SS:E Ch. 55 Special Delivery
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Reaper's eyes widened as he witnessed the unbelievable sight unfolding in the distance. His keen sniper's vision allowed him to see details the others couldn't yet perceive.

"We've got a serious problem," Reaper said over the comm, his voice tense but controlled. "There's a major behemoth emerging from the ground about a quarter mile out."

Calvin turned to face the direction Reaper indicated, his brow furrowed with concern. "How big are we talking?"

"Enormous," Reaper replied. "Its hands alone are the size of houses. They just punched out of the earth like it was nothing."

Amy and Freya exchanged worried glances as they listened to the report. They had faced behemoths before, but nothing on this scale.

"Another hand just broke through," Reaper continued, his rifle trained on the distant threat. "And now I can see its head. This thing is massive, Calvin. It's slowly pulling itself out of the ground."

Calvin's mind raced as he processed the information. A behemoth of that size would pose an immense challenge, even with their enhanced abilities.

"How much time do we have before it fully emerges?" Calvin asked, already formulating strategies.

"Hard to say," Reaper responded. "The process seems slow, but with a creature that large, it could be on us quicker than we expect."

Calvin nodded grimly. "Alright, here's the plan. Amy, I need you to focus on spreading your toxic abilities as far and wide as possible. We need to weaken this thing before it reaches us."

Amy gave a determined nod, her hands already glowing with sickly green energy.

"Freya, you and I will work on creating a barrier with my storm powers. We need to buy time for the others to whittle it down."

Freya growled in agreement, her aetherwolf form shimmering with anticipation.

"Reaper, keep feeding us intel on its movements. If you see any weak points, prioritize them."

"Roger that," Reaper said, his scope never leaving the emerging behemoth.

Tank's pulse cannon roared as he unleashed a relentless barrage upon the swarming creatures in the entryway. Each shot found its mark, tearing through the monstrous horde with devastating precision. As the rounds impacted, some of the creatures began to glow with an eerie light, their bodies pulsing with unstable energy.

Suddenly, one of the creatures erupted in a brilliant nova of elemental essence. Flames engulfed its form, incinerating the surrounding monsters in a fiery blaze. Tank grinned, realizing his weapon's affinity had reached a new level of destructive potential.

He continued firing, each pull of the trigger unleashing a storm of pulse rounds that ripped through the enemy ranks. Another creature detonated, this time in a burst of crackling lightning that chained to nearby targets, frying them with arcs of electricity.

Calvin stood beside Tank, his eyes glowing with cosmic power as he channeled the fury of the storm. With a swift motion, he conjured a Stormcaller's Spear in each hand, the crackling shafts of lightning humming with barely contained energy.

He hurled the spears forward, their razor-sharp tips piercing through the massing throngs of corrupted beasts. As the spears flew, they left trails of ionized air in their wake, miniature thunderstorms that ravaged the enemy lines.

The spears found their marks, impaling multiple creatures in a single strike. Upon impact, the spears released their pent-up energy, exploding in a cascade of lightning and thunder that tore the monsters asunder.

Calvin repeated the process, summoning and throwing Stormcaller's Spears with blinding speed. Each volley thinned the horde significantly, the creatures unable to withstand the relentless assault of elemental fury.

As Tank's pulse cannon continued to fire, more creatures detonated in random elemental essences. One exploded in a gout of corrosive acid, melting the flesh from the bones of those caught in its splash. Another burst into a vortex of swirling wind, lifting nearby monsters off their feet and hurling them through the air like ragdolls.

The entryway became a chaotic maelstrom of elemental destruction, with Tank's cannon and Calvin's spears working in deadly harmony. The creatures' numbers dwindled rapidly under the onslaught, their corrupted forms no match for the combined might of the two champions.

Freya and Amy fought nearby, their own abilities adding to the devastation. Freya's primal roar shook the earth, causing the remaining creatures to falter in fear, while Amy's toxic miasma seeped into their ranks, weakening them further.

Despite the overwhelming display of power, the behemoth in the distance continued its slow but steady emergence from the ground. Its colossal form cast a shadow over the battlefield, a looming threat that demanded their attention.

Reaper's eyes narrowed as he assessed the emerging behemoth, his mind already formulating a plan of attack. With practiced precision, he reconfigured the ammo in his rifle, loading it with specialized gravity rounds designed to deliver devastating impact.

He took a deep breath, steadying himself as he lined up the shot. The behemoth's massive head presented a tempting target, its craggy features and malevolent eyes visible even from this distance.

With a whispered command, Reaper activated his All In ability, channeling his enhanced marksmanship into a single, concentrated attack. The rifle hummed with energy as the entire magazine of six rounds combined, forming a super-powered gravity round that thrummed with destructive potential.

Reaper's finger tightened on the trigger, and the rifle kicked against his shoulder as the gravity round erupted from the barrel. The projectile streaked through the air, leaving a rippling distortion in its wake as it hurtled towards the behemoth's head.

The impact was cataclysmic. The gravity round slammed into the behemoth's face with the force of a small meteor, detonating in a brilliant flash of energy. Large chunks of rocky flesh shattered and broke off from the creature's visage, collapsing inward under the immense gravitational force.

The behemoth roared in agony as its facial structure caved in, the shards of its own flesh compressing and melting under the intense pressure. The heat generated by the collapse was so extreme that the fragments of rock and bone became molten glass, searing through the side of the behemoth's face in rivulets of searing pain.

But Reaper wasn't finished. Without missing a beat, he swapped to his Nightstalker rifle, a sleek and deadly weapon designed for armor-piercing precision. He quickly acquired his target once more, aiming for the weakened areas of the behemoth's head.

Two sharp cracks rang out as Reaper fired a pair of armor-piercing shards in rapid succession. The projectiles, imbued with Reaper's unerring accuracy, punctured through the behemoth's compromised skull like hot knives through butter.

The shards ricocheted within the behemoth's head, shredding internal structures and causing catastrophic damage. As they exited the creature's skull, they tore through the mass of corrupted creatures surrounding the behemoth, felling dozens in their wake.

The behemoth staggered, its movements becoming erratic and uncoordinated as it struggled to cope with the grievous wounds inflicted upon it. Black ichor poured from the gaping holes in its head, splattering the ground below in a viscous, tainted mess.

Calvin and the others watched in awe as Reaper's devastating attack unfolded. The sniper's skills had reached new heights with the enhancements granted by the Titanic Spark, allowing him to deliver a crippling blow to the colossal creature.

"Nice shot, Reaper!" Calvin called out over the comm, his voice filled with admiration and relief. "That should buy us some time to regroup and plan our next move."

Reaper allowed himself a small, satisfied smile as he reloaded his rifles. "Just doing my job," he replied, his tone even and focused. "But we can't let our guard down. That thing is still a threat."

As the behemoth reeled from the devastating attack, the Olympians prepared to press their advantage. They readied their weapons and abilities, determined to end the creature's rampage once and for all.

Calvin's eyes crackled with energy as he summoned another volley of Stormcaller's Spears, the lightning shafts eagerly awaiting his command. Tank's pulse cannon hummed with renewed power, the elemental essences within its rounds swirling in anticipation.

Tank's warning echoed through the chaos of the battle. "That behemoth's going to be a real issue when it gets here. I wouldn't be surprised if it could level this whole place."

Calvin acknowledged Tank's concern with a grim nod. His eyes darted around, assessing their situation. Two potential courses of action presented themselves. They could abandon the relative safety of the structure and charge out into the hordes, sacrificing the advantage of the chokepoint. Or they could delve deeper into the building, seeking shelter from the behemoth's imminent arrival. However, that path risked trapping them inside if no other exit could be found.

Of course, a third possibility lingered in the back of Calvin's mind - retreat. They could blast their way out of the structure, fall back to their original portal entry point, and approach this challenge from a different angle. It wasn't the most heroic option, but it might be the wisest choice given the evolving circumstances.

As the behemoth's thunderous footsteps grew louder, the pressure mounted for Calvin to make a decision. Time was running out, and the fate of his team hung in the balance. He weighed the risks and benefits of each strategy, knowing that a wrong move could spell disaster for all of them.

There was a fourth option that Calvin hadn't considered. Just a moment later, one of Seth's drones zipped through the doorway, dropping a small, inert grenade at Calvin's feet. For a moment, confusion clouded his mind as he picked up the device. Then, realization struck him like a thunderbolt. Seth was about to unleash hell.

"Everyone, take cover! Reaper, get inside now. Seth's got a special delivery incoming," Calvin shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos of the battle.

Without hesitation, Reaper fired off the remaining rounds in his rifle, the shots echoing through the air. In a fluid motion, he dove through the chute his drill drone had created, seeking shelter from the impending destruction.

Mere seconds later, a blinding flash erupted from the battlefield, bathing the area in a searing white light. Another flash followed, then another, each one more intense than the last. An eerie silence descended upon the scene, broken only by the crackling of flames and the settling of debris.

Cautiously, Calvin and Tank emerged from their cover, poking their heads out to survey the devastation that had been unleashed.

The behemoth, once a towering monstrosity that threatened to overwhelm them, was reduced to a smoldering heap of twisted flesh and shattered bone. Its massive form lay broken and lifeless, a testament to the power of Seth's explosive intervention.

Across the battlefield, nearly fifty thousand monsters lay strewn about, their bodies charred and blackened by the relentless onslaught of explosions. Many of them had been fused together by the intense heat, creating grotesque monuments to their demise. The ground was littered with the remnants of the horde, a macabre tapestry of death and destruction.

The air hung heavy with the acrid scent of burnt flesh and smoke, a pungent reminder of the carnage that had unfolded. Wisps of steam rose from the scorched earth, mingling with the tendrils of smoke that drifted lazily across the scene.

Calvin and Tank stood in stunned silence, their eyes wide as they took in the sheer scale of the annihilation. It was a testament to Seth's ingenuity and the power of his creations. The artificer had delivered a decisive blow, turning the tide of the battle in their favor.

As the dust began to settle, the true extent of their victory became apparent. The behemoth, once an unstoppable force of nature, lay vanquished at their feet. The hordes of monsters that had threatened to overwhelm them were reduced to nothing more than piles of ash and charred flesh.

The battlefield, once a chaotic maelstrom of clashing forces, now stood silent and still. The only movement came from the flickering flames that danced among the corpses, casting eerie shadows across the devastated landscape.

Calvin and Tank exchanged a look of relief and triumph, their faces streaked with grime and sweat. They had emerged victorious, thanks in no small part to Seth's timely intervention. The artificer's brilliance was astounding even this late in the game.

The group wandered out of the structure onto the desolate battlefield. There were still small groupings of enemies, mostly wounded, and more were beginning to appear from the mists, but this had bought them a considerable amount of breathing room. Next on the agenda was to find that portal.