8. Meet With A Senior
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Satsuki's PoV

I feel guilty.......

Yesterday I forced Kanon to do something we shouldn't have done.

Honestly, even though it happened because of the effects of the drug, I'm still the one who did it, and that makes me feel responsible.

Even under the influence of the drug, I can still remember clearly all the actions I took on Kanon. From the sounds of her moans, groans, her teary eyes, her pained expression, and her small and tempting body that aroused me so much that I hugged her tighter and became even more passionate.

No, no, no. Why am I remembering that night?! It's too embarrassing to talk about it.

I don't know why, but I feel a strong bond with Kanon after that. Well, in the first place, I liked touching her ears. She also looked sweet, even though her expression didn't change much except when she was in a good mood or emotional. But it gave her a certain charm......

Wait a minute! She's a boy! Even though she's a girl now, she's still a boy on the inside! Why am I falling for her now? And why did I confess my feelings to her earlier?! Thinking about what I said to Kanon makes me so embarrassed now.

"Huhh, I must be crazy for liking her..."

I used to have many female friends. Because of them, I found it difficult to be friends with most boys my age. On the other hand, they were both troublesome and enjoyable in their own ways. But I've never had a deeper relationship with any of them. It seems like they just played with me, it's really sad. But for some reason, Kanon always looks at me coldly whenever I say that and says, "Real life is just a joke." There are also times when he comes and watches from a distance while eating popcorn when there's a spark happening between the girls and I'm in the middle of it. I don't understand why they argue, but it's really tiring. Kanon himself seems to enjoy it, saying, "Thanks for the show." Does he see my life as a soap opera?

"But where did Kanon go? It's been 2 hours and she hasn't returned."

She's not responding to my messages or answering my calls, which worries me.

I don't have anything special to do in Genesis other than clean up my room........

"Crypto, I'm going out. Take care of Genesis."

[Understood. Be careful outside.]

Because I'm worried, I go out and search for Kanon wherever she may be. Is she still mad at me?

I should ask hei. After all, I had hurt her.


"I might still need a long time to get used to this world," I muttered as I looked at the view of the space colony city.

Looking up at the sky, you could see a faint blue glow of energy and an invisible glass layer supporting life here. Glancing to the other side, there was also an elevator that could take you up and down.

This space colony was designed to constantly spin and create centrifugal force, producing artificial gravity. That's why the 'surface' areas were made as the main living zones. This is also the reason why almost all stations were ring-shaped.

Unconsciously, I continued to enjoy the view of this colony as I walked on.

I never thought I would be able to travel to another universe just after waking up. Usually, someone needs to get hit by a truck before this happens, right?

I also feel fortunate to be able to travel with my friend... even though she has turned into a beautiful animal-eared girl.

On the other hand, this space colony imposes crazy taxes for living here. The air we breathe and the water we use even have a price. So how much would it cost to live on a habitable planet? It would surely be multiple times more expensive than that.

District 4 too, although it may seem like a nice and comfortable place to live, doesn't mean there aren't any dangers lurking. Seeing yourself carrying a weapon and showing it openly clearly indicates that the security here is not very good. Most of the people I see also have a 'rough' atmosphere around them. They might be mercenaries from the Mercenary Guild, or perhaps they could be criminals because there were a few individuals who looked at me with a regret when I revealed my laser gun from behind my coat.

As Kanon mentioned, carrying a weapon is effective. But it also worries me more about her. Her weapon is not visible, so people might mistake her as a victim. And thinking about her entering District 5, where District 4 alone is already like a den of criminals makes me scared.

"I hope she's okay."

I continue walking and searching afterwards. However, I still can't find her. Where exactly is Kanon? And for some reason, I feel a number of people starting to follow me. Wait, aren't some of them the ones who had regretful looks when I pointed my gun and entered the dark alley? Did they call their friends and follow me to extort me?

Ignoring the discomfort in my mind, I keep walking.


My thoughts stop as I hear a sweet whisper suddenly coming from my ear.

I immediately glance in her direction and pull out my laser gun, aiming it at her. How could I be so vigilant and yet someone managed to get so close to me?

"Whoa, whoa, hold your weapon. Pointing a gun at me out of nowhere, you really are a guy without honor, huh?"

She quickly raises her hands and takes a few steps back from me. Her voice seems calm for someone who is being threatened.

Taking a closer look, she is a girl in her mid-20s. Her hair is gray and cut short, extending to her neck. There are sharp horns protruding downwards between her hair, and there is also some kind of antennae that reminds me of insects. She is wearing a long scarf, a jacket, and a plain shirt, as well as a flared short skirt that resembles  like a rose. Shiny black stockings cover her entire leg, while there is also a black tail sticking out from behind her.

Honestly, her beauty resembles Kanon's when I observe her round face. Her smirk looks wicked but also enticing. Not to mention her super... Let's ignore that for now.

I immediately lower my weapon when I see that she doesn't have any bad intentions. She doesn't seem like someone from the group that following me.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I ask as I holster my gun.

She slowly lowers her raised arm and starts speaking.

"No, just curious. You look like a villager that first time entering the city, you know? And that take my interest a little," she answers with a chuckle.


There is some truth to it. Kanon always tells me to maintain my expressions as best as possible because it attracts unnecessary attention. But I find it difficult to hide my facial expressions because of how cool this place is.

"By the way, what's your name?"

I quickly change the subject.

"Call me Kaede. I'm a B-ranked mercenary."

Oh, a mercenary. Kanon and I also plan on registering there to strengthen our identities later. So for now, we're just unaffiliated mercenaries.

In Beyond Space, the Mercenary Guild is also a place for players to take on quests and events. It seems that not much has changed in this world, where they provide bounty hunting jobs such as defeating space pirates or capturing criminals. There are also escort missions. I need to look more into the changes that exist.

Glancing at the people who have been following me, they slowly disperse with cold sweat upon hearing her introduction. What is happening now?

I ignore them as I introduce myself to her.

"My name is Satsuki. I'm also a mercenary. I'm sorry for pointing my gun at you."

"It's okay. People always react like that every time I do it."

So, this isn't the first time she's done that... She seems like a fun person to be around, judging by her tone. But, can I trust her? I can't just trust strangers, and Kanon always says to be cautious with unknown people. However, for some reason, I feel like I can trust her, ignoring her peculiar smirk.

Unfortunately, I don't have the interest to chat with her right now because I have to find Kanon. 

Let's go with a polite farewell, I think.

But before I can say anything, she speaks first.

"You seem in a rush. I actually wanted to give you a little tour around here so you can get to know the place better."

How does she know?

"Sorry, I'm looking for someone."

She raises an eyebrow as if interested to hear more.

"Who is it, if I may ask," Ask her.

"She's the captain of my ship. She hasn't responded to my messages or answered my calls, so I'm looking for him."

This time, she crosses her arms and thinks for a moment.

"Hmm, so your captain is missing and she is a girl?"

"Yeah... that's right."

"Your answer is very vague, you know," she says, furrowing her brow.

Hey, even I'm confused about whether to call him a he or she because of her transformation.

"She is indeed a girl. But is there a specific reason why you're asking?"

"No, it's just a bit of a disappointment for me..."

"Did you say something?" Her last sentence sounded faint so I didn't pay attention.

"It's not something you should be concerned about. Alright, I'll help you."

She waves her hand as if to disregard what she said before.

But really? She wants to help? We just met, and she wants to help me? If it were Kanon, she would immediately be suspicious. But I want to trust her at least. Besides, I also need a guide because I'm very unfamiliar with this place.

"Really? But it may inconvenience you, Senior."

Hearing the word 'Senior' makes Kaede's antenna sway for a moment. What's that? She looks very cute when she does that. Maybe it's just my imagination.

"Haha. Don't worry, my Junior just needs to treat me for a meal and some alcohol after this is over," she says, covering a smile on her face.

If that's the only payment, I guess that's fine.

"Alright, but Senior should not regret it."

"Don't worry. I'm a professional mercenary. I would never extort my little Junior."

She says, patting her chest.

"Haha. Thank you for helping then."

That's how this strange senior-junior relationship formed between us.

I forgot to mention that Kanon and I are not officially registered in the Mercenary Guild, so in practice, she's not my Senior. But let's just leave it be.



I walk with Kaede now, and during that time I ask many questions that I do not know and make me curious.

For example, how can people communicate with each other. I mean, I can hear a different language that I've never heard before but can understand the words. 

"Don't you know about the language implant? Have you been living in a cave or something?"

She looks very surprised by the question, but happily explains.

She explains that everyone after 1 year old is injected with a language implant that allows them to understand all words and writings. Even if they hear a language they've never heard before or see writings they've never seen, they will understand the meaning, thanks to the implant. It sounds unbelievable, but this is a sci-fi world with advanced technology that has been developed for thousands of years. Let's assume it's normal.

But what about me and Kanon? We never received the implant, so how can we understand their language? Is it because of a cheat? I'll ignore that question for now.

"So, what about you, Senior? What race are you?"

"Huhh. Satsuki, you really are from a village, huhh."

Kaede can only sigh in amazement at my question.

What can I say, I know nothing about common things in this world.

"I'm from the Devil race. This race can be marked by their horns. Although it's called Devil, it's just a general name because each of us has our own race and type name."

She then points to her horns while continuing to explain.

"For example, me. My actual race name is Blatties, and because of our horns, it falls under the Devil category."

"Our uniqueness is that we have antennas that enhance our senses. For example, I can sense someone's presence, enhance my sense of smell, or see the detailed shape of an object based on the vibrations I receive without directly looking at it."

... Well, the characteristics of their abilities are indeed similar to insects.

She might scold me if I say this directly to her, but... she looks like a cockroach if you ask me.

"... Ahem, this might be a strange question. But... what is the percentage of a person's pregnancy if they are in a relationship with a different race...?"

I awkwardly cough as I ask that question. But I ask this because of the situation me and Kanon were in yesterday. Besides, we did it without 'protection'. But it doesn't mean I ask because I want that situation to happen. I need to consider the possibility of the future by hearing this.


Kaede blinks several times because that question is out of the ordinary.

"... Well, the chances of someone having a baby even if they are from different races are more or less the same as doing it with the same race. However, usually their child will take the form of the mother's race. It's quite rare if they inherit the father's traits."


"Well, there are also cold-blooded races that cannot have a child with other races like Bloom and Certilia."

Bloom and Certilia, if I'm not mistaken, are snake and lizard races in the game.

"Wait, now that I think about it, why are you asking this? This should be very common information in the medical world. How far away are you actually living from civilization?"

I can't deny the question and the interrogative gaze.


I explain some concerns and incidents involving that situation to Kaede. And she has an expression that holds back her laughter while listening to the story.

"Hahaha! So, you and your captain didn't know that what you drank was a strong aphrodisiac, and it caused you to do that, which made your captain very angry and leave you?! Hahaha! What a strange story!"

Kaede continues to laugh heartily after hearing the story. Surely, doesn't she feel any shame for loudly saying that? I also regret telling her the story if I knew she was going to mock me.

"Oh, come on, don't look so down. I'm just kidding. No, I don't think I'm kidding."

Kaede says as she pats my shoulder while holding back her laughter.

"I actually wanted to be angry, but I'll let it slide because you're cute, Senior."

After I say that, Kaede's face freezes for a moment before she makes a mischievous grin.

"Hee~ Even though your face looks innocent, it seems like you enjoy teasing other women, Satsuki."

I pretend not to hear what she said while making a sour face. I definitely did not mean it that way.

"I actually wanted to ask this. Where are you taking me, Senior?"

Slowly, the path we walk on becomes increasingly deserted, the lighting around us gets dimmer, and there are several derelict buildings adding to the gloomy atmosphere of this place. It feels like we are passing through a different part of the world.

"Your captain is a girl, right? If she's as naive as you, there's a possibility she was brought here. From what I've heard, there have been several disappearances here. So I'm sure she've been kidnapped."


Her words bring a sense of concern within me.

"I actually have a mission to deal with this issue. And it seems coincidental that your girlfriend might be a victim here."

"But Kanon is very strong in a fight. I'm not sure she could be captured so easily."

"Is that so? Well, who knows. If we look for her in District 4, I'm not sure we'll find her."


I was about to say "You should have told me earlier if you were going to bring me here", but I stop as I glance towards the corner of the alley and see a girl being forcibly dragged by several individuals.


Her eyes meet mine. They are filled with terror and desperation as I observe her.

The girl is eventually dragged into the dark alley without knowing what might happen next.

I was about to run and stop their actions, but my shoulder was held by Kaede, making me stop.

"Do you want to save her?" Kaede asked with an expressionless face.

What does she mean by that? It was clear that we should help her. Her statement made me furrow my brow.

"If you want to save her, all the responsibility for that girl is on your hands, and don't drag me into it, okay?"

Would there be a problem if that happened?

"I don't understand what you mean, Senior, but I always take responsibility for my own actions."

I cannot ignore someone who seemingly needs help.

"Great! What are you waiting for then? Let's save her!"


Kaede's expression returns to normal, and she becomes even more energetic as she pulls my arm and runs towards the sound.