Ch 18 – Trouble
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Content warning.

This chapter contains violence, blood, cruelty, and coercion. If you wish to find out more about the content before reading, please message me.


Today was day seven.

6 full days had passed since David found himself in an alley about to be eaten by a Pokemon. Today would make it a week since he had been home.

Has it been long enough that they're concerned about the missed calls and messages?

He got dressed.

Has someone checked on my empty dorm room yet?

He packed up his tent.

Have I been declared missing?

He brushed his teeth in the stream. His mouth had never felt so clean.

Is anyone searching for me?

He left the clearing.


David turned his mind away from the pain as he walked.

In six days he had made a start on his plan to get home. He’d met Beth and registered as a trainer, becoming part of the systems in this world. He’d gone from only having the clothes on his back to a backpack heavy with gear. He’d made a basecamp and begun to explore. He’d made his first Poke from Benny and created an income source.

He passed the league office and carried on down empty roads that lacked even the usual joggers to disturb his path or thoughts.

He’d received a trainers license and been given a starter, Pidgey, who he was getting to know. He’d begun to study and learn about this world and how it differed from what he knew. Pidgey and he had fought their first match against Fred. Fred who helped introduce him to this world and gave him the basis of a fake backstory. 

With Pidgey’s help he was beginning to understand the magical energies that powered this terrifying dangerous place. He watched monsters performing terrifying acts and understood that that danger, that power meant he had a chance. A chance to get home.

Then David was in front of the Pokecenter. He nodded at the security guard and entered. Cleaning up would help him feel better.




David left the market via a westerly side street. The shower at the Pokecenter with actual shampoo had been a game changer and the day was starting to brighten up.

Benny had stuck to his word and paid no attention to the two Oran berries that David carried. He wasn’t terribly impressed by the one other berry, a Razz, that David brought either, but he had handed over 35P in the end. With the money was a warning that Razz berries were the minimum rarity that he would be accepting.

David spent some time visiting the other berry and food stalls in the market to see if there was any demand for the Oran berries, but he received no good offers. Everyone had adjusted to the increased tournament demand for berries and prices were dropping back to normal levels. The highest offer he received for the Oran berries was 5 Poke each. A sixth of their sale price and a third of what Benny used to offer. He was better off keeping the berries to eat.

His current destination was the library. Four days should be long enough for the librarian to have forgotten about kicking him out. In those four days he had forgotten most of his original questions as new ones made themselves known. He wanted to find out more about clan settlements, Pallet town and gyms before leaving to train with Pidgey for the day.

“Well look here. Seems like someone is in need of help.”

David jerked as someone grabbed his bag. They pulled.

His arms flailed as he scrambled to try to get his feet under him. Every time he was close to getting his balance, they would shake his bag side to side again. David couldn’t turn or escape as he was dragged off the street and into an alley.

“What the hell!” He yelled, still trying to break free or get a glimpse of his attacker. It wasn’t a Pokemon, he’d heard a voice.

Laughter broke out from off to the right behind him.

“Let fucking go!” David shouted again and jabbed behind him with an elbow.

The elbow hit and there was an exhale before David was thrown sideways with more force than before. He caught himself against a wall, grating the skin off his hands.

David pushed himself around to face his assailants. His adrenaline was up now. His breaths came fast as he curled his fists. He didn’t know who had grabbed him, but what the hell?

There were three people in the alley with him. Two stood on either side of him, blocking off his escape.

“See, our eyes met. That means a trainer battle right?” The man in front of David spoke slowly as he rubbed his ribs. He was tall, half a head taller than David even with the hunch that curled his shoulders. The man’s face was worn, drawn back and sickly looking.

His face didn’t hold David’s attention for long. The white armband with a red R was too eye-catching.

Team Rocket.’ He realized with dread. Criminals. A gang.

The hunched man turned to the entrance of the street where another man stood, also wearing a Rocket armband.

“See that is just another of the League’s lies. Trainer battles start well before your eyes meet.”

David didn’t like the cruel grin that formed on the other man’s face at his assailant’s words. He was outnumbered. The cruel grin didn’t leave the man’s face as he turned away to face towards the street. And in doing so, block off the entrance.

”Don’t worry. It’s your lucky day. My friends and I are going to show you the truth.” The hunched Rocket brought his arm down to his belt and tapped his fingers across the six pokeballs attached there.

Tap. Tap tap tap. He selected one.

Harsh laughter started again from the other side of the alley. The woman standing there also wore an armband and had to blocked that exit.

There was nowhere to run. He was stuck.

“How about I start our 3v3 battle? I’ll even send out my Pokemon first,” The hunched Rocket said, stepped back from him in the narrow alley and clicked the button on his ball.

A Golbat appeared in a small blip of light in between them. It stood with its wings folded and hunched over like its owner as it was released. A shiver traveled across light blue fur. It opened its mouth wide in a yawn, revealing sharp white fangs. It gave a low pitched click before lazily spreading its wings. A big flap sent it flying into the air.

Dirt in the alley was kicked up as the Golbat started to circle above their head.

“I only have one Pokemon,” David stammered, desperately looking for an exit. Dust was thrown into his eyes. He blinked, shrinking back into the wall away from the Pokemon and holding an arm up to shield his face.

The Golbat was huge. When it was on the ground its wing tips reached above David’s head. Pidgey was not ready for this. He was not ready for this.

“That’s alright. You can battle too. Golbat has never had an issue fighting humans before.”

David’s eyes shot up to the Pokemon slowly circling in the air above them. Given how narrow the alley was, the creature needed to turn often but its eyes never left David. Huge fangs stabbed out of its mouth. It looked hungry. 

He turned back to the Rocket.


The Rocket member’s eyes flashed and they inhaled.

“10. 9.”

David scrambled to get his bag off his back. That Golbat would kill him. He was going to die. He tore open the drawstring.

“8. 7.”

His hand closed around the cool metal and he tugged the ball out. Pidgey’s ball. His eyes met the Rocket member’s again, a silent plea.

“6. 5. 4. 3.” The count sped up.

David pushed his finger against the button and Pidgey appeared in a bright flash of light. She was still in a roosting position and let out a low questioning squawk as she appeared. That squawk grew shrill as she took in the alley and the three members of Team Rocket.

She hopped to her feet and spread her wings out wide. She flapped them lightly as she moved back towards David.

“We’re in trouble. Look up. Golbat.” David rushed out.

“2. 1.”

Pidgey tilted her head back and hopped to the side to look up. She began a high pitch shrill and pulled her wings back in as she spotted the huge creature circling above. She began trembling.

“Golbat. Wing attack,” The hunched Rocket calmly ordered.

“Launch Pidgey! Get out of there!” David screamed.

Pidgey’s wings shot back out and powered down as she took off, flying up in the air.


There was a flash of lavender and Pidgey was falling.

Down, down down down down. Down.

A sickening crunch rang out as she smacked against the ground. 

Feathers fell through the air after her.

She didn’t move.


The Golbat landed with a swoop beside his downed Pokemon. Its mouth opened, fangs protruding as it leaned over her.

David clicked the button with trembling hands. Pidgey disappeared in a flash.

The Golbat, deprived of its prey, let out a screech and flew at him.

His life didn’t flash in front of his eyes. He didn’t remember anything. All that existed was darkness and gleaming fangs.

A whistle rang out and the Pokemon banked around but not without buffeting the frozen David with its wings.

David fell back to the ground, smacking his head hard against the wall. His head ached. His vision blurred. He cradled Pidgey’s still ball against his chest.

The hunched Rocket member walked forward and dropped into a crouch before him.

“See, the league doesn’t want to help you with the program. They give you a crap Pokemon only fit to be dinner. They give you just enough time to get one badge. Maybe two if you’re lucky. Then you drop off. You won’t have the money to buy or feed a better Pokemon. Yours won’t evolve. As time drags on you’ll lose more and more battles to those better prepared. Eventually you’re broke again. Nothing left to try.” The Rocket’s drawn face seemed to grow more pallid as he spoke to David. “That’s when the league will step in with a steady minimum wage job. No future. But you’ll get to keep the crappy Pokemon they gave you. Refuse and you’re back to the dirt and shit.”

The Rocket spat on the ground between them before standing up. He walked around the scattered feathers to where the Golbat had landed. He gave a few clicks with his tongue as he rubbed the fur around the Golbat’s eyes.

“The league is weakening Kanto’s trainers. Johto took over after Haze’s death. Agatha is too old to do anything but keep the status quo. She can’t even get Haze replaced after a year. When she dies, they will have complete control over the Elite Four. There will be a war and Johto will destroy us. If you don’t want your home blistered by Dragons or frozen eternally you need to pull yourself together. Team Rocket are fighting back. You are nothing now but we can change that.” 

The Rocket member unclipped a pokeball from his belt and recalled his Golbat before turning back to David.

“If you want to do something with your life, ask around for Mason. If not, you’ll see more of Team Rocket and you'll contribute in another way. We need as many resources as we can get to save Kanto.”

The man didn’t wait for any response from the frozen David. He walked away down the alley. The other Rocket member that had blocked the alley entrance followed after him. They kicked the dirt and feathers at David as they passed with a cruel laugh.

David trembled as they left.

I have to get Pidgey to the pokecenter.

She hadn’t moved. She hadn’t moved after the Golbat had sent her crashing down into the ground. Pidgey was incredibly light. If any of her bones had broken…

He got up and started to run.