Love Impossible
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" well, as we were talking, a ball came out of nowhere and nearly hit Harper. She was quick to get out of the way but she fell". " Mm-hmm, keep going. Chloe said. *Bell rings* " Dang it, it was just getting good." "I'll tell you guys what happened at lunch ok" Bella said. "Ok, see you girls" Ava said. "Bye" Emma said.


                                                              Present day

               "Math class is the most boring class of the year" Harper thought. *Harper zoned out* "Harper!" Yelled Mr. Gray. "HARPER!!". *Stops zoning*. " Yes Mr. Gray" Harper answered.  "When i'm taking attendance and call your name you say "here" you got it" Said Mr. Gray. " Yes Mr. Gray" Harper Said. "Now let's try this again, Harper Lopez". "Here" Said Harper. "How much I would like to switch teachers". "Sorry i'm late sir, I had practice" Said Noah *while walking in the classroom* "What is he doing here? Is he in the same class as me......OMG he is. And there is a seat next to me. Aaaah. Now I seem to not want to switch classes now. Ooo I can't wait to tell the girls. "It's fine Noah just find a seat. *Aaaaah, hes coming to sit next to me. Squeeee?* *stops smiling* *Noah sit's down* "Hi" Harper said. ""Hey" Noah said back. *Oh no I ran out of what to say* *it's fine, I have to pay attention in class anyways.* *But how can I pay attention when total hottie is next to me* *sighs loudly* "Who just did that?" Asked Mr. Gray."Sorry sir it was me" Said Harper. "So you are now disrespecting my class?" "No sir" Harper said. "So you think my class is boring" asked Mr. Gray. "I never said" Harper said. " Oh now your miss attitude?" Mr. Gray asked. "No" Harper yelled. "Now you see your disrupting my class" Said Mr. Gray. "How am I disrupting your class" Harper asked. "You know what see me after class" A few minutes later* *Bell rings* "Yes Mr. Gray"Harper said. "I don't know who you think you are but you cannot have this Attitude towards me, especially on the first day of school,  You will see me after school, you got it"." "Yes I got it Mr. Gray" Said Harper. " Now go to your next class". *Ugh this darn teacher is already getting on my nerves.*

                                                             Science Class 

 "Ok class, take a seat" Said Ms. Janeway * Harper sits down* *Noah rushes in the door*. *Noah sits down next to Harper* *He is in my science class? Ooo this is gonna be an exciting year. " I see we also have science class together" Harper said "Yea, since were gonna see each other a lot this year might as well tell you my name,  i'm Noah." "And i'm Harper" " Nice to meet you Harper." Nice to meet you too Noah." "Alright class quiet down". Said Ms.  Janeway. " Since it's the first day of school today I won't give you a lot of work, but I will give you a three page essay on how your summer has been, so, get writing, and by the way it is due on Monday. I'm giving you guys a week, but it won't always be like this. * One hour and 25 minutes later* *bell rings*. *Finally I get to tell my friends what happened* "Bye Noa-..... Where did he go?