SS:E Ch. 63 – Agenda for the Future
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Calvin stood tall and proud upon the raised dais in the heart of Olympus, the grand city center stretching out before him. The rest of the council flanked him on either side, their presence a testament to the unity and strength of their leadership. A sea of faces looked up at him, the gathered citizens of Olympus filled with a palpable mix of anticipation and hope. They had endured weeks of relentless struggles and fierce battles, their lives marked by uncertainty and fear. Now, they stood eagerly awaiting news of their fate and the future that lay ahead for all of humanity.

Taking a deep breath, Calvin stepped forward, his voice ringing out clear and strong across the crowded square. "People of Olympus, I stand before you today bearing news of a great triumph, a victory that will be remembered for generations to come. Through the tireless efforts and selfless sacrifices of our brave warriors, we have achieved the impossible. Kyrak, the corrupted asshole that threatened the very existence of our world, has been defeated, his reign of terror brought to an end at last."

A roar of cheers erupted from the crowd, the sound washing over the square like a tidal wave of joy and relief. Calvin allowed a moment for the excitement to settle, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he witnessed the sheer elation on the faces of his people. He raised his hand, signaling for silence, and the crowd gradually quieted, hanging on his every word.

"With Kyrak's fall, Earth has been returned to a state of peace, freed from the corrupting influence that sought to destroy everything we hold dear. This victory is not just for Olympus, but for all of humanity. It is a testament to our resilience, our unwavering determination, and the strength that lies within each and every one of us."

Calvin paused, his gaze sweeping over the sea of faces before him, taking in the hope and trust that shone in their eyes. These were the people he had sworn to protect, the ones who looked to him for guidance and leadership in the face of unimaginable adversity. He felt the weight of that responsibility settling upon his shoulders, but it was a burden he bore with pride and resolve.

"I want to take this moment to reiterate our commitment to the survival and prosperity of the human race. Olympus stands as a beacon of hope, a shining example of what we can achieve when we stand united against the darkness that threatens to consume us. We have proven that together, we are stronger than any force that seeks to tear us apart."

His voice grew stronger, filled with an unwavering conviction that resonated through the air. "In the coming days, our delegations will reach out to every settlement that falls under Olympus' influence. We will provide aid, support, and the resources necessary for them to rebuild and thrive in this new era of peace. No one will be left behind, no cry for help will go unanswered. Together, we will forge a future where humanity can flourish, unburdened by the constant threat of corruption and destruction."

As Calvin's words echoed through the square, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause, their faces alight with renewed hope and determination. They stood united, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that they had the strength and leadership of Olympus behind them. The road ahead would not be easy, but with Calvin at the helm, they knew they could overcome anything. Together, they would build a brighter tomorrow, a future where humanity could once again reach for the stars.

The crowd hung on his every word, their spirits lifted by the promise of a brighter tomorrow. "This is a time for celebration, for rejoicing in our hard-fought victory. But it is also a time for reflection, for honoring those who gave their lives to ensure our survival. We will never forget their bravery and sacrifice, and we will carry their memory with us as we move forward."

Calvin's eyes shone with determination as he continued, "Let this day mark a new beginning for Olympus and for all of humanity. Let us stand together, united in our purpose and resolute in our commitment to building a better world. With the strength and resilience that has carried us through these trials, there is no obstacle we cannot overcome, no challenge we cannot conquer."

As he concluded his speech, the crowd erupted in applause and cheers, their faces alight with renewed hope and determination. The council members stood tall beside Calvin, their own resolve strengthened by his words.

Across every human settlement on Earth, Calvin's speech played out, transmitted through the advanced technology that connected them all. In each community, people gathered around screens and communication devices, their hearts swelling with pride and purpose as they listened to the Stormlord's message.

From the sprawling cities to the smallest outposts, the words of unity and hope resonated with every soul. Tears of joy and relief flowed freely as people embraced one another, celebrating the dawn of a new era free from the tyranny of corruption.

Calvin descended from the dais, the rest of the council following close behind. As they moved through the crowd, people reached out to them, clapping Calvin on the back and expressing their gratitude for all that he and the council had accomplished for Olympus. The council members graciously accepted the thanks, wishing everyone well as they made their way towards the Hall of the Aegis.

As they ascended the steps to the entrance, flanked by carved obsidian pillars, Calvin noted how seamlessly the building integrated into the natural rock formations rising up behind it. Cascading vines complemented the Hall's stark appearance, softening its edges and adding a touch of life to the stone.

Entering beneath a soaring archway, they found themselves in a vaulted chamber with a high, domed ceiling. Intricate holograms depicting their previous battles covered the walls and floors, a testament to their struggles and triumphs.

Once inside, Calvin turned to Andy, the Base Administration Android assigned to Olympus by the system. "Andy, can you give us a list of items we should focus on now? We've been a bit sidetracked, and with this potential fleet on the way, we need to get started."

Andy's flat, emotionless voice echoed through the chamber. "Certainly. First, all of you have reached level 100, a major evolution point. I recommend taking the time to perform your evolutions, as they may be unusual due to several factors. The Titanic Sparks could have an unforeseen effect, and as rewards for your tutorial success and choice to follow the path of the Aetherian Collective, you will be presented with upgraded and unique paths. Before beginning, sit down and carefully consider the roles you intend to fill moving forward."

Calvin nodded, realizing he had forgotten about their evolutions amidst the chaos of the Titanic Spark trials and the constant threat of annihilation. It seemed like a silly thing to overlook, but their minds had been occupied with more pressing matters.

Andy continued, "Additionally, you now have access to the Trials of Andromeda, an event that takes place outside of your galaxy. The next event begins in 62 days, and in 60 days, you'll be allowed to travel there."

Intrigued by this reward, Calvin asked Andy to provide more details.

"The Trials of Andromeda is a tournament featuring various events, such as single combat, group combat, group tactics, dungeoneering, crafting, and enchanting. Participants from across the universe will be there to compete. Each Trial also includes unique events determined by the coordinators on registration day."

The group exchanged glances, a mixture of confusion and excitement evident on their faces.

"A tournament?" Amy asked, her eyes wide with wonder. "Like, with... aliens?"

Andy stared blankly at Amy for a moment before responding, "Yes, other species will be present. To them, you will be the aliens."

Calvin leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "What is the purpose of the Trials?"

"The Trials serve as a test of your capabilities and a social gathering. Many civilizations, like yourselves, encounter their first off-world species at the Trials of Andromeda. It's an opportunity to establish Earth's name in the wider universe and forge alliances or, if you're so inclined, enemies. Each event offers unique rewards, some extremely powerful, for the top participants. These rewards, granted by the system, range from powerful artifacts to direct enhancements of your skills and capabilities. Receiving access to the Trials is a great reward in itself, one I suggest you maximize."

The council members looked at each other, the weight of this opportunity settling upon them. The Trials of Andromeda presented a chance to prove their worth, to showcase the strength and resilience of humanity on a galactic stage. As they contemplated the challenges ahead, a sense of determination filled the room, their resolve to succeed burning brighter than ever before.

Calvin leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "How many of us can go to the Trials of Andromeda?"

Andy's mechanical voice filled the chamber. "All citizens of Olympus, now and forever, will have the opportunity to access the trials. However, each person may only participate once and only after reaching their first evolution at level 25."

The android paused for a moment, as if gathering its thoughts, before continuing. "The trials are divided into categories based on the participants' levels. There are five distinct categories: 25 to 30, 31 to 50, 51 to 75, 76 to 99, and 100 and above. As you progress to higher categories, the competition becomes increasingly difficult, testing the limits of your abilities and resolve."

Andy's eyes seemed to flicker with an almost imperceptible light as it delivered the next piece of information. "But with greater challenges come greater rewards. The higher the category you choose to enter, the more valuable and powerful the prizes you stand to gain. These rewards could be the key to unlocking new heights of strength and securing the future of Olympus and all of humanity."

The council members exchanged glances, a mixture of excitement and trepidation evident in their expressions. The prospect of testing their mettle against the best the universe had to offer was both thrilling and daunting. But they knew that to protect their people and forge a new path for Earth, they would have to push themselves beyond their limits and seize every opportunity for growth and advancement.

Calvin leaned forward, his eyes focused on Andy as he processed the information about the Trials of Andromeda. "Alright," he said, his voice steady and determined. "Then we prepare for the trials. How long will they take?"

Andy's mechanical voice filled the chamber once more. "They will take roughly one month, although you'll be under the effects of time compression while on the trial grounds. You'll be away from Earth for just over one week."

Calvin nodded, his mind already racing with the logistics of the situation. "Manageable," he said, more to himself than anyone else. He turned his attention back to Andy, his tone decisive. "Alright, please prepare a statement to all of our citizens. Detail the opportunity and get a sign-up sheet started. We want to offer this chance for anyone to attend, but we also need to manage the flow so we don't empty the city in one go."

Andy acknowledged the order with a simple nod. "Understood. I will begin preparations immediately."

As Calvin was about to move on to the next topic, Andy raised a hand, drawing the attention of the council members. "There is one more thing," the android said, its voice devoid of emotion. "Marshall asked that I do this."

In a swift, unexpected motion, Andy raised his hands, imitating finger guns, and fired them off toward the ceiling. A burst of nanite-created confetti erupted from the android's fingertips, shimmering in the air for a brief moment before fizzling back into the base rune beneath the hall.

The council members exchanged confused glances, their eyebrows raised in surprise at the unusual display. As one, they turned to Marshall, seeking an explanation for Andy's peculiar behavior.

Marshall, his face split into a wide, mischievous grin, leaned back in his chair and said, "You all are going to have to throw me a baby shower."

Calvin's eyes widened, his mouth opening to form a question. "A what now?" he began, but before he could finish his sentence, realization hit him like a ton of bricks. "Seriously?" he asked, his voice a mixture of shock and joy.

Marshall's grin only grew wider, his eyes sparkling with happiness. The unspoken confirmation was all the answer they needed.

In a burst of excitement, Tank rose from his chair and grabbed Marshall by the shoulders, his grip firm but friendly. He stared directly into Marshall's eyes, his own filled with a fierce pride, before pulling him in for a giant bear hug. "Congratu-fucking-lations, man," he said, his voice booming through the chamber. "At least someone is keeping humanity on track!"

The rest of the council members followed suit, rising from their seats to surround Marshall, offering hugs and heartfelt congratulations. The room buzzed with a new energy, a sense of hope and joy that had been sorely lacking in recent times.

As Calvin embraced his friend, he couldn't help but feel a swell of emotion in his chest. Marshall, who had been through so much, who had faced the horrors of this new world with unwavering courage and a ready smile, deserved this happiness. He deserved the chance to have a family, to build a future beyond the constant struggle for survival.

In that moment, as the council members celebrated this small but significant victory, they knew that they would fight even harder to protect Olympus and all those who called it home. They would face the trials ahead, not just for themselves, but for the next generation – for the children who would inherit the world they were striving to build.