❄️ The Winter BL Short Story Anthology is OPEN! ❄️
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❄️ The Winter Anthology's Commenting Competition❄️

Just like our previous anthologies, we have a little friendly commenting competition planned for this anthology! Remember, the ultimate goal is to comment and positively engage with all the lovely authors in this season's BL anthology!

To find your commenting team, take this little quiz~! There are 8 questions, and you get put in one of four teams at the end! If you have any difficulties with the quiz, please send us a DM or ping an anthology moderator on discord.

Fill in your name into the team roster here. You can connect with your fellow team members in the BL Palace discord!

Each team member can make comments under the entries in this anthology (not including this chapter!) Each comment you make awards points depending on its length and quality. By the end of the anthology release, the team with the highest amount of points wins the comment battle of BL Palace teams!









1 point: emoji comment.

2 points: for "thank you for the story!" and "It was so nice to read this!" type comments.

Neither of these two types of comments will give you any more points if you keep spamming them without variegation. (I.e. no double-posting within the same entry will garner new points).



5 points: for short feedback or plot-related comments in the story.

10 points: for a wall of text analysis or genuine advice/feedback/interaction with the author about the themes, character development, and the anthology-related elements of the story ("wall of text" here implies more than 50 words in the comment!).

Neither of these two types of comments will give you any more points if you break down the same point into tiny sub-comments. (I.e. no double-posting within the same theme will garner new points. By "same theme" we mean here — "Character", "Themes of the Story", "Style/Execution/Tone", "Pacing/Technique", "Plot". We are going for the quality of the comments, not for the point-calculations. Spamming the comments or splitting one into many tiny ones will not work and is subject to mod discussions of what even qualifies or not).



Based on the length of the short story the DIAMOND points will increase in count. Since the shortest entries are as short as 1000 words in this anthology (S-size), and the longest entry is around 5,500 words long (L-size) -- multiplying factors will apply in the point counting.

GOLD comments will not be changed for them, though. Only the DIAMOND ones. Pay attention.

S-sized story: x1 multiplier (+0);

M-sized story: x2 multiplier;

L-sized story: x3 multiplier;

All points will be counted after the last entry of the anthology comes out and a full week passes afterward!



Now, get ready to read~! The first story will be out soon! Have fun!