Chapter 35: Evolution ranks and becoming enemy of a race.
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A random trivia by a nerd on one of the many quality of life benefits given by the system to a well-established race. 

Did you know the system gives the members of a well-established race a system-supported equivalent of a smartphone when they reach the age of a teenager of their respective race, it even has access to a system-supported web as well, it is truly a priceless benefit though sadly it only works in the respective race’s main kingdom or empire. 

Chapter 35: Evolution ranks and becoming enemy of a race.

Will's heavily damaged vessel was currently lying on a bed of soft leaves and flowers in the progenitor’s resting place. Surrounding his vessel were all of the spirit wisps and the newly evolved Shadow fairy Kate and Life fairy Loretta. 

All of the spirit wisps were sharing their spirit energy with their progenitor to hasten the recovery rate of the vessel. Meanwhile, Loretta was continuously using her Life’s Grace skill together with her Spirit Healing skill to slowly but surely mend the heavily damaged vessel that Will was currently inhabiting. 

Kate on the other hand was standing guard vigilantly at the opening of the progenitor's resting place wrapped in Shadow Cloak prepared to eliminate any intruders if they managed to reach there. Ten massive shadow blades could be seen forming out of his and the blood-sucking tree of spiritual recovery’s shadows blocking the way into the resting place. Just then Will finally showed signs of waking up as his vessel started to move again and slowly got up.


Will’s POV.

Man, that was rough. I really shouldn't do that again. Forcefully combining two different element-type skills can really mess up one's body.

As I looked at my damaged vessel I noticed it hurt like hell in the cracked areas even though I shouldn't be able to feel pain through my vessel and my vessel is still riddled with many cracks even though I recovered enough to wake up. Though gotta say it's been a while since I felt pain like this. It's kind of refreshing in a sense I guess since it reminds me of my human body.

Then as I turned towards Loretta who was sitting beside me and healing me, I couldn't help but say.

“Loretta your appearance has changed a lot now hasn't it, and congratulations on your evolution. ”

“Also thanks for healing me after I collapsed. ”

Hearing my thanks she quickly said while waving her hand at all the spirit wisps surrounding me.

“My Lord no need to thank me after all it's my honour to heal you, and I wasn't the only one who helped you. ”

Then I turned towards all the other spirit wisps surrounding me and also thanked them. Then I also thanked Kate who was still standing guard at the entrance even though it's pretty obvious he's worried about me and wants to come and check my injuries. Then after thanking them all I turned towards Loretta again and asked in a serious tone.

“Loretta tell me is the enemy dead or is he still alive, did I succeed at defeating him? ”

Loretta, after hearing my question, excitedly replied.

“My Lord! You are truly the progenitor of us spirit wisps, you were so awesome and the last attack that you did was so powerful it managed to execute the enemy in a single slash. ”

Seeing her excitement and how she was acting like a fan girl who was praising her idol I couldn't help but smile in amusement even though my body was hurting real bad. After making her stop praising me, I asked all the other gathered spirit wisps to go and continue gathering exp so they could evolve as well and assured them that I was fine. Afterward, I asked Silphid to show me all the notifications I missed from the battle with Diallon.

Yes host, displaying all the unseen notifications.

[Congratulations to the host for killing a being over level 10 while only being level 7. Exp obtained is doubled. ]

[You obtained 100 exp. ]

[Congratulations you have performed an impossible act by forcefully combining two different element-type skills into one as a mortal and survived to tell the tale. ]

[You have obtained the title Unrelenting Skill Combiner and the unique skill The Combiner’s Grimoire. ]

[A new combination skill Infernal Sword has been registered in The Combiner's Grimoire, you may see information relating to it in the grimoire. ]

[Warning! You have become enemies of the Forest Keeper race, all members of this race and its subordinate races will feel hostility towards you. ]

[Warning! You are currently in Forest Keeper race owned territory, it's advised you either leave this area quickly or hide as your current strength is insufficient to survive a dedicated attack. ]

Hmm the first notifications are understandable and the next notifications surprise me but are beneficial so I welcome them but what the hell is up with the last notifications? Also, how would they feel hostility towards me if they don't even know who I am? After all, all witnesses here are dead so how would they recognize me like this? Silphid, can you tell me more about this?

All system-recognized races who are well established receive multiple privileges from the system such as the system marking all the enemies of their race and letting them know how many enemies are in their territories though it only alerts them of their presence and doesn't give the exact location unless an appropriate price is paid.

I see, also can you tell me what constitutes an appropriate price and what would be the price to know my location?

The price varies for each Target and changes depending on their race, level, evolution rank, titles, skills, items in their possession, and many other factors. 

Currently, the price to know the host's location in terms of Sp is 2500 which is not an easy price to pay so the Forest Keeper race will most likely not use this method to find you.

Hmm, that's a little reassuring at least I won't have to worry about them knowing my exact location. Also, what's an evolution rank? I don't think I have seen that in my status tab.

The evolution rank refers to the stage of evolution of the race that a being is in. Beings who are born straight in a high rank might be strong at the beginning stages but will be weaker in the later stages as each evolution is a boon and an opportunity for an individual to become stronger than their peers.

This is also why all sentient races start from level 1 at the lowest evolution rank so they can evolve more times than non-sentient races. 

The evolution ranks from lowest to highest are ranks F, E, D, and C for mortals which refer respectively to beings in lvl.1-5, lvl.6-10, lvl.11-25, lvl.26-50. Beings above level 50 are collectively called transcendents.

Further information for transcendents is above the host's system access level. Also, it's not shown in the status tab as it's something that the sentient races came up with for convenience and is not a term that the system uses thus it doesn't display evolution rank in the status tab.

I see then according to my level I should be at E-rank. Also, I am curious about what conditions a race has to fulfill to be recognized by the system. 

There are a total of 10 requirements that must be met and currently, I can only tell the host the first requirement, which is the race must rule over a Kingdom with a population of at least 1 million. 

Subordinate races are also counted in the population count and the main race must have at least 100,000 members who are stronger than C-rank monsters and 100 members who have achieved Transcendence. The other requirements can only be learned after the first has been fulfilled by the host's respective race.

Hmm, I see so the conditions are mostly the same as the ones required to access the improved Kingdom management tab and the only difference is the requirement of having 100 members who have reached transcendence. From what I have learned so far it must be a really big deal and extremely hard to accomplish.

Haa… just thinking about what I might have to do while following the main mission gives me a small headache. Whatever, let's forget that for now, first I have to increase the population to 1000 to progress the city-state mission. Also, I have to try out an idea I have regarding the issue of hiding from the Forest Keeper race for the time being. So I have to give it a go but first Silphid would you show me the new title’s description and the new skill’s description.


Next chapter releases in 48 hours and hope you enjoyed this one!