Shopping: the devils passtime.
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a bit about this one, before i start. I was a Literal Teenager when I wrote this, though I have been subtly cleaning it up a bit. It's a bit painful though, because in know They'll  never get to see it. Back then, Amazon wasnt really a thing yet, And Netflix was A DVD Rental by Mail Service... so Physical Shopping centers were still a big thing. My Girls always talked about going shopping at the mall, and said someday they would come to my state and drag me to one with them.

And thats what makes transcribing this story so hard. We had plans. At the time, i was horrendously bullied, and kinda Hated almost everything. Depression is still a problem i deal with, but... they always made me smile. Ana had this crazy scheme, That as soon as she turned 18, and Amber 20, They would buy an RV, Drive down to get Me, and we would just GO. Find a place that allowed Polyamory, and have a circular marriage, then raise a buncha kids together. Or dogs. Or Ostriches. Didn't matter, as long as we were together. It was crazy, with no thought to income or expenses, but it made us all happy. I think i truly Did Love them. I think back to the way we met, when i was intending to reply to her comment in my little poem. Ana was upset because some Ass in her school called her ugly. She had a photo of herself on her Personal page. I read the comment about what the guy said, and told her the truth. She was Beautiful. Two months later, we used a video-chat for the first time, and i saw her, and Amber, in a face to face conversation for the first time. I was afraid, because of my weight, that they'd not want to be my friends anymore, like so many others... I told them that, abd they insisted, and convinced me to join the VC. And the first thing Ana told me when she saw me, was the same as i told her two months before. "You're Beautiful. Don't let what those assholes say get you down." I think that was when i started to love her. Then Amber chimed in, asking for names, claiming she had 'connections' and would see the bullies 'taken care of'. We laughed... she could always do that, make us both laugh. And  so, I guess im the first guy to make a long distance relationship actually work. So Many plans, so many possibilities... gone in an instant. Ana fought, Treatment after Treatment... but she was always frail from before, so when it came back... six months. And it hurt. But i hid that pain, because Amber needed me. She needed someone to vent to. And then... Some Asshole Took her away. I was Alone again. And i hid that pain too... but really... it all started with that stupid, amateurish poem. I might share it here, someday.

I was nervous. At 7 this morning, Mom came running in, And made me get up. 

"Go shower. We have places to be."

She wouldn't answer questions until we were in the car.

"Mom. Where are we going?"

"I got a call or two today. You'll be returning to school next week. And considering recent changes, such as your Height, among other OBVIOUS ones... you need clothes. So we, my dear eldest child, are going shopping. Also, your hair is a mess, and your Aunt IS a Stylist. So..."

"Wait. But Aunt G works in... no. NO. I can't go back there... please mom... not the mall."

"I know it's traumatic, but there's a reason behind it. It's to do with the other call I got. At 2pm today, a memorial is being held for that poor man who tried to save you... he kept it from affecting more people. And his Daughter wanted you there. Said her dad always talked about the 'Quiet Kid' that had been hired on to stock the shelves. When she heard you were a victim of this, and that her father had yelled at you to get down when he jumped on the Bomb, She decided it was important you be there." She looked over at me as she started the engine. "So we are going to get you some nice new clothes that actually fit, appropriate underwear, which i can teach you to put on, and get your, now EXTREMELY long, hair cut."

We didn't know what we were walking into.


The people moved In a wide arc around the large man In a dress. His face caked with cosmetics, hair in a French braid, and arms like Tree trunks. This was Georgia, formerly George, And She was EXCITED. Her emotions had been tumultuous after hearing her dear little nephew was injured in that horrible attack, and just this morning her dear little sister called, and said she was bringing the poor dear in for a styling! Naturally, She knew what had happened to Little Andy, and that it was now Candy, and was excited to see how She had been changed. She had no idea what she was in for... when Amelia dropped by. Amelia Franklin, or Amy, was Georgia's College roommate, and a very tall Fellow... he had been there for Georgia when she first discovered she was a SHE, and was a semi-famous Fashion designer. Why his parents had named him Amelia, nobody knows.

They were enjoying Tea, outside Georgia's shop, when Little Katerina arrived... with the most beautiful young lady the two had ever seen.


Clothes are embarrassing. Mom had to show me how to measure myself, and wear a Bra... And that wasn't the worst of it. She insisted I try a Dress, and I hate to admit I liked the way it looked. But hell was about to start. We made our way to Aunt G's Beauty Shop, and were met with a Squealing Mack Truck charging towards us. I was crushed by biceps as big as my head.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEE! HOW ARE YOU SO BEAUTIFUL, MY LITTLE LAMB?" Then the Large Black Man that had Been enjoying tea with my Gorilla of an Aunt spoke up.

"Oh, my dear, you are correct. This is... simply unfair. I know Girls who would Kill to have what happened to you hit them."

"Oh, Darling, of course you do. I'm one of them! Oh, Candy Girl, I'm so JEALOUS! But your HAIR! THIS WILL NOT DO! Inside, now, darling... Auntie G will fix everything."

"Georgia, dear! I have a TERRIBLE IDEA! What about the Contest!! She is PERFECT, Wouldn't you say?"

"Hmmmmmm! Oh dear Goddess, yes! Candy dear? Could you do your Auntie a Favor On saturday?"

"Of course she can, Right Candy?" And mom threw me under a bus...

That's how I got roped In to being MR Franklin's Contestant in the Mall-shop Beauty Contest/Fashion Show.

okay. Here it is. The poem. 

"I'm tired of being left all alone. I wish i could find a love of my own. Someone to stand by me as long as i live, who loves, unafraid to take or to give. If somehow they hear me,i feel theyd agree, theyre hoping to somehow meet someone, like me. I know im impatient, i truly hate to wait. But i'd wait forever to find my soulmate."

That was my amaturish little poem. Its the foundation we built upon, and why they asked me to write them a story. This story.