing, coupled with her charming face could make her a model.

...Her chest was too intimidating.

On the other hand, she could see a girl with dull orange hair and a slightly disheveled face. But upon closer inspection, if she wasn't dirty and wearing clean clothes, Kanon was sure she would be very beautiful.

Has he already collecting a harem?

...To think Satsuki would be able to do it this quickly... he truly deserved to be a protagonist. It's just that his brain didn't function in understanding the 'battle' atmosphere among the girls in his time where there was no winner. Ahh, I miss school.

Kanon had many questions in mind to ask Satsuki. Like how he got here, and how he met them. But she would find out slowly.

"Explain everything. I want to know how your situation came to be like this."


They then started walking away from the border between districts because it was too dangerous to stay there. Vermilia, on the other hand, said she wanted to part ways with them because she felt uncomfortable disturbing her rescuers, but was quickly stopped by Satsuki and Kanon. There was still something they wanted to discuss with her.

"Vermilia, if you can't walk, I can carry you if you want."

Satsuki said with concern while looking at Vermilia.

She could see that the girl was panting to keep up with their steps. Clearly, her physical condition was not good.

"N-No, I can walk by myself. Besides, I'm afraid my scent will bother you."

Politely declining, Vermilia didn't want to make them uncomfortable.

"It's okay, it's not like you're radioactive material."

Stubbornly, Satsuki continued to insist on carrying her, until Vermilia was overwhelmed. He even stopped walking and knelt down. Not allowing her to say no.

"A-Alright, if you insist."

Giving up to his actions, Vermilia finally agreed to be carried.

"E-Excuse me..."

With a shy and blushing face, she then climbed onto Satsuki's back and wrapped her arms around her.

"Well, this way you shouldn't get tired."

"T-Thank you..."

Satsuki just smiled and nodded in response.

They continued walking slowly.

"Ignoring his rude words, why does his mind always work to unconsciously charm a girl..."

"Are you saying something, Kanon?"

"Just your feelings..."

"...Now, tell me everything."


Satsuki began to recount everything that had happened to Kanon. From searching for her, meeting Kaede, entering District 5, witnessing a girl being attacked, until saving her.

During that time, Kaede and Vermilia seemed to be bonding behind them, even though she seemed very awkward. She felt embarrassed because of her different appearance and the foul smell she emitted, making her want to stay away from their group. She felt she had ruined the atmosphere. But seeing the others' want to keep her with them made her give up. And, she was being carried, which limited her movement. She was also very embarrassed because this was the first time she was so close to a boy.

Satsuki finished telling Kanon about everything that had happened so far. Everything was summarized concisely and clearl, making him proud of himself for potentially becoming a skilled storyteller in the future. But his expression hardened when he saw Kanon staring at him coldly again.

"I told you before not to approach that District, you should have listened to what I said."

She said, reigning in her anger.

"I-I became worried and panicked when I found out the potential situation from Kaede, I'm sorry."

With a dejected look, Satsuki apologized. Although he made excuses, it was still his fault for being impulsive and following Kaede's suggestion. But he did not regret it because he had successfully saved someone.

Kanon hesitated slightly before speaking to Satsuki.

"... By the way, are you hurt?"

"Eh? No. I'm actually more worried about your condition now because  you're the one who got injured."

Kanon nodded after confirming with a visual check. There were no scratches on him.

"Alright then... that's good. And I'm fine walking on my own."

She silently thanked for her friend being okay.


... Is he actually angry or worried?

Unable to determine Kanon's fluctuating mood, Satsuki remained silent, afraid she might be scolded again.

On the other hand, Kaede chuckled quietly and diverted everyone's attention.

"Something funny, Senior?"

"Fufufu, no. It's just interesting to see your interaction. I even feel jealous. Isn't that right, Milia?"

"Y-Yes. You two seem very natural together."

Vermilia answered shyly, hugging Satsuki's back.

Both are puzzled, tilted their heads in confusion.

"Look, look at that! That's what I meant!!"

She exclaimed enthusiastically.

Kanon sighed as she watched the eccentric behavior of the person she just met and began speaking to him.

"Hahh, I don't understand your intentions at all. Your name is Kaede, right? Sorry for the delay, but thank you for taking care of Satsuki. This idiot here probably inconvenienced you a lot."

Ignoring Satsuki who coughed up blood at her words, she continued.

"I'll remember this. I'll pay for your escort if you want it."

Kanon knew that nothing in this world is free.

Kindness could also be motivated by money. So if Kaede wanted something like that, she would provide it. But it seemed like she was not interested in that from them. Her eccentric personality from Satsuki's story was convincing enough. She also seemed like a good person, so Kanon would try to trust her.

"Well, I only met him by coincidence. Also, I already asked Satsuki to treat me to dinner later. Besides, as fellow mercenaries, seeing a beginner who doesn't even know the different races makes me want to help him a bit."

"But I was quite surprised to see that you're not like Satsuki, who always has a surprised and inquisitive face about his surroundings. You're not like how he described you."

... No, I'm just as clueless as him, but I restrain myself from making such a face. And I am cautious, unlike Satsuki who is careless.

Kanon denied Kaede's statement in her heart because she couldn't reveal everything. Meanwhile, she continued to listen to her chatter.

"You're quite young to impress me. Even your fighting skills might be very impressive because I couldn't even tell when you were near us earlier. And, hmm... Somehow you look quite different from the Feline race I know."

To fade her confusion, Kanon clarified some misunderstandings, "I'm not from the Feline race, but Luppo."

Feline refers more to the cat race. Although they have some similarities in terms of ears, there are clear fundamental differences between them.

"Ohh sorry, sorry. So you're from the Luppo race. Haha, I thought a race that was never seen would... Hah? Did I hear wrong earlier, you just said you're from the Luppo race, right? Right?"

Kaede asked repeatedly, making Kanon nod to answer.

She's too excited...

"Ehh!! You're from that race!! Really? This is the first time I've seen it!"

She looked shocked and amazed. Not sure how to react to her.

Hmm, Kaede is even surprised by my presence as a Luppo race. I become more curious why the information about this is quite shocking to her. But I can't ask her directly, because it will be too suspicious. I have to find out on my own later with Crypto.

"Indeed. But please control yourself from screaming because it's too loud."

They were no longer in a quiet environment, and there were many passersby, so Kaede's exclamation attracted attention around them.

Kaede couldn't contain herself, covering her mouth as she looked around.

"Oops, sorry. I was so surprised because it's the first time I've seen it."

"No, it's okay."

They didn't discuss it further after that. Kaede might think it's sensitive information.

Kanon then initiated a change of topic.

"By the way, even though we said we're mercenaries, we haven't registered with the Mercenary's Guild yet."

"Huh? Did I just hear it wrong? Then how will you quickly take on missions if you're not registered!"

In addition to missions to defeat pirates, escort missions and cargo missions require adequate reputation if someone wants to take them on. So it's quite clear that someone not affiliated with the Mercenary Guild will be seen as very suspicious and won't easily be accepted for these missions. That's why Kaede was surprised that they hadn't registered yet. But this might have something to do with their past, so she didn't ask about it.

"That's why we'll register here later. So, can we ask for your help later to show us the way?"

Specifically, they could find it themselves with Crypto's help. But Kanon asked this because she wanted to improve their relationship. She might need his help in the future.

"Leave it to me. As long as you treat me to delicious food, I'll be happy to guide you."

Their small talk continued during that time. Vermilia was shy, but she also joined in the conversation a bit with them.

And that's how the four of them began to get to know each other.