Holy shit dude!
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Alex Connors was a Wimpy guy. Constantly bullied, Constantly in trouble. Because he didn't take it lying down. Quick with a comeback, and quicker with a punch, Alex was the kind of kid who was always coming home covered in bruises. That is, until HIS family moved I'm next door. The Harris family. Suddenly, Alex Wasn't alone anymore. Andy was a quiet guy, didn't like confrontation. But The best Bud a guy could hope for. 

He remembered the day they became friends... Alex was In a fight again. Duke Springfield, The School Quarterback. A walking Cliché, and two years older than Alex. Built like a truck and an anvil had a baby, which then ATE both parents.

So yeah, Alex was in trouble. When out of nowhere, this guy In a Hoodie walked up, and smashed a lunch tray over Dukes head... with food still on it. He wasn't Buff, he wasn't that tall yet, but something about his eyes scared the stupid jock off... Andy always had scary eyes. Alex was terrified at first, but then this creepy lookin guy held pit his hand, and asked "you okay?" And that was it. The exact moment. Alex swore then that he would follow this kid to hell and back.

The worst part was, the initial fight was entirely Alex's Elder Sisters fault. Ellen. You see, Ellen is a fashion designer now, but at the time she was still In college... and she Forced Alex to be her model. Problem was, she specializes in women's fashion. She was, at the time, dating Dukes Brother Sidney. And Sidney got a copy of one of her project photos, to show his mom... and naturally, Duke Recognized the model. And spread it to the entire school. He got in a lot of trouble for that, and decided to take it out on his favorite victim. 

Andy saved Alex's life that day, according to Alex... Which is why Alex was Devastated to learn Andy got Hurt in an attack. 

He didn't show it, though. Instead, he Hugged Andy's little sister, who they were babysitting, and told her it was gonna be alright. Cause Andy was too damn cool to die to a stupid terrorist.

Then he handed her off to his Younger Sister Eileen, saying he had to pee as an excuse... and broke down. Panic flared, he was hyperventilating, and he couldn't stop crying... His best friend... what would he do if he lost him? He was barely conscious of his Mom Coming in, Wrapping him in a hug, and holding him close...


That was a week ago now. They heard that Andy was alive, and more or less okay... but Katarina couldn't say much more. She told us to watch the news that night...

I didn't beleive it. Nanomachines designed to change the body at a sub-cellular level? Specifically made to permanently alter the targets gender? It's like something out of a Sci-fi film.

[The government is making special concessions for the affected. Thankfully, most were adults. Bit the two affected children will be given updated Birth records and identification Cards. Moreover, their school, shockingly the sane one, will be informed of New Protocol to be followed. Unfortunately, these changes are irreversible, as any attempts to disable or remove the Nanomachines will result in an immune response, as the machines have effectively replaced the victims immune system. There are Upsides to the infection as well, and they seem to have encoded to their hosts DNA, and are therefore not a risk of contagion.]

What Alex took this to mean was that Andy wouldn't be Andy anymore, legally.

The new protocols were delivered to rhe school. Which led to Alex visiting The Neighbors, to deliver Andy's Missed Schoolwork. He had been home for two days, but didn't want to see anyone. Still, Alex also had a gift for his buddy, and this was the perfect excuse to visit anyway.

Katarina answered the door, and smiled. "Come in, Alex. It's about time that kid had some visitors. Please, go sit, I'll get the hard headed brat to come out here."

Alex walked into the den and sat down... and a few minutes Later, a familiar Hoodie entered the room.

"Holy crap, man... you got Shorter!"

A sudden, loud yet still soft sounding "HAH!" Was the only response... Then the hood fell.

The once Lanky black hair, was now long and silky, The slightly too small nose hadn't changed at all, and now fit the face, but what drew Alex's attention were the eyes.

Those Familiar, deep-set eyes with the dark circles around them, that resembled a sharks gaze... were now Softer... less predatory.

"Holy Shit, Dude! You're HOT Now!"


Andy. That was my name. But not anymore. I was told to choose a new one. Mom suggested Andrea, but it didn't feel right... I kept thinking that first night in the hospital, and all day the next day, when a Nurse was walking me through all the changes my body had gone through, and now Would go through... and couldn't decide.

That second night, I got a videocall. It was dad... but I was too embarrassed to turn on my camera.

[Hey kiddo. I heard what happened. I know it's embarrassing, so I won't ask you to turn on your end. I just want you to know nothing has to change... Nobody will treat you any different, at least not family. I love you, kiddo. I wish I could be there for you, but there's not exactly regular Transport out here in the jungles of the former country of china."

I gathered up my courage... and hit the camera button on the Holophone.

" Whoa! Gotta say, kiddo, you look... pretty incredible, honestly. Almost exactly like your mom."

"Dad. I Don't know what to do... they want me to change my name. But... I can't decide on anything."

I had started to cry again. My emotions were all out of control right now.

"Calm down, kid. Andy. Why can't you decide? Is there a reason?"

"It's just... Grandma named me, right? But... she's gone. And I don't feel right changing it. It's all that's really left of her."

"Ah. I see. Well... there is a solution. Ma picked two names for us back then, because we knew she didn't have much time left, and wanted your gender to be a surprise... she held you, you know... She Left us mere hours after you were born. So why not choose the other name? You Were Andrew, our little Andy... But you could have been Candice instead. So... whaddya say, kiddo? Wanna Be Candy?"

And just like that, something clicked. That name felt... it felt RIGHT somehow. And I think dad could see it on my face.

"Heh. Thought so." An alarm rang in the background. "Shit. Gotta go, kiddo. But I'll call again when I can. Tell yer mom and Katie that I love em."

I nodded, and the call ended.

I was sent home the next day, and spent the next three in my room. But I wasn't alone. Katie wouldn't leave my side. She took one look at me the night I got home, hugged me... said she was glad I didn't die... and then... "So... you're really a girl now?" "Evidently." She started shaking, almost vibrating... then screamed: "YAY! I CAN SLEEP IN YOUR ROOM AGAIN!"... I laughed. I couldn't help it, she was so happy about that. Mom and Dad had made her stop when she turned 10, saying she was too old to be sleeping in her big brothers bed, and besides, girls shouldn't share a room with boys. Katie didn't talk to mom or dad for two weeks, only stopping her silent treatment when dad had to go back to work. Im still unsure of what exactly he actually does, honestly.

Which brings me to today, seeing my buddy Alex for the first time in weeks, fighting back laughter, and hearing a lot of other laughter from the doorway behind me, at His stupid line. "Holy Shit Dude! You're HOT now!"

Mom was Lauging too hard to breathe. Alex was turning red in embarrassment... and that did it. I collapsed, holding my gut, laughing so hard I was crying.

"Dear God, man, that was stupid! Hahaha... here I was, nervous you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore, that you would be afraid I'd infect you or something. And you say THAT! GOD YOU'RE DUMB."

"Said the Pot to the Kettle! And after I walked all the way here in sweltering heat to bring your schoolwork!"

"Dude. It's Like 60°(F) out there, tops, and you literally live next door."

"Yeah, so? Oh, that reminds me, what do I call you now?"

"Well, you know what you used to call me? Just add a C"

"Wait, Andyc? Okay, bro, it's your name!"


"Yeah, I know, I was just messing with ya!"

"You sure you wanna do that? Well Lexi?"

"NOT COOL, MAN! YOU KNOW I HATE THAT! OH YEAH!" A thrown package hit my face. "A get Well present... or a welcome home one, I guess. Maybe Congrats on your new name?"

I started to unwrap it... only for him to stop me. "Wait. Before you open it... the gift was my idea. The card was my mom. You know her sense of humor. So be warned."

Mom had come all the way into the room, to see what they'd given me.

There were two cards, one storebought, but the other was actually just paper that said: I know about your secret collection, so I thought I'd add to it. -Alex.

Inside the packaging was a football sized Plush Fox.

 "Awwww! Another one for the Pile." Mom said, disrespecting my collection, then started laughing, after reading the other card.

"God, Alex... Tell Helen I love her. Hahahaha!"

Alex looked embarrassed. I picked up the card. It was a bright pink color that read, in Glitter coated Letters: ITS A GIRL! CONGRATULATIONS!

I've never facepalmed so fast in my life... that woman is a menace to society. Damn Independent Artists. They all think they're comedians.