7. Awkward Relationship
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An unbearable awkward silence hung in the air as we remained silent.


In the lounge where it should have been a place to relax, tension was building.

As I sat with my legs crossed, my gaze narrowed coldly as I looked at Satsuki sitting on the floor. His knees were folded, his face bruised, and he wore a guilty expression as he continued to stare downwards.

I couldn't believe what had happened last night.

"I'm sorry..."

After a long silence, Satsuki finally spoke.

To think something like this would happen to me, and from a friend that I trust... I couldn't help but sigh at fate.

Last night, we had engaged in sexual activity, or rather Satsuki had pushed me to the point where it happened. And it was too painful to remember.

The "Witch's Charm" we thought was just a regular drink turned out to be a limited edition and highly popular aphrodisiac among many people because it gave them a strong endurance during intercourse. That was information I found after searching for it on the information window...

In hindsight, why didn't I search for that information earlier instead of testing it myself? Why was I so foolish...

But to think we actually did it...

The drink had given us an overwhelming boost for sexual activity. Additionally, Satsuki couldn't control herself and forced me, so it happened... Just remembering it made my head spin with embarrassment. How long had we done it, 12 hours, 19 hours? I didn't know, but seeing all the thick fluids and splatters of blood on the bed made me think that we had done it for more than an hour ... It was truly a terrifying drug, I felt like an animal!! Wait, I am technically half-human, so it's not wrong to say that... All I know is that Crypto said we stayed on the plane for more than 36 hours.

I should have been able to restrain Satsuki with my strength, but strangely my muscles felt weak, and I could also maintain my consciousness longer, which made me recall the bloody scenes again... Ugh! The pain still lingered in my stomach.

"... I really couldn't control myself last night. It's all my fault. You can hit me as much as you want."

Satsuki's head drooped further as he blamed herself with a clear voice.

Hmph, her teary eyes. Why am I the one feeling guilty now?

"You should know this. Even though I'm a girl, I still have the soul of a man, so you should know how I feel. And how are you going to take responsibility for this?"

Well, even though I didn't really care much about whether I became a girl or a boy here. I just made up the excuse to blame him. But I can't complain too much because this incident happened because of the drug.

"Take responsibility..."

Satsuki suddenly lifted his head and looked at me with a straight posture.

"I will take responsibility by marrying you. Besides, you're a girl now, so your past as a man shouldn't be a problem, right? And for some reason, I... have fallen in love with you."

He said it all in one breath, accompanied by a serious expression. he looked very earnest.

"I ask for your help starting from today and onwards."

Satsuki then bowed his head to me as if this relationship had been approved.

The pulse in my forehead raced as I heard his strange confession.

"That's not the problem, you idiot!"

I threw a pillow at his head that made a funny sound.

Since when did my friend become a drama actor? A-And what does he mean by falling in love with me?! Why is this oblivious person behaving so abnormally? Is he going crazy after staying in this spaceship for a week?! Why did he confess to me?! Shouldn't you do that to your harem that you unconsciously created?! And why are you acting like we are already married?!!!!!!!


I let out a tired sigh. My feelings became strange after that passionate night.

I grabbed my coat and walked out of this room. My steps were a little unsteady due to the aftereffects of last night.

"W-Where are you going?"

Satsuki stood up and tried to follow me.

But I gestured for her to stop with a hand signal.

"Getting some fresh air. I don't like this awkward situation. It's better for us to cool down our heads first. You can go out, but don't tail on me."

With that statement, the door closed. Leaving Satsuki behind with leaving Genesis.


With indescribable feelings, I left Genesis with a sullen expression.

But that soon changed when I looked at my rumbling stomach.

"I'm so hungry..."

Not eating for more than a day will definitely make your stomach growl.

"I should have eaten earlier.... I even forgot to bring my favorite food...."

My stomach growled loudly like an animal. I wanted to eat, but when I was about to enter the restaurant, my mood to eat somehow disappeared.

I ended up wandering like a lost child.

Meanwhile, my phone kept buzzing as messages and calls kept coming in. It must be from Satsuki, so I let it stay there for now.

"Sigh, how am I supposed to refuse Satsuki?"

My brain froze at the thought of this problem. I couldn't just hang up on him and make the situation awkward because he's my travel companion.

"I actually have a plan, but it will still drag me in the end."

I scratched my head in frustration. Why is this becoming a problem now? None of this would have happened if we hadn't drunk that thing. But there's no use crying over spilled milk.

"It's all Satsuki's fault. Thanks to him, I.... Hmm? Where are we now?"

I walked without caring about the path I took. And without realizing it, the futuristic colorful city scenery was replaced by the darkness of every building and street due to the lack of lighting.

"District 5?"

It seems like I unintentionally entered a dangerous area.

District 5 is a place where rules are difficult to enforce. Most people who live here are beggars, homeless people, and there's a possibility that some criminals are hiding here. Military patrols sometimes pass by here to prevent the people living here from causing riots, but it's not enough to reduce the crime rate. Women who are enter here are just like going into a tiger's den. If they are weak, they will only become prey for the people here if you know what I mean. On the other hand, the network of here is very bad, making it difficult to communicate. Maybe that's why my messages stopped buzzing.


And it seems like I've caught attention here.

Faint footsteps could be heard coming from many sides. Thanks to my ears, I could hear them.


I didn't even realize that I had been followed by some people. And now their numbers were increasing, and they began to surround me from all directions.

"10? No. Maybe there are around 15 people?"

Having finished my murmuring, three people emerged from the darkness.

"Wow, wow, wow. Miss, could it be that you're lost to end up here?"

A person with punk hairstyle, vulgar face, and casual thug clothing came out and spoke to me with a vulgar face. Two people behind him watched me in the same way, while the rest remained in the shadows.

"Can I pass? I don't want any trouble here."

I said in a cold tone. My mood become more worse by their presence.

"Woah, hold on there for a moment. Don't you know your situation now? How about having some fun with us? I'm sure you won't refuse after experiencing it once."

"Hahaha. To think that we would get a prey like this is such of luck!"

"Hahaha! That's right, she's so beautiful! I'm sure our boss will be happy if we bring her."

The two people behind him responded with an unpleasant laughter.

They're disgusting. At least brush your yellow teeth first.

"Hahaha. Sweetie, come with us."

The punk slowly reached out his dirty hand towards me while maintaining his smirk. My expression darkened as his hand approached.

His finger was just a few inches away from me. But before he could touch me, I stopped his arm with my left hand.

"You know, it just happens that I'm in a bad mood today. So...."


The sound of a bone breaking could be heard accompanied by the scream of the punk.

"AHHH! My arm!!— Humph!!"

Before he could continue his screams because of pain, I pulled his broken arm and attacked his stomach with my knee while jumping, adding more pain for him. I could see him forcefully exhaling his breath from his lungs as I did it. After that, I grabbed his head and slammed it to the floor, resulting in bleeding and losing consciousness.

My gaze shifted to the two nearest people as my leg swept towards them.



They were too slow to react as I kicked one of their faces and performed a spinning kick to the other with my arm resting on the first punk's shoulder, hitting him right on the nape. This resulted in a swift attack with no way for them to stop it. Thanks to that, they both fainted.

The people standing in the darkness seemed hesitant to fight after seeing what I could do, but because they believed in their numbers, they started to move forward.

".... Would you guys mind to be my punching bag today?"

A flash of determination appeared in my eyes as I prepared for the next move.

Let's see what I can do with this body.