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The wind flows as the waves of the sea, laughter heard throughout the city, the ringing of bells and singing of praises, where the people felt the true taste of freedom. Mondstadt, a city surrounded by a link and the only way to get in is to cross a bridge. Although the Mondstadt of the city is small it has quite a populace with enough stability to go by over the years, non-knowingly protected by the god whom they praised. Venti. A wind spirit who has risen to godhood through the sole prayers of the people he saves. Although right now, he is in his wind spirit form, right now he looks like a young boy whom some mistaken as a young woman because of his shape and voice. The greenish blue braided tails as a hair and limbs that looks easily broken. 

Venti is a God or as we know an archon, Archon of the Wind also known as Anemo. During the day he works as a bard but during the night he drinks wine. Although he might always look silly, he always has other plans. 

7 Days before the Windblume Festival

Venti sends out invitations to various Archons around the globe, he whispers in the air at one of the tallest towers in Mondstadt and magic appears. The wind is now carrying Venti's whispers in which the Invitations are found. One of these invitations goes through a whole adventure from the giant cliffs of a city to a giant hole the result of a meteor crash and finally a place full of greenery and all you can see everywhere is a tree.


 Where knowledge shines and where people dream. In the main city of Sumeru, the Akademiya. A little girl receives the invitation in which she heard. 

"Hey! Do you want to attend the windblume festival?" The little pointy eared girl heard the message from no person near her and deduced only one answer from the invitation sent.


Coincidentally, someone heard her say "Sure" to no one. As wood and stone collides each step, A wooden figure reveals himself and moved towards the little girl "Who are you speaking too?"

"A long-time friend."

"Huh, but... there's no one here." 

"You are right... Who do you think it is?" The little girl asked the wooden puppet as she focused her eyes on one accessory the puppet has on his chest. A sky-colored gem encased by a case with an inscription of wings. An Anemo Vision. An object used by people to control their corresponding element. The puppet sees where the girl's eyes moved and held the accessory tightly, finally he finds the answer to the question.

(AN: Although you always have to get the solution first.)


In a house in Mondstadt an astronomer girl wearing a witch's hat with twin tail hair that looks like it was made from the stars is preparing for her daily ritual to forsee the future, as she grabs a blue colored chalk from a case on the wooden table and begins to draw a circle, starting with the outer, then the inner, and then weird scriptures that looks like a language of another world. As she finishes, she recited a simple yet powerful chant out of her mouth.

"O Stars of the Sky, Let my fate be shown and my future be revealed"

The ritual circle then begins to fade and turns into a sphere of mist, inside the sphere are two figures, the astronomer girl herself and a short grape colored haired boy, both of their lips interlocking, moments later after a passionate kiss the girl in the mist said "Yes." Her cheeks flushed red as she could not believe what was happening. She could only utter one word.