Chapter 135 Mending Bones
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Faun’s POV

I have done everything I could to block that first week after Maximus returned from my mind. There was however one instance that at the time brought me hope. But now it is one of my greatest regrets. 


It was late afternoon. Maximus had run out of energy torturing my body and had gone to rest. I could not muster the strength to move. Everytime I tried, pain radiated through my body starting from my left arm that laid at an unnatural angle. I needed to get the bones aligned soon. I was having a hard time suppressing the healing ability I had as the animal spirit. It would only lead to greater pain if the bones ‘healed’ before being set. 


“ARRGHHH,” I let out a scream forcing myself into a sitting position. But this scream unlike so many others did not go unanswered. Through my eyes clouded with tears I saw Michael stick his head through the doorway.


“He is gone,” I croaked, my voice ragged from the scream. 


Michael cautiously stepped through the doorway and made his way to me. His face paled seeing my sorry state. “What happened?”


I shuddered as the memories of what I just went through flashed through my mind with a wave of pain. “Maximus,” was all I could utter. 


“I need to get you to a doctor,” Michael said with panic evident on his face. “Your arm is broken.”


The laugh that escaped my mouth was more decisive than I meant it to be but I just shook my head. “A doctor won’t be able to help me,” I said gasping at the pain as I prodded my left arm to feel the break. “I just need to get my bone set and it will heal itself.”


“That would take months.” 


“For a human it would.” I gasped again. “I will be healed in just a week maybe two.” The pain was too much, I would not be able to do this by myself. I put my deerish form to use and looked up at Michael with big doe eyes. “I need your help.”


“I am not a doctor. I have no idea how to set a bone,” he protested.


“I know how to set bones and have done it several times. It just, I have never done it on myself. I have to admit that I thought those animals were overreacting to the pain. But now I think they are tougher than I am,” I said through gritted teeth as I tried one last time, hoping to spare my unwilling helper. 


My tears seemed to have worked on convincing him to help because he sat down next to me and said in a quiet voice “What do I need to do.” I looked at his pale face and saw a determination in his eyes. 


All I remember is the white light of pain blinding my eyes. Michael stayed with me through my tears and pain. After a minute I felt a comforting hand on my head. I had nearly forgotten what human touch was supposed to feel like. I instinctively moved my head so that the hand was right at the base of my ears. Michael hesitated for a moment but then proceeded to scratch my ears. 


“Why is he doing this to you?” Michael asked once my breathing had settled down. I turned to look at him. The ghostly paleness from earlier was gone, replaced with a flush. It was clear that he was not used to having close contact with women. 


I did not want to interrupt his scratching but he deserved an answer. And who knows, if he knew what was really going on he might help me. “Because he is a freak of nature,” I snarled.


“But…” It seemed that he was not satisfied with my response.


“He is trying to use my power to make something. At first I thought he was just using me to torture animals but I discovered that there was a method to his madness.” I shuddered remembering what I had done. “A sick and twisted method. I am not sure what he is trying to make but I know from the bottom of my soul that it is not good and will bring much pain and death.”


My words seemed to shake him. Slowly he asked, “You have to have some idea of what he is trying to do?”


“He wants to make a monster or a demon.” I shuddered remembering Maximus’s tyrannical ranting as my body was pulled apart. “He said something about needing a worthy nemesis.”


Silence fell over the two of us but I did not mind. Michael had started to scratch my ears again. Just the presence of a person was healing. “If someone was willing to help you escape, how would you repay him?”


“Any way that was in my power.” I smiled at him, “My first idea was to build a small cabin in my woods where we could spend our days.” Since I had turned to face him his hand was no longer on my ear but he had not yet retracted it. Seeing an opportunity I leaned my head over and rubbed my cheek on his exposed palm. He gently caressed my cheek and I felt his thumb wipe away the remnants of tears that still lingered on my face. 

“They were right. You really are going to bewitch me,” he said in a low voice. 


“I promise you that I did not use any magic. All I did was bat my brown eyes at you.”


“If that is not magic then surely I have never seen any.” A small laugh escaped my mouth at his words. But just kept resting my cheek on his palm. I looked into his eyes and saw determination forming in his heart. “We need to get you out of here.” Michael made his way to the door to open it, but before he could a voice rang out behind us. 


“I would not be doing that. If I were you.” The voice chilled my heart.


I hope you all are being safe. Thank you for reading. It makes all my effort worth it to have people read this.