Chapter 5: Moonlit Night
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Chapter 5: Moonlit Night


"What's wrong Eli? Do you need mama to help you?" Julie asked, bent forward at the waist to reach Eli's eye level, giving him a clear view down her skimpy white shirt. She placed her hands on her knees as she leaned over, causing her arms to press her large, round, gloriously tanned breasts together, making them look even bigger somehow. Her cleavage was spilling over the top of her shirt, a small glimpse of the tasty pink mounds beneath the fabric was peaking out at Eli, tempting him to find out if they truly taste as sweet as they look.

"What? Oh, uh, no thanks. I can manage on my own." His lustful stare never left her bosom. He wanted to look her in the eyes when they talked, like a well-mannered man should, but, holy shit, that woman was pure sexuality personified.

"Alright then. Well, let me know if you change your mind, okay?" She walked a few paces away to where Vivi was stashing their empty meal packs in one of the luggage cases. Apparently they always saved the plastic for future recycling. Every little scrap matters in a nuclear wasteland.

Eli looked down at the two vacuum sealed semi-transparent packages in his hands. The one in his left hand was labeled WET, the one in his right was marked DRY. He turned around and placed the packages on the cashier's countertop, next to a fresh set of clothes Vivi had given him. The dirty brown t-shirt he wore, which smelled ripe after soaking up several days worth of sweat, made him curl his lips in disgust as he yanked it over his head. He swapped the foul shirt for the WET package, and tore it open. Inside was a wash cloth pre-soaked in clean water.

*Sniff sniff*

Hmm, not bad. Smells a little like soap. The towel isn't as soft as I would have hoped, but it's a lot bigger than expected once it's fully unfolded. Thank god people still take hygiene seriously, and thank god for Julie's amazing foresight when packing stuff like this. I wonder if she has an extra toothbrush I can use? I'll ask later.

"Pants too Eli. You need to clean everywhere, not just you upper body." Julie chided him from behind.

"Oh, yeah, alright. Maybe I'll go in the other room for some" He barely managed to finish articulating his thought after turning around and catching sight of Julie, bare chested and wiggling her hips, in the process of sliding her green shorts and black cotton panties down her thick thighs. Her heavy breasts swayed as she rocked her wide hips. Golden blonde hair hung over one shoulder, brushing against one cherry-pink nipple, causing it to stiffen from the stimulation.

Fuuuuuuuck. He was frozen in place, hypnotized by her perfect curves.

Julie kicked her shorts and thin black underwear to the side, standing fully exposed in the orange light of sunset streaming through the window behind her.

Shiiiiiit. Eli's breathing was rough and unsteady, animalistic desire clawing it's way up from within his core.

The blonde seductress tilted her head back and brought her hands up into her hair, elbows spread out to the sides, causing her back to arch, pushing out her perky breasts, and stretching her firm, toned stomach. Her hourglass figure, silhouetted in the fading sunlight, was so otherworldly beautiful it could make a renaissance painter cry with envy.

 "Eli? You okay?" Vivi's voice snapped him out of his lusty daze.

"Yeah. I'm good, no worries. I just got a bit distracted. Hm?" It was one thing for him to ogle a naked woman who was openly undressing in front of him, but Eli had absolutely zero desire to see a pubescent girl cleaning her nude body with a wet rag. He quickly turned his head away to respect her privacy, even if she didn't. "I'll be back in a minute, I'm going into the other room to get cleaned up."

"Okay sweetheart," Julie replied with a faint, knowing grin, "But don't take too long or mama will have to come find you."

Eli snatched up his change of clothes along with the DRY package, then walked to the next room, the same room Julie went in to use the radio when they first entered the store.

"Dammit, the light is fading fast, it's getting harder to see. Why didn't the contractors put any windows in here when they built the place? Better hurry and get this done while I can see what I'm doing." And that's exactly what he did; hurry. Unfortunately, he wasn't quite fast enough. The room had gone completely dark by the time he began lacing up the spare boots Vivi gave him. Once fully clean and dressed, he squatted down to collect his discarded jeans, both towels, and the packaging he took them out of.


"Shit!" Startled by the sudden voice from the pitch-black darkness behind him, Eli dropped what he was holding, jumped to his feet, and spun around to face the culprit, his fists held up in a defensive stance.

"Oops. Hahaha, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It's just me, Vivi. Mom said you haven't gotten your Sight yet, said you'd have trouble walking in the dark, so she asked me to bring you back. She's laying out some blankets to sleep on. Come on, hold out your hand."

"Ah, thanks. But you shouldn't sneak up on people like that, I might've accidentally hurt you if you hadn't announced yourself so quickly." He kneeled while talking and felt around until he found and collected the stuff he dropped. Satisfied he found everything, he stood up and held a hand out in the direction her voice came from. Vivi's little hand grasped his, and she tugged him along toward the check-out area.

"Hmmm. It's weird, you know? You've never been so assertive before. So... I don't know, confident in yourself? Like, when you got scared, you would always cry or scream and run off to find mom. Now you take up a fighting stance and hold your ground? Wild. It's cool though, everyone's gotta toughen-up sometime, right? Anyway, don't worry about accidentally hurting me, Mom trained me herself, so you probably couldn't even land a hit on me."

Heh. She acts a lot more child-like when she's not around Julie.

While Vivi was talking, they arrived at the main entrance area, the moonlight providing just enough illumination to give Eli some low-level visibility. Julie was now fully clothed in a clean outfit identical to the one she took off, and waiting for them behind the check-out counter. Eli was a little disappointed at having missed the opportunity to watch her get dressed, but relieved he didn't have to endure the torture such a scene would be to his libido.

"I'll take first watch." Vivi said after releasing Eli's hand. "You did almost all the fighting earlier, mom. Plus, you haven't really slept since we left Lancaster. I know you're exhausted."

Well, consider me impressed. Most kids her age wouldn't even think to be so considerate toward their parents. Hell, at her age, my friend Ronnie used to scream at her parents whenever they would ask her to unload the dishwasher. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I was a little hellion myself around that time.

"Thank you, sweetie. But switch with me halfway through the night, okay? Don't get overconfident and stay up all night."

"Yes ma'am!" Vivi grinned playfully and gave her mother a mock-salute. She turned on her heels, then walked off, into the darkness at the center of the store. Eli took her departure as a cue to deposit the items he was holding onto the countertop.

"Come on, Eli. Let's get some sleep while we can. We need to get an early start tomorrow." Julie beckoned him over to her side of the counter, where she had a few thick woolen blankets spread out on the floor in a make-shift futon. She ducked out of sight as he walked around to meet her.

"Right here, baby. Right next to mama." She lay seductively on her right side, her right arm outstretched to make an arm-pillow for her son, patting the blanket beside her with her left hand. Honestly, the seductiveness was probably unintentional, but everything she did was seductive as far as Eli was concerned.

Okay, yeah, no big deal, just snuggle up to a busty MILF in the moonlight and put your face in her tits. What's the problem? You're supposed to be her son, you creepy asshole, that's the problem! Ugh. Although, it's not like I'm going to grope her chest or ass or anything.....even if I would really, really like to. I'm not a horny teenager anymore, or yet?, whichever, so I'm perfectly capable of not behaving like a molester. Yeah, just calm down. She's my new mother, right? It's fine. No problem.

He lowered himself to the blankets and crawled into position beside her, then laid down onto his left side, facing Julie, his head resting on her arm. Julie raised her eyebrows like she was surprised by his actions. As she looked at his nervous face, a wide, sensuous grin played across her lips. Eli was pulled into a close embrace, the entire front half of his body pressed firmly against her. Julie took his right hand and pulled it up, letting it trail along the smooth, soft skin of her bare thigh, and placed it on the tantalizing curve where her hip met her waist. With a swift motion, she lifted her left leg into the air, brought her knee up to rest on his hip, and hooked her lower leg behind him. She finished by bringing her left hand up to his shaggy blonde hair, which she slowly, gently combed her fingers through.

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!? This woman is way too damn sexy! Is she trying to give me a heart attack? Dammit, calm down. Deep breaths. Don't get hard, don't get hard, don't get hard. Actually, can I even get hard? Am I physically mature enough? Shit, now isn't the time to find out! Sexy thoughts begone! Just relax and let her embrace sooth you to sleep. No more horny. Ahhh, her chest smells nice, and her skin is so smooth, and my leg is warm. This is actually kind of peaceful. Hm? Warm leg? Uh oh. My thigh is on her crotch. Ugh, this is torture. Why didn't I lay facing the other way? Why didn't it even occur to me? You're smarter than this Lucas, I mean Eli, get your shit together! Damn, I just remembered. I totally forgot to ask about a toothbrush. I hope my breath isn't too bad. I'll only breathe through my nose, just in case.

"I love you so much. Goodnight Eli." Julie whispered into his ear, her hot breath sending chills down his spine.

Is this how mothers usually act with their sons? Is this normal? Surely this isn't normal. Maybe she's just being overly affectionate after spending three days in a wasteland trying to rescue her kidnapped son, and fighting her way through a group of armed assailants, only to then find out the son she risked her life to save couldn't even remember who she is. Damn, the whole thing is really tragic when I think about it that way.

"Mm. Goodnight Julie." 

She kissed the top of his head before breathing another hot whisper against his ear.

"Hey. Won't you call me mom? Please?" She tilted his head back, swept his hair away from his face, and pressed her warm lips against his forehead in a delicate kiss. "Pretty please?"

Hell, why not? I decided to be a member of this family. I'm all-in living my life as Eli at this point. There's no good reason not to grant her tiny wish. Besides, I always regretted not having my mother around as a kid, and now I have a loving, protective, badass warrior mother right here. She's not a replacement for Jennifer Grey, more like a second chance, a second mother. Yeah, she's my mom from now on, and I'll treat her right. I'll keep my family happy and safe this time, whatever it takes.
