Chapter 3
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Undeterred by the labyrinthine complexities of the Ministry of Magic, I embarked on the challenging journey to visit Sirius in Azkaban, fueled by the unwavering determination to uncover the truth and offer him the company he rightfully deserved. The shadow of corruption that hung over the Ministry added an extra layer of challenge to my quest.

In my pursuit of justice, I decided to reach out to Amelia Bones, a figure known for her dedication to justice and fairness within the Ministry. However, my initial attempt to contact her proved fruitless, discovering that she was currently unavailable, having recently taken on the role of guardian to Susan Bones. Undeterred, I redirected my efforts towards Rufus Scrimgeour, the next in line for communication.

Crafting a carefully worded message, I sought an audience with Scrimgeour to discuss the matter of visiting Sirius in Azkaban. Aware of the corruption within the Ministry, I approached this endeavour with caution, knowing that every step needed to be strategic to navigate the political intricacies that surrounded the case.

The reply from Scrimgeour arrived, outlining the bureaucratic procedures and necessary permissions for a visit to Azkaban. It became evident that obtaining access to Sirius required manoeuvring through layers of red tape and exploiting the loopholes within the system.

I just know that Lucius Malfoy most likely did this. It wasn't even two days after Voldemort's disappearance that he was already cleared without trial for being under the Imperius curse. That bigot is after something.

The only good part, so much travel into the Department of Magical Law Enforcement has given me so many cards most of my Hogwarts subjects have moved onto being purple cards, so many cards. With a blend of charms and manipulation, I presented my case, emphasising the urgency and necessity of my visit.

Days turned into weeks as I engaged in a delicate dance of diplomacy and deception, working my way through the intricate web of Ministry politics. The shadows of corruption proved to be both my obstacle and my ally, as I skillfully navigated the fine line between right and wrong to secure the elusive authorization to visit Azkaban.

Armed with the permission I had tirelessly worked to obtain, I prepared to embark on the journey to Azkaban, where the truth awaited in the cold, desolate walls of the infamous wizarding prison.

As I stood on the desolate docks, awaiting the arrival of the Ministry Auror who would escort me to visit Sirius in Azkaban, a surge of determination coursed through me. The looming fortress of despair stood across the dark waters, its ominous presence casting a heavy shadow.

With a deep breath, I summoned the magic within, casting the Patronus Charm. The incantation flowed effortlessly from my lips, and as the spell took shape, a silvery wolf emerged from the tip of my wand. The ethereal creature moved with grace, its form radiating a faint but comforting light.

The Patronus, an embodiment of my determination and will, stood sentinel against the encroaching darkness. Its presence on the docks symbolised a beacon of hope in the face of Azkaban's gloom. As the Ministry Auror approached, their gaze flickered to the shimmering Patronus, perhaps sensing the resolve that fueled its manifestation.

With a nod from the Auror, we boarded the boat that would carry us across the murky waters to the prison that held Sirius captive. The Patronus, ever vigilant, remained by my side, a silent guardian in the face of the impending confrontation with the harsh realities of Azkaban.

Standing before the cold, steel bars of Sirius's cell, the echoes of Remus's feelings of betrayal resonated within me. The weight of past emotions pressed against my chest, threatening to consume me. However, with a determined resolve, I pushed through the haunting shadows of betrayal and focused on the task at hand.

The Ministry Auror, a stoic figure with a gaze that revealed little, looked at me and spoke, "You have half an hour, make it worth it." The unspoken implication hung in the air — the precious minutes granted for this visit were a luxury in the grim reality of Azkaban.

Taking a deep breath, I met Sirius's gaze through the bars. His eyes, once filled with vitality, now held a weariness that bespoke years of wrongful imprisonment. The silence between us spoke volumes, a shared understanding that transcended the limitations of spoken words.

"Sirius," I began, my voice breaking the silence that enveloped us. "I know you're innocent. I've come to make sure you're not alone. I need to know what happened that night.”

"Sirius," I began, my voice breaking the silence that enveloped us. "I know you're innocent. I've come to make sure you're not alone. I need to know what happened that night.”

His eyes, clouded with a mixture of weariness and longing, met mine through the cold, steel bars of his cell. The weight of Azkaban's desolation pressed upon us, but in that moment, a shared understanding transcended the physical barriers.

"I appreciate you coming, Remus," Sirius responded, his words carrying the weight of years spent unjustly behind bars. "The truth is, I've been waiting for someone to believe in my innocence."

As the minutes ticked away, I urged Sirius to share his account of the fateful night — the night that led to his imprisonment and the betrayal that shattered the foundation of their friendship.

"The Ministry, they think I betrayed James and Lily. They believe I led Voldemort to them," Sirius explained, a bitter edge to his voice. "But I swear, Remus, I would never have done that. You have to believe me."

The conviction in Sirius's gaze resonated with a truth that transcended the official narrative. The echoes of Remus's memories and emotions guided my understanding, but now, in this moment, I needed to hear Sirius's version — the untold details that might unravel the mystery surrounding that tragic night.

"Tell me everything, Sirius. Every detail you remember. We'll get to the bottom of this, and I'll find a way to prove your innocence," I asserted, my determination fueling the promise I made to both Sirius and myself. The half-hour granted for the visit seemed painfully inadequate, but within the confines of Azkaban, we delved into the narrative that held the key to Sirius's redemption.

As Sirius continued to recount the events leading to his arrest, the narrative unfolded like a complex tapestry, each detail weaving a different hue into the story. The shadows of doubt, perpetuated by the Ministry's version of the events, slowly began to give way to a more intricate and nuanced truth.

Even though I already possessed a certain level of knowledge from the books, hearing it directly from Sirius added a layer of raw emotion and personal resonance. The weight of his words hung in the air, and the gravity of his unjust imprisonment became more palpable with every revelation. The Ministry's haste to pin the blame on him for the betrayal of James and Lily felt increasingly suspect, and the quest for justice intensified within me.

As I stood as close to the bars as possible without triggering any alarms, I whispered to Sirius, my voice carrying a sense of urgency and camaraderie, "If you transform, the Dementors won't affect you as much. We need you at your best for when we get you free. I'm still looking for Harry but Dumbledore still doesn't trust me so he wont tell me where he left him. You're all I have left, Siri. Once the Order disbanded, everyone went back to their lives."

Knowing that I was lying to him about Harry left a lump in my throat, even though I hadn't gone to see Harry yet. All I had was hope that they wouldn't hurt a defenceless baby.

The admission hung in the air, laden with unspoken emotions. The disbandment of the Order of the Phoenix left a void, a sense of isolation that gnawed at the edges of my determination. The camaraderie forged during those tumultuous times had dissipated, and the pursuit of justice for Sirius felt like a solitary quest. The complexities of navigating the fractured relationships within the wizarding world became increasingly evident.

Sirius's eyes, though tired, reflected a glimmer of gratitude and understanding. The shared burden of seeking the truth and confronting the injustices inflicted upon him connected us in a way that transcended the steel bars and the oppressive aura of Azkaban. The quest to reunite with Harry, to clear Sirius's name, and to unravel the mysteries concealed by Dumbledore's secrecy became the pillars of a mission that resonated with both our desires for redemption and purpose.